]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - test/Golden.hs
test: mute unused-* warnings in TH splices
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / test / Golden.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-local-binds #-} -- For TH splices
6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-} -- For TH splices
7 module Golden where
9 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
10 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
11 import Data.Char (Char)
12 import Data.Either (Either(..))
13 import Data.Function (($))
14 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
15 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
16 import Data.Text (Text)
17 import Data.Text.IO (readFile)
18 import System.IO (IO, FilePath)
19 import Test.Tasty
20 import Test.Tasty.Golden
21 import Text.Show (Show(..))
22 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
23 import qualified Data.IORef as IORef
24 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
25 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
26 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
28 import qualified Symantic.Parser as P
29 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Haskell as H
30 import qualified Parser
31 --import qualified Golden.Splice
33 goldensIO :: IO TestTree
34 goldensIO = return $ testGroup "Golden"
35 [ goldensGrammar
36 , goldensMachine
37 , goldensParser
38 -- TODO: this will need cabal-install-3.4 to compile under GHC9.
39 --, Golden.Splice.goldens
40 ]
42 goldensGrammar :: TestTree
43 goldensGrammar = testGroup "Grammar"
44 [ testGroup "ViewGrammar" $ tests $ \name repr ->
45 let file = "test/Golden/Grammar/"<>name<>".dump" in
46 goldenVsStringDiff file diffGolden file $ do
47 resetTHNameCounter
48 return $ fromString $ show $
49 P.viewGrammar @'False $
50 P.observeSharing repr
51 , testGroup "OptimizeGrammar" $ tests $ \name repr ->
52 let file = "test/Golden/Grammar/"<>name<>".opt.dump" in
53 goldenVsStringDiff file diffGolden file $ do
54 resetTHNameCounter
55 return $ fromString $ P.showGrammar @'False repr
56 ]
57 where
58 tests :: P.Grammar Char repr =>
59 (forall a. String -> repr a -> TestTree) -> [TestTree]
60 tests test =
61 [ test "unit" $ P.unit
62 , test "unit-unit" $ P.unit P.*> P.unit
63 , test "app" $ P.pure H.id P.<*> P.unit
64 , test "string" $ P.string "abcd"
65 , test "tokens" $ P.tokens "abcd"
66 , test "many-a" $ P.many (P.char 'a')
67 , test "boom" $ Parser.boom
68 , test "brainfuck" $ Parser.brainfuck
69 , test "many-char-eof" $ P.many (P.char 'r') P.<* P.eof
70 , test "eof" $ P.eof
71 , test "nandlang" $ Parser.nandlang
72 ]
74 goldensMachine :: TestTree
75 goldensMachine = testGroup "Machine"
76 [ testGroup "DumpInstr" $ tests $ \name repr ->
77 let file = "test/Golden/Machine/"<>name<>".dump" in
78 goldenVsStringDiff file diffGolden file $ do
79 resetTHNameCounter
80 return $ fromString $ show $
81 P.viewMachine @'False repr
82 ]
83 where
84 tests ::
85 P.Machine Char repr =>
86 (forall vs es ret. String -> repr Text vs es ret -> TestTree) -> [TestTree]
87 tests test =
88 [ test "unit" $ P.machine $ P.unit
89 , test "unit-unit" $ P.machine $ P.unit P.*> P.unit
90 , test "string" $ P.machine $ P.string "abcd"
91 , test "a-or-b" $ P.machine $ P.char 'a' P.<|> P.char 'b'
92 , test "app" $ P.machine $ P.pure H.id P.<*> P.unit
93 , test "many-a" $ P.machine $ P.many (P.char 'a')
94 , test "some-string" $ P.machine $ P.some (P.string "abcd")
95 , test "boom" $ P.machine $ Parser.boom
96 , test "brainfuck" $ P.machine $ Parser.brainfuck
97 , test "many-char-eof" $ P.machine $ P.many (P.char 'r') P.<* P.eof
98 , test "eof" $ P.machine $ P.eof
99 , test "many-char-fail" $ P.machine $ P.many (P.char 'a') P.<* P.char 'b'
100 , test "nandlang" $ P.machine $ Parser.nandlang
101 ]
103 goldensParser :: TestTree
104 goldensParser = testGroup "Parser"
105 [ testGroup "runParser" $ tests $ \name p ->
106 let file = "test/Golden/Parser/"<>name in
107 goldenVsStringDiff (file<>".txt") diffGolden (file<>".dump") $ do
108 input :: Text <- readFile (file<>".txt")
109 return $ fromString $
110 case p input of
111 Left err -> show err
112 Right a -> show a
113 ]
114 where
115 tests :: (forall a. Show a => String -> (Text -> Either (P.ParsingError Text) a) -> TestTree) -> [TestTree]
116 tests test =
117 [ test "char" $$(P.runParser $ P.char 'a')
118 , test "string" $$(P.runParser $ P.string "abc")
119 , test "string-fail-horizon" $$(P.runParser $ P.string "abc")
120 , test "many-char" $$(P.runParser $ P.many (P.char 'a'))
121 , test "some-string" $$(P.runParser $ P.some (P.string "abcd"))
122 , test "some-string-fail" $$(P.runParser $ P.some (P.string "abcd"))
123 , test "some-string-eof-fail" $$(P.runParser $ P.some (P.string "abcd") P.<* P.eof)
124 , test "alt-right-notry" $$(P.runParser $ P.traverse P.char "aa" P.<|> P.traverse P.char "ab")
125 , test "alt-right-try" $$(P.runParser $ P.string "aa" P.<|> P.string "ab")
126 , test "alt-left" $$(P.runParser $ P.string "aa" P.<|> P.string "ab")
127 , test "many-char-eof" $$(P.runParser $ P.many (P.char 'r') P.<* P.eof)
128 , test "eof" $$(P.runParser $ P.eof)
129 , test "eof-fail" $$(P.runParser $ P.eof)
130 , test "alt-char-fail" $$(P.runParser $ P.char 'a' P.<|> P.char 'b')
131 , test "many-char-fail" $$(P.runParser $ P.many (P.char 'a') P.<* P.char 'b')
132 , test "many-oneOf" $$(P.runParser $ P.many (P.oneOf ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) P.<* P.eof)
133 ]
135 -- | Resetting 'TH.counter' makes 'makeLetName' deterministic,
136 -- except when GHC or executable flags change, like profiling
137 -- or even --accept unfortunately,
138 -- in those case the 'goldensMachine' tests may fail
139 -- due to a different numbering of the 'def' and 'ref' combinators.
140 -- Hence 'ShowLetName' is used with 'False'.
141 resetTHNameCounter :: IO ()
142 resetTHNameCounter = IORef.writeIORef TH.counter 0
144 -- * Golden testing utilities
146 diffGolden :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
147 diffGolden ref new = ["diff", "-u", ref, new]
149 unLeft :: Either String BSL.ByteString -> IO BSL.ByteString
150 unLeft = \case
151 Left err -> return $ TL.encodeUtf8 $ TL.pack err
152 Right a -> return a