]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-web/src/Voting/Protocol/Cryptography.purs
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[majurity.git] / hjugement-web / src / Voting / Protocol / Cryptography.purs
1 module Voting.Protocol.Cryptography where
3 import Control.Applicative (pure, (<*>))
4 import Control.Monad (bind, join)
5 import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
6 import Control.Monad.Except.Trans (ExceptT)
7 import Data.Argonaut.Core as JSON
8 import Data.Argonaut.Decode (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.:))
9 import Data.Argonaut.Encode (class EncodeJson, encodeJson, (:=), (:=?), (~>), (~>?))
10 import Data.Argonaut.Parser as JSON
11 import Data.BigInt (BigInt)
12 import Data.BigInt as BigInt
13 import Data.Boolean (otherwise)
14 import Data.Bounded (class Bounded, top)
15 import Data.Either (Either(..))
16 import Data.Eq (class Eq, (==), (/=))
17 import Data.EuclideanRing (class EuclideanRing, (/), mod)
18 import Data.Foldable (intercalate)
19 import Data.Function (($), identity, (<<<), flip)
20 import Data.Functor (class Functor, (<$>))
21 import Data.HeytingAlgebra ((&&))
22 import Data.Int as Int
23 import Data.List (List, (:))
24 import Data.List as List
25 import Data.List.Lazy as LL
26 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, fromJust)
27 import Data.Monoid (class Monoid, mempty, (<>))
28 import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, wrap, unwrap)
29 import Data.Ord (class Ord, (>=))
30 import Data.Reflection (class Reifies, reflect)
31 import Data.Ring (class Ring, (-), negate)
32 import Data.Semiring (class Semiring, zero, (+), one, (*))
33 import Data.Show (class Show, show)
34 import Data.String.CodeUnits as String
35 import Data.Traversable (sum)
36 import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
37 import Data.Unfoldable (replicateA)
38 import Effect (Effect)
39 import Effect.Random (randomInt)
40 import Node.Crypto as Crypto
41 import Node.Crypto.Hash as Crypto
42 import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
43 import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
45 import Voting.Protocol.Arithmetic
46 import Voting.Protocol.Version
48 -- * Type 'PublicKey'
49 type PublicKey = G
50 -- * Type 'SecretKey'
51 type SecretKey = E
53 -- * Type 'Hash'
54 newtype Hash crypto c = Hash (E crypto c)
55 derive newtype instance eqHash :: Eq (Hash crypto c)
56 derive newtype instance ordHash :: Ord (Hash crypto c)
57 derive newtype instance showHash :: Show (Hash crypto c)
59 {-
60 -- | @('hash' bs gs)@ returns as a number in 'G'
61 -- the 'Crypto.SHA256' hash of the given 'BS.ByteString' 'bs'
62 -- prefixing the decimal representation of given subgroup elements 'gs',
63 -- with a comma (",") intercalated between them.
64 --
65 -- NOTE: to avoid any collision when the 'hash' function is used in different contexts,
66 -- a message 'gs' is actually prefixed by a 'bs' indicating the context.
67 --
68 -- Used by 'proveEncryption' and 'verifyEncryption',
69 -- where the 'bs' usually contains the 'statement' to be proven,
70 -- and the 'gs' contains the 'commitments'.
71 -}
72 hash ::
73 forall crypto c.
74 CryptoParams crypto c =>
75 String -> List (G crypto c) ->
76 Effect (E crypto c)
77 hash bs gs = do
78 let s = bs <> intercalate "," (bytesNat <$> gs)
79 h <- Crypto.hex Crypto.SHA256 s
80 pure $ fromNatural $ Natural $
81 unsafePartial $ fromJust $
82 BigInt.fromBase 16 h
84 -- | `('bytesNat' x)` returns the serialization of `x`.
85 bytesNat :: forall n. ToNatural n => n -> String
86 bytesNat = show <<< nat
88 -- | `'randomBigInt' low high` returns a random 'BigInt' within `low` and `high`.
