]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-plaintext.git/blob - src/Symantic/Plaintext/Writer2.hs
[haskell/symantic-plaintext.git] / src / Symantic / Plaintext / Writer2.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
4 module Symantic.Plaintext.Writer2 where
6 import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..), Applicative (..))
7 import Data.Bool
8 import Data.Char (Char)
9 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
10 import Data.Function (($), (.))
11 import Data.Functor (Functor (..), (<$>))
12 import Data.List qualified as List
13 import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..), fromMaybe)
14 import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
15 import Data.Ord (Ord (..))
16 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
17 import Data.String (IsString (..), String)
18 import Data.Traversable (Traversable (traverse))
19 import GHC.Natural (
20 minusNatural,
21 minusNaturalMaybe,
22 quotRemNatural,
23 )
24 import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
25 import Text.Show (
26 Show (..),
27 showParen,
28 showString,
29 )
30 import Prelude (
31 Num (..),
32 error,
33 fromIntegral,
34 undefined,
35 )
37 --import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
38 --import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
40 import Control.Monad (Monad ((>>=)))
41 import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
42 import Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Types (RS (RS3))
43 import Data.Tuple (fst, snd, swap)
44 import Debug.Trace (trace, traceShow)
45 import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType (SystemError))
46 import GHC.List (sum)
47 import GHC.Real (Integral (div))
48 import Symantic.Plaintext.Classes ()
49 import Symantic.Plaintext.Output
51 data Measured o = Measured
52 { measuredHorizontal :: Natural
53 , measuredVertical :: Natural
54 , unMeasured :: o
55 }
56 instance Dimensionable (Measured o) where
57 width = measuredHorizontal
58 height = measuredVertical
60 -- renderRect :: Outputable o => Measured (Rect o) -> [o]
61 -- renderRect Measured{..} = case unMeasured of
62 -- RectEmpty -> []
63 -- RectChunk o -> [o]
64 -- Rects{..} -> case rectDirection of
65 -- DirectionHorizontal -> []
67 resize :: Measured [o] -> [o]
68 resize Measured{..} = undefined
70 -- | Doc: https://personal.cis.strath.ac.uk/conor.mcbride/so-pigworker.pdf#section.4.9
71 data PaddedList a = (:-)
72 { padded :: [a]
73 , padder :: a
74 }
75 deriving (Show, Eq)
77 infixr 5 :-
79 instance Functor PaddedList where
80 fmap = (<*>) . pure
81 instance Applicative PaddedList where
82 pure = ([] :-)
83 as :- ap <*> bs :- bp = go as bs :- ap bp
84 where
85 go [] xs = ap <$> xs
86 go fs [] = ($ bp) <$> fs
87 go (f : fs) (x : xs) = f x : go fs xs
89 -- >>> "om":-' ' <*> "mane":-' '
91 -- >>> "om":-' ' <*> "mane":-' '
92 -- Couldn't match type ‘Char’ with ‘Char -> b’
93 -- Expected type: PaddedList (Char -> b)
94 -- Actual type: PaddedList Char
96 -- >>> deggar ' ' ["om", "mane", "padme", "hum12345"]
97 -- (:-) {padded = ["omph","maau"," ndm"," em1"," e2"," 3"," 4"," 5"], padder = " "}
98 deggar pad = traverse (:- pad)
100 lines0 = ["om", "mane", "padme", "hum12345"]
101 columns0 = [["om"], ["mane", "padme"], ["hum", "12345"]]
102 measureList :: Lengthable a => [a] -> (Natural, [(Natural, a)])
103 measureList =
104 List.mapAccumL (\acc s -> let len = length s in (max len acc, (len, s))) 0
105 measureVert :: Lengthable a => [a] -> (Natural, [(Natural, a)])
106 measureVert ss = (fromIntegral $ List.length ss, (1,) <$> ss)
108 -- >>> padList (\n -> List.replicate (fromIntegral n) ' ') (measureList lines0)
109 -- ["om ","mane ","padme ","hum12345"]
110 -- >>> (measureVert lines0)
111 -- (4,[(1,"om"),(1,"mane"),(1,"padme"),(1,"hum12345")])
112 padList :: Semigroup o => (Natural -> o) -> (Natural, [(Natural, o)]) -> [o]
113 padList pad (inpLen, inp) =
