]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/Optimize.hs
grammar: sort symantics by name
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / Optimize.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} -- For Comb
2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- For branch
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- For unSomeComb
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- For MakeLetName TH.Name
5 -- | Bottom-up optimization of 'Comb'inators,
6 -- reexamining downward as needed after each optimization.
7 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Optimize where
9 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
10 import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
11 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
12 import Data.Function ((.))
13 import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
14 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
15 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
16 import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol)
17 import Type.Reflection (Typeable, typeRep, eqTypeRep, (:~~:)(..))
18 import qualified Data.Foldable as CombFoldable
19 import qualified Data.Functor as Functor
20 import qualified Data.List as List
22 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators as Comb
23 import Symantic.Parser.Haskell ()
24 import Symantic.Univariant.Letable
25 import Symantic.Univariant.Trans
26 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Haskell as H
28 {-
29 import Data.Function (($), flip)
30 import Debug.Trace (trace)
32 (&) = flip ($)
33 infix 0 &
34 -}
36 -- * Type 'OptimizeGrammar'
37 type OptimizeGrammar = SomeComb
39 optimizeGrammar ::
40 Trans (SomeComb repr) repr =>
41 SomeComb repr a -> repr a
42 optimizeGrammar = trans
44 -- * Data family 'Comb'
45 -- | 'Comb'inators of the 'Grammar'.
46 -- This is an extensible data-type.
47 data family Comb
48 (comb :: ReprComb -> Constraint)
49 (repr :: ReprComb)
50 :: ReprComb
52 -- | Convenient utility to pattern-match a 'SomeComb'.
53 pattern Comb :: Typeable comb =>
54 Comb comb repr a ->
55 SomeComb repr a
56 pattern Comb x <- (unSomeComb -> Just x)
58 -- ** Type 'ReprComb'
59 type ReprComb = Type -> Type
61 -- ** Type 'SomeComb'
62 -- | Some 'Comb'inator existentialized over the actual combinator symantic class.
63 -- Useful to handle a list of 'Comb'inators
64 -- without requiring impredicative quantification.
65 -- Must be used by pattern-matching
66 -- on the 'SomeComb' data-constructor,
67 -- to bring the constraints in scope.
68 --
69 -- The optimizations are directly applied within it,
70 -- to avoid introducing an extra newtype,
71 -- this also give a more understandable code.
72 data SomeComb repr a =
73 forall comb.
74 (Trans (Comb comb repr) repr, Typeable comb) =>
75 SomeComb (Comb comb repr a)
77 instance Trans (SomeComb repr) repr where
78 trans (SomeComb x) = trans x
80 -- | @(unSomeComb c :: 'Maybe' ('Comb' comb repr a))@
81 -- extract the data-constructor from the given 'SomeComb'
82 -- iif. it belongs to the @('Comb' comb repr a)@ data-instance.
83 unSomeComb ::
84 forall comb repr a.
