]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Machine/Generate.hs
remove useless benchmarks
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Machine / Generate.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} -- For NFData instances
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- For NFData instances
4 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} -- For Show (ParsingError inp)
5 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} -- For Dict
6 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} -- For nextInput
9 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- For Show (ParsingError inp)
10 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
11 module Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate where
13 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
14 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
15 import Data.Bool (Bool)
16 import Data.Char (Char)
17 import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
18 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
19 import Data.Foldable (foldMap', toList, null)
20 import Data.Function (($), (.), id, const, on)
21 import Data.Functor (Functor, (<$>), (<$))
22 import Data.Int (Int)
23 import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
24 import Data.Map (Map)
25 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
26 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
27 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
28 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
29 import Data.Set (Set)
30 import Data.String (String)
31 import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..))
32 import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
33 import Data.Word (Word8)
34 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
35 import Language.Haskell.TH (CodeQ)
36 import Prelude ((+), (-), error)
37 import Text.Show (Show(..))
38 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
39 import qualified Data.List as List
40 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
41 import qualified Data.Map.Internal as Map_
42 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
43 import qualified Data.Set as Set
44 import qualified Data.Set.Internal as Set_
45 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
46 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
48 import Symantic.Univariant.Letable
49 import Symantic.Univariant.Trans
50 import Symantic.Univariant.Optim
51 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators (Exception(..), Failure(..), SomeFailure(..), inputTokenProxy)
52 import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input
53 import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Instructions
54 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Production as Prod
55 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.HideName as TH
56 import qualified Symantic.Univariant.Data as H
57 import qualified Symantic.Univariant.Lang as H
59 --import Debug.Trace
61 genCode :: Splice a -> CodeQ a
62 genCode = trans
64 -- * Type 'Gen'
65 -- | Generate the 'CodeQ' parsing the input.
66 data Gen inp vs a = Gen
67 { genAnalysisByLet :: LetMapFix (CallTrace -> GenAnalysis)
68 -- ^ 'genAnalysis' for each 'defLet' and 'defJoin' of the 'Machine'.
69 , genAnalysis :: LetMapTo (CallTrace -> GenAnalysis)
70 -- ^ Synthetized (bottom-up) static genAnalysis of the 'Machine'.
71 , unGen ::
72 GenCtx inp vs a ->
73 CodeQ (Either (ParsingError inp) a)
74 }
76 -- | @('generateCode' input mach)@ generates @TemplateHaskell@ code
77 -- parsing the given 'input' according to the given 'Machine'.
78 generateCode ::
79 {-
80 Eq (InputToken inp) =>
81 NFData (InputToken inp) =>
82 Show (InputToken inp) =>
83 Typeable (InputToken inp) =>
84 TH.Lift (InputToken inp) =>
85 -}
86 -- InputToken inp ~ Char =>
87 Inputable inp =>
88 Show (Cursor inp) =>
89 Gen inp '[] a ->
90 CodeQ (inp -> Either (ParsingError inp) a)
91 generateCode k = [|| \(input :: inp) ->
92 -- Pattern bindings containing unlifted types
93 -- should use an outermost bang pattern.