114 fmap
115 ( \(itemLen, item) -> case inpLen `minusNaturalMaybe` itemLen of
116 Nothing -> item
117 Just padLen -> item <> pad padLen
118 )
119 inp
121 whites :: Integral a => a -> [Char]
122 whites n = List.replicate (fromIntegral n) ' '
123 withLength :: Lengthable a => [a] -> (Natural, [a])
124 withLength x = (sum $ length <$> x, x)
126 text0 :: [Chunk (Line [Chunk (Word String)])]
127 text0 = convert @String "123 45\n67 89\n 10 11 12"
129 {- |
130 >>> justi JustifyCenter text0
131 [Item (Line [Spaces 1,Item (Word "123"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "45"),Spaces 1]),Item (Line [Spaces 1,Item (Word "67"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "89"),Spaces 2]),Item (Line [Spaces 0,Item (Word "10"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "11"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "12"),Spaces 0])]
132 -}
134 -- >>> justi JustifyStart text0
135 -- [Item (Line [Item (Word "123"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "45"),Spaces 2]),Item (Line [Item (Word "67"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "89"),Spaces 3]),Item (Line [Item (Word "10"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "11"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "12"),Spaces 0])]
137 -- >>> justi JustifyEnd text0
138 -- [Item (Line [Spaces 2,Item (Word "123"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "45")]),Item (Line [Spaces 3,Item (Word "67"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "89")]),Item (Line [Spaces 0,Item (Word "10"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "11"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "12")])]
140 -- >>> justi JustifySpaceBetween text0
141 -- [Item (Line [Item (Word "123"),Spaces 2,Item (Word "45")]),Item (Line [Item (Word "67"),Spaces 2,Item (Word "89")]),Item (Line [Item (Word "10"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "11"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "12")])]
142 {-
143 justi ::
144 Semigroup o =>
145 Lengthable o =>
146 Justify ->
147 [Chunk [Chunk o]] ->
148 [Chunk [Chunk o]]
149 justi jus ls =
150 (<$> ls) $
151 \lineChunk ->
152 (<$> lineChunk) $ \li -> (<$> li) $ \l ->
153 justifyChunks jus minWitdh (length l, l)
154 where
155 --(maxCols, maxWidths, rows) = List.foldr go (0, List.repeat 0, []) ls
156 minWitdh :: Natural
157 minWitdh =
158 List.foldl'
159 ( \acc -> \case
160 ChunkInvisible{} -> acc
161 ChunkItem o -> length o
162 ChunkSpaces{} -> acc
163 )
164 0
165 ls
166 -}
167 -- formatChunks ::
168 -- forall o.
169 -- Semigroup o =>
170 -- Justify ->
171 -- Justify ->
172 -- {-vertLimit-} Natural ->
173 -- {-horizLimit-} Natural ->
174 -- [Chunk [Measured (Chunk o)]] ->
175 -- {-lines-} Measured [Chunk {-words-} (Measured [Chunk o])]
176 -- formatChunks vertJus horizJus vertLimit horizLimit vertChunks =
177 -- justifyChunks
178 -- DirectionHorizontal
179 -- vertJus
180 -- vertLimit
181 -- $ fmap (\(v,cs) -> Measured 0 v cs)
182 -- $ List.mapAccumL
183 -- ( \vertDim vertChunk ->
184 -- case vertChunk of
185 -- ChunkInvisible o -> (vertDim, ChunkInvisible o)
186 -- ChunkSpaces s -> (vertDim + s, ChunkSpaces s)
187 -- ChunkItem vertItem ->
188 -- ( vertDim + horizHeight
189 -- , ChunkItem $
190 -- --Measured horizLimit horizHeight
191 -- justifyChunks
192 -- DirectionVertical
193 -- horizJus
194 -- horizLimit
195 -- vertItem
196 -- )
197 -- where
198 -- horizHeight = maxOn' measuredHeight vertItem
199 -- )
200 -- 0
201 -- vertChunks
203 {- | A strict version of 'sum', using a custom valuation function.
205 > sumOn' read ["1", "2", "3"] == 6
206 -}
207 sumOn' :: Num b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> b
208 sumOn' f = List.foldl' (\acc x -> acc + f x) 0
210 maxOn' :: (a -> Natural) -> [a] -> Natural
211 maxOn' f = List.foldl' (\acc x -> acc `max` f x) 0
213 {- | A version of 'maximum' where the comparison is done on some extracted value.