85 Typeable comb =>
86 SomeComb repr a -> Maybe (Comb comb repr a)
87 unSomeComb (SomeComb (c::Comb c repr a)) =
88 case typeRep @comb `eqTypeRep` typeRep @c of
89 Just HRefl -> Just c
90 Nothing -> Nothing
92 -- CombAlternable
93 data instance Comb CombAlternable repr a where
94 Empty :: Comb CombAlternable repr a
95 (:<|>:) :: SomeComb repr a -> SomeComb repr a -> Comb CombAlternable repr a
96 Try :: SomeComb repr a -> Comb CombAlternable repr a
97 infixl 3 :<|>:
98 instance CombAlternable repr => Trans (Comb CombAlternable repr) repr where
99 trans = \case
100 Empty -> empty
101 f :<|>: x -> trans f <|> trans x
102 Try x -> try (trans x)
103 instance
104 ( CombAlternable repr
105 , CombApplicable repr
106 , CombLookable repr
107 , CombMatchable repr
108 , CombSelectable repr
109 ) => CombAlternable (SomeComb repr) where
110 empty = SomeComb Empty
112 p@(Comb Pure{}) <|> _ = p
113 -- & trace "Left Catch Law"
114 Comb Empty <|> u = u
115 -- & trace "Left Neutral Law"
116 u <|> Comb Empty = u
117 -- & trace "Right Neutral Law"
118 Comb (u :<|>: v) <|> w = u <|> (v <|> w)
119 -- & trace "Associativity Law"
120 Comb (Look p) <|> Comb (Look q) = look (try p <|> q)
121 -- & trace "Distributivity Law"
122 x <|> y = SomeComb (x :<|>: y)
124 try (Comb (p :$>: x)) = try p $> x
125 -- & trace "Try Interchange Law"
126 try (Comb (f :<$>: p)) = f <$> try p
127 -- & trace "Try Interchange Law"
128 try x = SomeComb (Try x)
130 -- CombApplicable
131 data instance Comb CombApplicable repr a where
132 Pure :: TermGrammar a -> Comb CombApplicable repr a
133 (:<*>:) :: SomeComb repr (a -> b) -> SomeComb repr a -> Comb CombApplicable repr b
134 (:<*:) :: SomeComb repr a -> SomeComb repr b -> Comb CombApplicable repr a
135 (:*>:) :: SomeComb repr a -> SomeComb repr b -> Comb CombApplicable repr b
136 infixl 4 :<*>:, :<*:, :*>:
137 pattern (:<$>:) :: TermGrammar (a -> b) -> SomeComb repr a -> Comb CombApplicable repr b
138 pattern t :<$>: x <- Comb (Pure t) :<*>: x
139 pattern (:$>:) :: SomeComb repr a -> TermGrammar b -> Comb CombApplicable repr b
140 pattern x :$>: t <- x :*>: Comb (Pure t)
141 instance CombApplicable repr => Trans (Comb CombApplicable repr) repr where
142 trans = \case
143 Pure x -> pure (H.optimizeTerm x)
144 f :<*>: x -> trans f <*> trans x
145 x :<*: y -> trans x <* trans y
146 x :*>: y -> trans x *> trans y
147 instance
148 ( CombApplicable repr
149 , CombAlternable repr
150 , CombLookable repr
151 , CombMatchable repr
152 , CombSelectable repr
153 ) => CombApplicable (SomeComb repr) where
154 pure = SomeComb . Pure
155 f <$> Comb (Branch b l r) =
156 branch b
157 ((H..) H..@ f <$> l)
158 ((H..) H..@ f <$> r)
159 -- & trace "Branch Distributivity Law"
160 f <$> Comb (Conditional a ps bs d) =
161 conditional a ps
162 ((f <$>) Functor.<$> bs)
163 (f <$> d)
164 -- & trace "Conditional Distributivity Law"
165 -- Being careful here to use (<*>),
166 -- instead of SomeComb (f <$> unOptComb x),
167 -- in order to apply the optimizations of (<*>).
168 f <$> x = pure f <*> x
170 x <$ u = u $> x
171 -- & trace "Commutativity Law"
173 Comb Empty <*> _ = empty
174 -- & trace "App Right Absorption Law"
175 u <*> Comb Empty = u *> empty
176 -- & trace "App Failure Weakening Law"
177 Comb (Pure f) <*> Comb (Pure x) = pure (f H..@ x)
178 -- & trace "Homomorphism Law"
179 {-
180 Comb (Pure f) <*> Comb (g :<$>: p) =
181 -- This is basically a shortcut,
182 -- it can be caught by one Composition Law
183 -- and two Homomorphism Law.
