]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement/Majority/Value.hs
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[majurity.git] / hjugement / Majority / Value.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
2 module Majority.Value where
4 import Data.Bool
5 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
6 import Data.Function (($), (.), on)
7 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
8 import Data.List as List
9 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), listToMaybe)
10 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..), Down(..))
11 import Data.Ratio ((%), numerator, denominator)
12 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
13 import Data.Tuple (snd)
14 import Prelude (Num(..), fromIntegral, lcm, div, )
15 import Text.Show (Show(..))
16 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
17 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
19 import Majority.Merit
21 -- * Type 'MajorityValue'
22 -- | A 'MajorityValue' is a list of 'grade's
23 -- made from the successive lower middlemosts of a 'Merit',
24 -- i.e. from the most consensual 'majorityGrade' to the least.
25 --
26 -- For using less resources and generalizing to non-integral 'Share's,
27 -- this 'MajorityValue' is actually encoded as an Abbreviated Majority Value,
28 -- instead of a big list of 'grade's.
29 newtype MajorityValue grade = MajorityValue [Middle grade]
30 deriving (Eq, Show)
31 unMajorityValue :: MajorityValue grade -> [Middle grade]
32 unMajorityValue (MajorityValue ms) = ms
33 instance Ord grade => Ord (MajorityValue grade) where
34 MajorityValue []`compare`MajorityValue [] = EQ
35 MajorityValue []`compare`MajorityValue ys | all ((==0) . middleShare) ys = EQ
36 | otherwise = LT
37 MajorityValue xs`compare`MajorityValue [] | all ((==0) . middleShare) xs = EQ
38 | otherwise = GT
39 mx@(MajorityValue (x:xs)) `compare` my@(MajorityValue (y:ys))
40 | middleShare x <= 0 && middleShare y <= 0 = MajorityValue xs`compare`MajorityValue ys
41 | middleShare x <= 0 = MajorityValue xs`compare`my
42 | middleShare y <= 0 = mx`compare`MajorityValue ys
43 | otherwise =
44 lowGrade x`compare`lowGrade y <>
45 highGrade x`compare`highGrade y <>
46 case middleShare x`compare`middleShare y of
47 LT -> compare (MajorityValue xs) (MajorityValue (y{middleShare = middleShare y - middleShare x} : ys))
48 EQ -> compare (MajorityValue xs) (MajorityValue ys)
49 GT -> compare (MajorityValue (x{middleShare = middleShare x - middleShare y} : xs)) (MajorityValue ys)
51 -- ** Type 'Middle'
52 -- | A centered middle of a 'Merit'.
53 -- Needed to handle the 'Fractional' capabilities of a 'Share'.
54 --
55 -- By construction in 'majorityValue',
56 -- 'lowGrade' is always lower or equal to 'highGrade'.
57 data Middle grade = Middle
58 { middleShare :: Share -- ^ the same 'Share' of 'lowGrade' and 'highGrade'.
59 , lowGrade :: grade
60 , highGrade :: grade
61 } deriving (Eq, Ord)
62 instance Show grade => Show (Middle grade) where
63 showsPrec p (Middle s l h) = showsPrec p (s,l,h)
65 -- | The 'majorityValue' is the list of the 'Middle's of the 'Merit' of a 'choice',
66 -- from the most consensual to the least.
67 majorityValue :: Ord grade => Merit grade -> MajorityValue grade
68 majorityValue (Merit countByGrade) = MajorityValue $ goMiddle 0 [] $ Map.toList countByGrade
69 where
70 total = sum countByGrade
71 middle = (1%2) * total
72 goMiddle :: Ord grade => Share -> [(grade,Share)] -> [(grade,Share)] -> [Middle grade]
73 goMiddle prevShare ps next =
74 case next of
75 [] -> []
76 curr@(currGrade,currShare):ns ->
77 let nextShare = prevShare + currShare in
78 case nextShare`compare`middle of
79 LT -> goMiddle nextShare (curr:ps) ns
80 EQ -> goBorders (curr:ps) ns
81 GT ->
82 let lowShare = middle - prevShare in
83 let highShare = nextShare - middle in
84 let minShare = min lowShare highShare in
85 Middle minShare currGrade currGrade :
86 goBorders
87 ((currGrade, lowShare - minShare) : ps)
88 ((currGrade, highShare - minShare) : ns)
89 goBorders :: [(grade,Share)] -> [(grade,Share)] -> [Middle grade]
90 goBorders lows highs =
91 case (lows,highs) of
92 ((lowGrade,lowShare):ls, (highGrade,highShare):hs)
93 | lowShare <= 0 -> goBorders ls highs
94 | highShare <= 0 -> goBorders lows hs
95 | otherwise ->
96 let minShare = min lowShare highShare in
97 Middle minShare lowGrade highGrade :
98 goBorders
99 ((lowGrade , lowShare - minShare) : ls)
100 ((highGrade, highShare - minShare) : hs)
101 _ -> []
102 instance Ord grade => Ord (Merit grade) where
103 compare = compare `on` majorityValue
105 -- | The 'majorityGrade' is the lower middlemost
106 -- (also known as median by experts) of the 'grade's
107 -- given to a 'choice' by the 'Judges'.
