]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Machine/Program.hs
test: add goldens for TH splices
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Machine / Program.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- For Cursorable (Cursor inp)
2 -- | Build the 'Instr'uction 'Program' of a 'Machine'
3 -- from the 'Comb'inators of a 'Grammar'.
4 -- 'Instr'uctions are kept introspectable
5 -- to enable more optimizations now possible because
6 -- of a broader knowledge of the 'Instr'uctions around
7 -- those generated (eg. by using 'joinNext').
8 module Symantic.Parser.Machine.Program where
10 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
11 import Data.Ord (Ord)
12 import Data.Function (($), (.))
13 import Type.Reflection (Typeable)
14 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
15 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
16 import qualified Data.Functor as Functor
17 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
18 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
19 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Haskell as H
21 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar
22 import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input
23 import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Instructions
24 import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Optimize
25 import Symantic.Univariant.Trans
27 -- * Type 'Program'
28 -- | A 'Program' is a tree of 'Instr'uctions,
29 -- where each 'Instr'uction is built by a continuation
30 -- to be able to introspect, duplicate and/or change
31 -- the next 'Instr'uction.
32 data Program repr inp a = Program { unProgram ::
33 forall vs ret.
34 -- This is the next instruction
35 SomeInstr repr inp (a ': vs) ret ->
36 -- This is the current instruction
37 SomeInstr repr inp vs ret }
39 -- | Build an interpreter of the 'Program' of the given 'Machine'.
40 optimizeMachine ::
41 forall inp repr a.
42 Machine (InputToken inp) repr =>
43 Program repr inp a ->
44 repr inp '[] a
45 optimizeMachine (Program f) = trans (f @'[] ret)
47 instance
48 InstrValuable repr =>
49 Applicable (Program repr inp) where
50 pure x = Program (pushValue (trans x))
51 Program f <*> Program x = Program (f . x . applyValue)
52 liftA2 f (Program x) (Program y) =
53 Program (x . y . lift2Value (trans f))
54 Program x *> Program y = Program (x . popValue . y)
55 Program x <* Program y = Program (x . y . popValue)
56 instance
57 ( Cursorable (Cursor inp)
58 , InstrBranchable repr
59 , InstrExceptionable repr
60 , InstrInputable repr
61 , InstrJoinable repr
62 , InstrValuable repr
63 ) => Alternable (Program repr inp) where
64 empty = Program $ \_next -> fail []
65 Program l <|> Program r = joinNext $ Program $ \next ->
66 catchException (Proxy @"fail")
67 (l (popException (Proxy @"fail") next))
68 (failIfConsumed (r next))
69 try (Program x) = Program $ \next ->
70 catchException (Proxy @"fail")
71 (x (popException (Proxy @"fail") next))
72 -- On exception, reset the input,
73 -- and propagate the failure.
74 (loadInput (fail []))
76 -- | If no input has been consumed by the failing alternative
77 -- then continue with the given continuation.
78 -- Otherwise, propagate the failure.
79 failIfConsumed ::
80 Cursorable (Cursor inp) =>
81 InstrBranchable repr =>
82 InstrExceptionable repr =>
83 InstrInputable repr =>
84 InstrValuable repr =>
85 SomeInstr repr inp vs ret ->
86 SomeInstr repr inp (Cursor inp : vs) ret
87 failIfConsumed k = pushInput (lift2Value (H.Term sameOffset) (ifBranch k (fail [])))
89 -- | @('joinNext' m)@ factorize the next 'Instr'uction
90 -- to be able to reuse it multiple times without duplication.
91 -- It does so by introducing a 'defJoin'
92 -- and passing the corresponding 'refJoin'
93 -- as next 'Instr'uction to @(m)@,
94 -- unless factorizing is useless because the next 'Instr'uction
95 -- is already a 'refJoin' or a 'ret'.
96 -- It should be used each time the next 'Instr'uction
97 -- is used multiple times.
98 joinNext ::
99 InstrJoinable repr =>
100 Program repr inp v ->
101 Program repr inp v
102 joinNext (Program m) = Program $ \case
103 -- Double refJoin Optimization:
104 -- If a join-node points directly to another join-node,
105 -- then reuse it
106 next@(Instr RefJoin{}) -> m next
107 -- Terminal refJoin Optimization:
108 -- If a join-node points directly to a terminal operation,
109 -- then it's useless to introduce a join-node.
