]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - test/QuickCheck.hs
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[majurity.git] / test / QuickCheck.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
4 module QuickCheck where
6 import Test.QuickCheck
7 import Test.Tasty
8 import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
10 import Control.Monad (replicateM)
11 import qualified Data.Set as Set
12 import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
14 import Hjugement
15 import Types
17 quickchecks :: TestTree
18 quickchecks =
19 testGroup "QuickCheck"
20 [ testProperty "arbitraryJudgments" $ \(SameLength (x::[(G6,Count)],y)) ->
21 let (gx, cx) = unzip x in
22 let (gy, cy) = unzip y in
23 gx == gy && sum cx == sum cy
24 , testGroup "MajorityValue"
25 [ testProperty "compare" $ \(SameLength (x::MajorityValue G6,y)) ->
26 expandValue x`compare` expandValue y == x`compare`y
27 ]
28 {-
29 , testProperty "majorityGauge and majorityValue consistency" $
30 \(SameLength (x@(Merit xs)::Merit G6,y@(Merit ys))) ->
31 not (all (==0) xs || all (==0) ys) ==>
32 case majorityGauge x`compare`majorityGauge y of
33 LT -> majorityValue x < majorityValue y
34 GT -> majorityValue x > majorityValue y
35 EQ -> True
36 -}
37 ]
39 -- | Decompress a 'MajorityValue'.
40 expandValue :: MajorityValue a -> [a]
41 expandValue (MajorityValue []) = []
42 expandValue (MajorityValue ((x,c):xs)) = replicate (fromIntegral c) x ++ expandValue (MajorityValue xs)
44 -- | @arbitraryJudgments n@ arbitrarily generates 'n' lists of pairs of grade and 'Count'
45 -- for the same arbitrary grades,
46 -- and with the same total 'Count' of individual judgments.
47 arbitraryJudgments :: forall g. (Bounded g, Enum g) => Int -> Gen [[(g, Count)]]
48 arbitraryJudgments n = sized $ \s -> do
49 minG <- choose (fromEnum(minBound::g), fromEnum(maxBound::g))
50 maxG <- choose (minG, fromEnum(maxBound::g))
51 let gs::[g] = toEnum minG`enumFromTo`toEnum maxG
52 let lg = maxG - minG + 1
53 replicateM n $ do
54 cs <- resize s $ arbitrarySizedNaturalSum lg
55 cs' <- arbitraryPad (lg - length cs) (return 0) cs
56 return $ zip gs $ fromIntegral <$> cs'
58 -- | @arbitrarySizedNaturalSum maxLen@
59 -- arbitrarily chooses a list of 'length' at most 'maxLen',
60 -- containing 'Int's summing up to 'sized'.
61 arbitrarySizedNaturalSum :: Int -> Gen [Int]
62 arbitrarySizedNaturalSum maxLen = sized (go maxLen)
63 where
64 go :: Int -> Int -> Gen [Int]
65 go len tot | len <= 0 = return []
66 | len == 1 = return [tot]
67 | tot <= 0 = return [tot]
68 go len tot = do
69 d <- choose (0, tot)
70 (d:) <$> go (len-1) (tot - d)
72 -- | @arbitraryPad n pad xs@
73 -- arbitrarily grows list 'xs' with 'pad' elements
74 -- up to length 'n'.
75 arbitraryPad :: (Num i, Integral i) => i -> Gen a -> [a] -> Gen [a]
76 arbitraryPad n pad [] = replicateM (fromIntegral n) pad
77 arbitraryPad n pad xs = do
78 (r, xs') <- go n xs
79 if r > 0
80 then arbitraryPad r pad xs'
81 else return xs'
82 where
83 go r xs' | r <= 0 = return (0,xs')
84 go r [] = arbitrary >>= \b ->
85 if b then pad >>= \p -> ((p:)<$>) <$> go (r-1) []
86 else return (r,[])
87 go r (x:xs') = arbitrary >>= \b ->
88 if b then pad >>= \p -> (([p,x]++)<$>) <$> go (r-1) xs'
89 else ((x:)<$>) <$> go r xs'
91 -- | Like 'nub', but O(n * log n).
92 nubList :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
93 nubList = go Set.empty where
94 go _ [] = []
95 go s (x:xs) | x`Set.member`s = go s xs
96 | otherwise = x:go (Set.insert x s) xs
98 instance Arbitrary G6 where
99 arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum
100 instance (Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g, Show g) => Arbitrary (Merit g) where
101 arbitrary = fromList . head <$> arbitraryJudgments 1
102 shrink (Merit m) = Merit <$> shrink m
103 instance
104 ( Arbitrary c, Bounded c, Enum c, Eq c, Hashable c, Show c
105 , Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g, Show g
106 ) => Arbitrary (Merits c g) where
107 arbitrary = do
108 minP <- choose (fromEnum(minBound::c), fromEnum(maxBound::c))
109 maxP <- choose (minP, fromEnum(maxBound::c))
110 let ps = toEnum minP`enumFromTo`toEnum maxP
111 let ms = (fromList <$>) <$> arbitraryJudgments (maxP - minP + 1)
112 fromList . zip ps <$> ms
113 instance (Bounded g, Eq g, Integral g, Arbitrary g) => Arbitrary (MajorityValue g) where
114 arbitrary = head . (MajorityValue <$>) <$> arbitraryJudgments 1
115 shrink (MajorityValue vs) = MajorityValue <$> shrink vs
117 -- * Type 'SameLength'
118 newtype SameLength a = SameLength a
119 deriving (Eq, Show)
120 instance Functor SameLength where
121 fmap f (SameLength x) = SameLength (f x)
122 instance (Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g) => Arbitrary (SameLength (MajorityValue g, MajorityValue g)) where
123 arbitrary = do
124 SameLength (x,y) <- arbitrary
125 return $ SameLength (MajorityValue x, MajorityValue y)
126 instance (Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g, Ord g, Show g) => Arbitrary (SameLength (Merit g, Merit g)) where
127 arbitrary = do
128 SameLength (x,y) <- arbitrary
129 return $ SameLength (fromList x, fromList y)
130 instance (Arbitrary g, Bounded g, Enum g) => Arbitrary (SameLength ([(g,Count)], [(g,Count)])) where
131 arbitrary = do
132 vs <- arbitraryJudgments 2
133 case vs of
134 [x,y] -> return $ SameLength (x,y)
135 _ -> undefined