184 (H..) H..@ f H..@ g <$> p
185 -- & trace "Functor Composition Law"
186 -}
187 u <*> Comb (Pure x) = H.flip H..@ (H.$) H..@ x <$> u
188 -- & trace "Interchange Law"
189 u <*> Comb (v :<*>: w) = (((H..) <$> u) <*> v) <*> w
190 -- & trace "Composition Law"
191 Comb (u :*>: v) <*> w = u *> (v <*> w)
192 -- & trace "Reassociation Law 1"
193 u <*> Comb (v :<*: w) = (u <*> v) <* w
194 -- & trace "Reassociation Law 2"
195 u <*> Comb (v :$>: x) = (u <*> pure x) <* v
196 -- & trace "Reassociation Law 3"
197 p <*> Comb (NegLook q) =
198 (p <*> pure H.unit) <* negLook q
199 -- & trace "Absorption Law"
200 x <*> y = SomeComb (x :<*>: y)
202 Comb Empty *> _ = empty
203 -- & trace "App Right Absorption Law"
204 Comb (_ :<$>: p) *> q = p *> q
205 -- & trace "Right Absorption Law"
206 Comb Pure{} *> u = u
207 -- & trace "Identity Law"
208 Comb (u :$>: _) *> v = u *> v
209 -- & trace "Identity Law"
210 u *> Comb (v :*>: w) = (u *> v) *> w
211 -- & trace "Associativity Law"
212 x *> y = SomeComb (x :*>: y)
214 Comb Empty <* _ = empty
215 -- & trace "App Right Absorption Law"
216 u <* Comb Empty = u *> empty
217 -- & trace "App Failure Weakening Law"
218 p <* Comb (_ :<$>: q) = p <* q
219 -- & trace "Left Absorption Law"
220 u <* Comb Pure{} = u
221 -- & trace "Identity Law"
222 u <* Comb (v :$>: _) = u <* v
223 -- & trace "Identity Law"
224 Comb (u :<*: v) <* w = u <* (v <* w)
225 -- & trace "Associativity Law"
226 x <* y = SomeComb (x :<*: y)
228 -- CombFoldable
229 data instance Comb CombFoldable repr a where
230 ChainPreC :: SomeComb repr (a -> a) -> SomeComb repr a -> Comb CombFoldable repr a
231 ChainPostC :: SomeComb repr a -> SomeComb repr (a -> a) -> Comb CombFoldable repr a
232 instance CombFoldable repr => Trans (Comb CombFoldable repr) repr where
233 trans = \case
234 ChainPreC x y -> chainPre (trans x) (trans y)
235 ChainPostC x y -> chainPost (trans x) (trans y)
236 instance CombFoldable repr => CombFoldable (SomeComb repr) where
237 chainPre x = SomeComb . ChainPreC x
238 chainPost x = SomeComb . ChainPostC x
240 -- Letable
241 data instance Comb (Letable letName) repr a where
242 Shareable :: letName -> SomeComb repr a -> Comb (Letable letName) repr a
243 Ref :: Bool -> letName -> Comb (Letable letName) repr a
244 instance
245 Letable letName repr =>
246 Trans (Comb (Letable letName) repr) repr where
247 trans = \case
248 Shareable n x -> shareable n (trans x)
249 Ref isRec n -> ref isRec n
250 instance
251 (Letable letName repr, Typeable letName) =>
252 Letable letName (SomeComb repr) where
253 shareable n = SomeComb . Shareable n
254 ref isRec = SomeComb . Ref isRec
256 -- Letsable
257 data instance Comb (Letsable letName) repr a where
258 Lets :: LetBindings letName (SomeComb repr) ->
259 SomeComb repr a -> Comb (Letsable letName) repr a
260 instance
261 Letsable letName repr =>
262 Trans (Comb (Letsable letName) repr) repr where
263 trans = \case
264 Lets defs x -> lets ((\(SomeLet sub) -> SomeLet (trans sub)) Functor.<$> defs) (trans x)
265 instance
266 (Letsable letName repr, Typeable letName) =>