89 --
90 -- NOTE: adapted from GHC's 'randomIvalInteger'
91 randomBigInt :: BigInt -> BigInt -> Effect BigInt
92 randomBigInt l h = do
93 v <- f one zero
94 pure (l + v `mod` k)
95 where
96 srcLow = one :: Int
97 srcHigh = top :: Int
98 -- | source interval
99 b = BigInt.fromInt srcHigh - BigInt.fromInt srcLow + one
100 -- | target interval
101 k = h - l + one
102 -- Probabilities of the most likely and least likely result
103 -- will differ at most by a factor of (1 +- 1/q).
104 -- Assuming the 'random' is uniform, of course.
105 -- On average, log q / log b more random values will be generated
106 -- than the minimum.
107 q = BigInt.fromInt 1000
108 targetMagnitude = k * q
109 -- Generate random values until we exceed the target magnitude.
110 f mag acc
111 | mag >= targetMagnitude = pure acc
112 | otherwise = do
113 r <- randomInt srcLow srcHigh
114 f (mag * b)
115 (acc * b + (BigInt.fromInt r - BigInt.fromInt srcLow))
117 randomE ::
118 forall crypto c.
119 CryptoParams crypto c =>
120 Effect (E crypto c)
121 randomE = E <<< Natural <$> randomBigInt zero (unwrap (nat (top::E crypto c)))
123 -- * Type 'Encryption'
124 -- | ElGamal-like encryption.
125 -- Its security relies on the /Discrete Logarithm problem/.
126 --
127 -- Because ('groupGen' '^'encNonce '^'secKey '==' 'groupGen' '^'secKey '^'encNonce),
128 -- knowing @secKey@, one can divide 'encryption_vault' by @('encryption_nonce' '^'secKey)@
129 -- to decipher @('groupGen' '^'clear)@, then the @clear@ text must be small to be decryptable,
130 -- because it is encrypted as a power of 'groupGen' (hence the "-like" in "ElGamal-like")
131 -- to enable the additive homomorphism.
132 --
133 -- NOTE: Since @('encryption_vault' '*' 'encryption_nonce' '==' 'encryption_nonce' '^' (secKey '+' clear))@,
134 -- then: @(logBase 'encryption_nonce' ('encryption_vault' '*' 'encryption_nonce') '==' secKey '+' clear)@.
135 data Encryption crypto v c = Encryption
136 { encryption_nonce :: G crypto c
137 -- ^ Public part of the randomness 'encNonce' used to 'encrypt' the 'clear' text,
138 -- equal to @('groupGen' '^'encNonce)@
139 , encryption_vault :: G crypto c
140 -- ^ Encrypted 'clear' text,
141 -- equal to @('pubKey' '^'encNone '*' 'groupGen' '^'clear)@
142 }
143 derive instance eqEncryption :: Eq (G crypto c) => Eq (Encryption crypto v c)
144 instance showEncryption :: Show (G crypto c) => Show (Encryption crypto v c) where
145 show (Encryption e) = show e
146 instance encodeJsonEncryption ::
147 ( Reifies v Version
148 , CryptoParams crypto c
149 ) => EncodeJson (Encryption crypto v c) where
150 encodeJson (Encryption{encryption_nonce, encryption_vault}) =
151 "alpha" := encryption_nonce ~>
152 "beta" := encryption_vault ~>
153 JSON.jsonEmptyObject
154 instance decodeJsonEncryption ::
155 ( Reifies v Version
156 , CryptoParams crypto c
157 ) => DecodeJson (Encryption crypto v c) where
158 decodeJson json = do
159 obj <- decodeJson json
160 encryption_nonce <- obj .: "alpha"
161 encryption_vault <- obj .: "beta"
162 pure $ Encryption{encryption_nonce, encryption_vault}
164 -- | Additive homomorphism.
165 -- Using the fact that: @'groupGen' '^'x '*' 'groupGen' '^'y '==' 'groupGen' '^'(x'+'y)@.
