]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/Observations.hs
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / Observations.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
3 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Observations where
5 import Debug.Trace (trace)
6 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
7 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), mapM, when)
8 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
9 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
10 import Data.Function (($), id)
11 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
12 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
13 import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
14 import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hashWithSalt, hash)
15 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isNothing, maybe)
16 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
17 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
18 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
19 import GHC.Exts (Int(..))
20 import GHC.Prim (StableName#, unsafeCoerce#)
21 import GHC.StableName (StableName(..), makeStableName, hashStableName, eqStableName)
22 import Numeric (showHex)
23 import Prelude ((+))
24 import System.IO (IO)
25 import Text.Show (Show(..))
26 import Data.String (String)
27 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT
28 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as MT
29 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MT
30 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
32 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
33 import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
35 import Symantic.Base.Univariant
36 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators as P
37 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Staging as Hask
39 -- * Type 'ParserName'
40 data ParserName = forall a. ParserName (StableName a)
41 -- Force evaluation of p to ensure that the StableName is correct first time
42 makeParserName :: repr a -> IO ParserName
43 makeParserName !p = fmap ParserName (makeStableName p)
44 instance Eq ParserName where
45 ParserName n == ParserName m = eqStableName n m
46 instance Hashable ParserName where
47 hash (ParserName n) = hashStableName n
48 hashWithSalt salt (ParserName n) = hashWithSalt salt n
50 instance Show ParserName where showsPrec _ (ParserName n) = showHex (I# (unsafeCoerce# n))
52 {-
53 -- * Type 'ObsDef'
54 newtype ObsDef repr a = ObsDef { unObsDef :: IO (repr a) }
55 obsDef :: ObsDef repr a -> ObsDef repr a
56 obsDef = id
57 type instance Unlift (ObsDef repr) = repr
58 instance Sharable repr => Liftable (ObsDef repr) where
59 lift a = ObsDef $ do
60 let node = a
61 name <- show <$> makeParserName node
62 return $ def name node
63 lift1 f x = ObsDef $ do
64 x' <- unObsDef x
65 let node = f x'
66 name <- show <$> makeParserName node
67 return $ def name node
68 lift2 f x y = ObsDef $ do
69 x' <- unObsDef x
70 y' <- unObsDef y
71 let node = f x' y'
72 name <- show <$> makeParserName node
73 return $ def name node
74 lift3 f x y z = ObsDef $ do
75 x' <- unObsDef x
76 y' <- unObsDef y
77 z' <- unObsDef z
78 let node = f x' y' z'
79 name <- show <$> makeParserName node
80 return $ def name node
81 instance (P.Applicable repr, Sharable repr) => P.Applicable (ObsDef repr)
82 instance (P.Alternable repr, Sharable repr) => P.Alternable (ObsDef repr)
83 instance (P.Selectable repr, Sharable repr) => P.Selectable (ObsDef repr)
84 instance (P.Matchable repr, Sharable repr) => P.Matchable (ObsDef repr) where
85 conditional cs bs a b = ObsDef $ do
86 -- P.conditional cs <$> mapM unObsDef bs <*> unObsDef a <*> unObsDef b
87 bs' <- mapM unObsDef bs
88 a' <- unObsDef a
89 b' <- unObsDef b
90 let node = P.conditional cs bs' a' b'
91 name <- show <$> makeParserName node
92 return $ def name node
93 instance (P.Charable repr, Sharable repr) => P.Charable (ObsDef repr)
94 -}
96 -- * Type 'ObsSharing'
97 -- | Combinator interpreter detecting (Haskell embedded) @let@ definitions and recursive points in order to replace them with the 'let_' combinator.