94 let !(# init, readMore, readNext #) = $$(cursorOf [||input||])
95 finalRet = \_farInp _farExp v _inp -> Right v
96 finalRaise :: forall b. (Catcher inp b)
97 = \ !exn _failInp !farInp !farExp ->
98 Left ParsingErrorStandard
99 { parsingErrorOffset = offset farInp
100 , parsingErrorException = exn
101 , parsingErrorUnexpected =
102 if readMore farInp
103 then Just (let (# c, _ #) = readNext farInp in c)
104 else Nothing
105 , parsingErrorExpecting = farExp
106 }
107 in
108 $$(
109 let defInputTokenProxy exprCode =
110 TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ do
111 value <- TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode [||Proxy :: Proxy (InputToken inp)||]
112 expr <- TH.unTypeQ (TH.examineCode exprCode)
113 return $ TH.LetE [
114 TH.FunD inputTokenProxy [TH.Clause [] (TH.NormalB value) []]
115 ] expr
116 in defInputTokenProxy $
117 unGen k GenCtx
118 { valueStack = ValueStackEmpty
119 , catchStackByLabel = Map.empty
120 , defaultCatch = [||finalRaise||]
121 , callStack = []
122 , retCode = [||finalRet||]
123 , input = [||init||]
124 , nextInput = [||readNext||]
125 , moreInput = [||readMore||]
126 -- , farthestError = [||Nothing||]
127 , farthestInput = [||init||]
128 , farthestExpecting = [||Set.empty||]
129 , checkedHorizon = 0
130 , horizonStack = []
131 , finalGenAnalysisByLet = runGenAnalysis (genAnalysisByLet k)
132 }
133 )
134 ||]
135 where
137 -- ** Type 'ParsingError'
138 data ParsingError inp
139 = ParsingErrorStandard
140 { parsingErrorOffset :: Offset
141 , parsingErrorException :: Exception
142 -- | Note that if an 'FailureHorizon' greater than 1
143 -- is amongst the 'parsingErrorExpecting'
144 -- then this is only the 'InputToken'
145 -- at the begining of the expected 'Horizon'.
146 , parsingErrorUnexpected :: Maybe (InputToken inp)
147 , parsingErrorExpecting :: Set SomeFailure
148 } deriving (Generic)
149 deriving instance Show (InputToken inp) => Show (ParsingError inp)
150 deriving instance NFData (InputToken inp) => NFData (ParsingError inp)
152 -- ** Type 'ErrorLabel'
153 type ErrorLabel = String
155 -- * Type 'GenAnalysis'
156 data GenAnalysis = GenAnalysis
157 { minReads :: Either Exception Horizon
158 , mayRaise :: Map Exception ()
159 } deriving (Show)
161 -- | Tie the knot between mutually recursive 'TH.Name's
162 -- introduced by 'defLet' and 'defJoin'.
163 -- and provide the empty initial 'CallTrace' stack
164 runGenAnalysis ::
165 LetMapFix (CallTrace -> GenAnalysis) ->
166 LetMap GenAnalysis
167 runGenAnalysis ga = (($ []) <$>) $ polyfix ga
169 -- | Poly-variadic fixpoint combinator.
170 -- Used to express mutual recursion and to transparently introduce memoization,
171 -- more precisely to "tie the knot"
172 -- between observed sharing ('defLet', 'call', 'jump')
173 -- and also between join points ('defJoin', 'refJoin').
174 -- Because it's enough for its usage here,
175 -- all mutually dependent functions are restricted to the same polymorphic type @(a)@.
176 -- See http://okmij.org/ftp/Computation/fixed-point-combinators.html#Poly-variadic
177 polyfix :: Functor f => f (f a -> a) -> f a
178 polyfix fs = fix $ \finals -> ($ finals) <$> fs
180 fix :: (a -> a) -> a
181 fix f = final where final = f final
183 type LetMap = HM.HashMap TH.Name
184 type LetMapTo a = LetMap a -> a
185 type LetMapFix a = LetMap (LetMap a -> a)
187 -- | Call trace stack updated by 'call' and 'refJoin'.
188 -- Used to avoid infinite loops when tying the knot with 'polyfix'.
189 type CallTrace = [TH.Name]
191 -- ** Type 'Offset'
192 type Offset = Int
193 -- ** Type 'Horizon'
194 -- | Minimal input length required for a successful parsing.
195 type Horizon = Offset
197 -- altGenAnalysis = List.foldl' (\acc x -> either Left (\h -> Right (either (const h) (min h) acc)) x)
198 -- | Merge given 'GenAnalysis' as sequences.
199 seqGenAnalysis :: NonEmpty GenAnalysis -> GenAnalysis
200 seqGenAnalysis aas@(a:|as) = GenAnalysis
201 { minReads = List.foldl' (\acc x ->
202 acc >>= \r -> (r +) <$> minReads x
203 ) (minReads a) as
204 , mayRaise = sconcat (mayRaise <$> aas)
205 }
206 -- | Merge given 'GenAnalysis' as alternatives.
