]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-parser.git/blob - src/Symantic/Parser/Automaton/Input.hs
add Automaton inputs and evaluation
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / src / Symantic / Parser / Automaton / Input.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
4 module Symantic.Parser.Automaton.Input where
6 import Data.Array.Base (UArray(..), listArray)
7 import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
8 import Data.Bool (Bool)
9 import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..))
10 import Data.Char (Char)
11 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
12 import Data.Int (Int)
13 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
14 import Data.String (String)
15 import Data.Text.Array (aBA{-, empty-})
16 import Data.Text.Internal (Text(..))
17 import Data.Text.Unsafe (iter, Iter(..), iter_, reverseIter_)
18 import GHC.Exts (Int(..), Char(..), RuntimeRep(..))
19 import GHC.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr(..), ForeignPtrContents)
20 import GHC.Prim (Int#, Addr#, nullAddr#, indexWideCharArray#, indexWord16Array#, readWord8OffAddr#, word2Int#, chr#, touch#, realWorld#, plusAddr#, (+#))
21 import Language.Haskell.TH (CodeQ)
22 import Prelude ((+), (-), error)
23 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as BSL
24 import qualified Data.List as List
25 import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
27 import Symantic.Parser.Staging
29 -- * Class 'InputPosition'
30 -- | TODO
31 class InputPosition inp where
32 same :: CodeQ (inp -> inp -> Bool)
33 shiftRight :: CodeQ (inp -> Int -> inp)
34 instance InputPosition ()
35 instance InputPosition Int where
36 same = [|| (==) @Int ||]
37 shiftRight = [|| (+) @Int ||]
38 instance InputPosition (OffWith String) where
39 same = offWithSame
40 shiftRight = offWithShiftRight [||List.drop||]
41 {-
42 instance InputPosition (OffWith Stream) where
43 same = offWithSame
44 shiftRight = offWithShiftRight [||dropStream||]
45 instance InputPosition Text where
46 same = [||\(Text _ i _) (Text _ j _) -> i == j||]
47 shiftRight = [||textShiftRight||]
48 instance InputPosition UnpackedLazyByteString where
49 same = [||\(UnpackedLazyByteString i _ _ _ _ _) (UnpackedLazyByteString j _ _ _ _ _) -> i == j||]
50 shiftRight = [||byteStringShiftRight||]
51 -}
52 offWith :: CodeQ (ts -> OffWith ts)
53 offWith = [|| OffWith 0 ||]
55 offWithSame :: CodeQ (OffWith ts -> OffWith ts -> Bool)
56 offWithSame = [|| \(OffWith i _) (OffWith j _) -> i == j ||]
58 offWithShiftRight ::
59 CodeQ (Int -> ts -> ts) ->
60 CodeQ (OffWith ts -> Int -> OffWith ts)
61 offWithShiftRight drop = [|| \(OffWith o ts) i -> OffWith (o + i) ($$drop i ts) ||]
63 -- * Class 'InputPrep'
64 class InputPrep input where
65 prepare :: CodeQ input -> CodeQ (InputDependant (Rep input))
66 instance InputPrep [Char] where
67 prepare input = prepare @(UArray Int Char)
68 [|| listArray (0, List.length $$input-1) $$input ||]
69 instance InputPrep (UArray Int Char) where
70 prepare qinput = [||
71 let UArray _ _ size input# = $$qinput
72 next (I# i#) =
73 (# C# (indexWideCharArray# input# i#)
74 , I# (i# +# 1#)
75 #)
76 in (# next, (< size), 0 #)
77 ||]
78 {-
79 instance InputPrep Text16 where
80 prepare qinput = [||
81 let Text16 (Text arr off size) = $$qinput
82 arr# = aBA arr
83 next (I# i#) =
84 (# C# (chr# (word2Int# (indexWord16Array# arr# i#)))
85 , I# (i# +# 1#) #)
86 in (# next, (< size), off #)
87 ||]
88 instance InputPrep ByteString where
89 prepare qinput = [||
90 let PS (ForeignPtr addr# final) off size = $$qinput
91 next i@(I# i#) =
92 case readWord8OffAddr# (addr# `plusAddr#` i#) 0# realWorld# of
