]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Grammar/Optimizations.hs
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Grammar / Optimizations.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
4 module Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Optimizations where
6 import Data.Bool (Bool)
7 import Data.Char (Char)
8 import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
9 import Prelude (undefined)
10 import qualified Data.Function as Function
11 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
12 import Data.Typeable
13 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
15 import Symantic.Base.Univariant
16 import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators
17 import Symantic.Parser.Staging hiding (Runtimeable(..), OptRuntime(..))
18 import qualified Symantic.Parser.Staging as S
19 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
21 -- * Type 'OptGram'
22 data OptGram repr a where
23 Pure :: Pure repr a -> OptGram repr a
24 Satisfy :: Pure repr (Char -> Bool) -> OptGram repr Char
25 Try :: OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr a
26 Look :: OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr a
27 NegLook :: OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr ()
28 (:<*>) :: OptGram repr (a -> b) -> OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr b
29 (:<*) :: OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr b -> OptGram repr a
30 (:*>) :: OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr b -> OptGram repr b
31 (:<|>) :: OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr a
32 Empty :: OptGram repr a
33 Branch :: OptGram repr (Either a b) -> OptGram repr (a -> c) -> OptGram repr (b -> c) -> OptGram repr c
35 pattern (:<$>) :: Pure repr (a -> b) -> OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr b
36 pattern (:$>) :: OptGram repr a -> Pure repr b -> OptGram repr b
37 pattern (:<$) :: Pure repr a -> OptGram repr b -> OptGram repr a
38 pattern x :<$> p = Pure x :<*> p
39 pattern p :$> x = p :*> Pure x
40 pattern x :<$ p = Pure x :<* p
42 infixl 3 :<|>
43 infixl 4 :<*>, :<*, :*>
44 infixl 4 :<$>, :<$, :$>
46 instance Applicable (OptGram repr) where
47 type Pure (OptGram repr) = Pure repr
48 pure = Pure
49 (<$>) f = (Pure f :<*>)
50 (<*>) = (:<*>)
51 (<*) = (:<*)
52 (*>) = (:*>)
53 instance Alternable (OptGram repr) where
54 (<|>) = (:<|>)
55 empty = Empty
56 try = Try
57 instance Selectable (OptGram repr) where
58 branch = Branch
59 instance Charable (OptGram repr) where
60 satisfy = Satisfy
61 instance Lookable (OptGram repr) where
62 look = Look
63 negLook = NegLook
64 type instance Unlift (OptGram repr) = repr
65 instance
66 ( Applicable repr
67 , Alternable repr
68 , Selectable repr
69 , Charable repr
70 , Lookable repr
71 ) => Unliftable (OptGram repr) where
72 unlift = \case
73 Pure a -> pure a
74 Satisfy p -> satisfy p
75 Try x -> try (unlift x)
76 Look x -> look (unlift x)
77 NegLook x -> negLook (unlift x)
78 x :<*> y -> unlift x <*> unlift y
79 x :<* y -> unlift x <* unlift y
80 x :*> y -> unlift x *> unlift y
81 x :<|> y -> unlift x <|> unlift y
82 Empty -> empty
83 Branch lr l r -> branch (unlift lr) (unlift l) (unlift r)
85 optGram ::
86 Pure repr ~ S.OptRuntime Runtime =>
87 OptGram repr a -> OptGram repr a
88 optGram = \case
89 -- Applicable Right Absorption Law
90 Empty :<*> _ -> Empty
91 Empty :*> _ -> Empty
92 Empty :<* _ -> Empty
93 -- Applicable Failure Weakening Law
94 u :<*> Empty -> optGram (u :*> Empty)
95 u :<* Empty -> optGram (u :*> Empty)
96 -- Branch Absorption Law
97 Branch Empty _ _ -> empty
98 -- Branch Weakening Law
99 Branch b Empty Empty -> optGram (b :*> Empty)
101 -- Applicable Identity Law
102 S.Id :<$> x -> x
103 -- Flip const optimisation
104 S.Flip S.:@ S.Const :<$> u -> optGram (u :*> Pure S.Id)
105 -- Homomorphism Law
106 f :<$> Pure x -> Pure (f S.:@ x)
107 -- Functor Composition Law
108 -- (a shortcut that could also have been be caught
109 -- by the Composition Law and Homomorphism law)
110 f :<$> (g :<$> p) -> optGram ((S.:.) S.:@ f S.:@ g :<$> p)
111 -- Composition Law