98 -- See [Type-safe observable sharing in Haskell](https://doi.org/10.1145/1596638.1596653)
99 newtype ObsSharing repr a = ObsSharing { unObsSharing ::
100 MT.ReaderT (HashSet String)
101 (MT.StateT ObsSharingState IO)
102 (repr a) }
104 runObsSharing :: ObsSharing repr a -> IO (repr a)
105 runObsSharing (ObsSharing os) = MT.evalStateT (MT.runReaderT os mempty) emptyObsSharingState
107 -- runObsSharing_ (ObsSharing m) = MT.runStateT (MT.runReaderT m mempty) emptyObsSharingState
109 -- ** Type 'ObsSharingState'
110 data ObsSharingState = ObsSharingState
111 { obsSharing_refs :: HashMap String Int
112 , obsSharing_recs :: HashSet String
113 } deriving (Show)
115 emptyObsSharingState :: ObsSharingState
116 emptyObsSharingState = ObsSharingState
117 { obsSharing_refs = HM.empty
118 , obsSharing_recs = HS.empty
119 }
121 -- ** Class 'Sharable'
122 class Sharable repr where
123 def :: String -> repr a -> repr a
124 ref :: Bool -> String -> repr a
126 --obsSharing :: Sharable repr => ObsSharing repr a -> ObsSharing repr a
127 obsSharing !m = ObsSharing $ trace "obsSharing" $ do
128 name <- MT.lift $ MT.lift $ makeParserName m
129 let pName = trace ("obsSharing: pName="<>show name) $ show name
130 st <- MT.lift MT.get
131 let (before, preds) = HM.alterF (\v -> (v, Just (maybe 1 (+ 1) v))) pName (obsSharing_refs st)
132 seen <- MT.ask
133 let ind = ""
134 if trace (ind<>"at: "<>show pName) $
135 HS.member pName seen
136 then trace (ind<>"skipR: "<>show pName) $ do
137 -- letName <- MT.lift $ MT.lift $ TH.qNewName ("let"<>show pName)
138 MT.lift $ MT.put st
139 { obsSharing_refs = preds
140 , obsSharing_recs = HS.insert pName (obsSharing_recs st)
141 }
142 return $ ref True pName
143 else do
144 MT.lift $ MT.put st{ obsSharing_refs = preds }
145 if trace (ind<>"b?: "<>show pName) $ isNothing before
146 then trace (ind<>"first: "<>show pName) $
147 def pName <$> MT.local (HS.insert pName) (m)
148 else trace (ind<>"SKIPB: "<>show pName) $
149 return $ ref False pName
151 type instance Unlift (ObsSharing repr) = repr
152 instance Sharable repr => Liftable (ObsSharing repr) where
153 lift x = obsSharing (return x)
154 lift1 f x = obsSharing (f <$> unObsSharing x)
155 lift2 f x y = obsSharing (f <$> unObsSharing x <*> unObsSharing y)
156 lift3 f x y z = obsSharing (f <$> unObsSharing x <*> unObsSharing y <*> unObsSharing z)
157 instance (Sharable repr, P.Charable repr) => P.Charable (ObsSharing repr)
158 instance (Sharable repr, P.Alternable repr) => P.Alternable (ObsSharing repr)
159 instance (Sharable repr, P.Applicable repr) => P.Applicable (ObsSharing repr)
160 instance (Sharable repr, P.Selectable repr) => P.Selectable (ObsSharing repr)
161 instance (Sharable repr, P.Matchable repr) => P.Matchable (ObsSharing repr) where
162 -- Here the default definition does not fit since there is no lift* for its type and thus handles 'bs' itself, which is not the transformation wanted.