110 next@(Instr Ret{}) -> m next
111 -- Introduce a join-node.
112 next -> defJoin joinName next (m (refJoin joinName))
113 where joinName = LetName $ unsafePerformIO $ TH.qNewName "join"
114 instance
115 InstrExceptionable repr =>
116 Throwable (Program repr inp) where
117 type ThrowableLabel (Program repr inp) lbl =
118 ()
119 throw lbl = Program $ \_next -> raiseException lbl []
120 instance
121 ( tok ~ InputToken inp
122 , InstrReadable tok repr
123 , Typeable tok
124 ) => Satisfiable tok (Program repr inp) where
125 satisfy es p = Program $ read es (trans p)
126 instance
127 ( InstrBranchable repr
128 , InstrJoinable repr
129 , InstrValuable repr
130 ) => Selectable (Program repr inp) where
131 branch (Program lr) (Program l) (Program r) = joinNext $ Program $ \next ->
132 lr (caseBranch
133 (l (swapValue (applyValue next)))
134 (r (swapValue (applyValue next))))
135 instance
136 ( InstrBranchable repr
137 , InstrJoinable repr
138 ) => Matchable (Program repr inp) where
139 conditional (Program a) ps bs (Program d) = joinNext $ Program $ \next ->
140 a (choicesBranch
141 (trans Functor.<$> ps)
142 ((\(Program b) -> b next) Functor.<$> bs)
143 (d next))
144 instance
145 ( Ord (InputToken inp)
146 , Cursorable (Cursor inp)
147 , InstrBranchable repr
148 , InstrExceptionable repr
149 , InstrInputable repr
150 , InstrJoinable repr
151 , InstrReadable (InputToken inp) repr
152 , Typeable (InputToken inp)
153 , InstrValuable repr
154 ) => Lookable (Program repr inp) where
155 look (Program x) = Program $ \next ->
156 pushInput (x (swapValue (loadInput next)))
157 eof = negLook (satisfy [{-discarded by negLook-}] (H.lam1 (\_x -> H.bool True)))
158 -- This sets a better failure message
159 <|> (Program $ \_k -> fail [ErrorItemEnd])
160 negLook (Program x) = Program $ \next ->
161 catchException (Proxy @"fail")
162 -- On x success, discard the result,
163 -- and replace this 'CatchException''s failure handler
164 -- by a failure whose 'farthestExpecting' is negated,
165 -- then a failure is raised from the input
166 -- when entering 'negLook', to avoid odd cases:
167 -- - where the failure that made (negLook x)
168 -- succeed can get the blame for the overall
169 -- failure of the grammar.
170 -- - where the overall failure of
171 -- the grammar might be blamed on something in x
172 -- that, if corrected, still makes x succeed and
173 -- (negLook x) fail.
174 (pushInput (x
175 (popValue (popException (Proxy @"fail") (loadInput
176 (fail []))))))
177 -- On x failure, reset the input,
178 -- and go on with the next 'Instr'uctions.
179 (loadInput (pushValue H.unit next))
180 instance
181 InstrLetable repr =>
182 Letable TH.Name (Program repr inp) where
183 def n (Program v) = Program $ \next ->
184 defLet (LetName n) (v ret) (call (LetName n) next)
185 ref _isRec n = Program $ \case
186 -- Returning just after a 'call' is useless:
187 -- using 'jump' lets the 'ret' of the 'defLet'
188 -- directly return where it would in two 'ret's.
189 Instr Ret{} -> jump (LetName n)
190 next -> call (LetName n) next
191 instance
192 ( Cursorable (Cursor inp)
193 , InstrBranchable repr
194 , InstrExceptionable repr
195 , InstrInputable repr
196 , InstrJoinable repr
197 , InstrValuable repr
198 ) => Foldable (Program repr inp) where
199 {-
200 chainPre op p = go <*> p
201 where go = (H..) <$> op <*> go <|> pure H.id
202 chainPost p op = p <**> go
203 where go = (H..) <$> op <*> go <|> pure H.id
204 -}