]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Staging.hs
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[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Staging.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
2 module Symantic.Parser.Staging where
4 import Data.Bool (Bool)
5 import Data.Char (Char)
6 import Data.Eq (Eq)
7 import Language.Haskell.TH (TExpQ)
8 import qualified Data.Eq as Eq
9 import qualified Data.Function as Function
11 import Symantic.Base.Univariant
13 -- * Type 'Runtime'
14 data Runtime a = Runtime
15 { eval :: Eval a
16 -- ^ The value of the runtime code,
17 -- kept along to be made available to the optimizer.
18 , code :: Code a
19 -- ^ An AST of a runtime value.
20 }
21 getEval :: Runtime a -> a
22 getEval = unEval Function.. eval
23 getCode :: Runtime a -> TExpQ a
24 getCode = unCode Function.. code
25 type instance Unlift Runtime = Runtime
26 instance Liftable Runtime where
27 lift = Function.id
28 {-# INLINE lift #-}
29 instance Unliftable Runtime where
30 unlift = Function.id
31 {-# INLINE unlift #-}
33 -- ** Type 'Eval'
34 newtype Eval a = Eval { unEval :: a }
35 type instance Unlift Eval = Eval
36 instance Liftable Eval where
37 lift = Function.id
38 {-# INLINE lift #-}
39 instance Unliftable Eval where
40 unlift = Function.id
41 {-# INLINE unlift #-}
43 -- ** Type 'Code'
44 newtype Code a = Code { unCode :: TExpQ a }
45 type instance Unlift Code = Code
46 instance Liftable Code where
47 lift = Function.id
48 {-# INLINE lift #-}
49 instance Unliftable Code where
50 unlift = Function.id
51 {-# INLINE unlift #-}
53 -- * Class 'Haskellable'
54 -- | Final encoding of some Haskellable functions
55 -- useful for some optimizations in 'optGram'.
56 class Haskellable (app :: * -> *) where
57 runtime :: Unlift app a -> app a
58 (.) :: app ((b->c) -> (a->b) -> a -> c)
59 ($) :: app ((a->b) -> a -> b)
60 (.@) :: app (a->b) -> app a -> app b
61 bool :: Bool -> app Bool
62 char :: Char -> app Char
63 cons :: app (a -> [a] -> [a])
64 const :: app (a -> b -> a)
65 eq :: Eq a => app a -> app (a -> Bool)
66 flip :: app ((a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c)
67 id :: app (a->a)
68 nil :: app [a]
69 unit :: app ()
70 -- instance Haskellable Identity
72 -- ** Type 'Haskellable'
73 -- | Initial encoding of 'Haskellable'
74 data Haskell (app:: * -> *) a where
75 Haskell :: app a -> Haskell app a
76 (:.) :: Haskell app ((b->c) -> (a->b) -> a -> c)
77 (:$) :: Haskell app ((a->b) -> a -> b)
78 (:@) :: Haskell app (a->b) -> Haskell app a -> Haskell app b
79 Const :: Haskell app (a -> b -> a)
80 Flip :: Haskell app ((a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c)
81 Id :: Haskell app (a->a)
82 type instance Unlift (Haskell app) = app
83 instance (Liftable app, Unliftable app, Haskellable app) => Liftable (Haskell app) where
84 lift = Haskell
85 instance (Unliftable app, Haskellable app) => Unliftable (Haskell app) where
86 unlift = \case
87 Haskell x -> runtime (unlift x)
88 (:.) -> (.)
89 (:$) -> ($)
90 (:@) f x -> (.@) (unlift f) (unlift x)
91 Const -> const
92 Flip -> flip
93 Id -> id
94 infixr 0 $, :$
95 infixr 9 ., :.
96 infixl 9 .@, :@
98 instance Haskellable (Haskell app) where
99 runtime = Haskell
100 (.) = (:.)
101 ($) = (:$)
102 (.@) = (:@)
103 const = Const
104 flip = Flip
105 id = Id
106 instance Haskellable Runtime where
107 runtime = Function.id
108 (.) = Runtime (.) (.)
109 ($) = Runtime ($) ($)
110 (.@) f x = Runtime ((.@) (eval f) (eval x)) ((.@) (code f) (code x))
111 bool b = Runtime (bool b) (bool b)
112 char c = Runtime (char c) (char c)
113 cons = Runtime cons cons
114 const = Runtime const const
115 eq x = Runtime (eq (eval x)) (eq (code x))
116 flip = Runtime flip flip
117 id = Runtime id id
118 nil = Runtime nil nil
119 unit = Runtime unit unit
120 instance Haskellable Eval where
121 runtime = lift
122 (.) = Eval (Function..)
123 ($) = Eval (Function.$)
124 (.@) f x = Eval (unEval f (unEval x))
125 bool = Eval
126 char = Eval
127 cons = Eval (:)
128 const = Eval Function.const
129 eq x = Eval (unEval x Eq.==)
130 flip = Eval Function.flip
131 id = Eval Function.id
132 nil = Eval []
133 unit = Eval ()
134 instance Haskellable Code where
135 runtime = lift
136 (.) = Code [|| \f g x -> f (g x) ||]
137 ($) = Code [|| \f x -> f x ||]
138 (.@) f x = Code [|| $$(unCode f) $$(unCode x) ||]
139 bool b = Code [|| b ||]
140 char c = Code [|| c ||]
141 cons = Code [|| \x xs -> x : xs ||]
142 const = Code [|| \x _ -> x ||]
143 eq x = Code [|| \y -> $$(unCode x) Eq.== y ||]
144 flip = Code [|| \f x y -> f y x ||]
145 id = Code [|| \x -> x ||]
146 nil = Code [|| [] ||]
147 unit = Code [|| () ||]