]> Git — Sourcephile - julm/rezine-rfcs.git/blob - refs/justification.json
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[julm/rezine-rfcs.git] / refs / justification.json
1 [
2 {
3 "id": "HYP_071_0075",
4 "title": "La justification. Approches et enjeux historiographiques",
5 "DOI": "10.3917/hyp.071.0075",
6 "ISSN": "2859446017",
7 "URL": "https://www.cairn.info/revue-hypotheses-2008-1-page-75.htm",
8 "author": [
9 {
10 "family": "Harai",
11 "given": "Dénes"
12 },
13 {
14 "family": "Rameix",
15 "given": "Solange"
16 }
17 ],
18 "container-title": "Hypothèses",
19 "issue": "1",
20 "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2008 ] ] },
21 "language": "FR",
22 "page": "75-86",
23 "publisher": "Éditions de la Sorbonne",
24 "type": "article-journal",
25 "volume": "11"
26 }
27 ]