214 Raises an error if the list is empty. Only calls the function once per element.
216 > maximumOn id [] == undefined
217 > maximumOn length ["test","extra","a"] == "extra"
218 -}
219 maximumOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a
220 maximumOn f [] = error "Data.List.Extra.maximumOn: empty list"
221 maximumOn f (x : xs) = g x (f x) xs
222 where
223 g v mv [] = v
224 g v mv (x : xs)
225 | mx > mv = g x mx xs
226 | otherwise = g v mv xs
227 where
228 mx = f x
230 {-
231 >>> text0
232 [Item (Line [Item (Word "123"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "45")]),Item (Line [Item (Word "67")]),Item (Line [Item (Word "89"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "10")])]
234 >>> length text0
235 3
237 >>> justifyChunks JustifyCenter 30 (length text0, text0)
238 [Spaces 13,Item (Line [Item (Word "123"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "45")]),Item (Line [Item (Word "67")]),Item (Line [Item (Word "89"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "10")]),Spaces 14]
240 >>> justifyChunks JustifySpaceBetween 30 (length text0, text0)
241 [Item (Line [Item (Word "123"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "45")]),Item (Line [Item (Word "67")]),Item (Line [Item (Word "89"),Spaces 1,Item (Word "10")])]
242 -}
243 justifyChunks ::
244 Semigroup o =>
245 Direction ->
246 Justify ->
247 Natural ->
248 [Measured (Chunk o)] ->
249 Measured [Chunk o]
250 justifyChunks dir jus limitDim measuredChunks =
251 let chunksDim = List.sum (mea <$> measuredChunks)
252 chunks = unMeasured <$> measuredChunks
253 mea = case dir of
254 DirectionHorizontal -> measuredVertical
255 DirectionVertical -> measuredHorizontal
256 in Measured
257 { measuredHorizontal = 0
258 , measuredVertical = 0
259 , unMeasured = case limitDim `minusNaturalMaybe` chunksDim of
260 Nothing -> chunks
261 Just padLen ->
262 case jus of
263 JustifyStart -> chunks <> [ChunkSpaces padLen]
264 JustifyEnd -> [ChunkSpaces padLen] <> chunks
265 JustifyCenter -> [ChunkSpaces halfPadLen] <> chunks <> [ChunkSpaces (padLen - halfPadLen)]
266 where
267 -- NOTE: may be 0
268 halfPadLen = padLen `div` 2
269 JustifySpaceBetween ->
270 if itemsCount > 0
271 then spaceBetweenItems chunks padLens
272 else chunks <> [ChunkSpaces padLen]
273 where
274 itemsCount = countItems chunks
275 padLens = justifyPadding padLen itemsCount
276 spaceBetweenItems :: [Chunk o] -> [Natural] -> [Chunk o]
277 spaceBetweenItems (x : xs) pads@(p : ps) =
278 case x of
279 ChunkSpaces _w -> ChunkSpaces (p + 1) : spaceBetweenItems xs ps
280 _ -> x : spaceBetweenItems xs pads
281 spaceBetweenItems (w : ws) [] = w : spaceBetweenItems ws []
282 spaceBetweenItems [] _os = mempty
283 }
285 instance IsString (Rect String) where
286 fromString s =
287 Rects
288 { rectDirection = DirectionHorizontal
289 , rectJustify = JustifyStart
290 , rectWrap = False
291 , rectAxis = rectOfWords . wordsNoEmpty <$> lines s
292 }
293 where
294 rectOfWords :: [Word String] -> Rect String
295 rectOfWords ws =
296 Rects
297 { rectDirection = DirectionHorizontal
298 , rectJustify = JustifyStart
299 , rectWrap = False
300 , rectAxis = (\(Word x) -> Rect (fromIntegral (List.length x), [x])) <$> ws
301 }
303 rect0 :: Rect String
304 rect0 =
305 Rects
306 { rectDirection = DirectionHorizontal
307 , rectJustify = JustifyStart
308 , rectWrap = False
309 , rectAxis = ["abc"]
310 }
311 rect1 :: Rect String
312 rect1 =
313 Rects
314 { rectDirection = DirectionHorizontal
315 , rectJustify = JustifyStart
316 , rectWrap = True
317 , rectAxis = ["abc", "abcd", "abc"]
318 }
319 rect2 :: Rect [Char]
320 rect2 =
321 Rects
322 { rectDirection = DirectionVertical
323 , rectJustify = JustifyStart
324 , rectWrap = False
325 , rectAxis =
326 [ Rects
327 { rectDirection = DirectionHorizontal
328 , rectJustify = JustifyStart
329 , rectWrap = True
330 , rectAxis = ["123", "4567", "890"]
331 }
332 , Rects
333 { rectDirection = DirectionHorizontal
334 , rectJustify = JustifyStart
335 , rectWrap = True
336 , rectAxis = ["abc", "defg", "hij"]
337 }
338 ]
339 }
341 {- | @(measureRect limitH limitV rect)@ return the given @(rect)@
342 with minimal 'rectMeasure's, trying to fit the given limits when 'rectWrap' is 'True'.
344 >>> measureRect Nothing Nothing rectH3V1
345 Rect {rectContent = "abc"}
347 >>> measureRect Nothing Nothing rect1
348 Rects {rectMeasure = (10,1), rectDirection = DirectionHorizontal, rectJustify = JustifyStart, rectWrap = False, rectAxis = [Rect {rectContent = "abc"},Rect {rectContent = "abcd"},Rect {rectContent = "abc"}]}
350 >>> measureRect (Just 4) Nothing rect1{rectWrap=True}
351 Rects {rectMeasure = (4,3), rectDirection = DirectionHorizontal, rectJustify = JustifyStart, rectWrap = True, rectAxis = [Rect {rectContent = "abc"},Rect {rectContent = "abcd"},Rect {rectContent = "abc"}]}
353 >>> measureRect (Just 2) Nothing rect1{rectWrap=True, rectDirection = DirectionVertical}
354 Rects {rectMeasure = (7,2), rectDirection = DirectionVertical, rectJustify = JustifyStart, rectWrap = True, rectAxis = [Rect {rectContent = "abc"},Rect {rectContent = "abcd"},Rect {rectContent = "abc"}]}
355 -}
357 {- |
359 >>> renderRect Nothing Nothing rect0
360 ((3,1),[["abc"]])
362 >>> renderRect Nothing Nothing rect1
363 ((10,1),[["abc","abcd","abc"]])
365 >>> renderRect Nothing Nothing rect2
366 ((10,2),[["123","4567","890","abc","defg","hij"]])
368 >>> renderRect (Just 4) Nothing rect2
369 ((4,6),[["123"," ","abc"," "],["4567","defg"],["890"," ","hij"," "]])
370 -}
371 renderRect ::
372 forall o.