163 conditional cs bs a b =
164 (ObsSharing (P.conditional cs <$> mapM unObsSharing bs <*> unObsSharing a <*> unObsSharing b))
165 instance (Sharable repr, P.Foldable repr) => P.Foldable (ObsSharing repr)
166 instance (Sharable repr, P.Lookable repr) => P.Lookable (ObsSharing repr)
167 {-
168 instance Sharable repr => Sharable (ObsSharing repr) where
169 ref isRec defName = ObsSharing $
170 return $ ref isRec defName
171 def defName (ObsSharing m) = ObsSharing $ do
172 st <- MT.lift MT.get
173 let (before, preds) = HM.alterF (\v -> (v, Just (maybe 1 (+ 1) v))) defName (obsSharing_refs st)
174 seen <- MT.ask
175 let ind = ""
176 if trace (ind<>"at: "<>show defName) $
177 HS.member defName seen
178 then trace (ind<>"skipR: "<>show defName) $ do
179 -- letName <- MT.lift $ MT.lift $ TH.qNewName ("let"<>show defName)
180 MT.lift $ MT.put st
181 { obsSharing_refs = preds
182 , obsSharing_recs = HS.insert defName (obsSharing_recs st)
183 }
184 return $ ref True defName
185 else do
186 MT.lift $ MT.put st{ obsSharing_refs = preds }
187 if trace (ind<>"b?: "<>show defName) $ isNothing before
188 then trace (ind<>"first: "<>show defName) $
189 MT.local (HS.insert defName) (def defName <$> m)
190 else trace (ind<>"SKIPB: "<>show defName) $
191 return $ ref False defName
192 -}
194 {-
195 newtype IMVar = IMVar Word64 deriving newtype (Ord, Eq, Num, Enum, Show, Ix)
196 newtype MVar (a :: Type) = MVar IMVar
197 instance Show (MVar a) where show (MVar m) = "m" <> show m
199 instance GEq MVar where
200 geq (MVar u) (MVar v)
201 | u == v = Just (unsafeCoerce Refl)
202 | otherwise = Nothing
203 instance GCompare MVar where
204 gcompare m1@(MVar u) m2@(MVar v) =
205 case compare u v of
206 LT -> GLT
207 EQ -> case geq m1 m2 of Just Refl -> GEQ
208 GT -> GGT
209 -}
210 {-
211 type Binding o a x = Fix4 (Instr o) '[] One x a
212 data LetBinding o a x = forall rs. LetBinding (Binding o a x) (Regs rs)
213 deriving instance Show (LetBinding o a x)
215 makeLetBinding :: Binding o a x -> Set IΣVar -> LetBinding o a x
216 makeLetBinding m rs = LetBinding m (unsafeMakeRegs rs)
218 data Regs (rs :: [Type]) where
219 NoRegs :: Regs '[]
220 FreeReg :: ΣVar r -> Regs rs -> Regs (r : rs)
221 deriving instance Show (Regs rs)
223 unsafeMakeRegs :: Set IΣVar -> Regs rs
224 unsafeMakeRegs = foldr (\σ rs -> unsafeCoerce (FreeReg (ΣVar σ) rs)) (unsafeCoerce NoRegs)
226 compile :: forall compiled a. Parser a -> (forall x. Maybe (MVar x) -> Fix Combinator x -> Set IΣVar -> IMVar -> IΣVar -> compiled x) -> (compiled a, DMap MVar compiled)
227 compile (Parser p) codeGen = trace ("COMPILING NEW PARSER WITH " ++ show (DMap.size μs') ++ " LET BINDINGS") $ (codeGen' Nothing p', DMap.mapWithKey (codeGen' . Just) μs')
228 where
229 (p', μs, maxV) = preprocess p
230 (μs', frs, maxΣ) = dependencyAnalysis p' μs
232 freeRegs :: Maybe (MVar x) -> Set IΣVar
233 freeRegs = maybe Set.empty (\(MVar v) -> frs Map.! v)
235 codeGen' :: Maybe (MVar x) -> Fix Combinator x -> compiled x
236 codeGen' letBound p = codeGen letBound (analyse (emptyFlags {letBound = isJust letBound}) p) (freeRegs letBound) (maxV + 1) (maxΣ + 1)
238 preprocess :: Fix (Combinator :+: ScopeRegister) a -> (Fix Combinator a, DMap MVar (Fix Combinator), IMVar)