166 instance additiveEncryption ::
167 CryptoParams crypto c =>
168 Additive (Encryption crypto v c) where
169 gzero = Encryption{encryption_nonce:one, encryption_vault:one}
170 gadd (Encryption x) (Encryption y) = Encryption
171 { encryption_nonce: x.encryption_nonce * y.encryption_nonce
172 , encryption_vault: x.encryption_vault * y.encryption_vault
173 }
175 -- *** Type 'EncryptionNonce'
176 type EncryptionNonce = E
178 -- | @('encrypt' pubKey clear)@ returns an ElGamal-like 'Encryption'.
179 --
180 -- WARNING: the secret encryption nonce (@encNonce@)
181 -- is returned alongside the 'Encryption'
182 -- in order to 'prove' the validity of the encrypted 'clear' text in 'proveEncryption',
183 -- but this secret @encNonce@ MUST be forgotten after that,
184 -- as it may be used to decipher the 'Encryption'
185 -- without the 'SecretKey' associated with 'pubKey'.
186 encrypt ::
187 forall crypto v c.
188 Reifies v Version =>
189 CryptoParams crypto c =>
190 PublicKey crypto c -> E crypto c ->
191 Effect (Tuple (EncryptionNonce crypto c) (Encryption crypto v c))
192 encrypt pubKey clear = do
193 encNonce <- randomE
194 -- NOTE: preserve the 'encNonce' for 'prove' in 'proveEncryption'.
195 pure $ Tuple encNonce $
196 Encryption
197 { encryption_nonce: groupGen^encNonce
198 , encryption_vault: pubKey ^encNonce * groupGen^clear
199 }
201 -- * Type 'Proof'
202 -- | Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge 'Proof'
203 -- of knowledge of a discrete logarithm:
204 -- @(secret == logBase base (base^secret))@.
205 data Proof crypto v c = Proof
206 { proof_challenge :: Challenge crypto c
207 -- ^ 'Challenge' sent by the verifier to the prover
208 -- to ensure that the prover really has knowledge
209 -- of the secret and is not replaying.
210 -- Actually, 'proof_challenge' is not sent to the prover,
211 -- but derived from the prover's 'Commitment's and statements
212 -- with a collision resistant 'hash'.
213 -- Hence the prover cannot chose the 'proof_challenge' to his/her liking.
214 , proof_response :: E crypto c
215 -- ^ A discrete logarithm sent by the prover to the verifier,
216 -- as a response to 'proof_challenge'.
217 --
218 -- If the verifier observes that @('proof_challenge' '==' 'hash' statement [commitment])@, where:
219 --
220 -- * @statement@ is a serialization of a tag, @base@ and @basePowSec@,
221 -- * @commitment '==' 'commit' proof base basePowSec '=='
222 -- base '^' 'proof_response' '*' basePowSec '^' 'proof_challenge'@,
223 -- * and @basePowSec '==' base'^'sec@,
224 --
225 -- then, with overwhelming probability (due to the 'hash' function),
226 -- the prover was not able to choose 'proof_challenge'
227 -- yet was able to compute a 'proof_response' such that
228 -- (@commitment '==' base '^' 'proof_response' '*' basePowSec '^' 'proof_challenge'@),
229 -- that is to say: @('proof_response' '==' logBase base 'commitment' '-' sec '*' 'proof_challenge')@,
230 -- therefore the prover knows 'sec'.
231 --
232 -- The prover choses 'commitment' to be a random power of @base@,
233 -- to ensure that each 'prove' does not reveal any information
234 -- about its secret.
235 }
236 derive instance eqProof :: Eq (Proof crypto v c)
237 instance showProof :: Show (Proof crypto v c) where
238 show (Proof e) = show e
239 instance encodeJsonProof ::
240 ( Reifies v Version
241 , CryptoParams crypto c
242 ) => EncodeJson (Proof crypto v c) where
243 encodeJson (Proof{proof_challenge, proof_response}) =
244 "challenge" := proof_challenge ~>
245 "response" := proof_response ~>
246 JSON.jsonEmptyObject
247 instance decodeJsonProof ::
248 ( Reifies v Version
249 , CryptoParams crypto c
250 ) => DecodeJson (Proof crypto v c) where
251 decodeJson json = do
252 obj <- decodeJson json
253 proof_challenge <- obj .: "challenge"
254 proof_response <- obj .: "response"
255 pure $ Proof{proof_challenge, proof_response}
257 -- ** Type 'ZKP'
258 -- | Zero-knowledge proof.