207 altGenAnalysis :: NonEmpty GenAnalysis -> GenAnalysis
208 altGenAnalysis aas@(a:|as) = GenAnalysis
209 { minReads = List.foldl' (\acc x ->
210 either
211 (\l -> either (const (Left l)) Right)
212 (\r -> either (const (Right r)) (Right . min r))
213 acc (minReads x)
214 ) (minReads a) as
215 , mayRaise = sconcat (mayRaise <$> aas)
216 }
219 {-
220 -- *** Type 'FarthestError'
221 data FarthestError inp = FarthestError
222 { farthestInput :: Cursor inp
223 , farthestExpecting :: [Failure (InputToken inp)]
224 }
225 -}
227 -- ** Type 'GenCtx'
228 -- | This is an inherited (top-down) context
229 -- only present at compile-time, to build TemplateHaskell splices.
230 data GenCtx inp vs a =
231 ( Cursorable (Cursor inp)
232 {-
233 , TH.Lift (InputToken inp)
234 , Show (InputToken inp)
235 , Eq (InputToken inp)
236 , Typeable (InputToken inp)
237 , NFData (InputToken inp)
238 -}
239 ) => GenCtx
240 { valueStack :: ValueStack vs
241 , catchStackByLabel :: Map Exception (NonEmpty (CodeQ (Catcher inp a)))
242 -- | Default 'Catcher' defined at the begining of the generated 'CodeQ',
243 -- hence a constant within the 'Gen'eration.
244 , defaultCatch :: forall b. CodeQ (Catcher inp b)
245 -- | Used by 'checkToken' to get 'GenAnalysis' from 'genAnalysis'.
246 , callStack :: [TH.Name]
247 , retCode :: CodeQ (Cont inp a a)
248 , input :: CodeQ (Cursor inp)
249 , moreInput :: CodeQ (Cursor inp -> Bool)
250 , nextInput :: CodeQ (Cursor inp -> (# InputToken inp, Cursor inp #))
251 , farthestInput :: CodeQ (Cursor inp)
252 , farthestExpecting :: CodeQ (Set SomeFailure)
253 -- | Remaining horizon already checked.
254 -- Use to factorize 'input' length checks,
255 -- instead of checking the 'input' length
256 -- one 'InputToken' at a time at each 'read'.
257 -- Updated by 'checkHorizon'
258 -- and reset elsewhere when needed.
259 , checkedHorizon :: Horizon
260 -- | Used by 'pushInput' and 'loadInput'
261 -- to restore the 'Horizon' at the restored 'input'.
262 , horizonStack :: [Horizon]
263 -- | Output of 'runGenAnalysis'.
264 , finalGenAnalysisByLet :: LetMap GenAnalysis
265 }
267 -- ** Type 'ValueStack'
268 data ValueStack vs where
269 ValueStackEmpty :: ValueStack '[]
270 ValueStackCons ::
271 { valueStackHead :: Splice v
272 , valueStackTail :: ValueStack vs
273 } -> ValueStack (v ': vs)
275 instance InstrValuable Gen where
276 pushValue x k = k
277 { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.pushValue" $-} unGen k ctx
278 { valueStack = ValueStackCons x (valueStack ctx) }
279 }
280 popValue k = k
281 { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.popValue" $-} unGen k ctx
282 { valueStack = valueStackTail (valueStack ctx) }
283 }
284 lift2Value f k = k
285 { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.lift2Value" $-} unGen k ctx
286 { valueStack =
287 let ValueStackCons y (ValueStackCons x vs) = valueStack ctx in
288 ValueStackCons (f H..@ x H..@ y) vs
289 }
290 }
291 swapValue k = k
292 { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.swapValue" $-} unGen k ctx
293 { valueStack =
294 let ValueStackCons y (ValueStackCons x vs) = valueStack ctx in
295 ValueStackCons x (ValueStackCons y vs)
296 }
297 }
298 instance InstrBranchable Gen where
299 caseBranch kx ky = Gen
300 { genAnalysisByLet = genAnalysisByLet kx <> genAnalysisByLet ky
301 , genAnalysis = \final ct -> altGenAnalysis $ genAnalysis kx final ct :| [genAnalysis ky final ct]
302 , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.caseBranch" $-}
303 let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in
304 [||
305 case $$(genCode v) of
