]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/Dump.hs
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[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / Dump.hs
1 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Dump where
3 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
4 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
5 import Data.String (String, IsString(..))
6 import Text.Show (Show(..))
7 import qualified Control.Applicative as Fct
8 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
9 import qualified Data.List as List
11 import Symantic.Univariant.Letable
12 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators
14 -- * Type 'DumpComb'
15 newtype DumpComb a = DumpComb { unDumpComb :: Tree.Tree String }
17 dumpComb :: DumpComb a -> DumpComb a
18 dumpComb = id
20 instance Show (DumpComb a) where
21 show = drawTree . unDumpComb
22 where
23 drawTree :: Tree.Tree String -> String
24 drawTree = List.unlines . draw
25 draw :: Tree.Tree String -> [String]
26 draw (Tree.Node x ts0) = List.lines x <> drawSubTrees ts0
27 where
28 drawSubTrees [] = []
29 drawSubTrees [t] = shift "` " " " (draw t)
30 drawSubTrees (t:ts) = shift "+ " "| " (draw t) <> drawSubTrees ts
31 shift first other = List.zipWith (<>) (first : List.repeat other)
32 instance IsString (DumpComb a) where
33 fromString s = DumpComb $ Tree.Node (fromString s) []
35 instance Show letName => Letable letName DumpComb where
36 def name x = DumpComb $
37 Tree.Node ("def "<>show name) [unDumpComb x]
38 ref rec name = DumpComb $
39 Tree.Node
40 ( (if rec then "rec " else "ref ")
41 <> show name
42 ) []
43 instance Applicable DumpComb where
44 _f <$> x = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "<$>" [unDumpComb x]
45 pure a = DumpComb $ Tree.Node ("pure "<>showsPrec 10 a "") []
46 x <*> y = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "<*>" [unDumpComb x, unDumpComb y]
47 instance Alternable DumpComb where
48 empty = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "empty" []
49 x <|> y = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "<|>" [unDumpComb x, unDumpComb y]
50 try x = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "try" [unDumpComb x]
51 instance Charable DumpComb where
52 satisfy _p = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "satisfy" []
53 instance Selectable DumpComb where
54 branch lr l r = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "branch"
55 [ unDumpComb lr, unDumpComb l, unDumpComb r ]
56 instance Matchable DumpComb where
57 conditional _cs bs a b = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "conditional"
58 [ Tree.Node "bs" (unDumpComb Fct.<$> bs)
59 , unDumpComb a
60 , unDumpComb b
61 ]
62 instance Lookable DumpComb where
63 look x = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "look" [unDumpComb x]
64 negLook x = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "negLook" [unDumpComb x]
65 instance Foldable DumpComb where
66 chainPre f x = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "chainPre" [unDumpComb f, unDumpComb x]
67 chainPost x f = DumpComb $ Tree.Node "chainPost" [unDumpComb x, unDumpComb f]