]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Machine/Instructions.hs
grammar: sort symantics by name
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Machine / Instructions.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} -- For Machine
2 {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} -- For Show (LetName a)
3 -- | Semantic of the parsing instructions used
4 -- to make the parsing control-flow explicit,
5 -- in the convenient tagless-final encoding.
6 module Symantic.Parser.Machine.Instructions where
8 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
9 import Data.Either (Either)
10 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
11 import Data.Function ((.))
12 import Data.Kind (Type)
13 import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol)
14 import Text.Show (Show(..))
15 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
16 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
17 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Haskell as H
19 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar
20 import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input
22 -- * Type 'TermInstr'
23 type TermInstr = H.Term TH.CodeQ
25 -- * Class 'Machine'
26 -- | All the 'Instr'uctions.
27 type Machine tok repr =
28 ( InstrBranchable repr
29 , InstrExceptionable repr
30 , InstrInputable repr
31 , InstrJoinable repr
32 , InstrCallable repr
33 , InstrValuable repr
34 , InstrReadable tok repr
35 )
37 -- ** Type 'ReprInstr'
38 type ReprInstr = {-input-}Type -> {-valueStack-}[Type] -> {-a-}Type -> Type
40 -- ** Type 'LetName'
41 -- | 'TH.Name' of a 'defLet' or 'defJoin'
42 -- indexed by the return type of the factorized 'Instr'uctions.
43 -- This helps type-inferencing.
44 newtype LetName a = LetName { unLetName :: TH.Name }
45 deriving Eq
46 deriving newtype Show
48 -- ** Class 'InstrValuable'
49 class InstrValuable (repr::ReprInstr) where
50 -- | @('pushValue' x k)@ pushes @(x)@ on the 'valueStack'
51 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
52 pushValue ::
53 TermInstr v ->
54 repr inp (v ': vs) a ->
55 repr inp vs a
56 -- | @('popValue' k)@ pushes @(x)@ on the 'valueStack'.
57 popValue ::
58 repr inp vs a ->
59 repr inp (v ': vs) a
60 -- | @('lift2Value' f k)@ pops two values from the 'valueStack',
61 -- and pushes the result of @(f)@ applied to them.
62 lift2Value ::
63 TermInstr (x -> y -> z) ->
64 repr inp (z ': vs) a ->
65 repr inp (y ': x ': vs) a
66 -- | @('swapValue' k)@ pops two values on the 'valueStack',
67 -- pushes the first popped-out, then the second,
68 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
69 swapValue ::
70 repr inp (x ': y ': vs) a ->
71 repr inp (y ': x ': vs) a
72 -- | @('mapValue' f k)@.
73 mapValue ::
74 TermInstr (x -> y) ->
75 repr inp (y ': vs) a ->
76 repr inp (x ': vs) a
77 mapValue f = pushValue f . lift2Value (H.flip H..@ (H.$))
78 -- | @('applyValue' k)@ pops @(x)@ and @(x2y)@ from the 'valueStack',
79 -- pushes @(x2y x)@ and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
80 applyValue ::
81 repr inp (y ': vs) a ->
82 repr inp (x ': (x -> y) ': vs) a
83 applyValue = lift2Value (H.$)
85 -- ** Class 'InstrExceptionable'
86 class InstrExceptionable (repr::ReprInstr) where
87 -- | @('raiseException' lbl es)@ raises labeled error from the 'failStack'.
88 raiseException ::
89 KnownSymbol lbl =>
90 Proxy lbl ->
91 [ErrorItem (InputToken inp)] ->
92 repr inp vs a
93 -- | Like using 'raiseException' with the @"fail"@ label.