306 Left x -> $$(unGen kx ctx{ valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||x||]) vs })
307 Right y -> $$(unGen ky ctx{ valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||y||]) vs })
308 ||]
309 }
310 choicesBranch fs ks kd = Gen
311 { genAnalysisByLet = sconcat $ genAnalysisByLet kd :| (genAnalysisByLet <$> ks)
312 , genAnalysis = \final ct -> altGenAnalysis $ (\k -> genAnalysis k final ct) <$> (kd:|ks)
313 , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.choicesBranch" $-}
314 let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in
315 go ctx{valueStack = vs} v fs ks
316 }
317 where
318 go ctx x (f:fs') (k:ks') = [||
319 if $$(genCode (normalOrderReduction (f H..@ x)))
320 then
321 let _ = "choicesBranch.then" in
322 $$({-trace "unGen.choicesBranch.k" $-} unGen k ctx)
323 else
324 let _ = "choicesBranch.else" in
325 $$(go ctx x fs' ks')
326 ||]
327 go ctx _ _ _ = unGen kd ctx
328 instance InstrExceptionable Gen where
329 raise exn = Gen
330 { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty
331 , genAnalysis = \_final _ct -> GenAnalysis
332 { minReads = Left (ExceptionLabel exn)
333 , mayRaise = Map.singleton (ExceptionLabel exn) ()
334 }
335 , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.raise: "<>show exn) $-} [||
336 $$(raiseException ctx (ExceptionLabel exn))
337 (ExceptionLabel $$(TH.liftTyped exn))
338 {-failInp-}$$(input ctx)
339 {-farInp-}$$(input ctx)
340 $$(farthestExpecting ctx)
341 ||]
342 }
343 fail fs = Gen
344 { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty
345 , genAnalysis = \_final _ct -> GenAnalysis
346 { minReads = Left ExceptionFailure
347 , mayRaise = Map.singleton ExceptionFailure ()
348 }
349 , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.fail: "<>show exn) $-}
350 if null fs
351 then [|| -- Raise without updating the farthest error.
352 $$(raiseException ctx ExceptionFailure)
353 ExceptionFailure
354 {-failInp-}$$(input ctx)
355 $$(farthestInput ctx)
356 $$(farthestExpecting ctx)
357 ||]
358 else raiseFailure ctx [||fs||]
359 }
360 commit exn k = k
361 { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace ("unGen.commit: "<>show exn) $-}
362 unGen k ctx{catchStackByLabel =
363 Map.update (\case
364 _r0:|(r1:rs) -> Just (r1:|rs)
365 _ -> Nothing
366 )
367 exn (catchStackByLabel ctx)
368 }
369 }
370 catch exn ok ko = Gen
371 { genAnalysisByLet = genAnalysisByLet ok <> genAnalysisByLet ko
372 , genAnalysis = \final ct ->
373 let okGA = genAnalysis ok final ct in
374 altGenAnalysis $
375 okGA{ mayRaise = Map.delete exn (mayRaise okGA) } :|
376 [ genAnalysis ko final ct ]
377 , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.catch: "<>show exn) $-} [||
378 let _ = $$(liftTypedString ("catch "<>show exn)) in
379 let catchHandler !_exn !failInp !farInp !farExp =
380 let _ = $$(liftTypedString ("catch.ko "<>show exn)) in
381 $$({-trace ("unGen.catch.ko: "<>show exn) $-} unGen ko ctx
382 -- Push 'input' and 'checkedHorizon'
383 -- as they were when entering 'catch',
384 -- they will be available to 'loadInput', if any.
385 { valueStack =
386 ValueStackCons (splice (input ctx)) $
387 --ValueStackCons (H.Term [||exn||]) $
388 valueStack ctx
389 , horizonStack =
390 checkedHorizon ctx : horizonStack ctx
391 -- Note that 'catchStackByLabel' is reset.
392 -- Move the input to the failing position.
393 , input = [||failInp||]
394 -- The 'checkedHorizon' at the 'raise's are not known here.
395 -- Nor whether 'failInp' is after 'checkedHorizon' or not.
396 -- Hence fallback to a safe value.
397 , checkedHorizon = 0
398 -- Set the farthestInput to the farthest computed in 'fail'.
