]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Machine/View.hs
test: add goldens for TH splices
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Machine / View.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- For ShowLetName
2 module Symantic.Parser.Machine.View where
4 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
5 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
6 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
7 import Data.Kind (Type)
8 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
9 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
10 import GHC.TypeLits (symbolVal)
11 import Text.Show (Show(..))
12 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
13 import qualified Data.List as List
14 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
16 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.ObserveSharing (ShowLetName(..))
17 import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Instructions
19 -- * Type 'ViewMachine'
20 newtype ViewMachine (showName::Bool) inp (vs:: [Type]) a
21 = ViewMachine { unViewMachine ::
22 Tree.Forest String -> Tree.Forest String }
24 viewMachine ::
25 ViewMachine sN inp vs a ->
26 ViewMachine sN inp vs a
27 viewMachine = id
29 -- | Helper to view a command.
30 viewInstrCmd :: String -> Tree.Forest String -> Tree.Tree String
31 viewInstrCmd n = Tree.Node n
32 -- | Helper to view an argument.
33 viewInstrArg :: String -> Tree.Forest String -> Tree.Tree String
34 viewInstrArg n = Tree.Node ("<"<>n<>">")
36 instance Show (ViewMachine sN inp vs a) where
37 show = drawTree . Tree.Node "" . ($ []) . unViewMachine
38 where
39 drawTree :: Tree.Tree String -> String
40 drawTree = List.unlines . draw
41 draw :: Tree.Tree String -> [String]
42 draw (Tree.Node x ts0) = List.lines x <> drawSubTrees ts0
43 where
44 drawSubTrees [] = []
45 drawSubTrees [t] = shift "" " " (draw t)
46 drawSubTrees (t:ts) = shift "" "| " (draw t) <> drawSubTrees ts
47 shift first other = List.zipWith (<>) (first : List.repeat other)
48 instance IsString (ViewMachine sN inp vs a) where
49 fromString s = ViewMachine $ \is -> Tree.Node (fromString s) [] : is
51 instance InstrValuable (ViewMachine sN) where
52 pushValue a k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("pushValue "<>showsPrec 10 a "") [] : unViewMachine k is
53 popValue k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd "popValue" [] : unViewMachine k is
54 lift2Value f k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("lift2Value "<>showsPrec 10 f "") [] : unViewMachine k is
55 swapValue k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd "swapValue" [] : unViewMachine k is
56 instance InstrExceptionable (ViewMachine sN) where
57 raiseException lbl _err = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("raiseException "<> show (symbolVal lbl)) [] : is
58 popException lbl k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("popException "<> show (symbolVal lbl)) [] : unViewMachine k is
59 catchException lbl t h = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("catchException "<> show (symbolVal lbl))
60 [ viewInstrArg "try" (unViewMachine t [])
61 , viewInstrArg "handler" (unViewMachine h [])
62 ] : is
63 instance InstrBranchable (ViewMachine sN) where
64 caseBranch l r = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd "case"
65 [ viewInstrArg "left" (unViewMachine l [])
66 , viewInstrArg "right" (unViewMachine r [])
67 ] : is
68 choicesBranch ps bs d = ViewMachine $ \is ->
69 viewInstrCmd ("choicesBranch "<>show ps) (
70 (viewInstrArg "branch" . ($ []) . unViewMachine <$> bs) <>
71 [ viewInstrArg "default" (unViewMachine d []) ]
72 ) : is
73 instance
74 ShowLetName sN TH.Name =>
75 InstrLetable (ViewMachine sN) where
76 defLet (LetName n) sub k = ViewMachine $ \is ->
77 Tree.Node (showLetName @sN n<>":") (unViewMachine sub [])
78 : unViewMachine k is
79 jump (LetName n) = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("jump "<>showLetName @sN n) [] : is
80 call (LetName n) k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("call "<>showLetName @sN n) [] : unViewMachine k is
81 ret = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd "ret" [] : is
82 instance
83 ShowLetName sN TH.Name =>
84 InstrJoinable (ViewMachine sN) where
85 defJoin (LetName n) j k = ViewMachine $ \is ->
86 Tree.Node (showLetName @sN n<>":") (unViewMachine j [])
87 : unViewMachine k is
88 refJoin (LetName n) = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("refJoin "<>showLetName @sN n) [] : is
89 instance InstrInputable (ViewMachine sN) where
90 loadInput k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd "loadInput" [] : unViewMachine k is
91 pushInput k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd "pushInput" [] : unViewMachine k is
92 instance InstrReadable tok (ViewMachine sN) where
93 read _es p k = ViewMachine $ \is -> viewInstrCmd ("read "<>showsPrec 10 p "") [] : unViewMachine k is