93 (# s', x #) -> case touch# final s' of
94 _ -> (# C# (chr# (word2Int# x)), i + 1 #)
95 in (# next, (< size), off #)
96 ||]
97 instance InputPrep CharList where
98 prepare qinput = [||
99 let CharList input = $$qinput
100 next (OffWith i (c:cs)) = (# c, OffWith (i+1) cs #)
101 size = List.length input
102 more (OffWith i _) = i < size
103 --more (OffWith _ []) = False
104 --more _ = True
105 in (# next, more, $$offWith input #)
106 ||]
107 instance InputPrep Text where
108 prepare qinput = [||
109 let next t@(Text arr off unconsumed) =
110 let !(Iter c d) = iter t 0 in
111 (# c, Text arr (off+d) (unconsumed-d) #)
112 more (Text _ _ unconsumed) = unconsumed > 0
113 in (# next, more, $$qinput #)
114 ||]
115 instance InputPrep BSL.ByteString where
116 prepare qinput = [||
117 let next (UnpackedLazyByteString i addr# final off@(I# off#) size cs) =
118 case readWord8OffAddr# addr# off# realWorld# of
119 (# s', x #) -> case touch# final s' of
120 _ -> (# C# (chr# (word2Int# x)),
121 if size /= 1 then UnpackedLazyByteString (i+1) addr# final (off+1) (size-1) cs
122 else case cs of
123 BSL.Chunk (PS (ForeignPtr addr'# final') off' size') cs' -> UnpackedLazyByteString (i+1) addr'# final' off' size' cs'
124 BSL.Empty -> emptyUnpackedLazyByteString (i+1)
125 #)
126 more (UnpackedLazyByteString _ _ _ _ 0 _) = False
127 more _ = True
128 initial = case $$qinput of
129 BSL.Chunk (PS (ForeignPtr addr# final) off size) cs -> UnpackedLazyByteString 0 addr# final off size cs
130 BSL.Empty -> emptyUnpackedLazyByteString 0
131 in (# next, more, initial #)
132 ||]
133 instance InputPrep Stream where
134 prepare qinput = [||
135 let next (OffWith o (c :> cs)) = (# c, OffWith (o + 1) cs #)
136 in (# next, const True, $$offWith $$qinput #)
137 ||]
138 -}
140 {- Input Types -}
141 newtype Text16 = Text16 Text
142 --newtype CacheText = CacheText Text
143 newtype CharList = CharList String
144 data Stream = {-# UNPACK #-} !Char :> Stream
146 nomore :: Stream
147 nomore = '\0' :> nomore
149 data OffWith ts = OffWith {-# UNPACK #-} !Int ts
150 data OffWithStreamAnd ts = OffWithStreamAnd {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !Stream ts
151 data UnpackedLazyByteString = UnpackedLazyByteString
152 {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
153 !Addr#
154 ForeignPtrContents
155 {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
156 {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
157 BSL.ByteString
160 {-# INLINE emptyUnpackedLazyByteString #-}
161 emptyUnpackedLazyByteString :: Int -> UnpackedLazyByteString
162 emptyUnpackedLazyByteString i =
163 UnpackedLazyByteString i nullAddr#
164 (error "nullForeignPtr") 0 0 BSL.Empty
166 {-
167 type family Rep input
168 type instance Rep [Char] = Int
169 -}
171 type family Rep input where
172 Rep [Char] = Int
173 Rep (UArray Int Char) = Int
174 {-
175 Rep Text16 = Int
176 Rep ByteString = Int
177 Rep CharList = OffWith String
178 Rep Text = Text
179 --Rep CacheText = (Text, Stream)
180 Rep BSL.ByteString = UnpackedLazyByteString
181 --Rep BSL.ByteString = OffWith BSL.ByteString
182 Rep Stream = OffWith Stream
183 -}
185 -- * Type 'InputDependant'
186 type InputDependant rep =
187 (# {-next-} rep -> (# Char, rep #)
188 , {-more-} rep -> Bool
189 , {-init-} rep
190 #)
192 data InputOps rep = InputOps
193 { _more :: CodeQ (rep -> Bool)
194 , _next :: CodeQ (rep -> (# Char, rep #))
195 }
196 more :: InputOps rep -> CodeQ (rep -> Bool)
197 more = _more
198 next :: InputOps rep -> CodeQ rep -> (CodeQ Char -> CodeQ rep -> CodeQ r) -> CodeQ r
199 next ops ts k = [||
200 let !(# t, ts' #) = $$(_next ops) $$ts in
201 $$(k [||t||] [||ts'||])
202 ||]