]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/Observations.hs
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / Observations.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-}
9 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Observations where
11 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), mapM_, when)
12 -- import Data.String (String)
13 -- import Data.Array (Ix)
14 -- import Data.Bool
15 -- import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
16 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
17 import Data.Function (($), id)
18 import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
19 -- import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
20 -- import Data.GADT.Compare (GEq, GCompare, gcompare, geq, GOrdering(..))
21 import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
22 import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
23 import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hashWithSalt, hash)
24 -- import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
25 -- import Data.Kind (Type)
26 -- import Data.Functor.Constant (Constant(..))
27 -- import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
28 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isNothing, maybe)
29 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
30 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
31 -- import Data.Set (Set, foldr)
32 -- import Data.Typeable ((:~:)(Refl))
33 -- import Data.Word (Word64)
34 -- import Debug.Trace (trace)
35 import GHC.Exts (Int(..))
36 import GHC.Prim (StableName#, unsafeCoerce#)
37 import GHC.StableName (StableName(..), makeStableName, hashStableName, eqStableName)
38 import Numeric (showHex)
39 import Prelude ((+))
40 -- import Prelude (Num(..), Enum(..))
41 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
42 import Text.Show (Show(..))
43 -- import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
44 -- import Prelude (undefined)
45 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as T
46 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as R
47 -- import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer as W
48 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as S
50 -- import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
51 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
52 import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
53 --import qualified Data.Map as Map
54 --import qualified Data.Set as Set
56 import Symantic.Base.Univariant
57 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators as P
58 --import qualified Symantic.Parser.Staging as P
60 {-
61 newtype IMVar = IMVar Word64 deriving newtype (Ord, Eq, Num, Enum, Show, Ix)
62 newtype MVar (a :: Type) = MVar IMVar
63 instance Show (MVar a) where show (MVar m) = "m" <> show m
65 instance GEq MVar where
66 geq (MVar u) (MVar v)
67 | u == v = Just (unsafeCoerce Refl)
68 | otherwise = Nothing
69 instance GCompare MVar where
70 gcompare m1@(MVar u) m2@(MVar v) =
71 case compare u v of
72 LT -> GLT
73 EQ -> case geq m1 m2 of Just Refl -> GEQ
74 GT -> GGT
75 -}
77 -- * Type 'ParserName'
78 data ParserName = forall a. ParserName (StableName# a)
79 makeParserName :: repr a -> ParserName
80 -- Force evaluation of p to ensure that the stableName is correct first time
81 makeParserName !p = unsafePerformIO $ fmap (\(StableName name) -> ParserName name) (makeStableName p)
82 instance Eq ParserName where
83 (ParserName n) == (ParserName m) = eqStableName (StableName n) (StableName m)
84 instance Hashable ParserName where
85 hash (ParserName n) = hashStableName (StableName n)
86 hashWithSalt salt (ParserName n) = hashWithSalt salt (StableName n)
88 instance Show ParserName where showsPrec _ (ParserName n) = showHex (I# (unsafeCoerce# n))
90 -- * Type 'Lets'
91 -- | Interpret combinators as 'ParserName'
92 newtype Lets a = Lets { unLets :: R.ReaderT (HashSet ParserName) (S.State LetsState) () }
94 lets :: Lets a -> (HashSet ParserName, HashSet ParserName)
95 lets (Lets m) =
96 let st = S.execState (R.runReaderT m mempty) emptyLetsState in
97 ( HM.keysSet (HM.filter (> 1) (lets_preds st))
98 , lets_recs st
99 )
101 letsNode :: Lets a -> Lets a
102 letsNode (Lets m) = Lets $ do
103 let name = makeParserName m
104 st <- T.lift S.get
105 let (before, preds) = HM.alterF (\v -> (v, Just (maybe 1 (+ 1) v))) name (lets_preds st)
106 seen <- R.ask
107 if --trace (ind<>"at: "<>show name) $
108 HS.member name seen
109 then --trace (ind<>"skipR: "<>show name) $
110 T.lift $ S.put st
111 { lets_preds = preds
112 , lets_recs = HS.insert name (lets_recs st)
113 }
114 else do
115 T.lift $ S.put st{ lets_preds = preds }
116 when (isNothing before) $
117 R.local (HS.insert name) m
118 {-
119 if trace (ind<>"b?: "<>show name) $ before /= Nothing
120 then trace (ind<>"SKIPB: "<>show name) $ return ()
121 else trace (ind<>"first: "<>show name) $
122 R.local (\(m,i) -> (HS.insert name m, ind<>" ")) r
123 -}
125 -- | This is an uncommon 'Unlift' definition which unlifts nothing,
126 -- but it enables to leverage default definitions.