373 Semigroup o =>
374 Show o =>
375 Dimensionable o =>
376 Padable o =>
377 Maybe Natural ->
378 Maybe Natural ->
379 Rect o ->
380 ((Natural, Natural), [[o]])
381 renderRect limitH limitV is =
382 traceShow ("renderRect" :: String, limitH, limitV, is, "res" :: String, res) res
383 where
384 res =
385 case is of
386 Rect (n, ws) -> ((n, 1), [ws])
387 Rects{..} ->
388 let (_finalH, _finalV, maximalH, maximalV, renderedRects) =
389 List.foldl'
390 ( \(currH, currV, maxH, maxV, rectHV) rect ->
391 let (dim, rectRendered) =
392 renderRect
393 (limitH `minusOrZero` currH)
394 (limitV `minusOrZero` currV)
395 rect
396 newDim@(rectH, rectV) =
397 case rectDirection of
398 DirectionHorizontal -> dim
399 DirectionVertical -> swap dim
400 newH = currH + (if currH == 0 || rectDirection == DirectionVertical then 0 else 1) + rectH
401 in case limitH of
402 Just limH
403 -- Limit overflow, and wrapping
404 | limH < newH && rectWrap ->
405 traceShow ("overflow" :: String, limH, newH) $
406 (rectH, maxV, maxH `max` rectH, maxV + rectV, newRectHV)
407 where
408 -- Word goes into a new line
409 newRectHV = [(newDim, rectRendered)] : rectHV
410 -- No limit, or no overflow, or no wrapping
411 _ -> (newH, currV, maxH + rectH, maxV `max` rectV, newRectHV)
412 where
413 -- Word goes into the same line
414 newRectHV = case rectHV of
415 [] -> [[(newDim, rectRendered)]]
416 r : rs -> ((newDim, rectRendered) : r) : rs
417 )
418 (0, 0, 0, 0, [])
419 rectAxis
420 in ( case rectDirection of
421 DirectionHorizontal -> (maximalH, maximalV)
422 DirectionVertical -> (maximalV, maximalH)
423 , concatHV maximalH maximalV (List.reverse $ List.reverse <$> renderedRects)
424 -- (traceShow ("renderedRects" :: String, renderedRects) $ List.reverse renderedRects)
425 )
426 -- concatRender :: [[o]] -> [[o]] -> [[o]]
427 -- concatRender = List.zipWith (<>)
428 -- Should probably change a wrapped H rect into a V rect containing H rects
429 -- Now reads rectAxis from the left to right, top to bottom
430 -- and make each line reach at least maximalH
431 -- case rectJustify of
432 -- JustifyStart ->
433 -- ((\line -> line <> replicate (maximalH - List.length line) ' ') <$> lines)
434 -- <> replicate (maximalV - List.length lines) (replicate maximalH ' ')
436 minusOrZero :: Maybe Natural -> Natural -> Maybe Natural
437 minusOrZero Nothing _m = Nothing
438 minusOrZero (Just n) m = minusNaturalMaybe n m <|> Just 0
440 {-
441 @
443 >>> concatH 10 2 [((3,1), [["123"]])]
444 [["123"," "],[" "," "]]
446 >>> concatH 10 2 [((3,2), [["123"], ["ab "]]), ((4,1), [["4567"]])]
447 [["123","4567"," "],["ab "," "," "]]
449 >>> concatH 4 3 [((4,3),[["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]])]
450 [["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]]
452 >>> concatH 8 3 [((4,3),[["123"," "],["4567"],["890"," "]]), ((4,3),[["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]])]
453 [["123"," ","abc"," "],["4567","defg"],["890"," ","hij"," "]]
455 @
456 -}
457 concatH :: Padable o => Show o => Natural -> Natural -> [((Natural, Natural), [[o]])] -> [[o]]
458 concatH maxH maxV rs =
459 traceShow
460 ("concatH" :: String, maxH, maxV, rs, "res" :: String, res)
461 res
462 where
463 (res, rsH) =
464 List.foldr
465 ( \((rH, rV), r) (acc, accH) ->
466 let rPlusVPad = case maxV `minusNaturalMaybe` rV of
467 Nothing -> error "concatH: given maxV is lower than the actual maximal V length"
468 Just dV -> r <> List.replicate (fromIntegral dV) [padding rH]
469 in (List.zipWith (<>) rPlusVPad acc, accH + rH)
470 )
471 (List.replicate (fromIntegral maxV) [padding dH | dH /= 0], 0)
472 rs
473 dH =
474 fromMaybe (error "concatH: given maxH is lower than the actual maximal H length ") $
475 maxH `minusNaturalMaybe` rsH
477 {-
478 concatH maxH maxV [] = List.replicate (fromIntegral maxV) [padding maxH | maxH /= 0]
479 concatH maxH maxV (((rH, rV), r) : rs) = case maxH `minusNaturalMaybe` rH of
