]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/Optimizations.hs
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / Optimizations.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
5 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Optimizations where
7 import Data.Bool (Bool)
8 import Data.Char (Char)
9 import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
10 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
11 import qualified Prelude as Pre
12 import Data.String (String)
14 import System.IO (IO)
15 import Symantic.Base.Univariant
16 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators
17 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Observations
18 import Symantic.Parser.Staging hiding (Haskell(..))
19 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Staging as Hask
20 -- import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
22 -- * Type 'Comb'
23 data Comb a where
24 Pure :: Hask.Haskell a -> Comb a
25 Satisfy :: Hask.Haskell (Char -> Bool) -> Comb Char
26 Item :: Comb Char
27 Try :: Comb a -> Comb a
28 Look :: Comb a -> Comb a
29 NegLook :: Comb a -> Comb ()
30 (:<*>) :: Comb (a -> b) -> Comb a -> Comb b
31 (:<|>) :: Comb a -> Comb a -> Comb a
32 Empty :: Comb a
33 Branch :: Comb (Either a b) -> Comb (a -> c) -> Comb (b -> c) -> Comb c
34 Match :: Eq a => [Hask.Haskell (a -> Bool)] -> [Comb b] -> Comb a -> Comb b -> Comb b
35 ChainPre :: Comb (a -> a) -> Comb a -> Comb a
36 ChainPost :: Comb a -> Comb (a -> a) -> Comb a
37 Def :: String -> Comb a -> Comb a
38 Ref :: Bool -> String -> Comb a
40 pattern (:<$>) :: Hask.Haskell (a -> b) -> Comb a -> Comb b
41 pattern (:$>) :: Comb a -> Hask.Haskell b -> Comb b
42 pattern (:<$) :: Hask.Haskell a -> Comb b -> Comb a
43 pattern (:*>) :: Comb a -> Comb b -> Comb b
44 pattern (:<*) :: Comb a -> Comb b -> Comb a
45 pattern x :<$> p = Pure x :<*> p
46 pattern p :$> x = p :*> Pure x
47 pattern x :<$ p = Pure x :<* p
48 pattern x :<* p = Hask.Const :<$> x :<*> p
49 pattern p :*> x = Hask.Id :<$ p :<*> x
51 infixl 3 :<|>
52 infixl 4 :<*>, :<*, :*>
53 infixl 4 :<$>, :<$, :$>
55 instance Applicable Comb where
56 pure = Pure
57 (<*>) = (:<*>)
58 instance Alternable Comb where
59 (<|>) = (:<|>)
60 empty = Empty
61 try = Try
62 instance Selectable Comb where
63 branch = Branch
64 instance Matchable Comb where
65 conditional = Match
66 instance Foldable Comb where
67 chainPre = ChainPre
68 chainPost = ChainPost
69 instance Charable Comb where
70 satisfy = Satisfy
71 instance Lookable Comb where
72 look = Look
73 negLook = NegLook
74 instance Sharable Comb where
75 def = Def
76 ref = Ref
77 instance
78 ( Applicable repr
79 , Alternable repr
80 , Selectable repr
81 , Foldable repr
82 , Charable repr
83 , Lookable repr
84 , Matchable repr
85 , Sharable repr
86 ) =>
87 Symantic Comb repr where
88 sym = \case
89 Pure a -> pure a
90 Satisfy p -> satisfy p
91 Item -> item
92 Try x -> try (sym x)
93 Look x -> look (sym x)
94 NegLook x -> negLook (sym x)
95 x :<*> y -> sym x <*> sym y
96 x :<|> y -> sym x <|> sym y
97 Empty -> empty
98 Branch lr l r -> branch (sym lr) (sym l) (sym r)
99 Match cs bs a b -> conditional cs (sym Pre.<$> bs) (sym a) (sym b)
100 ChainPre x y -> chainPre (sym x) (sym y)
101 ChainPost x y -> chainPost (sym x) (sym y)
102 Def n x -> def n (sym x)
103 Ref r n -> ref r n
104 {-
105 type instance Unlift Comb = repr
106 instance
107 ( Applicable repr
108 , Alternable repr
109 , Selectable repr
110 , Foldable repr
111 , Charable repr