399 , farthestInput = [||farInp||]
400 , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||]
401 })
402 in
403 $$({-trace ("unGen.catch.ok: "<>show es) $-} unGen ok ctx
404 { catchStackByLabel =
405 Map.insertWith (<>) exn
406 (NE.singleton [||catchHandler||])
407 (catchStackByLabel ctx)
408 }
409 ) ||]
410 }
411 instance InstrInputable Gen where
412 pushInput k = k
413 { unGen = \ctx ->
414 {-trace "unGen.pushInput" $-}
415 unGen k ctx
416 { valueStack = splice (input ctx) `ValueStackCons` valueStack ctx
417 , horizonStack = checkedHorizon ctx : horizonStack ctx
418 }
419 }
420 loadInput k = k
421 { unGen = \ctx ->
422 {-trace "unGen.loadInput" $-}
423 let ValueStackCons input vs = valueStack ctx in
424 let (h, hs) = case horizonStack ctx of
425 [] -> (0, [])
426 x:xs -> (x, xs) in
427 unGen k ctx
428 { valueStack = vs
429 , horizonStack = hs
430 , input = genCode input
431 , checkedHorizon = h
432 }
433 , genAnalysis = \final ct -> GenAnalysis
434 { minReads = 0 <$ minReads (genAnalysis k final ct)
435 , mayRaise = mayRaise (genAnalysis k final ct)
436 }
437 }
438 instance InstrCallable Gen where
439 defLet defs k = k
440 { unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} ->
441 {-trace ("unGen.defLet: defs="<>show (HM.keys defs)) $-}
442 TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ do
443 decls <- traverse (makeDecl ctx) (HM.toList defs)
444 body <- TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $
445 {-trace "unGen.defLet.body" $-}
446 unGen k ctx
447 return $ TH.LetE (
448 -- | Try to output more deterministic code to be able to golden test it,
449 -- at the cost of more computations (at compile-time only though).
450 List.sortBy (compare `on` TH.hideName) $
451 toList decls
452 ) body
453 , genAnalysisByLet =
454 foldMap' (\(SomeLet sub) -> genAnalysisByLet sub) defs <>
455 ((\(SomeLet sub) -> genAnalysis sub) <$> defs) <>
456 genAnalysisByLet k
457 }
458 where
459 makeDecl ctx (n, SomeLet sub) = do
460 body <- TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $ [|| -- buildRec in Parsley
461 -- Called by 'call' or 'jump'.
462 \ !ok{-from generateSuspend or retCode-}
463 !inp
464 !koByLabel{- 'catchStackByLabel' from the 'call'-site -} ->
465 $$({-trace ("unGen.defLet.sub: "<>show n) $-} unGen sub ctx
466 { valueStack = ValueStackEmpty
467 -- Build a 'catchStackByLabel' from the one available at the 'call'-site.
468 -- Note that all the 'mayRaise' of the 'sub'routine may not be available,
469 -- hence 'Map.findWithDefault' is used instead of 'Map.!'.
470 , catchStackByLabel = Map.mapWithKey
471 (\lbl () -> NE.singleton [||Map.findWithDefault $$(defaultCatch ctx) lbl koByLabel||])
472 ({-trace ("mayRaise: "<>show n) $-}
473 mayRaise (finalGenAnalysisByLet ctx HM.! n))
474 , input = [||inp||]
475 , retCode = {-trace ("unGen.defLet.sub.retCode: "<>show n) $-} [||ok||]
477 -- These are passed by the caller via 'ok' or 'ko'
478 -- , farthestInput =
479 -- , farthestExpecting =
481 -- Some callers can call this 'defLet'
482 -- with zero 'checkedHorizon', hence use this minimum.
483 -- TODO: maybe it could be improved a bit
484 -- by taking the minimum of the checked horizons
485 -- before all the 'call's and 'jump's to this 'defLet'.
