]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/Write.hs
test: add goldens for TH splices
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / Write.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Write where
4 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
5 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
6 import Data.Function (($))
7 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, catMaybes)
8 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
9 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
10 import Data.String (IsString(..))
11 import qualified Data.Functor as Pre
12 import qualified Data.List as List
13 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
14 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
16 import Symantic.Univariant.Letable
17 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators
18 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Fixity
20 -- * Type 'WriteGrammar'
21 newtype WriteGrammar (showName::Bool) a = WriteGrammar { unWriteGrammar :: WriteGrammarInh -> Maybe TLB.Builder }
23 instance IsString (WriteGrammar sN a) where
24 fromString s = WriteGrammar $ \_inh ->
25 if List.null s then Nothing
26 else Just (fromString s)
28 -- ** Type 'WriteGrammarInh'
29 data WriteGrammarInh
30 = WriteGrammarInh
31 { writeGrammarInh_indent :: TLB.Builder
32 , writeGrammarInh_op :: (Infix, Side)
33 , writeGrammarInh_pair :: Pair
34 }
36 emptyWriteGrammarInh :: WriteGrammarInh
37 emptyWriteGrammarInh = WriteGrammarInh
38 { writeGrammarInh_indent = "\n"
39 , writeGrammarInh_op = (infixN0, SideL)
40 , writeGrammarInh_pair = pairParen
41 }
43 writeGrammar :: WriteGrammar sN a -> TL.Text
44 writeGrammar (WriteGrammar r) = TLB.toLazyText $ fromMaybe "" $ r emptyWriteGrammarInh
46 pairWriteGrammarInh ::
47 Semigroup s => IsString s =>
48 WriteGrammarInh -> Infix -> Maybe s -> Maybe s
49 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op s =
50 if isPairNeeded (writeGrammarInh_op inh) op
51 then Just (fromString o<>" ")<>s<>Just (" "<>fromString c)
52 else s
53 where (o,c) = writeGrammarInh_pair inh
55 instance
56 ShowLetName sN letName =>
57 Letable letName (WriteGrammar sN) where
58 def name x = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
59 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
60 Just "def "
61 <> Just (fromString (showLetName @sN name))
62 <> unWriteGrammar x inh
63 where
64 op = infixN 9
65 ref rec name = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
66 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
67 Just (if rec then "rec " else "ref ") <>
68 Just (fromString (showLetName @sN name))
69 where
70 op = infixN 9
71 instance Applicable (WriteGrammar sN) where
72 pure _ = WriteGrammar $ return Nothing
73 -- pure _ = "pure"
74 WriteGrammar x <*> WriteGrammar y = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
75 let inh' side = inh
76 { writeGrammarInh_op = (op, side)
77 , writeGrammarInh_pair = pairParen
78 } in
79 case x (inh' SideL) of
80 Nothing -> y (inh' SideR)
81 Just xt ->
82 case y (inh' SideR) of
83 Nothing -> Just xt
84 Just yt ->
85 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
86 Just $ xt <> ", " <> yt
87 where
88 op = infixN 1
89 instance Alternable (WriteGrammar sN) where
90 empty = "empty"
91 try x = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
92 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
93 Just "try " <> unWriteGrammar x inh
94 where
95 op = infixN 9
96 x <|> y = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
97 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
98 unWriteGrammar x inh
99 { writeGrammarInh_op = (op, SideL)
100 , writeGrammarInh_pair = pairParen
101 } <>
102 Just " | " <>
103 unWriteGrammar y inh
104 { writeGrammarInh_op = (op, SideR)
105 , writeGrammarInh_pair = pairParen
106 }
107 where op = infixB SideL 3
108 instance Satisfiable tok (WriteGrammar sN) where
109 satisfy _es _f = "satisfy"
110 instance Selectable (WriteGrammar sN) where
111 branch lr l r = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
112 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
113 Just "branch " <>
114 unWriteGrammar lr inh <> Just " " <>
115 unWriteGrammar l inh <> Just " " <>
116 unWriteGrammar r inh
117 where
118 op = infixN 9
119 instance Matchable (WriteGrammar sN) where
120 conditional a _ps bs d = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
121 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
122 Just "conditional " <>
123 unWriteGrammar a inh <>
124 Just " [" <>
125 Just (mconcat (List.intersperse ", " $
126 catMaybes $ (Pre.<$> bs) $ \x ->
127 unWriteGrammar x inh{writeGrammarInh_op=(infixN 0, SideL)})) <>
128 Just "] " <>
129 unWriteGrammar d inh
130 where
131 op = infixN 9
132 instance Lookable (WriteGrammar sN) where
133 look x = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
134 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
135 Just "look " <> unWriteGrammar x inh
136 where op = infixN 9
137 negLook x = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
138 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
139 Just "negLook " <> unWriteGrammar x inh
140 where op = infixN 9
141 eof = "eof"
142 instance Foldable (WriteGrammar sN) where
143 chainPre f x = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
144 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
145 Just "chainPre " <>
146 unWriteGrammar f inh <> Just " " <>
147 unWriteGrammar x inh
148 where op = infixN 9
149 chainPost f x = WriteGrammar $ \inh ->
150 pairWriteGrammarInh inh op $
151 Just "chainPost " <>
152 unWriteGrammar f inh <> Just " " <>
153 unWriteGrammar x inh
154 where op = infixN 9