259 --
260 -- A protocol is /zero-knowledge/ if the verifier
261 -- learns nothing from the protocol except that the prover
262 -- knows the secret.
263 --
264 -- DOC: Mihir Bellare and Phillip Rogaway. Random oracles are practical:
265 -- A paradigm for designing efficient protocols. In ACM-CCS’93, 1993.
266 newtype ZKP = ZKP String
268 -- ** Type 'Challenge'
269 type Challenge = E
271 -- ** Type 'Oracle'
272 -- An 'Oracle' returns the 'Challenge' of the 'Commitment's
273 -- by 'hash'ing them (eventually with other 'Commitment's).
274 --
275 -- Used in 'prove' it enables a Fiat-Shamir transformation
276 -- of an /interactive zero-knowledge/ (IZK) proof
277 -- into a /non-interactive zero-knowledge/ (NIZK) proof.
278 -- That is to say that the verifier does not have
279 -- to send a 'Challenge' to the prover.
280 -- Indeed, the prover now handles the 'Challenge'
281 -- which becomes a (collision resistant) 'hash'
282 -- of the prover's commitments (and statements to be a stronger proof).
283 --
284 -- NOTE: the returned 'Challenge' is within 'Effect' because in PureScript
285 -- 'hash'ing needs this (due to the use of Node.Buffer).
286 type Oracle list crypto c = list (Commitment crypto c) -> Effect (Challenge crypto c)
288 -- | @('prove' sec commitmentBases oracle)@
289 -- returns a 'Proof' that @sec@ is known
290 -- (by proving the knowledge of its discrete logarithm).
291 --
292 -- The 'Oracle' is given 'Commitment's equal to the 'commitmentBases'
293 -- raised to the power of the secret nonce of the 'Proof',
294 -- as those are the 'Commitment's that the verifier will obtain
295 -- when composing the 'proof_challenge' and 'proof_response' together
296 -- (with 'commit').
297 --
298 -- WARNING: for 'prove' to be a so-called /strong Fiat-Shamir transformation/ (not a weak):
299 -- the statement must be included in the 'hash' (along with the commitments).
300 --
301 -- NOTE: a 'random' @nonce@ is used to ensure each 'prove'
302 -- does not reveal any information regarding the secret @sec@,
303 -- because two 'Proof's using the same 'Commitment'
304 -- can be used to deduce @sec@ (using the special-soundness).
305 prove ::
306 forall crypto v c list.
307 Reifies v Version =>
308 CryptoParams crypto c =>
309 Functor list =>
310 E crypto c ->
311 list (G crypto c) ->
312 Oracle list crypto c ->
313 Effect (Proof crypto v c)
314 prove sec commitmentBases oracle = do
315 nonce <- randomE
316 let commitments = (_ ^ nonce) <$> commitmentBases
317 proof_challenge <- oracle commitments
318 pure $ Proof
319 { proof_challenge
320 , proof_response: nonce `op` (sec*proof_challenge)
321 }
322 where
323 -- | See comments in 'commit'.
324 op =
325 if reflect (Proxy::Proxy v) `hasVersionTag` versionTagQuicker
326 then (-)
327 else (+)
329 -- | Like 'prove' but quicker. It chould replace 'prove' entirely
330 -- when Helios-C specifications will be fixed.
331 proveQuicker ::
332 forall crypto v c list.