267 Letsable letName (SomeComb repr) where
268 lets defs = SomeComb . Lets defs
270 -- CombLookable
271 data instance Comb CombLookable repr a where
272 Look :: SomeComb repr a -> Comb CombLookable repr a
273 NegLook :: SomeComb repr a -> Comb CombLookable repr ()
274 Eof :: Comb CombLookable repr ()
275 instance CombLookable repr => Trans (Comb CombLookable repr) repr where
276 trans = \case
277 Look x -> look (trans x)
278 NegLook x -> negLook (trans x)
279 Eof -> eof
280 instance
281 ( CombAlternable repr
282 , CombApplicable repr
283 , CombLookable repr
284 , CombSelectable repr
285 , CombMatchable repr
286 ) => CombLookable (SomeComb repr) where
287 look p@(Comb Pure{}) = p
288 -- & trace "Pure Look Law"
289 look p@(Comb Empty) = p
290 -- & trace "Dead Look Law"
291 look (Comb (Look x)) = look x
292 -- & trace "Idempotence Law"
293 look (Comb (NegLook x)) = negLook x
294 -- & trace "Left Identity Law"
295 look (Comb (p :$>: x)) = look p $> x
296 -- & trace "Interchange Law"
297 look (Comb (f :<$>: p)) = f <$> look p
298 -- & trace "Interchange Law"
299 look x = SomeComb (Look x)
301 negLook (Comb Pure{}) = empty
302 -- & trace "Pure Negative-Look"
303 negLook (Comb Empty) = pure H.unit
304 -- & trace "Dead Negative-Look"
305 negLook (Comb (NegLook x)) = look (try x *> pure H.unit)
306 -- & trace "Double Negation Law"
307 negLook (Comb (Try x)) = negLook x
308 -- & trace "Zero Consumption Law"
309 negLook (Comb (Look x)) = negLook x
310 -- & trace "Right Identity Law"
311 negLook (Comb (Comb (Try p) :<|>: q)) = negLook p *> negLook q
312 -- & trace "Transparency Law"
313 negLook (Comb (p :$>: _)) = negLook p
314 -- & trace "NegLook Idempotence Law"
315 negLook x = SomeComb (NegLook x)
317 eof = SomeComb Eof
319 -- CombMatchable
320 data instance Comb CombMatchable repr a where
321 Conditional :: Eq a =>
322 SomeComb repr a ->
323 [TermGrammar (a -> Bool)] ->
324 [SomeComb repr b] ->
325 SomeComb repr b ->
326 Comb CombMatchable repr b
327 instance CombMatchable repr => Trans (Comb CombMatchable repr) repr where
328 trans = \case
329 Conditional a ps bs b ->
330 conditional (trans a)
331 (H.optimizeTerm Functor.<$> ps)
332 (trans Functor.<$> bs) (trans b)
333 instance
334 ( CombApplicable repr
335 , CombAlternable repr
336 , CombLookable repr
337 , CombSelectable repr
338 , CombMatchable repr
339 ) => CombMatchable (SomeComb repr) where
340 conditional (Comb Empty) _ _ d = d
341 -- & trace "Conditional Absorption Law"
342 conditional p _ qs (Comb Empty)
343 | CombFoldable.all (\case { Comb Empty -> True; _ -> False }) qs = p *> empty
344 -- & trace "Conditional Weakening Law"
345 conditional a _ps bs (Comb Empty)
346 | CombFoldable.all (\case { Comb Empty -> True; _ -> False }) bs = a *> empty
347 -- & trace "Conditional Weakening Law"
348 conditional (Comb (Pure (trans -> a))) ps bs d =
349 CombFoldable.foldr (\(trans -> p, b) next ->
350 if H.value p (H.value a) then b else next
351 ) d (List.zip ps bs)
352 -- & trace "Conditional Pure Law"
353 conditional a ps bs d = SomeComb (Conditional a ps bs d)
355 -- CombSatisfiable
