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[majurity.git] / Hjugement / Majority.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
2 module Hjugement.Majority where
4 import Data.Function (on)
5 import Data.List
6 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
7 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
8 import Data.Ord (Down(..))
9 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
10 import Data.Set (Set)
11 import GHC.Exts (IsList(..))
12 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
13 import qualified Data.Set as Set
15 -- * Type 'Choices'
16 type Choices prop = Set prop
18 -- | Return a set of 'Choices' by enumerating the alternatives of its type. Useful on sum types.
19 choices :: (Bounded prop , Enum prop , Ord prop) => Choices prop
20 choices = Set.fromList (enumFrom minBound)
22 -- * Type 'Scale'
23 data Scale grade
24 = Scale
25 { scaleGrades :: Set grade
26 -- ^ How many 'grade's should be used?
27 -- A greater number of 'grade's permits a finer distinction but demands
28 -- a higher degree of expertise and discernment.
29 -- The optimal number is the highest number of 'grade's that constitutes a common language,
30 -- that is, that allows 'judge's to make absolute judgments.
31 -- Too little 'grade's may lead too often to ties.
32 --
33 -- Note, however, that if the inputs or grades depend on the set of choices,
34 -- i.e. if judges change their grades when choices are added or dropped,
35 -- then the Arrow paradox cannot be avoided.
36 -- To avoid this the scale must be fixed and absolute
37 -- so that more or fewer choices does not change
38 -- the inputs or messages of other choices.
39 , scaleDefault :: grade
40 -- ^ For instance, when a 'judge' gives no 'grade' or has “no opinion”,
41 -- 'scaleDefault' could mean that the 'judge' chooses “To Reject” the choice:
42 -- the rationale being that a 'judge' having “no opinion”
43 -- concerning a choice has not even taken the time to evaluate it
44 -- and thus has implicitly rejected it.
45 } deriving (Eq, Show)
47 -- | Return a 'Scale' by enumerating the alternatives of its type. Useful on sum types.
48 scale :: (Bounded grade, Enum grade, Ord grade) => Scale grade
49 scale = Scale { scaleGrades = Set.fromList (enumFrom minBound)
50 , scaleDefault = toEnum 0
51 }
53 -- | Return a 'Scale' from a list of 'grade's and a default 'grade'.
54 -- Useful with 'grade's whose type has no 'Ord' instance
55 -- or a different one than the one wanted.
56 scaleOfList :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Scale Int
57 scaleOfList gs dg = Scale is di
58 where
59 is = fromList $ findIndices (const True) gs
60 di = fromMaybe (error "default grade not in the scale") $ dg`elemIndex`gs
62 gradeOfScale :: [a] -> Int -> a
63 gradeOfScale = (!!)
65 -- * Type 'Jury'
66 type Jury judge = Set judge
68 -- | Return a 'Jury' by enumerating the alternatives of its type. Useful on sum types.
69 jury :: (Bounded judge , Enum judge , Ord judge) => Jury judge
70 jury = Set.fromList (enumFrom minBound)
72 -- * Type 'Opinion'
73 -- | Profile of opinions of one single 'judge' about some 'prop'ositions.
74 type Opinion prop grade = Map prop grade
76 -- | Construct the 'Opinion' of a 'judge' about some 'prop'ositions implicit from their type.
77 opinion :: (Enum prop, Bounded prop, Ord prop) =>
78 judge -> [grade] ->
79 (judge, Opinion prop grade)
80 opinion j gs = (j, Map.fromList (zip (enumFrom minBound) gs))
82 -- ** Type 'Opinions'
83 -- | Profile of opinions of some 'judge's about some 'prop'ositions.
84 newtype Opinions prop grade judge = Opinions (Map judge (Opinion prop grade))
85 deriving (Eq, Show)
86 instance (Ord judge, Show judge) => IsList (Opinions prop grade judge) where
87 type Item (Opinions prop grade judge) = (judge, Opinion prop grade)
88 fromList = Opinions . Map.fromListWithKey
89 (\k _x _y -> error $ "duplicate opinion for judge: " <> show k)
90 toList (Opinions os) = toList os
92 -- * Type 'Merit'
93 -- | Profile of merits about a choice.
94 newtype Merit grade = Merit (Map grade Count)
95 deriving (Eq, Show)
96 type Count = Int
98 instance Ord grade => Semigroup (Merit grade) where
99 Merit x <> Merit y = Merit (Map.unionWith (+) x y)
100 instance Ord grade => Ord (Merit grade) where
101 compare = compare `on` majorityValue
102 instance (Ord grade, Show grade) => IsList (Merit grade) where
103 type Item (Merit grade) = (grade, Count)
104 fromList = Merit . Map.fromListWithKey
105 (\g _x _y -> error $ "duplicate grade in merit: " <> show g)
106 toList (Merit cs) = toList cs
108 -- | @merit grad@ returns the 'Merit'
109 -- of a single 'choice' by some 'judge's.
110 merit :: (Ord grade, Ord prop) =>
111 Scale grade -> prop -> Opinions prop grade judge ->
112 Merit grade
113 merit scal prop (Opinions os) = foldr insertOpinion defaultMerit os
114 where
115 insertOpinion op (Merit m) = Merit (Map.insertWith (+) g 1 m)
116 where g = Map.findWithDefault (scaleDefault scal) prop op
117 defaultMerit = Merit (const 0 `Map.fromSet` scaleGrades scal)
119 -- ** Type 'Merits'
120 -- | Profile of merits about some choices.