486 , checkedHorizon = 0
487 })
488 ||]
489 let decl = TH.FunD n [TH.Clause [] (TH.NormalB body) []]
490 return decl
491 jump (LetName n) = Gen
492 { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty
493 , genAnalysis = \final ct ->
494 if n`List.elem`ct
495 then GenAnalysis
496 { minReads = Right 0
497 , mayRaise = Map.empty
498 }
499 else (final HM.! n) (n:ct)
500 , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace ("unGen.jump: "<>show n) $-} [||
501 let _ = "jump" in
502 $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE n)))
503 {-ok-}$$(retCode ctx)
504 $$(input ctx)
505 $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel $
506 catchStackByLabel ctx
507 -- Pass only the labels raised by the 'defLet'.
508 `Map.intersection`
509 (mayRaise $ finalGenAnalysisByLet ctx HM.! n)
510 )
511 ||]
512 }
513 call (LetName n) k = k
514 { genAnalysis = \final ct ->
515 if n`List.elem`ct
516 then GenAnalysis
517 { minReads = Right 0
518 , mayRaise = Map.empty
519 }
520 else seqGenAnalysis $
521 (final HM.! n) (n:ct) :|
522 [ genAnalysis k final ct ]
523 , unGen = {-trace ("unGen.call: "<>show n) $-} \ctx ->
524 -- let ks = (Map.keys (catchStackByLabel ctx)) in
525 [||
526 -- let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "call exceptByLet("<>show n<>")="<>show (Map.keys (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty n (exceptByLet ctx))) <> " catchStackByLabel(ctx)="<> show ks) in
527 $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE n)))
528 {-ok-}$$(generateSuspend k ctx{callStack = n : callStack ctx})
529 $$(input ctx)
530 $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel $
531 catchStackByLabel ctx
532 -- Pass only the labels raised by the 'defLet'.
533 `Map.intersection`
534 (mayRaise $ finalGenAnalysisByLet ctx HM.! n)
535 )
536 ||]
537 }
538 ret = Gen
539 { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty
540 , genAnalysis = \_final _ct -> GenAnalysis
541 { minReads = Right 0
542 , mayRaise = Map.empty
543 }
544 , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.ret" $-} unGen ({-trace "unGen.ret.generateResume" $-} generateResume ({-trace "unGen.ret.retCode" $-} retCode ctx)) ctx
545 }
547 -- | Like 'TH.liftString' but on 'TH.Code'.
548 -- Useful to get a 'TH.StringL' instead of a 'TH.ListE'.
549 liftTypedString :: String -> TH.Code TH.Q a
550 liftTypedString = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce . TH.liftString
552 -- | Like 'TH.liftTyped' but adjusted to work on 'catchStackByLabel'
553 -- which already contains 'CodeQ' terms.
554 -- Moreover, only the 'Catcher' at the top of the stack
555 -- is needed and thus generated in the resulting 'CodeQ'.
556 --
557 -- TODO: Use an 'Array' instead of a 'Map'?
558 liftTypedRaiseByLabel :: TH.Lift k => Map k (NonEmpty (CodeQ a)) -> CodeQ (Map k a)
559 liftTypedRaiseByLabel Map_.Tip = [|| Map_.Tip ||]
560 liftTypedRaiseByLabel (Map_.Bin s k (h:|_hs) l r) =
561 [|| Map_.Bin s k $$h $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel l) $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel r) ||]
563 instance TH.Lift a => TH.Lift (Set a) where
564 liftTyped Set_.Tip = [|| Set_.Tip ||]
565 liftTyped (Set_.Bin s a l r) = [|| Set_.Bin $$(TH.liftTyped s) $$(TH.liftTyped a) $$(TH.liftTyped l) $$(TH.liftTyped r) ||]
567 -- ** Type 'Cont'
568 type Cont inp v a =
569 {-farthestInput-}Cursor inp ->
570 {-farthestExpecting-}(Set SomeFailure) ->
571 v ->
572 Cursor inp ->
573 Either (ParsingError inp) a
575 -- | Generate a 'retCode' 'Cont'inuation to be called with 'generateResume'.
576 -- Used when 'call' 'ret'urns.
577 -- The return 'v'alue is 'pushValue'-ed on the 'valueStack'.