127 type instance Unlift Lets = Lets
128 instance Liftable Lets where
129 lift _x = letsNode (Lets (return ()))
130 lift1 _f x = letsNode (Lets (unLets x))
131 lift2 _f x y = letsNode (Lets (unLets x >> unLets y))
132 lift3 _f x y z = letsNode (Lets (unLets x >> unLets y >> unLets z))
133 instance Unliftable Lets where
134 unlift = id
135 instance P.Applicable Lets
136 instance P.Alternable Lets
137 instance P.Selectable Lets
138 instance P.Matchable Lets where
139 -- Here the default definition does not fit since there is no lift* for its type and thus handles 'bs' itself, which is not the transformation wanted.
140 conditional _cs bs a b =
141 letsNode (Lets (mapM_ unLets bs >> unLets a >> unLets b))
142 instance P.Foldable Lets
143 instance P.Charable Lets
144 instance P.Lookable Lets
146 -- ** Type 'LetsState'
147 data LetsState = LetsState
148 { lets_preds :: HashMap ParserName Int
149 , lets_recs :: HashSet ParserName
150 } deriving (Show)
152 emptyLetsState :: LetsState
153 emptyLetsState = LetsState
154 { lets_preds = HM.empty
155 , lets_recs = HS.empty
156 }
160 {-
161 type Binding o a x = Fix4 (Instr o) '[] One x a
162 data LetBinding o a x = forall rs. LetBinding (Binding o a x) (Regs rs)
163 deriving instance Show (LetBinding o a x)
165 makeLetBinding :: Binding o a x -> Set IΣVar -> LetBinding o a x
166 makeLetBinding m rs = LetBinding m (unsafeMakeRegs rs)
168 data Regs (rs :: [Type]) where
169 NoRegs :: Regs '[]
170 FreeReg :: ΣVar r -> Regs rs -> Regs (r : rs)
171 deriving instance Show (Regs rs)
173 unsafeMakeRegs :: Set IΣVar -> Regs rs
174 unsafeMakeRegs = foldr (\σ rs -> unsafeCoerce (FreeReg (ΣVar σ) rs)) (unsafeCoerce NoRegs)
176 compile :: forall compiled a. Parser a -> (forall x. Maybe (MVar x) -> Fix Combinator x -> Set IΣVar -> IMVar -> IΣVar -> compiled x) -> (compiled a, DMap MVar compiled)
177 compile (Parser p) codeGen = trace ("COMPILING NEW PARSER WITH " ++ show (DMap.size μs') ++ " LET BINDINGS") $ (codeGen' Nothing p', DMap.mapWithKey (codeGen' . Just) μs')
178 where
179 (p', μs, maxV) = preprocess p
180 (μs', frs, maxΣ) = dependencyAnalysis p' μs
182 freeRegs :: Maybe (MVar x) -> Set IΣVar
183 freeRegs = maybe Set.empty (\(MVar v) -> frs Map.! v)
185 codeGen' :: Maybe (MVar x) -> Fix Combinator x -> compiled x
186 codeGen' letBound p = codeGen letBound (analyse (emptyFlags {letBound = isJust letBound}) p) (freeRegs letBound) (maxV + 1) (maxΣ + 1)
188 preprocess :: Fix (Combinator :+: ScopeRegister) a -> (Fix Combinator a, DMap MVar (Fix Combinator), IMVar)
189 preprocess p =
190 let q = tagParser p
191 (lets, recs) = findLets q
192 (p', μs, maxV) = letInsertion lets recs q
193 in (p', μs, maxV)
195 data Tag t f (k :: Type -> Type) a = Tag {tag :: t, tagged :: f k a}
197 tagParser :: Fix (Combinator :+: ScopeRegister) a -> Fix (Tag ParserName Combinator) a
198 tagParser p = cata' tagAlg p
