]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - Majority/Value.hs
Add MajorityGauge (old code though).
[majurity.git] / Majority / Value.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
2 module Majority.Value where
4 import Data.Bool
5 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
6 import Data.Function (($), (.), on)
7 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
8 import Data.List as List
9 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), listToMaybe)
10 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..), Down(..))
11 import Data.Ratio ((%))
12 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
13 import Data.Tuple (snd)
14 import Prelude (Num(..))
15 import Text.Show (Show(..))
16 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
17 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
19 import Majority.Merit
21 -- * Type 'MajorityValue'
22 -- | A 'MajorityValue' is a list of 'grade's
23 -- made from the successive lower middlemosts of a 'Merit',
24 -- i.e. from the most consensual 'majorityGrade' to the least.
25 newtype MajorityValue grade = MajorityValue { unMajorityValue :: [Middle grade] }
26 deriving (Eq, Show)
27 instance Ord grade => Ord (MajorityValue grade) where
28 MajorityValue []`compare`MajorityValue [] = EQ
29 MajorityValue []`compare`MajorityValue ys | all ((==0) . middleShare) ys = EQ
30 | otherwise = LT
31 MajorityValue xs`compare`MajorityValue [] | all ((==0) . middleShare) xs = EQ
32 | otherwise = GT
33 mx@(MajorityValue (x:xs)) `compare` my@(MajorityValue (y:ys))
34 | middleShare x <= 0 && middleShare y <= 0 = MajorityValue xs`compare`MajorityValue ys
35 | middleShare x <= 0 = MajorityValue xs`compare`my
36 | middleShare y <= 0 = mx`compare`MajorityValue ys
37 | otherwise =
38 lowGrade x`compare`lowGrade y <>
39 highGrade x`compare`highGrade y <>
40 case middleShare x`compare`middleShare y of
41 LT -> compare (MajorityValue xs) (MajorityValue (y{middleShare = middleShare y - middleShare x} : ys))
42 EQ -> compare (MajorityValue xs) (MajorityValue ys)
43 GT -> compare (MajorityValue (x{middleShare = middleShare x - middleShare y} : xs)) (MajorityValue ys)
45 -- ** Type 'Middle'
46 -- | A centered middle of a 'Merit'.
47 -- Needed to handle the 'Fractional' capabilities of a 'Share'.
48 --
49 -- By construction in 'majorityValue',
50 -- 'lowGrade' is always lower or equal to 'highGrade'.
51 data Middle grade = Middle
52 { middleShare :: Share -- ^ the same 'Share' of 'lowGrade' and 'highGrade'.
53 , lowGrade :: grade
54 , highGrade :: grade
55 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
57 -- | The 'majorityValue' is the list of the 'Middle's of the 'Merit' of a 'choice',
58 -- from the most consensual to the least.
59 majorityValue :: Ord grade => Merit grade -> MajorityValue grade
60 majorityValue (Merit countByGrade) = MajorityValue $ goMiddle 0 [] $ Map.toList countByGrade
61 where
62 total = sum countByGrade
63 middle = (1%2) * total
64 goMiddle :: Ord grade => Share -> [(grade,Share)] -> [(grade,Share)] -> [Middle grade]
65 goMiddle prevShare ps next =
66 case next of
67 [] -> []
68 curr@(currGrade,currShare):ns ->
69 let nextShare = prevShare + currShare in
70 case nextShare`compare`middle of
71 LT -> goMiddle nextShare (curr:ps) ns
72 EQ -> goBorders (curr:ps) ns
73 GT ->
74 let lowShare = middle - prevShare in
75 let highShare = nextShare - middle in
76 let minShare = min lowShare highShare in
77 Middle minShare currGrade currGrade :
78 goBorders
79 ((currGrade, lowShare - minShare) : ps)
80 ((currGrade, highShare - minShare) : ns)
81 goBorders :: [(grade,Share)] -> [(grade,Share)] -> [Middle grade]
82 goBorders lows highs =
83 case (lows,highs) of
84 ((lowGrade,lowShare):ls, (highGrade,highShare):hs)
85 | lowShare <= 0 -> goBorders ls highs
86 | highShare <= 0 -> goBorders lows hs
87 | otherwise ->
88 let minShare = min lowShare highShare in
89 Middle minShare lowGrade highGrade :
90 goBorders
91 ((lowGrade , lowShare - minShare) : ls)
92 ((highGrade, highShare - minShare) : hs)
93 _ -> []
94 instance (Show grade, Ord grade) => Ord (Merit grade) where
95 compare = compare `on` majorityValue
97 -- | The 'majorityGrade' is the lower middlemost
98 -- (also known as median by experts) of the 'grade's
99 -- given to a 'choice' by the 'Judges'.
100 --
101 -- It is the highest 'grade' approved by an absolute majority of the 'Judges':
102 -- more than 50% of the 'Judges' give the 'choice' at least a 'grade' of 'majorityGrade',
103 -- but every 'grade' lower than 'majorityGrade' is rejected by an absolute majority
104 -- Thus the 'majorityGrade' of a 'choice'
105 -- is the final 'grade' wished by the majority.
106 --
107 -- The 'majorityGrade' is necessarily a word that belongs to 'grades',
108 -- and it has an absolute meaning.
109 --
110 -- When the number of 'Judges' is even, there is a middle-interval
111 -- (which can, of course, be reduced to a single 'grade'
112 -- if the two middle 'grade's are the same),
113 -- then the 'majorityGrade' is the lowest 'grade' of the middle-interval
114 -- (the “lower middlemost” when there are two in the middle),
115 -- which is the only one which respects consensus:
116 -- any other 'choice' whose grades are all within this middle-interval,
117 -- has a 'majorityGrade' which is greater or equal to this lower middlemost.
118 majorityGrade :: Show grade => Ord grade => Merit grade -> Maybe grade
119 majorityGrade m = lowGrade <$> listToMaybe gs where MajorityValue gs = majorityValue m
121 -- * Type 'MajorityRanking'
122 type MajorityRanking choice grade = [(choice, MajorityValue grade)]
124 majorityValueByChoice :: Show grade => Ord grade => MeritByChoice choice grade -> HM.HashMap choice (MajorityValue grade)
125 majorityValueByChoice (MeritByChoice ms) = majorityValue <$> ms
127 -- | The 'majorityRanking' ranks all the 'choice's on the basis of their 'grade's.
128 --
129 -- Choice A ranks higher than 'choice' B in the 'majorityRanking'
130 -- if and only if A’s 'majorityValue' is lexicographically above B’s.
131 -- There can be no tie unless two 'choice's have precisely the same 'majorityValue's.
132 majorityRanking :: Show grade => Ord grade => MeritByChoice choice grade -> MajorityRanking choice grade
133 majorityRanking = List.sortOn (Down . snd) . HM.toList . majorityValueByChoice