578 generateSuspend ::
579 {-k-}Gen inp (v ': vs) a ->
580 GenCtx inp vs a ->
581 CodeQ (Cont inp v a)
582 generateSuspend k ctx = [||
583 let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "suspend") in
584 \farInp farExp v !inp ->
585 $$({-trace "unGen.generateSuspend" $-} unGen k ctx
586 { valueStack = ValueStackCons ({-trace "unGen.generateSuspend.value" $-} splice [||v||]) (valueStack ctx)
587 , input = [||inp||]
588 , farthestInput = [||farInp||]
589 , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||]
590 , checkedHorizon = 0
591 }
592 )
593 ||]
595 -- | Generate a call to the 'generateSuspend' continuation.
596 -- Used when 'call' 'ret'urns.
597 generateResume ::
598 CodeQ (Cont inp v a) ->
599 Gen inp (v ': vs) a
600 generateResume k = Gen
601 { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty
602 , genAnalysis = \_final _ct -> GenAnalysis
603 { minReads = Right 0
604 , mayRaise = Map.empty
605 }
606 , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.generateResume" $-} [||
607 let _ = "resume" in
608 $$k
609 $$(farthestInput ctx)
610 $$(farthestExpecting ctx)
611 (let _ = "resume.genCode" in $$({-trace "unGen.generateResume.genCode" $-}
612 genCode $ normalOrderReduction $ valueStackHead $ valueStack ctx))
613 $$(input ctx)
614 ||]
615 }
617 -- ** Type 'Catcher'
618 type Catcher inp a =
619 Exception ->
620 {-failInp-}Cursor inp ->
621 {-farInp-}Cursor inp ->
622 {-farExp-}(Set SomeFailure) ->
623 Either (ParsingError inp) a
625 instance InstrJoinable Gen where
626 defJoin (LetName n) sub k = k
627 { unGen =
628 \ctx ->
629 {-trace ("unGen.defJoin: "<>show n) $-}
630 TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ do
631 next <- TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $ [||
632 -- Called by 'generateResume'.
633 \farInp farExp v !inp ->
634 $$({-trace ("unGen.defJoin.next: "<>show n) $-} unGen sub ctx
635 { valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||v||]) (valueStack ctx)
636 , input = [||inp||]
637 , farthestInput = [||farInp||]
638 , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||]
639 , checkedHorizon = 0
640 {- FIXME:
641 , catchStackByLabel = Map.mapWithKey
642 (\lbl () -> NE.singleton [||koByLabel Map.! lbl||])
643 (mayRaise sub raiseLabelsByLetButSub)
644 -}
645 })
646 ||]
647 let decl = TH.FunD n [TH.Clause [] (TH.NormalB next) []]
648 expr <- TH.unTypeQ (TH.examineCode ({-trace ("unGen.defJoin.expr: "<>show n) $-} unGen k ctx))
649 return (TH.LetE [decl] expr)
650 , genAnalysisByLet =
651 (genAnalysisByLet sub <>) $
652 HM.insert n (genAnalysis sub) $
653 genAnalysisByLet k
654 }
655 refJoin (LetName n) = Gen
656 { unGen = \ctx ->
657 {-trace ("unGen.refJoin: "<>show n) $-}
658 unGen (generateResume
659 (TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE n)))) ctx
660 , genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty
661 , genAnalysis = \final ct ->
662 if n`List.elem`ct -- FIXME: useless
663 then GenAnalysis
664 { minReads = Right 0
665 , mayRaise = Map.empty
666 }
667 else HM.findWithDefault
668 (error (show (n,ct,HM.keys final)))
669 n final (n:ct)
670 }
671 instance InstrReadable Char Gen where
672 read fs p = checkHorizon . checkToken fs p
673 instance InstrReadable Word8 Gen where
674 read fs p = checkHorizon . checkToken fs p
676 checkHorizon ::
677 forall inp vs a.
678 -- Those constraints are not used anyway
679 -- because (TH.Lift SomeFailure) uses 'inputTokenProxy'.