112 , Lookable repr
113 , Matchable repr
114 , Sharable repr
115 ) => Unliftable Comb where
116 unlift = \case
117 Pure a -> pure a
118 Satisfy p -> satisfy p
119 Item -> item
120 Try x -> try (unlift x)
121 Look x -> look (unlift x)
122 NegLook x -> negLook (unlift x)
123 x :<*> y -> unlift x <*> unlift y
124 x :<|> y -> unlift x <|> unlift y
125 Empty -> empty
126 Branch lr l r -> branch (unlift lr) (unlift l) (unlift r)
127 Match cs bs a b -> conditional cs (unlift Pre.<$> bs) (unlift a) (unlift b)
128 ChainPre x y -> chainPre (unlift x) (unlift y)
129 ChainPost x y -> chainPost (unlift x) (unlift y)
130 Ref{..} -> let_ let_rec let_name
132 unComb ::
133 ( Applicable repr
134 , Alternable repr
135 , Selectable repr
136 , Foldable repr
137 , Charable repr
138 , Lookable repr
139 , Matchable repr
140 , Sharable repr
141 ) => Comb repr a -> repr a
142 unComb = unlift
143 -}
145 optComb :: Comb a -> Comb a
146 optComb = \case
147 Def n x -> Def n (optComb x)
148 -- Applicable Right Absorption Law
149 Empty :<*> _ -> Empty
150 Empty :*> _ -> Empty
151 Empty :<* _ -> Empty
152 -- Applicable Failure Weakening Law
153 u :<*> Empty -> optComb (u :*> Empty)
154 u :<* Empty -> optComb (u :*> Empty)
155 -- Branch Absorption Law
156 Branch Empty _ _ -> empty
157 -- Branch Weakening Law
158 Branch b Empty Empty -> optComb (b :*> Empty)
160 -- Applicable Identity Law
161 Hask.Id :<$> x -> x
162 -- Flip const optimisation
163 Hask.Flip Hask.:@ Hask.Const :<$> u -> optComb (u :*> Pure Hask.Id)
164 -- Homomorphism Law
165 f :<$> Pure x -> Pure (f Hask.:@ x)
166 -- Functor Composition Law
167 -- (a shortcut that could also have been be caught
168 -- by the Composition Law and Homomorphism law)
169 f :<$> (g :<$> p) -> optComb ((Hask.:.) Hask.:@ f Hask.:@ g :<$> p)
170 -- Composition Law
171 u :<*> (v :<*> w) -> optComb (optComb (optComb ((Hask.:.) :<$> u) :<*> v) :<*> w)
172 -- Definition of *>
173 Hask.Flip Hask.:@ Hask.Const :<$> p :<*> q -> p :*> q
174 -- Definition of <*
175 Hask.Const :<$> p :<*> q -> p :<* q
176 -- Reassociation Law 1
177 (u :*> v) :<*> w -> optComb (u :*> optComb (v :<*> w))
178 -- Interchange Law
179 u :<*> Pure x -> optComb (Hask.Flip Hask.:@ (Hask.:$) Hask.:@ x :<$> u)
180 -- Right Absorption Law
181 (_ :<$> p) :*> q -> p :*> q
182 -- Left Absorption Law
183 p :<* (_ :<$> q) -> p :<* q
184 -- Reassociation Law 2
185 u :<*> (v :<* w) -> optComb (optComb (u :<*> v) :<* w)
186 -- Reassociation Law 3
187 u :<*> (v :$> x) -> optComb (optComb (u :<*> Pure x) :<* v)
189 -- Left Catch Law
190 p@Pure{} :<|> _ -> p
191 -- Left Neutral Law
192 Empty :<|> u -> u
193 -- Right Neutral Law
194 u :<|> Empty -> u
195 -- Associativity Law
196 (u :<|> v) :<|> w -> u :<|> optComb (v :<|> w)
198 -- Identity law
199 Pure _ :*> u -> u
200 -- Identity law
201 (u :$> _) :*> v -> u :*> v
202 -- Associativity Law
203 u :*> (v :*> w) -> optComb (optComb (u :*> v) :*> w)
204 -- Identity law
205 u :<* Pure _ -> u
206 -- Identity law
207 u :<* (v :$> _) -> optComb (u :<* v)
208 -- Commutativity Law
209 x :<$ u -> optComb (u :$> x)
210 -- Associativity Law
211 (u :<* v) :<* w -> optComb (u :<* optComb (v :<* w))
213 -- Pure lookahead
214 Look p@Pure{} -> p
215 -- Dead lookahead
216 Look p@Empty -> p
217 -- Pure negative-lookahead
218 NegLook Pure{} -> Empty
220 -- Dead negative-lookahead
221 NegLook Empty -> Pure Hask.unit
222 -- Double Negation Law
223 NegLook (NegLook p) -> optComb (Look (Try p) :*> Pure Hask.unit)
224 -- Zero Consumption Law