333 Reifies v Version =>
334 CryptoParams crypto c =>
335 Functor list =>
336 E crypto c ->
337 list (G crypto c) ->
338 Oracle list crypto c ->
339 Effect (Proof crypto v c)
340 proveQuicker sec commitmentBases oracle = do
341 nonce <- randomE
342 let commitments = (_ ^ nonce) <$> commitmentBases
343 proof_challenge <- oracle commitments
344 pure $ Proof
345 { proof_challenge
346 , proof_response: nonce - sec*proof_challenge
347 }
349 -- | @('fakeProof')@ returns a 'Proof'
350 -- whose 'proof_challenge' and 'proof_response' are uniformly chosen at random,
351 -- instead of @('proof_challenge' '==' 'hash' statement commitments)@
352 -- and @('proof_response' '==' nonce '+' sec '*' 'proof_challenge')@
353 -- as a 'Proof' returned by 'prove'.
354 --
355 -- Used in 'proveEncryption' to fill the returned 'DisjProof'
356 -- with fake 'Proof's for all 'Disjunction's but the encrypted one.
357 fakeProof ::
358 forall crypto v c.
359 CryptoParams crypto c =>
360 Effect (Proof crypto v c)
361 fakeProof = do
362 proof_challenge <- randomE
363 proof_response <- randomE
364 pure $ Proof{proof_challenge, proof_response}
366 -- ** Type 'Commitment'
367 -- | A commitment from the prover to the verifier.
368 -- It's a power of 'groupGen' chosen randomly by the prover
369 -- when making a 'Proof' with 'prove'.
370 type Commitment = G
372 -- | @('commit' proof base basePowSec)@ returns a 'Commitment'
373 -- from the given 'Proof' with the knowledge of the verifier.
374 commit ::
375 forall crypto v c.
376 Reifies v Version =>
377 CryptoParams crypto c =>
378 Proof crypto v c ->
379 G crypto c ->
380 G crypto c ->
381 Commitment crypto c
382 commit (Proof p) base basePowSec =
383 (base^p.proof_response) `op`
384 (basePowSec^p.proof_challenge)
385 where
386 op =
387 if reflect (Proxy::Proxy v) `hasVersionTag` versionTagQuicker
388 then (*)
389 else (/)
390 -- TODO: contrary to some textbook presentations,
391 -- @('*')@ should be used instead of @('/')@ to avoid the performance cost
392 -- of a modular exponentiation @('^' ('groupOrder' '-' 'one'))@,
393 -- this is compensated by using @('-')@ instead of @('+')@ in 'prove'.
395 -- | Like 'commit' but quicker. It chould replace 'commit' entirely
396 -- when Helios-C specifications will be fixed.
397 commitQuicker ::
398 forall crypto v c.
399 CryptoParams crypto c =>
400 Proof crypto v c ->
401 G crypto c ->
402 G crypto c ->
403 Commitment crypto c
404 commitQuicker (Proof p) base basePowSec =
405 base^p.proof_response *
406 basePowSec^p.proof_challenge
408 -- * Type 'Disjunction'
409 -- | A 'Disjunction' is an 'inverse'd @('groupGen' '^'opinion)@
410 -- it's used in 'proveEncryption' to generate a 'Proof'
411 -- that an 'encryption_vault' contains a given @('groupGen' '^'opinion)@,
412 type Disjunction = G
414 booleanDisjunctions :: forall crypto c. CryptoParams crypto c => LL.List (Disjunction crypto c)
415 booleanDisjunctions = LL.take 2 $ groupGenInverses::LL.List (G crypto c)
417 intervalDisjunctions ::
418 forall crypto c.
419 CryptoParams crypto c =>
420 Natural -> Natural -> LL.List (Disjunction crypto c)
421 intervalDisjunctions mini maxi =
422 LL.take (int $ (unwrap (nat maxi) + one)-unwrap (nat mini)) $
423 LL.drop (int $ unwrap (nat mini)) $
424 groupGenInverses :: LL.List (G crypto c)
425 where
426 int = Int.round <<< BigInt.toNumber
428 -- ** Type 'DisjProof'
429 -- | A list of 'Proof's to prove that the opinion within an 'Encryption'
430 -- is indexing a 'Disjunction' within a list of them,
431 -- without revealing which opinion it is.