356 data instance Comb (CombSatisfiable tok) repr a where
357 Satisfy ::
358 CombSatisfiable tok repr =>
359 [ErrorItem tok] ->
360 TermGrammar (tok -> Bool) ->
361 Comb (CombSatisfiable tok) repr tok
362 Item ::
363 CombSatisfiable tok repr =>
364 Comb (CombSatisfiable tok) repr tok
365 instance CombSatisfiable tok repr => Trans (Comb (CombSatisfiable tok) repr) repr where
366 trans = \case
367 Satisfy es p -> satisfy es (H.optimizeTerm p)
368 Item -> item
369 instance
370 (CombSatisfiable tok repr, Typeable tok) =>
371 CombSatisfiable tok (SomeComb repr) where
372 satisfy es = SomeComb . Satisfy es
373 item = SomeComb Item
375 -- CombSelectable
376 data instance Comb CombSelectable repr a where
377 Branch ::
378 SomeComb repr (Either a b) ->
379 SomeComb repr (a -> c) ->
380 SomeComb repr (b -> c) ->
381 Comb CombSelectable repr c
382 instance CombSelectable repr => Trans (Comb CombSelectable repr) repr where
383 trans = \case
384 Branch lr l r -> branch (trans lr) (trans l) (trans r)
385 instance
386 ( CombApplicable repr
387 , CombAlternable repr
388 , CombLookable repr
389 , CombSelectable repr
390 , CombMatchable repr
391 ) => CombSelectable (SomeComb repr) where
392 branch (Comb Empty) _ _ = empty
393 -- & trace "Branch Absorption Law"
394 branch b (Comb Empty) (Comb Empty) = b *> empty
395 -- & trace "Branch Weakening Law"
396 branch (Comb (Pure (trans -> lr))) l r =
397 case H.value lr of
398 Left value -> l <*> pure (trans H.ValueCode{..})
399 where code = [|| case $$(H.code lr) of Left x -> x ||]
400 Right value -> r <*> pure (trans H.ValueCode{..})
401 where code = [|| case $$(H.code lr) of Right x -> x ||]
402 -- & trace "Branch Pure Left/Right Law"
403 branch b (Comb (Pure (trans -> l))) (Comb (Pure (trans -> r))) =
404 trans H.ValueCode{..} <$> b
405 -- & trace "Branch Generalised Identity Law"
406 where
407 value = either (H.value l) (H.value r)
408 code = [|| either $$(H.code l) $$(H.code r) ||]
409 branch (Comb (x :*>: y)) p q = x *> branch y p q
410 -- & trace "Interchange Law"
411 branch b l (Comb Empty) =
412 branch (pure (trans (H.ValueCode{..})) <*> b) empty l
413 -- & trace "Negated Branch Law"
414 where
415 value = either Right Left
416 code = [||either Right Left||]
417 branch (Comb (Branch b (Comb Empty) (Comb (Pure (trans -> lr))))) (Comb Empty) br =
418 branch (pure (trans H.ValueCode{..}) <*> b) empty br
419 -- & trace "Branch Fusion Law"
420 where
421 value Left{} = Left ()
422 value (Right r) = case H.value lr r of
423 Left _ -> Left ()
424 Right rr -> Right rr
425 code = [|| \case Left{} -> Left ()
426 Right r -> case $$(H.code lr) r of
427 Left _ -> Left ()
428 Right rr -> Right rr ||]
429 branch b l r = SomeComb (Branch b l r)
431 -- CombThrowable
432 data instance Comb CombThrowable repr a where
433 Throw ::
434 KnownSymbol lbl => Proxy lbl ->
435 Comb CombThrowable repr a
436 instance CombThrowable repr => Trans (Comb CombThrowable repr) repr where
437 trans = \case
438 Throw lbl -> throw lbl
439 instance CombThrowable repr => CombThrowable (SomeComb repr) where
440 throw lbl = SomeComb (Throw lbl)