94 fail ::
95 [ErrorItem (InputToken inp)] ->
96 repr inp vs a
97 fail = raiseException (Proxy @"fail")
98 -- | @('popException' lbl k)@ removes a 'Catcher'
99 -- from the @catchStackByLabel@ at given label,
100 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
101 popException ::
102 KnownSymbol lbl =>
103 Proxy lbl ->
104 repr inp vs a ->
105 repr inp vs a
106 -- | @('catchException' lbl l r)@ tries the @(l)@ 'Instr'uction
107 -- in a new failure scope such that if @(l)@ raises a failure, it is caught,
108 -- then the input (and its 'Horizon') is pushed as it was before trying @(l)@ on the 'valueStack',
109 -- and the control flow goes on with the @(r)@ 'Instr'uction.
110 catchException ::
111 KnownSymbol lbl =>
112 Proxy lbl ->
113 repr inp vs ret ->
114 repr inp (Cursor inp ': vs) ret ->
115 repr inp vs ret
117 -- ** Class 'InstrBranchable'
118 class InstrBranchable (repr::ReprInstr) where
119 -- | @('caseBranch' l r)@.
120 caseBranch ::
121 repr inp (x ': vs) r ->
122 repr inp (y ': vs) r ->
123 repr inp (Either x y ': vs) r
124 -- | @('choicesBranch' ps bs d)@.
125 choicesBranch ::
126 [TermInstr (v -> Bool)] ->
127 [repr inp vs a] ->
128 repr inp vs a ->
129 repr inp (v ': vs) a
130 -- | @('ifBranch' ok ko)@ pops a 'Bool' from the 'valueStack'
131 -- and continues either with the 'Instr'uction @(ok)@ if it is 'True'
132 -- or @(ko)@ otherwise.
133 ifBranch ::
134 repr inp vs a ->
135 repr inp vs a ->
136 repr inp (Bool ': vs) a
137 ifBranch ok ko = choicesBranch [H.id] [ok] ko
139 -- ** Class 'InstrCallable'
140 class InstrCallable (repr::ReprInstr) where
141 -- | @('defLet' n v k)@ binds the 'LetName' @(n)@ to the 'Instr'uction's @(v)@,
142 -- 'Call's @(n)@ and
143 -- continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
144 defLet ::
145 LetBindings TH.Name (repr inp '[]) ->
146 repr inp vs a ->
147 repr inp vs a
148 -- | @('call' n k)@ pass the control-flow to the 'DefLet' named @(n)@,
149 -- and when it 'Ret'urns, continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
150 call ::
151 LetName v -> repr inp (v ': vs) a ->
152 repr inp vs a
153 -- | @('ret')@ returns the value stored in a singleton 'valueStack'.
154 ret ::
155 repr inp '[a] a
156 -- | @('jump' n k)@ pass the control-flow to the 'DefLet' named @(n)@.
157 jump ::
158 LetName a ->
159 repr inp '[] a
161 -- ** Class 'InstrJoinable'
162 class InstrJoinable (repr::ReprInstr) where
163 defJoin ::
164 LetName v -> repr inp (v ': vs) a ->
165 repr inp vs a ->
166 repr inp vs a
167 refJoin ::
168 LetName v ->
169 repr inp (v ': vs) a
171 -- ** Class 'InstrInputable'
172 class InstrInputable (repr::ReprInstr) where
173 -- | @('pushInput' k)@ pushes the input @(inp)@ on the 'valueStack'
174 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
175 pushInput ::
176 repr inp (Cursor inp ': vs) a ->
177 repr inp vs a
178 -- | @('loadInput' k)@ removes the input from the 'valueStack'
179 -- and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@ using that input.
180 loadInput ::
181 repr inp vs a ->
182 repr inp (Cursor inp ': vs) a
184 -- ** Class 'InstrReadable'
185 class InstrReadable (tok::Type) (repr::ReprInstr) where
186 -- | @('read' expected p k)@ reads a 'Char' @(c)@ from the 'inp'ut,
187 -- if @(p c)@ is 'True' then continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@ on,
188 -- otherwise 'RaiseException'.
189 read ::
190 tok ~ InputToken inp =>
191 [ErrorItem tok] ->
192 TermInstr (tok -> Bool) ->
193 repr inp (tok ': vs) a ->
194 repr inp vs a