432 newtype DisjProof crypto v c = DisjProof (List (Proof crypto v c))
433 derive newtype instance eqDisjProof :: Eq (DisjProof crypto v c)
434 derive newtype instance showDisjProof :: Show (DisjProof crypto v c)
435 derive newtype instance encodeJsonDisjProof :: (Reifies v Version, CryptoParams crypto c) => EncodeJson (DisjProof crypto v c)
436 derive newtype instance decodeJsonDisjProof :: (Reifies v Version, CryptoParams crypto c) => DecodeJson (DisjProof crypto v c)
437 instance newtypeDisjProof :: Newtype (DisjProof crypto v c) (List (Proof crypto v c)) where
438 wrap = DisjProof
439 unwrap (DisjProof x) = x
441 -- | @('proveEncryption' elecPubKey voterZKP (prevDisjs,nextDisjs) (encNonce,enc))@
442 -- returns a 'DisjProof' that 'enc' 'encrypt's
443 -- the 'Disjunction' 'd' between 'prevDisjs' and 'nextDisjs'.
444 --
445 -- The prover proves that it knows an 'encNonce', such that:
446 -- @(enc '==' Encryption{encryption_nonce='groupGen' '^'encNonce, encryption_vault=elecPubKey'^'encNonce '*' groupGen'^'d})@
447 --
448 -- A /NIZK Disjunctive Chaum Pedersen Logarithm Equality/ is used.
449 --
450 -- DOC: Pierrick Gaudry. <https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01576379 Some ZK security proofs for Belenios>, 2017.
451 proveEncryption ::
452 forall crypto v c.
453 Reifies v Version =>
454 CryptoParams crypto c =>
455 PublicKey crypto c -> ZKP ->
456 Tuple (List (Disjunction crypto c)) (List (Disjunction crypto c)) ->
457 Tuple (EncryptionNonce crypto c) (Encryption crypto v c) ->
458 Effect (DisjProof crypto v c)
459 proveEncryption elecPubKey voterZKP (Tuple prevDisjs nextDisjs) (Tuple encNonce enc) = do
460 -- Fake proofs for all 'Disjunction's except the genuine one.
461 prevFakeProofs <- replicateA (List.length prevDisjs) fakeProof
462 nextFakeProofs <- replicateA (List.length nextDisjs) fakeProof
463 let fakeChallengeSum = sum ((\(Proof p) -> p.proof_challenge) <$> prevFakeProofs) +
464 sum ((\(Proof p) -> p.proof_challenge) <$> nextFakeProofs)
465 let statement = encryptionStatement voterZKP enc
466 genuineProof <- prove encNonce (groupGen : elecPubKey : List.Nil) $ \genuineCommitments -> do
467 let validCommitments = List.zipWith (encryptionCommitments elecPubKey enc)
468 let prevCommitments = validCommitments prevDisjs prevFakeProofs
469 let nextCommitments = validCommitments nextDisjs nextFakeProofs
470 let commitments = join prevCommitments <> genuineCommitments <> join nextCommitments
471 challenge <- hash statement commitments
472 let genuineChallenge = challenge - fakeChallengeSum
473 pure genuineChallenge
474 -- NOTE: here by construction (genuineChallenge == challenge - fakeChallengeSum)
475 -- thus (sum ((\(Proof p) -> p.proof_challenge) <$> proofs) == challenge)
476 -- as checked in 'verifyEncryption'.
477 let proofs = prevFakeProofs <> (genuineProof : nextFakeProofs)
478 pure (DisjProof proofs)
480 {-
481 verifyEncryption ::
482 forall crypto v c.