480 Nothing -> error "concatH: given maxH is lower than the actual maximal H length "
481 Just dH -> List.zipWith (<>) rPlusVPad (concatH dH maxV rs)
482 where
483 rPlusVPad = case maxV `minusNaturalMaybe` rV of
484 Nothing -> error "concatH: given maxV is lower than the actual maximal V length"
485 Just dV -> r <> List.replicate (fromIntegral dV) [padding rH]
486 -}
487 {-
488 @
490 >>> concatV 10 2 [((3,1), [["123"]])]
491 [["123"," "],[" "]]
493 >>> concatV 4 3 [((3,2), [["123"], ["ab "]]), ((4,1), [["4567"]])]
494 [["123"," "],["ab "," "],["4567"]]
496 >>> concatV 4 3 [((4,3),[["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]])]
497 [["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]]
499 >>> concatV 4 6 [((4,3),[["123"," "],["4567"],["890"," "]]), ((4,3),[["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]])]
500 [["123"," "],["4567"],["890"," "],["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]]
502 @
503 -}
504 concatV :: Padable o => Show o => Natural -> Natural -> [((Natural, Natural), [[o]])] -> [[o]]
505 concatV maxH maxV [] = List.replicate (fromIntegral maxV) [padding maxH | maxH /= 0]
506 concatV maxH maxV (((rH, rV), r) : rs) = case maxV `minusNaturalMaybe` rV of
507 Nothing -> error "concatV: given maxH is lower than actual maximal H length"
508 Just dV -> rPlusHPad <> concatV maxH dV rs
509 where
510 rPlusHPad = case maxH `minusNaturalMaybe` rH of
511 Nothing -> error "concatV: given maxV is lower than actual maximal V length"
512 Just dH
513 | dH == 0 -> r
514 | otherwise -> List.zipWith (<>) r $ List.replicate (fromIntegral rV) [padding dH]
516 {- |
517 @
518 >>> concatHV 10 2 [[((3,2), [["123"], ["ab "]]), ((4,1), [["4567"]])]]
519 [["123","4567"," "],["ab "," "," "]]
521 >>> concatHV 10 3 [[((3,2), [["123"], ["ab "]]), ((4,1), [["4567"]])]]
522 [["123","4567"," "],["ab "," "," "],[" "]]
524 >>> concatHV 4 6 [ [((4,3),[["123"," "],["4567"],["890"," "]])], [((4,3),[["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]])] ]
525 [["123"," "],["4567"],["890"," "],["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]]
526 -}
527 concatHV :: Padable o => Show o => Natural -> Natural -> [[((Natural, Natural), [[o]])]] -> [[o]]
528 concatHV maxH maxV rs = concatV maxH maxV $ f <$> rs
529 where
530 f r = ((maxH, rV), concatH maxH rV r)
531 where
532 rV = List.maximum $ snd . fst <$> r
534 {-
535 @
536 >>> concatV 10 2 [[((3,2), [["123"], ["ab "]]), ((4,1), [["4567"]])]]
537 [["123","4567"," "],["ab "," "," "]]
539 >>> concatV 10 3 [[((3,2), [["123"], ["ab "]]), ((4,1), [["4567"]])]]
540 [["123","4567"," "],["ab "," "," "],[" "]]
542 >>> concatV3 4 6 [ [((4,3),[["123"," "],["4567"],["890"," "]])], [((4,3),[["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]])] ]
543 [["123"," "],["4567"],["890"," "],["abc"," "],["defg"],["hij"," "]]
544 concatV :: Padable o => Show o => Natural -> Natural -> [[((Natural, Natural), [[o]])]] -> [[o]]
545 concatV maxH maxV rs =
546 traceShow
547 ("concatV" :: String, maxH, maxV, rs, "res" :: String, res)
548 res
549 where
550 (res, rsV) =
551 List.foldr
552 ( \r (acc, accV) ->
553 let rV = List.maximum $ snd . fst <$> r
554 in (concatH maxH rV r <> acc, accV + rV)
555 )
556 (List.replicate (fromIntegral $ maxV - rsV) [padding maxH], 0)
557 rs
558 -}
560 {-
561 concatV maxH maxV []
562 | maxV == 0 = []
563 | otherwise = List.replicate (fromIntegral maxV) [padding maxH]
564 concatV maxH maxV (r : rs) =
565 List.zipWith (<>) (concatH maxH rV r) (concatV maxH (maxV - rV) rs)
566 where
567 rV = List.maximum $ snd . fst <$> r
568 -}
569 -- where
570 -- paddedR = case maxH `minusNaturalMaybe` rH of
571 -- Nothing -> r
572 -- Just p -> r <> List.replicate (fromIntegral p) [padding rH]
574 {- | @('zipWithLongest xPadLen yPadLen xs ys')@ zips together the lists @(xs)@ and @(ys)@
575 padding the @(xs)@ (resp. @(ys)@) elements with a 'padding' of @(xPadLen)@ (resp. @(yPadLen)@)
576 when it is shorter than the corresponding one in @(ys)@ (resp. @(xs)@).