121 newtype Merits prop grade = Merits (Map prop (Merit grade))
122 deriving (Eq, Show)
123 instance (Ord grade, Ord prop) => Semigroup (Merits prop grade) where
124 Merits x <> Merits y = Merits (Map.unionWith (<>) x y)
125 instance (Ord prop, Show prop) => IsList (Merits prop grade) where
126 type Item (Merits prop grade) = (prop, Merit grade)
127 fromList = Merits . Map.fromListWithKey
128 (\p _x _y -> error $ "duplicate choice in merits: " <> show p)
129 toList (Merits cs) = toList cs
131 -- | @merit scal props opins@ returns the 'Merits'
132 -- of the 'Choices' 'props'
133 -- as judged by the 'Opinions' 'opins'
134 -- on the 'Scale' 'scal'.
135 merits :: (Ord grade, Ord prop) =>
136 Scale grade -> Choices prop -> Opinions prop grade judge ->
137 Merits prop grade
138 merits scal props (Opinions os) = foldr ((<>) . meritsFromOpinion) defaultMerits os
139 where
140 meritsFromOpinion = Merits . (Merit . (`Map.singleton` 1) <$>) . (<> defaultOpinion)
141 defaultOpinion = const (scaleDefault scal) `Map.fromSet` props
142 defaultMerits = Merits (const defaultMerit `Map.fromSet` props)
143 defaultMerit = Merit (const 0 `Map.fromSet` scaleGrades scal)
145 -- * Type 'Value'
146 -- | A 'Value' is a compressed list of 'grade's,
147 -- where each 'grade' is associated with the 'Count'
148 -- by which it would be replicated in situ if decompressed.
149 newtype Value grade = Value [(grade,Count)]
150 deriving (Eq, Show)
151 -- | 'compare' lexicographically as if the 'Value's
152 -- were decompressed.
153 instance Ord grade => Ord (Value grade) where
154 Value []`compare`Value [] = EQ
155 Value []`compare`Value ys | all ((==0) . snd) ys = EQ
156 | otherwise = LT
157 Value xs`compare`Value [] | all ((==0) . snd) xs = EQ
158 | otherwise = GT
159 sx@(Value ((x,cx):xs)) `compare` sy@(Value ((y,cy):ys)) =
160 case cx`compare`cy of
161 _ | cx == 0 && cy == 0 -> Value xs`compare`Value ys
162 _ | cx <= 0 -> Value xs`compare`sy
163 _ | cy <= 0 -> sx`compare`Value ys
164 EQ -> x`compare`y <> Value xs`compare`Value ys
165 LT -> x`compare`y <> Value xs`compare`Value((y,cy-cx):ys)
166 GT -> x`compare`y <> Value((x,cx-cy):xs)`compare`Value ys
168 -- | The 'majorityValue' is the list of the 'majorityGrade's
169 -- of a choice, each one replicated their associated 'Count' times,
170 -- from the most consensual to the least,
171 -- ie. by removing the 'grade' of the previous 'majorityGrade'
172 -- to compute the next.
173 majorityValue :: Ord grade => Merit grade -> Value grade
174 majorityValue (Merit m) = Value (go m)
175 where
176 go gs = case snd (Map.foldlWithKey untilMajGrade (0,[]) gs) of
177 [] -> []
178 gw@(g,_):_ -> gw:go (Map.delete g gs)
179 where
180 tot = sum gs
181 untilMajGrade (t,[]) g c | 2*tc >= tot = (tc,[(g,c)])
182 | otherwise = (tc,[])
183 where tc = t+c
184 untilMajGrade acc _g _c = acc
186 -- | The 'majorityGrade' is the lower middlemost
187 -- (also known as median by experts) of the 'grade's
188 -- given to a choice by the 'judge's.
189 --
190 -- It is the highest 'grade' approved by an absolute majority of the 'judge's:
191 -- more than 50% of the 'judge's give the choice at least a 'grade' of 'majorityGrade',
192 -- but every 'grade' lower than 'majorityGrade' is rejected by an absolute majority
193 -- Thus the 'majorityGrade' of a choice
194 -- is the final 'grade' wished by the majority.
195 --
196 -- The 'majorityGrade' is necessarily a word that belongs to 'grades',
197 -- and it has an absolute meaning.
198 --
199 -- When the number of 'judge's is even, there is a middle-interval
200 -- (which can, of course, be reduced to a single 'grade'
201 -- if the two middle 'grade's are the same),
202 -- then the 'majorityGrade' is the lowest 'grade' of the middle-interval
203 -- (the “lower middlemost” when there are two in the middle),
204 -- which is the only one which respects consensus:
205 -- any other choice whose grades are all within this middle-interval,
206 -- has a 'majorityGrade' which is greater or equal to this lower middlemost.
207 majorityGrade :: Ord grade => Merit grade -> grade
208 majorityGrade m = fst (head gs) where Value gs = majorityValue m
210 -- * Type 'Ranking'
212 type Ranking prop = [prop]
214 -- | The 'majorityRanking' ranks all the choices on the basis of their 'grade's.
215 --
216 -- Choice A ranks higher than choice B in the 'majorityRanking'
217 -- if and only if A’s 'majorityValue' is lexicographically above B’s.
218 -- There can be no tie unless two choices have precisely the same 'majorityValue's.
219 majorityRanking :: Ord grade => Merits prop grade -> Ranking prop
220 majorityRanking = map fst . sortBy (compare `on` Down . snd) . majorityValueByChoice
222 majorityValueByChoice :: Ord grade => Merits prop grade -> [(prop, Value grade)]
223 majorityValueByChoice (Merits ms) = Map.toAscList (majorityValue <$> ms)