]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-protocol/Protocol/Election.hs
protocol: Fix Arith
[majurity.git] / hjugement-protocol / Protocol / Election.hs
1 module Protocol.Election where
3 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
4 import Data.Bool
5 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
6 import Data.Functor (Functor, (<$>))
7 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
8 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
9 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
10 import Data.Int (Int)
11 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
12 import Prelude (Integral, undefined)
13 import Text.Show (Show(..))
14 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
15 import qualified Data.List as List
17 import Protocol.Arith
19 -- * Type 'CipherText'
20 data CipherText q = CipherText
21 { alpha :: G q -- ^ Random nonce: @(g'^'r)@
22 , beta :: G q -- ^ Encrypted message: @(g'^'msg '*' (g'^'secKey)'^'r)@
23 } deriving (Show)
25 -- | Additive homomorphism.
26 -- Using the fact that: @g^x * g^y == g^(x+y)@.
27 instance SubGroup q => Semigroup (CipherText q) where
28 x<>y = CipherText (alpha x * alpha y) (beta x * beta y)
29 instance SubGroup q => Monoid (CipherText q) where
30 mempty = CipherText one one
31 mappend = (<>)
33 type PublicKey = G
34 type SecretKey = E
35 type Random = E
37 encrypt ::
38 PrimeField (P q) =>
39 SubGroup q =>
40 Integral msg =>
41 PublicKey q -> Random q -> msg -> CipherText q
42 encrypt pk r msg =
43 CipherText
44 { alpha = groupGen^r
45 , beta = groupGen^inE msg * pk^r
46 -- NOTE: pk == groupGen ^ sk
47 -- NOTE: msg is put as exponent in order
48 -- to make an additive homomorphism
49 -- instead of a multiplicative homomorphism.
50 }
52 -- * Type 'Proof'
53 data Proof q = Proof
54 { challenge :: E q
55 , response :: E q
56 } deriving (Eq,Show)
58 proofFiatShamir ::
59 Monad m =>
60 RandomGen r =>
61 SubGroup q =>
62 Functor f =>
63 f (G q) -> E q -> (f (G q) -> E q) -> S.StateT r m (Proof q)
64 proofFiatShamir gs msg oracle = do
65 r <- random
66 let commitments = (^ r) <$> gs
67 let challenge = oracle commitments
68 return Proof
69 { challenge
70 , response = r + msg * challenge
71 }
73 -- | Prove that alpha = g^r and beta = y^r/d!!i
74 -- the size of d is the number of disjuncts
75 elgamalDisjProve ::
76 PublicKey q -> [G q] -> Text -> Int -> Random q -> CipherText q -> Proof q
77 elgamalDisjProve y d zkp i r CipherText{..} =
78 undefined
80 {-
81 type Randomness
82 type Message
83 type Answer
86 -}
87 {-
88 (** ZKPs for disjunctions *)
90 let eg_disj_prove y d zkp x r {alpha; beta} =
91 (* prove that alpha = g^r and beta = y^r/d_x *)
92 (* the size of d is the number of disjuncts *)
93 let n = Array.length d in
94 assert (0 <= x && x < n);
95 let proofs = Array.make n dummy_proof
96 and commitments = Array.make (2*n) g
97 and total_challenges = ref Z.zero in
98 (* compute fake proofs *)
99 let f i =
100 let challenge = random q
101 and response = random q in
102 challenge >>= fun challenge ->
103 response >>= fun response ->
104 proofs.(i) <- {challenge; response};
105 commitments.(2*i) <- g **~ response / alpha **~ challenge;
106 commitments.(2*i+1) <- y **~ response / (beta *~ d.(i)) **~ challenge;
107 total_challenges := Z.(!total_challenges + challenge);
108 return ()
109 in
110 -- Apply f to all elements of d except the xth
111 let rec loop i =
112 if i < x then f i >>= fun () -> loop (succ i)
113 else if i = x then loop (succ i)
114 else if i < n then f i >>= fun () -> loop (succ i)
115 else return ()
116 in loop 0 >>= fun () ->
117 total_challenges := Z.(q - !total_challenges mod q);
118 (* compute genuine proof *)
119 fs_prove [| g; y |] r (fun commitx ->
120 Array.blit commitx 0 commitments (2*x) 2;
121 let prefix = Printf.sprintf "prove|%s|%s,%s|"
122 zkp (G.to_string alpha) (G.to_string beta)
123 in
124 Z.((G.hash prefix commitments + !total_challenges) mod q)
125 ) >>= fun p ->
126 proofs.(x) <- p;
127 return proofs
128 -}