]> Git — Sourcephile - literate-phylomemy.git/blob - Readme.md
[literate-phylomemy.git] / Readme.md
1 ## Description
3 A phylomemetic network (or phylomemy) is an adaptation
4 of the concept of the phylogenetic tree,
5 combined with Richard Dawkins' intuition of a meme,
6 to describe the complex dynamic structure of transformation of relations between terms.
8 This package is a partial implementation of some
9 noteworthy algorithms composed to compute a phylomemy,
10 in order to understand and test them.
12 ## Clustering
14 ### Linear time Closed itemset Miner (LCM)
16 Based upon:
17 - « HLCM: a first experiment on parallel data mining with Haskell ».
18 By Alexandre Termier & Benjamin Négrevergne & Simon Marlow & Satnam Singh
19 <https://lig-membres.imag.fr/termier/HLCM/hlcm.pdf>
20 From the original LCM algorithm from Takaki Uno and Hiroki Arimura.
21 <http://osdm.uantwerpen.be/papers/p77-uno.pdf>
23 ### Maximal clique
26 ## Temporal matching
28 #### Maximal spanning forest
30 > If the order in which edges will be deleted is known ahead of time, then we
31 > can solve the dynamic connectivity problem in time `O(log n)` per query. If
32 > we can maintain a maximum spanning forest where edges are ordered by their
33 > deletion time, we know that when we delete some edge that is in the forest,
34 > there is no possible edge that can replace it. If there were some edge that
35 > connects the same two components the deleted edge does, then this other edge
36 > would have been part of the maximum spanning forest instead of the edge we
37 > deleted. This makes the delete operation trivial: we simply need to split the
38 > tree into its two parts if the edge to delete is part of our forest, or
39 > ignore the operation otherwise.
40 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_connectivity#Offline_dynamic_connectivity
42 ## Acknowledgements
44 Based upon:
46 - Chavalarias D &amp; Cointet J-P (2013).
47 « Phylomemetic Patterns in Science Evolution—The Rise and Fall of Scientific Fields ».
48 PLoS ONE 8(2): e54847. <https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0054847>
50 - Chavalarias, D. &amp; Lobbé, Q. &amp; Delanoë, A. (2021).
51 « Draw me Science: Multi-level and multi-scale reconstruction of knowledge dynamics with phylomemies ».
52 Scientometrics. <https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-021-04186-5>