239 preprocess p =
240 let q = tagParser p
241 (lets, recs) = findObsSharing q
242 (p', μs, maxV) = letInsertion lets recs q
243 in (p', μs, maxV)
245 data Tag t f (k :: Type -> Type) a = Tag {tag :: t, tagged :: f k a}
247 tagParser :: Fix (Combinator :+: ScopeRegister) a -> Fix (Tag ParserName Combinator) a
248 tagParser p = cata' tagAlg p
249 where
250 tagAlg p = In . Tag (makeParserName p) . (id \/ descope)
251 descope (ScopeRegister p f) = freshReg regMaker (\(reg@(Reg σ)) -> MakeRegister σ p (f reg))
252 regMaker :: IORef IΣVar
253 regMaker = newRegMaker p
256 newtype LetInserter a =
257 LetInserter {
258 doLetInserter :: HFreshT IMVar
259 (State ( HashMap ParserName IMVar
260 , DMap MVar (Fix Combinator)))
261 (Fix Combinator a)
262 }
263 letInsertion :: HashSet ParserName -> HashSet ParserName -> Fix (Tag ParserName Combinator) a -> (Fix Combinator a, DMap MVar (Fix Combinator), IMVar)
264 letInsertion lets recs p = (p', μs, μMax)
265 where
266 m = cata alg p
267 ((p', μMax), (_, μs)) = runState (runFreshT (doLetInserter m) 0) (HashMap.empty, DMap.empty)
268 alg :: Tag ParserName Combinator LetInserter a -> LetInserter a
269 alg p = LetInserter $ do
270 let name = tag p
271 let q = tagged p
272 (vs, μs) <- get
273 let bound = HashSet.member name lets
274 let recu = HashSet.member name recs
275 if bound || recu then case HashMap.lookup name vs of
276 Just v -> let μ = MVar v in return $! optimise (Let recu μ (μs DMap.! μ))
277 Nothing -> mdo
278 v <- newVar
279 let μ = MVar v
280 put (HashMap.insert name v vs, DMap.insert μ q' μs)
281 q' <- doLetInserter (postprocess q)
282 return $! optimise (Let recu μ q')
283 else do doLetInserter (postprocess q)
285 postprocess :: Combinator LetInserter a -> LetInserter a
286 postprocess = LetInserter . fmap optimise . traverseCombinator doLetInserter
288 getBefore :: MonadState ObsSharingState m => m (HashSet ParserName)
289 getBefore = gets before
298 makeParserName :: Fix (Combinator :+: ScopeRegister) a -> ParserName
299 -- Force evaluation of p to ensure that the stableName is correct first time
300 makeParserName !p = unsafePerformIO (fmap (\(StableName name) -> ParserName name) (makeStableName p))
302 -- The argument here stops GHC from floating it out, it should be provided something from the scope
303 {-# NOINLINE newRegMaker #-}
304 newRegMaker :: a -> IORef IΣVar
305 newRegMaker x = x `seq` unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
307 {-# NOINLINE freshReg #-}
308 freshReg :: IORef IΣVar -> (forall r. Reg r a -> x) -> x
309 freshReg maker scope = scope $ unsafePerformIO $ do
310 x <- readIORef maker
311 writeIORef maker (x + 1)
312 return $! Reg (ΣVar x)
314 instance IFunctor f => IFunctor (Tag t f) where
315 imap f (Tag t k) = Tag t (imap f k)
317 instance Eq ParserName where
318 (ParserName n) == (ParserName m) = eqStableName (StableName n) (StableName m)
319 instance Hashable ParserName where
320 hash (ParserName n) = hashStableName (StableName n)
321 hashWithSalt salt (ParserName n) = hashWithSalt salt (StableName n)
323 -- There is great evil in this world, and I'm probably responsible for half of it
324 instance Show ParserName where showsPrec _ (ParserName n) = showHex (I# (unsafeCoerce# n))
325 -}