112 u :<*> (v :<*> w) -> optGram (optGram (optGram ((S.:.) :<$> u) :<*> v) :<*> w)
113 -- Definition of *>
114 S.Flip S.:@ S.Const :<$> p :<*> q -> p :*> q
115 -- Definition of <*
116 S.Const :<$> p :<*> q -> p :<* q
117 -- Reassociation Law 1
118 (u :*> v) :<*> w -> optGram (u :*> (optGram (v :<*> w)))
119 -- Interchange Law
120 u :<*> Pure x -> optGram (S.Flip S.:@ (S.:$) S.:@ x :<$> u)
121 -- Right Absorption Law
122 (_ :<$> p) :*> q -> p :*> q
123 -- Left Absorption Law
124 p :<* (_ :<$> q) -> p :<* q
125 -- Reassociation Law 2
126 u :<*> (v :<* w) -> optGram (optGram (u :<*> v) :<* w)
127 -- Reassociation Law 3
128 u :<*> (v :$> x) -> optGram (optGram (u :<*> Pure x) :<* v)
130 -- Left Catch Law
131 p@Pure{} :<|> _ -> p
132 -- Left Neutral Law
133 Empty :<|> u -> u
134 -- Right Neutral Law
135 u :<|> Empty -> u
136 -- Associativity Law
137 (u :<|> v) :<|> w -> u :<|> optGram (v :<|> w)
139 -- Identity law
140 Pure _ :*> u -> u
141 -- Identity law
142 (u :$> _) :*> v -> u :*> v
143 -- Associativity Law
144 u :*> (v :*> w) -> optGram (optGram (u :*> v) :*> w)
145 -- Identity law
146 u :<* Pure _ -> u
147 -- Identity law
148 u :<* (v :$> _) -> optGram (u :<* v)
149 -- Commutativity Law
150 x :<$ u -> optGram (u :$> x)
151 -- Associativity Law
152 (u :<* v) :<* w -> optGram (u :<* optGram (v :<* w))
154 -- Pure lookahead
155 Look p@Pure{} -> p
156 -- Dead lookahead
157 Look p@Empty -> p
158 -- Pure negative-lookahead
159 NegLook Pure{} -> Empty
161 -- Dead negative-lookahead
162 NegLook Empty -> Pure S.unit
163 -- Double Negation Law
164 NegLook (NegLook p) -> optGram (Look (Try p) :*> Pure S.unit)
165 -- Zero Consumption Law
166 NegLook (Try p) -> optGram (NegLook p)
167 -- Idempotence Law
168 Look (Look p) -> Look p
169 -- Right Identity Law
170 NegLook (Look p) -> optGram (NegLook p)
172 -- Left Identity Law
173 Look (NegLook p) -> NegLook p
174 -- Transparency Law
175 NegLook (Try p :<|> q) -> optGram (optGram (NegLook p) :*> optGram (NegLook q))
176 -- Distributivity Law
177 Look p :<|> Look q -> optGram (Look (optGram (Try p :<|> q)))
178 -- Interchange Law
179 Look (p :$> x) -> optGram (optGram (Look p) :$> x)
180 -- Interchange law
181 Look (f :<$> p) -> optGram (f :<$> optGram (Look p))
182 -- Absorption Law
183 p :<*> NegLook q -> optGram (optGram (p :<*> Pure S.unit) :<* NegLook q)
184 -- Idempotence Law
185 NegLook (p :$> _) -> optGram (NegLook p)
186 -- Idempotence Law
187 NegLook (_ :<$> p) -> optGram (NegLook p)
188 -- Interchange Law
189 Try (p :$> x) -> optGram (optGram (Try p) :$> x)
190 -- Interchange law
191 Try (f :<$> p) -> optGram (f :<$> optGram (Try p))
193 -- pure Left/Right laws
194 Branch (Pure (unlift -> lr)) l r ->
195 case getEval lr of
196 Left e -> optGram (l :<*> Pure (S.OptRuntime (Runtime (Eval e) c)))
197 where c = Code [|| case $$(getCode lr) of Left x -> x ||]
198 Right e -> optGram (r :<*> Pure (S.OptRuntime (Runtime (Eval e) c)))
199 where c = Code [|| case $$(getCode lr) of Right x -> x ||]
200 -- Generalised Identity law
201 Branch b (Pure (unlift -> l)) (Pure (unlift -> r)) ->
202 optGram (S.OptRuntime (Runtime e c) :<$> b)
203 where
204 e = Eval (either (getEval l) (getEval r))
205 c = Code [|| either $$(getCode l) $$(getCode r) ||]
206 -- Interchange law
207 Branch (x :*> y) p q ->
208 optGram (x :*> optGram (Branch y p q))
209 -- Negated Branch law
210 Branch b l Empty ->
211 Branch (Pure (S.OptRuntime (Runtime e c)) :<*> b) Empty l
212 where
213 e = Eval (either Right Left)
214 c = Code [||either Right Left||]
215 -- Branch Fusion law
216 Branch (Branch b Empty (Pure (unlift -> lr))) Empty br ->
217 optGram (Branch (optGram (Pure (S.OptRuntime (Runtime (Eval e) c)) :<*> b)) Empty br)
218 where
219 e Left{} = Left ()
220 e (Right r) = case getEval lr r of
221 Left _ -> Left ()
222 Right rr -> Right rr
223 c = Code [|| \case Left{} -> Left ()
224 Right r -> case $$(getCode lr) r of
225 Left _ -> Left ()
226 Right rr -> Right rr ||]
227 -- Distributivity Law
228 f :<$> Branch b l r -> optGram (Branch b (optGram ((S..@) (S..) f :<$> l))
229 (optGram ((S..@) (S..) f :<$> r)))
231 x -> x