578 >>> zipWithLongest []
579 -}
580 zipWithLongest :: Padable o => Natural -> Natural -> [[o]] -> [[o]] -> [[o]]
581 zipWithLongest _ _ [] [] = []
582 zipWithLongest xP yP (x0 : xs) (y0 : ys) = x0 <> y0 : zipWithLongest xP yP xs ys
583 zipWithLongest _xP yP [] ys
584 | yP <= 0 = ys
585 | otherwise = List.map (padding yP :) ys
586 zipWithLongest xP _yP xs []
587 | xP <= 0 = xs
588 | otherwise = List.map (<> [padding xP]) xs
590 class Padable o where
591 padding :: Natural -> o
592 instance Padable String where
593 padding n = List.replicate (fromIntegral n) ' '
595 {-
596 >>> renderRect $ measureRect (Just 2) Nothing rect1{rectWrap=True, rectDirection = DirectionVertical}
597 ["abc","abcd","abc"]
598 renderRect :: Dimensionable o => Rect (Natural, Natural) o -> [o]
599 renderRect = \case
600 Rect{..} -> [rectContent]
601 Rects{rectMeasure = (measureH, measureV), ..} ->
602 List.concat $ renderRect <$> rectAxis
603 -}
605 -- fitRect :: Rect o -> Measured (Rect o)
606 -- fitRect r = case r of
607 -- Rect m -> m{unMeasured r}
608 -- Rects{..} ->
609 -- let rectsCount = fromIntegral $ max 0 $ List.length rectAxis - 1 in
610 -- case rectDirection of
611 -- DirectionHorizontal ->
612 -- Rects
613 -- {
614 -- rectAxis =
615 -- List.mapAccumL
616 -- (\r acc ->
617 -- let m = fitRect r in
618 -- case measuredHeight acc `compare` measuredHeight m of
619 -- LT -> undefined -- acc must be justified upto m
620 -- EQ -> acc{measureWidth = measuredWidth acc + measuredWidth m}
621 -- GT -> undefined -- m must be justified upto acc
622 -- ) rectAxis
623 -- }
624 -- renderRect :: Maybe Natural -> Maybe Natural -> Rect o -> [[o]]
625 -- renderRect horizLimit vertLimit = \case
626 -- Rect (Measured w h c) -> [[c]]
627 -- Rects{..} ->
628 -- renderRect rectAxis
630 -- * Type 'Rect'
631 data Rect o
632 = Rect
633 { rectContent :: (Natural, [o])
634 }
635 | Rects
636 { rectDirection :: Direction
637 , rectJustify :: Justify
638 , rectWrap :: Bool
639 , rectAxis :: [Rect o]
640 }
641 deriving (Show)
643 {-
644 instance Dimensionable o => Dimensionable (Rect (Natural, Natural) o) where
645 width = \case
646 Rect{..} -> width rectContent
647 Rects{rectMeasure = (h, _)} -> h
648 height = \case
649 Rect{..} -> height rectContent
650 Rects{rectMeasure = (_, v)} -> v
651 -}
652 instance Dimensionable String where
653 width s = fromIntegral $ List.maximum $ List.length <$> splitOnChar (== '\n') s
654 height s = fromIntegral $ List.length $ splitOnChar (== '\n') s
656 data Adjustment o
657 = AdjustmentVariable Natural
658 | AdjustmentFixed o
660 -- ** Type 'Chunk'
661 data Chunk o
662 = ChunkItem !o
663 | -- | Whites preserved to be interleaved
664 -- correctly with 'ChunkInvisible'.
665 ChunkSpaces !Natural
666 | -- | Ignored by the justification but kept in place.
667 -- Used to put ANSI sequences.
668 ChunkInvisible !o
669 deriving (Functor)
671 runChunk :: Outputable o => Chunk o -> o
672 runChunk = \case
673 ChunkInvisible o -> o
674 ChunkItem o -> o
675 ChunkSpaces s -> repeatedChar s ' '
677 instance Show o => Show (Chunk o) where
678 showsPrec p x =
679 showParen (p > 10) $
680 case x of
681 ChunkInvisible o -> showString "Ignored" . showsPrec 11 o
682 ChunkItem o -> showString "Item " . showsPrec 11 o
683 ChunkSpaces w -> showString "Spaces " . showsPrec 11 w
685 -- instance Lengthable o => Lengthable (Chunk (Line o)) where
686 -- length = \case
687 -- ChunkInvisible{} -> 0
688 -- ChunkItem o
689 -- | isEmpty o -> 0
690 -- | otherwise -> 1
691 -- ChunkSpaces w -> w
692 -- isEmpty = \case
693 -- ChunkInvisible{} -> True
694 -- ChunkItem o -> isEmpty o
695 -- ChunkSpaces w -> w == 0
696 -- instance Lengthable o => Lengthable (Chunk (Word o)) where
697 -- length = \case
698 -- ChunkInvisible{} -> 0
699 -- ChunkItem o -> length o
700 -- ChunkSpaces w -> w
701 -- isEmpty = \case
702 -- ChunkInvisible{} -> True
703 -- ChunkItem o -> isEmpty o
704 -- ChunkSpaces w -> w == 0
705 -- instance Lengthable (Chunk o) => Lengthable [Chunk o] where
706 -- length = List.foldl' (\acc out -> acc + length out) 0
707 -- isEmpty = List.all isEmpty
709 {- | @('wordsCount' ps)@ returns the number of words in @(ps)@
710 clearly separated by spaces.
