]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/View.hs
machine: remove horizonStack and experiment with alwaysRaise
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / View.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.View where
4 import Data.Bool (Bool)
5 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
6 import Data.Function (($), (.), id, on)
7 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
8 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
9 import Data.String (String)
10 import Data.Tuple (fst)
11 import Language.Haskell.TH.HideName
12 import Text.Show (Show(..))
13 import qualified Data.Functor as Functor
14 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
15 import qualified Data.List as List
16 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
18 import Symantic.ObserveSharing
19 import Symantic.Optimize (normalOrderReduction)
20 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators
21 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.ObserveSharing
22 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Production as Prod
24 -- * Type 'ViewGrammar'
25 newtype ViewGrammar (showName::Bool) a = ViewGrammar { unViewGrammar ::
26 Tree.Tree (String, String) }
28 viewGrammar :: ViewGrammar sN a -> ViewGrammar sN a
29 viewGrammar = id
31 showProduction :: Prod.Production a -> String
32 showProduction p = showsPrec 10 (normalOrderReduction (Prod.prodCode p)) ""
34 instance Show (ViewGrammar sN a) where
35 show = List.unlines . draw . unViewGrammar
36 where
37 draw :: Tree.Tree (String, String) -> [String]
38 draw (Tree.Node (x, n) ts0) =
39 (List.zipWith (<>) (List.lines x) (n : List.repeat "")) <>
40 (drawTrees ts0)
41 drawTrees [] = []
42 drawTrees [t] = shift "` " " " (draw t)
43 drawTrees (t:ts) = shift "+ " "| " (draw t) <> drawTrees ts
44 shift ind0 ind = List.zipWith (<>) (ind0 : List.repeat ind)
46 instance CombAlternable (ViewGrammar sN) where
47 empty = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("empty", "") []
48 alt exn x y = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node
49 ("<|>" <> if exn == ExceptionFailure then "" else ("^"<>show exn), "")
50 [unViewGrammar x, unViewGrammar y]
51 throw exn = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("throw "<>show exn, "") []
52 failure _sf = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("failure", "") []
53 try x = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("try", "") [unViewGrammar x]
54 instance CombApplicable (ViewGrammar sN) where
55 _f <$> x = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("<$>", "") [unViewGrammar x]
56 pure a = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("pure "<>showProduction a, "") []
57 x <*> y = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("<*>", "") [unViewGrammar x, unViewGrammar y]
58 x <* y = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("<*", "") [unViewGrammar x, unViewGrammar y]
59 x *> y = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("*>", "") [unViewGrammar x, unViewGrammar y]
60 instance CombFoldable (ViewGrammar sN) where
61 chainPre f x = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("chainPre", "") [unViewGrammar f, unViewGrammar x]
62 chainPost x f = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("chainPost", "") [unViewGrammar x, unViewGrammar f]
63 instance
64 ( Show letName
65 , HideName letName
66 , HideableName sN
67 ) => Referenceable letName (ViewGrammar sN) where
68 ref isRec name = ViewGrammar $
69 Tree.Node
70 ( if isRec then "rec" else "ref"
71 , " "<>show (hideableName @sN name)
72 ) []
73 instance
74 ( Show letName
75 , HideName letName
76 , HideableName sN
77 ) => Letsable letName (ViewGrammar sN) where
78 lets defs x = ViewGrammar $
79 Tree.Node ("lets", "") $
80 (<> [unViewGrammar x]) $
81 List.sortBy (compare `on` (((fst Functor.<$>) Functor.<$>) . Tree.levels)) $
82 HM.foldrWithKey'
83 (\name (SomeLet val) ->
84 (Tree.Node ("let", " "<>show (hideableName @sN name)) [unViewGrammar val] :))
85 [] defs
86 instance CombLookable (ViewGrammar sN) where
87 look x = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("look", "") [unViewGrammar x]
88 negLook x = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("negLook", "") [unViewGrammar x]
89 eof = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("eof", "") []
90 instance CombMatchable (ViewGrammar sN) where
91 conditional a bs d = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("conditional", "")
92 $ Tree.Node ("condition", "") [unViewGrammar a]
93 : Tree.Node ("default", "") [unViewGrammar d]
94 : ((\(p,b) -> Tree.Node ("branch "<>showProduction p, "") [unViewGrammar b]) Functor.<$> bs)
95 instance CombSatisfiable tok (ViewGrammar sN) where
96 satisfyOrFail _fs p = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node
97 ("satisfy "<>showProduction p, "") []
98 instance CombSelectable (ViewGrammar sN) where
99 branch lr l r = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("branch", "")
100 [ unViewGrammar lr, unViewGrammar l, unViewGrammar r ]
101 instance CombRegisterableUnscoped (ViewGrammar sN) where
102 newUnscoped r x y = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("new "<>show r, "") [ unViewGrammar x, unViewGrammar y ]
103 getUnscoped r = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("get "<>show r, "") [ ]
104 putUnscoped r x = ViewGrammar $ Tree.Node ("put "<>show r, "") [ unViewGrammar x ]