108 --
109 -- It is the highest 'grade' approved by an absolute majority of the 'Judges':
110 -- more than 50% of the 'Judges' give the 'choice' at least a 'grade' of 'majorityGrade',
111 -- but every 'grade' lower than 'majorityGrade' is rejected by an absolute majority
112 -- Thus the 'majorityGrade' of a 'choice'
113 -- is the final 'grade' wished by the majority.
114 --
115 -- The 'majorityGrade' is necessarily a word that belongs to 'grades',
116 -- and it has an absolute meaning.
117 --
118 -- When the number of 'Judges' is even, there is a middle-interval
119 -- (which can, of course, be reduced to a single 'grade'
120 -- if the two middle 'grade's are the same),
121 -- then the 'majorityGrade' is the lowest 'grade' of the middle-interval
122 -- (the “lower middlemost” when there are two in the middle),
123 -- which is the only one which respects consensus:
124 -- any other 'choice' whose grades are all within this middle-interval,
125 -- has a 'majorityGrade' which is greater or equal to this lower middlemost.
126 majorityGrade :: Ord grade => MajorityValue grade -> Maybe grade
127 majorityGrade (MajorityValue mv) = lowGrade <$> listToMaybe mv
129 -- * Type 'MajorityRanking'
130 type MajorityRanking choice grade = [(choice, MajorityValue grade)]
132 majorityValueByChoice :: Ord grade => MeritByChoice choice grade -> HM.HashMap choice (MajorityValue grade)
133 majorityValueByChoice (MeritByChoice ms) = majorityValue <$> ms
135 -- | The 'majorityRanking' ranks all the 'choice's on the basis of their 'grade's.
136 --
137 -- Choice A ranks higher than 'choice' B in the 'majorityRanking'
138 -- if and only if A’s 'majorityValue' is lexicographically above B’s.
139 -- There can be no tie unless two 'choice's have precisely the same 'majorityValue's.
140 majorityRanking :: Ord grade => MeritByChoice choice grade -> MajorityRanking choice grade
141 majorityRanking = List.sortOn (Down . snd) . HM.toList . majorityValueByChoice
143 -- | Expand a 'MajorityValue' such that each 'grade' has a 'Share' of '1'.
144 --
145 -- WARNING: the resulting list of 'grade's may have a different length
146 -- than the list of 'grade's used to build the 'Merit'.
147 expandValue :: Eq grade => MajorityValue grade -> [grade]
148 expandValue (MajorityValue ms) =
149 let lcm' = foldr lcm 1 (denominator . middleShare <$> ms) in
150 concat $ (<$> ms) $ \(Middle s l h) ->
151 let r = numerator s * (lcm' `div` denominator s) in
152 concat (replicate (fromIntegral r) [l, h])
153 {-
154 case r`divMod`2 of
155 (quo,0) -> concat (replicate (fromIntegral quo) [l, h])
156 (quo,_) -> l:concat (replicate (fromIntegral quo) [l, h])
157 -}
159 -- | @'normalizeMajorityValue' m@ multiply all 'Share's
160 -- by their least common denominator to get integral 'Share's.
161 normalizeMajorityValue :: MajorityValue grade -> MajorityValue grade
162 normalizeMajorityValue (MajorityValue mv) =
163 MajorityValue $ (\m -> m{middleShare = lcm' * middleShare m}) <$> mv
164 where
165 lcm' = foldr lcm 1 (denominator . middleShare <$> mv) % den
166 den = case mv of
167 Middle s _l _h:_ -> denominator s
168 _ -> 1