711 -}
712 countItems :: [Chunk o] -> Natural
713 countItems = go False 0
714 where
715 go isAdjacentItem acc = \case
716 [] -> acc
717 ChunkInvisible{} : xs -> go isAdjacentItem acc xs
718 ChunkSpaces w : xs
719 | w == 0 -> go isAdjacentItem acc xs
720 | otherwise -> go False acc xs
721 ChunkItem{} : xs ->
722 if isAdjacentItem
723 then go isAdjacentItem acc xs
724 else go True (acc + 1) xs
726 {- | @('justifyPadding' a b)@ returns the padding lengths
727 to reach @(a)@ in @(b)@ pads,
728 using the formula: @(a '==' m'*'(q '+' q'+'1) '+' ('r'-'m)'*'(q'+'1) '+' (b'-'r'-'m)'*'q)@
729 where @(q+1)@ and @(q)@ are the two padding lengths used and @(m = min (b-r) r)@.
731 A simple implementation of 'justifyPadding' could be:
732 @
733 'justifyPadding' a b =
734 'join' ('List.replicate' m [q,q'+'1])
735 <> ('List.replicate' (r'-'m) (q'+'1)
736 <> ('List.replicate' ((b'-'r)'-'m) q
737 where
738 (q,r) = a`divMod`b
739 m = 'min' (b-r) r
740 @
742 >>> justifyPadding 30 7
743 [4,5,4,5,4,4,4]
744 -}
745 justifyPadding :: Natural -> Natural -> [Natural]
746 justifyPadding a b = go r (b - r) -- NOTE: r >= 0 && b-r >= 0 due to 'divMod'
747 where
748 (q, r) = a `quotRemNatural` b
749 go 0 bmr = List.replicate (fromIntegral bmr) q -- when min (b-r) r == b-r
750 go rr 0 = List.replicate (fromIntegral rr) (q + 1) -- when min (b-r) r == r
751 go rr bmr = q : (q + 1) : go (rr `minusNatural` 1) (bmr `minusNatural` 1)
753 takeExactly :: o -> Natural -> [o] -> [o]
754 takeExactly pad len inp =
755 if len <= 0
756 then inp
757 else case inp of
758 [] -> List.replicate (fromIntegral len) pad
759 o : next -> o : takeExactly pad (len - 1) next
761 -- https://codepen.io/enxaneta/full/adLPwv/
762 -- https://github.com/jordwalke/flex/blob/master/src/lib/Layout.re
763 data Direction
764 = DirectionHorizontal
765 | DirectionVertical
766 deriving (Eq, Show)
767 data Justify
768 = JustifyStart
769 | JustifyEnd
770 | JustifyCenter
771 | JustifyStretch
772 | JustifySpaceBetween
773 | JustifySpaceAround
774 deriving (Show)
776 {-
777 type ItemAlignSelf = Maybe Align
779 data Container o = Container
780 { containerDirection :: Direction
781 , containerWrap :: Bool
782 , containerAlignItems :: Align
783 , containerJustifyContent :: Align
784 , containerAlignContent :: Align
785 , containerItems :: [Item o]
786 }
787 data Item o = Item
788 { itemAlignSelf :: Maybe Align
789 , itemFlexGrow :: Natural
790 , itemFlexShrink :: Natural
791 , itemFlexOrder :: Natural
792 , itemContent :: o
793 }
795 2. Determine the available main and cross space for the flex items.
796 3. Determine the flex base size and hypothetical main size of each item:
797 4. Determine the main size of the flex container using the rules of the formatting context in which it participates.
798 5. Collect flex items into flex lines
799 6. Resolve the flexible lengths of all the flex items to find their used main size.
800 7. Determine the hypothetical cross size of each item by performing layout with the used main size and the available space, treating auto as fit-content.
801 8. Calculate the cross size of each flex line.
802 9. Handle 'align-content: stretch'.
803 10. Collapse visibility:collapse items.
804 11. Determine the used cross size of each flex item.
805 12. Distribute any remaining free space.
806 13. Resolve cross-axis auto margins.
807 14. Align all flex items along the cross-axis per align-self, if neither of the item’s cross-axis margins are auto.
808 15. Determine the flex container’s used cross size
809 16. Align all flex lines per align-content.
811 Resolving Flexible Lengths
812 1. Determine the used flex factor.
813 2. Size inflexible items.
814 3. Calculate initial free space.
815 4. Loop:
816 4.1 Check for flexible items.
817 4.2 Calculate the remaining free space as for initial free space, above.
818 4.3 Distribute free space proportional to the flex factors.
819 4.4 Fix min/max violations.
820 4.5 Freeze over-flexed items.
822 -}
824 -- * Type 'Writer'
826 -- -- | Church encoded for performance concerns.
