+#!/usr/bin/env nix
+#! nix shell --impure --expr ``
+#! nix with (builtins.getFlake "git+file://${toString ./.}/..").packages.${builtins.currentSystem};
+#! nix let fonts = [
+#! nix pkgs.comic-mono
+#! nix pkgs.crimson
+#! nix pkgs.dejavu_fonts
+#! nix pkgs.fira-code
+#! nix pkgs.freefont_ttf
+#! nix pkgs.gyre-fonts # TrueType substitutes for standard PostScript fonts
+#! nix pkgs.hack-font
+#! nix pkgs.liberation_ttf
+#! nix pkgs.lmodern
+#! nix pkgs.noto-fonts-emoji
+#! nix pkgs.tex-gyre.adventor
+#! nix pkgs.tex-gyre.bonum
+#! nix pkgs.tex-gyre.chorus
+#! nix pkgs.tex-gyre.cursor
+#! nix pkgs.tex-gyre.heros
+#! nix pkgs.tex-gyre.pagella
+#! nix pkgs.tex-gyre.schola
+#! nix pkgs.tex-gyre.termes
+#! nix pkgs.unifont
+#! nix ]; in
+#! nix [
+#! nix (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "interpreter" ''
+#! nix # used by luaotfload (lualatex)
+#! nix export OSFONTDIR="${lib.concatStringsSep "//:" (map toString fonts)}"
+#! nix exec bash "$@"
+#! nix '')
+#! nix pandoc
+#! nix pdftk
+#! nix qpdf
+#! nix (pkgs.texlive.combine {
+#! nix inherit (pkgs.texlive)
+#! nix collection-fontsrecommended
+#! nix collection-langenglish
+#! nix collection-langfrench
+#! nix collection-latexrecommended
+#! nix collection-luatex
+#! nix pdfbook2
+#! nix pdfcrop
+#! nix pdfjam
+#! nix scheme-basic
+#! nix tex-gyre
+#! nix ;
+#! nix })
+#! nix ]
+#! nix ``
+#! nix --command interpreter
+epubDir=$(realpath -e "$(dirname "$epubPath")")
+styleDir=$(realpath -e "$(dirname "$0")")/styles
+rm -rf "$outDir"
+mkdir -p "$outDir"
+# Converting EPUB to PDF
+set -eux
+pandoc \
+ --embed-resources \
+ --include-in-header "$styleDir"/epub.header.tex \
+ --filter "$epubDir"/filter \
+ --number-sections \
+ --pdf-engine lualatex \
+ --standalone \
+ --toc \
+ --toc-depth 6 \
+ --top-level-division chapter \
+ -V documentclass=scrbook \
+ -V classoption=english \
+ -V mainfont="TeX Gyre Termes" \
+ -V fontsize=13pt \
+ -V papersize=a5 \
+ -i "$epubPath" \
+ -t pdf \
+ -o "$pdfFile"
+# Slicing on chapters and splitting into chunks of at most 18 pages (for easy binding)
+ mkdir -p "$outDir"/sections
+ pdftk "$pdfFile" dump_data | grep '^BookmarkPageNumber:' |
+ {
+ sectionNum=1
+ sectionBegin=1
+ splitSection () {
+ qpdf \
+ "$pdfFile" \
+ "$outDir"/sections/sectionNum="$sectionNum".pages="$sectionPages".chunk=%d.pdf \
+ --pages "$pdfFile" "$sectionPages" -- \
+ --split-pages=18
+ }
+ while read -r _BookmarkPageNumber sectionEnd; do
+ test "$sectionEnd" != 1 || continue
+ sectionPages=$sectionBegin-$((sectionEnd-1))
+ splitSection
+ sectionNum=$((sectionNum+1))
+ sectionBegin=$sectionEnd
+ done
+ sectionPages="$sectionBegin"-r1
+ splitSection
+ }
+# Converting to booklet
+ find "$outDir"/sections -type f |
+ sort -n |
+ while read -r pdfSection; do
+ # Margins have already been set correctly by the geometry package in header.tex
+ # pdfbook2 fails to move the .pdf over filesystems
+ pdfbook2 --no-crop \
+ --paper "${paper:-a4paper}" \
+ --outer-margin "${outerMargin:-80}" \
+ --inner-margin "${innerMargin:-150}" \
+ --top-margin "${topmargin:-30}" \
+ --bottom-margin "${bottomMargin:-30}" \
+ "$pdfSection"
+ rm "$pdfSection"
+ # Split odd and even pages to print in the same direction
+ pdftk "${pdfSection%.pdf}"-book.pdf cat oddSouth output "${pdfSection%.pdf}".book.odds.pdf
+ pdftk "${pdfSection%.pdf}"-book.pdf cat even output "${pdfSection%.pdf}".book.even.pdf
+ rm "${pdfSection%.pdf}"-book.pdf
+ done