225 NegLook (Try p) -> optComb (NegLook p)
226 -- Idempotence Law
227 Look (Look p) -> Look p
228 -- Right Identity Law
229 NegLook (Look p) -> optComb (NegLook p)
231 -- Left Identity Law
232 Look (NegLook p) -> NegLook p
233 -- Transparency Law
234 NegLook (Try p :<|> q) -> optComb (optComb (NegLook p) :*> optComb (NegLook q))
235 -- Distributivity Law
236 Look p :<|> Look q -> optComb (Look (optComb (Try p :<|> q)))
237 -- Interchange Law
238 Look (p :$> x) -> optComb (optComb (Look p) :$> x)
239 -- Interchange law
240 Look (f :<$> p) -> optComb (f :<$> optComb (Look p))
241 -- Absorption Law
242 p :<*> NegLook q -> optComb (optComb (p :<*> Pure Hask.unit) :<* NegLook q)
243 -- Idempotence Law
244 NegLook (p :$> _) -> optComb (NegLook p)
245 -- Idempotence Law
246 NegLook (_ :<$> p) -> optComb (NegLook p)
247 -- Interchange Law
248 Try (p :$> x) -> optComb (optComb (Try p) :$> x)
249 -- Interchange law
250 Try (f :<$> p) -> optComb (f :<$> optComb (Try p))
252 -- pure Left/Right laws
253 Branch (Pure (unlift -> lr)) l r ->
254 case getValue lr of
255 Left v -> optComb (l :<*> Pure (Hask.Haskell (ValueCode (Value v) c)))
256 where c = Code [|| case $$(getCode lr) of Left x -> x ||]
257 Right v -> optComb (r :<*> Pure (Hask.Haskell (ValueCode (Value v) c)))
258 where c = Code [|| case $$(getCode lr) of Right x -> x ||]
259 -- Generalised Identity law
260 Branch b (Pure (unlift -> l)) (Pure (unlift -> r)) ->
261 optComb (Hask.Haskell (ValueCode v c) :<$> b)
262 where
263 v = Value (either (getValue l) (getValue r))
264 c = Code [|| either $$(getCode l) $$(getCode r) ||]
265 -- Interchange law
266 Branch (x :*> y) p q ->
267 optComb (x :*> optComb (Branch y p q))
268 -- Negated Branch law
269 Branch b l Empty ->
270 Branch (Pure (Hask.Haskell (ValueCode v c)) :<*> b) Empty l
271 where
272 v = Value (either Right Left)
273 c = Code [||either Right Left||]
274 -- Branch Fusion law
275 Branch (Branch b Empty (Pure (unlift -> lr))) Empty br ->
276 optComb (Branch (optComb (Pure (Hask.Haskell (ValueCode (Value v) c)) :<*> b)) Empty br)
277 where
278 v Left{} = Left ()
279 v (Right r) = case getValue lr r of
280 Left _ -> Left ()
281 Right rr -> Right rr
282 c = Code [|| \case Left{} -> Left ()
283 Right r -> case $$(getCode lr) r of
284 Left _ -> Left ()
285 Right rr -> Right rr ||]
286 -- Distributivity Law
287 f :<$> Branch b l r -> optComb (Branch b (optComb ((Hask..@) (Hask..) f :<$> l))
288 (optComb ((Hask..@) (Hask..) f :<$> r)))
290 x -> x
293 type instance Unlift (Ref repr) = repr
294 instance Liftable (Ref repr) where
295 lift x = let n = x in LetNode (makeParserName n) n
296 lift1 f x = let n = f (let_sub x) in LetNode (makeParserName n) n
297 lift2 f x y = let n = f (let_sub x) (let_sub y) in LetNode (makeParserName n) n
298 lift3 f x y z = let n = f (let_sub x) (let_sub y) (let_sub z) in LetNode (makeParserName n) n
299 instance Applicable repr => Applicable (Ref repr)
301 data Ref repr a where
302 LetNode :: { let_id :: IO ParserName, let_sub :: repr a } -> Ref repr a
303 --LetLeaf :: repr a -> Ref repr a
304 {-
305 instance Liftable (Ref (Comb repr)) where
306 lift c = case c of
307 Pure a -> LetLeaf c
308 lift1 f x = case x of
309 LetLeaf l -> LetLeaf (f l)
310 LetNode l -> LetLeaf (f l)
311 instance Applicable (Ref (Comb repr)) where
312 pure a = LetLeaf (pure a)
313 x <*> y = LetNode (mkParserName x) (<*>
314 instance Applicable (Comb (Ref repr)) where
315 pure a = pure a
316 x <*> y = LetNode (mkParserName x) (:<*>
318 -}