827 -- -- Kinda like 'ParsecT' in @megaparsec@ but a little bit different
828 -- -- due to the use of 'WriterFit' for implementing 'breakingSpace' correctly
829 -- -- when in the left hand side of ('<.>').
830 -- -- Prepending is done using continuation, like in a difference list.
831 -- newtype Writer (o :: Type) a = Writer
832 -- { unWriter ::
833 -- a ->
834 -- {-curr-} WriterInh o ->
835 -- {-curr-} WriterState o ->
836 -- {-ok-} (({-prepend-} (o -> o {-new-}), WriterState o) -> WriterFit o) ->
837 -- WriterFit o
838 -- -- NOTE: equivalent to:
839 -- -- ReaderT WriterInh (StateT (WriterState o) (Cont (WriterFit o))) (o->o)
840 -- }
841 --
842 -- runWriter :: Monoid o => Writer o a -> a -> o
843 -- runWriter x a =
844 -- unWriter
845 -- x
846 -- a
847 -- defWriterInh
848 -- defWriterState
849 -- {-k-} ( \(px, _sx) fits _overflow ->
850 -- -- NOTE: if px fits, then appending mempty fits
851 -- fits (px mempty)
852 -- )
853 -- {-fits-} id
854 -- {-overflow-} id
856 -- ** Type 'WriterFit'
858 {-
859 -- | Double continuation to qualify the returned document
860 -- as fitting or overflowing the given 'plainInh_width'.
861 -- It's like @('Bool',o)@ in a normal style
862 -- (a non continuation-passing-style).
863 type WriterFit o =
864 {-fits-} (o -> o) ->
865 {-overflow-} (o -> o) ->
866 o
868 -- ** Type 'WriterInh'
869 data WriterInh o = WriterInh
870 { plainInh_width :: !(Maybe Column)
871 , plainInh_justify :: !Bool
872 , plainInh_indent :: !Indent
873 , plainInh_indenting :: !(Writer o ())
874 , plainInh_sgr :: ![SGR]
875 }
877 defWriterInh :: Monoid o => WriterInh o
878 defWriterInh =
879 WriterInh
880 { plainInh_width = Nothing
881 , plainInh_justify = False
882 , plainInh_indent = 0
883 , plainInh_indenting = empty
884 , plainInh_sgr = []
885 }
887 -- ** Type 'WriterState'
888 data WriterState o = WriterState
889 { plainState_buffer :: ![WriterChunk o]
890 , -- | The 'Column' from which the 'plainState_buffer'
891 -- must be written.
892 plainState_bufferStart :: !Column
893 , -- | The 'Width' of the 'plainState_buffer' so far.
894 plainState_bufferWidth :: !Width
895 , -- | The amount of 'Indent' added by 'breakspace'
896 -- that can be reached by breaking the 'space'
897 -- into a 'newlineJustifyingWriter'.
898 plainState_breakIndent :: !Indent
899 }
900 deriving (Show)
902 defWriterState :: WriterState o
903 defWriterState =
904 WriterState
905 { plainState_buffer = mempty
906 , plainState_bufferStart = 0
907 , plainState_bufferWidth = 0
908 , plainState_breakIndent = 0
909 }
911 -- ** Type 'WriterChunk'
912 data WriterChunk o
913 = -- | Ignored by the justification but kept in place.
914 -- Used for instance to put ANSI sequences.
915 WriterChunk_Ignored !o
916 | WriterChunk_Word !(Word o)
917 | -- | 'spaces' preserved to be interleaved
918 -- correctly with 'WriterChunk_Ignored'.
919 WriterChunk_Spaces !Width
920 instance Show o => Show (WriterChunk o) where
921 showsPrec p x =
922 showParen (p > 10) $
923 case x of
924 WriterChunk_Ignored o ->
925 showString "Z "
926 . showsPrec 11 o
927 WriterChunk_Word (Word o) ->
928 showString "W "
929 . showsPrec 11 o
930 WriterChunk_Spaces s ->
931 showString "S "
932 . showsPrec 11 s
933 instance Lengthable o => Lengthable (WriterChunk o) where
934 length = \case
935 WriterChunk_Ignored{} -> 0
936 WriterChunk_Word o -> length o
937 WriterChunk_Spaces s -> s
938 isEmpty = \case
939 WriterChunk_Ignored{} -> True
940 WriterChunk_Word o -> isEmpty o
941 WriterChunk_Spaces s -> s == 0
943 --instance From [SGR] o => From [SGR] (WriterChunk o) where
944 -- from sgr = WriterChunk_Ignored (from sgr)
946 instance Emptyable (Writer o) where
947 empty = Writer $ \_a _inh st k -> k (id, st)
949 -}
951 -- >>> wordsNoEmpty (Line (" a b c "::String))
952 -- [Word {unWord = "a"},Word {unWord = "b"},Word {unWord = "c"}]
953 instance Convertible String o => Convertible String [Chunk (Line [Chunk (Word o)])] where
954 convert =
955 ( ChunkItem . Line
956 . List.intersperse (ChunkSpaces 1)
957 . (ChunkItem . convert <$>)
958 . wordsNoEmpty
959 <$>
960 )
961 . lines