199 where
200 tagAlg p = In . Tag (makeParserName p) . (id \/ descope)
201 descope (ScopeRegister p f) = freshReg regMaker (\(reg@(Reg σ)) -> MakeRegister σ p (f reg))
202 regMaker :: IORef IΣVar
203 regMaker = newRegMaker p
206 newtype LetInserter a =
207 LetInserter {
208 doLetInserter :: HFreshT IMVar
209 (State ( HashMap ParserName IMVar
210 , DMap MVar (Fix Combinator)))
211 (Fix Combinator a)
212 }
213 letInsertion :: HashSet ParserName -> HashSet ParserName -> Fix (Tag ParserName Combinator) a -> (Fix Combinator a, DMap MVar (Fix Combinator), IMVar)
214 letInsertion lets recs p = (p', μs, μMax)
215 where
216 m = cata alg p
217 ((p', μMax), (_, μs)) = runState (runFreshT (doLetInserter m) 0) (HashMap.empty, DMap.empty)
218 alg :: Tag ParserName Combinator LetInserter a -> LetInserter a
219 alg p = LetInserter $ do
220 let name = tag p
221 let q = tagged p
222 (vs, μs) <- get
223 let bound = HashSet.member name lets
224 let recu = HashSet.member name recs
225 if bound || recu then case HashMap.lookup name vs of
226 Just v -> let μ = MVar v in return $! optimise (Let recu μ (μs DMap.! μ))
227 Nothing -> mdo
228 v <- newVar
229 let μ = MVar v
230 put (HashMap.insert name v vs, DMap.insert μ q' μs)
231 q' <- doLetInserter (postprocess q)
232 return $! optimise (Let recu μ q')
233 else do doLetInserter (postprocess q)
235 postprocess :: Combinator LetInserter a -> LetInserter a
236 postprocess = LetInserter . fmap optimise . traverseCombinator doLetInserter
238 getBefore :: MonadState LetsState m => m (HashSet ParserName)
239 getBefore = gets before
248 makeParserName :: Fix (Combinator :+: ScopeRegister) a -> ParserName
249 -- Force evaluation of p to ensure that the stableName is correct first time
250 makeParserName !p = unsafePerformIO (fmap (\(StableName name) -> ParserName name) (makeStableName p))
252 -- The argument here stops GHC from floating it out, it should be provided something from the scope
253 {-# NOINLINE newRegMaker #-}
254 newRegMaker :: a -> IORef IΣVar
255 newRegMaker x = x `seq` unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
257 {-# NOINLINE freshReg #-}
258 freshReg :: IORef IΣVar -> (forall r. Reg r a -> x) -> x
259 freshReg maker scope = scope $ unsafePerformIO $ do
260 x <- readIORef maker
261 writeIORef maker (x + 1)
262 return $! Reg (ΣVar x)
264 instance IFunctor f => IFunctor (Tag t f) where
265 imap f (Tag t k) = Tag t (imap f k)
267 instance Eq ParserName where
268 (ParserName n) == (ParserName m) = eqStableName (StableName n) (StableName m)
269 instance Hashable ParserName where
270 hash (ParserName n) = hashStableName (StableName n)
271 hashWithSalt salt (ParserName n) = hashWithSalt salt (StableName n)
273 -- There is great evil in this world, and I'm probably responsible for half of it
274 instance Show ParserName where showsPrec _ (ParserName n) = showHex (I# (unsafeCoerce# n))
275 -}