483 Reifies v Version =>
484 CryptoParams crypto c =>
485 PublicKey crypto c -> ZKP ->
486 List (Disjunction crypto c) -> Tuple (Encryption crypto v c) (DisjProof crypto v c) ->
487 ExceptT ErrorVerifyEncryption Effect Boolean
488 verifyEncryption elecPubKey voterZKP disjs (Tuple enc (DisjProof proofs)) =
489 case isoZipWith (encryptionCommitments elecPubKEy enc) disjs proofs of
490 Nothing ->
491 throwE $ ErrorVerifyEncryption_InvalidProofLength
492 (fromIntegral $ List.length proofs)
493 (fromIntegral $ List.length disjs)
494 Just commitments -> do
495 h <- lift $ hash (encryptionStatement voterZKP enc) (join commitments)
496 pure (challengeSum == h)
497 where
498 challengeSum = sum ((\(Proof p) -> p.proof_challenge) <$> proofs)
499 -}
501 -- ** Hashing
502 encryptionStatement ::
503 forall crypto v c.
504 CryptoParams crypto c =>
505 ZKP -> Encryption crypto v c -> String
506 encryptionStatement (ZKP voterZKP) (Encryption enc) =
507 "prove|"<>voterZKP<>"|"
508 <> bytesNat enc.encryption_nonce<>","
509 <> bytesNat enc.encryption_vault<>"|"
511 -- | @('encryptionCommitments' elecPubKey enc disj proof)@
512 -- returns the 'Commitment's with only the knowledge of the verifier.
513 --
514 -- For the prover the 'Proof' comes from @fakeProof@,
515 -- and for the verifier the 'Proof' comes from the prover.
516 encryptionCommitments ::
517 forall crypto v c.
518 Reifies v Version =>
519 CryptoParams crypto c =>
520 PublicKey crypto c -> Encryption crypto v c ->
521 Disjunction crypto c -> Proof crypto v c -> List (G crypto c)
522 encryptionCommitments elecPubKey (Encryption enc) disj proof =
523 commit proof groupGen enc.encryption_nonce :
524 -- == groupGen ^ nonce if 'Proof' comes from 'prove'.
525 -- base==groupGen, basePowSec==groupGen^encNonce.
526 commit proof elecPubKey (enc.encryption_vault*disj) :
527 -- == elecPubKey ^ nonce if 'Proof' comes from 'prove'
528 -- and 'encryption_vault' encrypts (- logBase groupGen disj).
529 -- base==elecPubKey, basePowSec==elecPubKey^encNonce.
530 List.Nil
532 -- ** Type 'ErrorVerifyEncryption'
533 -- | Error raised by 'verifyEncryption'.
534 data ErrorVerifyEncryption
535 = ErrorVerifyEncryption_InvalidProofLength Natural Natural
536 -- ^ When the number of proofs is different than
537 -- the number of 'Disjunction's.
538 -- deriving (Eq,Show)
540 {-
541 -- * Type 'Signature'
542 -- | Schnorr-like signature.
543 --
544 -- Used by each voter to sign his/her encrypted 'Ballot'
545 -- using his/her 'Credential',
546 -- in order to avoid ballot stuffing.
547 data Signature crypto v c = Signature
548 { signature_publicKey :: !(PublicKey crypto c)
549 -- ^ Verification key.
550 , signature_proof :: !(Proof crypto v c)
551 } deriving (Generic)
552 deriving instance (NFData crypto, NFData (G crypto c)) => NFData (Signature crypto v c)
553 instance
554 ( Reifies v Version
555 , CryptoParams crypto c
556 ) => ToJSON (Signature crypto v c) where
557 toJSON (Signature pubKey Proof{..}) =
558 JSON.object
559 [ "public_key" .= pubKey
560 , "challenge" .= proof_challenge
561 , "response" .= proof_response
562 ]
563 toEncoding (Signature pubKey Proof{..}) =
564 JSON.pairs
565 ( "public_key" .= pubKey
566 <> "challenge" .= proof_challenge
567 <> "response" .= proof_response
568 )
569 instance
570 ( Reifies v Version
571 , CryptoParams crypto c
572 ) => FromJSON (Signature crypto v c) where
573 parseJSON = JSON.withObject "Signature" $ \o -> do
574 signature_publicKey <- o .: "public_key"
575 proof_challenge <- o .: "challenge"
576 proof_response <- o .: "response"
577 let signature_proof = Proof{..}
578 pure Signature{..}
579 -}