680 Eq (InputToken inp) =>
681 Show (InputToken inp) =>
682 TH.Lift (InputToken inp) =>
683 NFData (InputToken inp) =>
684 Typeable (InputToken inp) =>
685 {-ok-}Gen inp vs a ->
686 Gen inp vs a
687 checkHorizon ok = ok
688 { genAnalysis = \final ct -> seqGenAnalysis $
689 GenAnalysis { minReads = Right 1
690 , mayRaise = Map.singleton ExceptionFailure ()
691 } :|
692 [ genAnalysis ok final ct ]
693 , unGen = \ctx0@GenCtx{} ->
694 {-trace "unGen.checkHorizon" $-}
695 let raiseFail = raiseException ctx0 ExceptionFailure in
696 [||
697 -- Factorize generated code for raising the "fail".
698 let readFail = $$(raiseFail) in
699 $$(
700 let ctx = ctx0{catchStackByLabel =
701 Map.adjust (\(_r:|rs) -> [||readFail||] :| rs)
702 ExceptionFailure (catchStackByLabel ctx0)} in
703 if checkedHorizon ctx >= 1
704 then unGen ok ctx0{checkedHorizon = checkedHorizon ctx - 1}
705 else let minHoriz =
706 either (\err -> 0) id $
707 minReads $ finalGenAnalysis ctx ok in
708 [||
709 if $$(moreInput ctx)
710 $$(if minHoriz > 0
711 then [||$$shiftRight minHoriz $$(input ctx)||]
712 else input ctx)
713 then $$(unGen ok ctx{checkedHorizon = minHoriz})
714 else let _ = "checkHorizon.else" in
715 -- TODO: return a resuming continuation (eg. Partial)
716 $$(unGen (fail (Set.singleton $ SomeFailure $ FailureHorizon @(InputToken inp) (minHoriz + 1))) ctx)
717 ||]
718 )
719 ||]
720 }
722 -- | @('raiseFailure' ctx fs)@ raises 'ExceptionFailure'
723 -- with farthest parameters set to or updated with @(fs)@
724 -- according to the relative position of 'input' wrt. 'farthestInput'.
725 raiseFailure ::
726 Cursorable (Cursor inp) =>
727 GenCtx inp cs a ->
728 TH.CodeQ (Set SomeFailure) ->
729 TH.CodeQ (Either (ParsingError inp) a)
730 raiseFailure ctx fs = [||
731 let failExp = $$fs in
732 let (# farInp, farExp #) =
733 case $$compareOffset $$(farthestInput ctx) $$(input ctx) of
734 LT -> (# $$(input ctx), failExp #)
735 EQ -> (# $$(farthestInput ctx), failExp <> $$(farthestExpecting ctx) #)
736 GT -> (# $$(farthestInput ctx), $$(farthestExpecting ctx) #)
737 in $$(raiseException ctx ExceptionFailure)
738 ExceptionFailure
739 {-failInp-}$$(input ctx) farInp farExp
740 ||]
741 -- | @('raiseException' ctx exn)@ raises exception @(exn)@
742 -- using any entry in 'catchStackByLabel', or 'defaultCatch' if none.
743 raiseException ::
744 GenCtx inp vs a -> Exception ->
745 CodeQ (Exception -> Cursor inp -> Cursor inp -> Set SomeFailure -> Either (ParsingError inp) a)
746 raiseException ctx exn =
747 NE.head $ Map.findWithDefault
748 (NE.singleton (defaultCatch ctx))
749 exn (catchStackByLabel ctx)
751 finalGenAnalysis :: GenCtx inp vs a -> Gen inp cs a -> GenAnalysis
752 finalGenAnalysis ctx k =
753 --(\f -> f (error "callTrace")) $
754 (\f -> f (callStack ctx)) $
755 genAnalysis k $
756 ((\f _ct -> f) <$>) $
757 finalGenAnalysisByLet ctx
759 checkToken ::
760 Set SomeFailure ->
761 {-predicate-}Splice (InputToken inp -> Bool) ->
762 {-ok-}Gen inp (InputToken inp ': vs) a ->
763 Gen inp vs a
764 checkToken fs p ok = ok
765 { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.read" $-} [||
766 let !(# c, cs #) = $$(nextInput ctx) $$(input ctx) in
767 if $$(genCode p) c
768 then $$(unGen ok ctx
769 { valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||c||]) (valueStack ctx)
770 , input = [||cs||]
771 })
772 else let _ = "checkToken.else" in
773 $$(unGen (fail fs) ctx)
774 ||]
775 }