]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-cli/src/Hjugement/CLI/Utils.hs
protocol: polish imports
[majurity.git] / hjugement-cli / src / Hjugement / CLI / Utils.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- for VP.Reifies instances
7 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
9 module Hjugement.CLI.Utils where
11 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
12 import Control.Arrow (left)
13 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), forM_, when)
14 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
15 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT)
16 import Data.Bool
17 import Data.Either (Either(..))
18 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
19 import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
20 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
21 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
22 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
23 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
24 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
25 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
26 import Data.Text (Text)
27 import Prelude (min, max, (-))
28 import Symantic.CLI as CLI
29 import System.IO (IO)
30 import Text.Show (Show(..))
31 import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
32 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
33 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8
34 import qualified Data.Text as Text
35 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
36 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB
37 import qualified Lens.Family as Lens
38 import qualified Pipes as Pip
39 import qualified Pipes.Aeson as PipJSON (DecodingError(..))
40 import qualified Pipes.Aeson.Unchecked as PipJSON
41 import qualified Pipes.ByteString as PipBS
42 import qualified Pipes.Safe as Pip
43 import qualified Pipes.Safe.Prelude as Pip
44 import qualified Symantic.Document as Doc
45 import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Console
46 import qualified System.Directory as IO
47 import qualified System.FilePath as FP
48 import qualified System.IO as IO
49 import qualified System.Posix as Posix
50 import qualified Voting.Protocol as VP
52 ref = Doc.underline
53 con = Doc.between "\"" "\""
54 fileRef = ref
55 helps = help . Doc.justify
56 infixr 0 `helps`
58 -- * Type 'Doc'
59 type Doc = Doc.Plain TLB.Builder
61 api_param_crypto =
62 "Take cryptographic parameters from file "<>fileRef "FILE"<>"."
63 `help`
64 requiredTag "crypto" (var "FILE")
65 instance CLI.IOType VP.FFC
66 instance CLI.FromSegment VP.FFC where
67 fromSegment = JSON.eitherDecodeFileStrict'
68 instance VP.Reifies c VP.FFC => CLI.FromSegment (VP.E c) where
69 fromSegment = JSON.eitherDecodeFileStrict'
70 api_param_uuid =
71 "UUID of the election."
72 `help`
73 requiredTag "uuid" (var "UUID")
74 instance CLI.IOType VP.UUID
75 instance CLI.FromSegment VP.UUID where
76 fromSegment = return . left show . VP.readUUID . Text.pack
77 instance CLI.IOType VP.Credential
78 instance CLI.FromSegment VP.Credential where
79 fromSegment = return . left show . VP.readCredential . Text.pack
80 instance IOType (VP.DecryptionShare ())
81 instance Outputable (VP.DecryptionShare ()) where
82 output decShare = output $ JSON.encode decShare<>"\n"
84 api_help full =
85 if full
86 then
87 api_compact <.> response @Doc <!>
88 api_full <.> response @Doc
89 else
90 (api_compact <!> api_full) <.> response @Doc
91 where
92 api_compact =
93 (if full
94 then help "Print an uncommented grammar tree to help using this program."
95 else id) $
96 tag "h" (just False)
97 api_full =
98 (if full then help
99 "Print a grammar tree to help using this program,\
100 \ along with explanations."
101 else id) $
102 tag "help" (just True)
104 run_help lay = route :!: route
105 where
106 route helpInh_full = do
107 width <- Just . maybe 80 (min 80 . max 0 . (\x -> x - 2) . Console.width)
108 <$> Console.size
109 return $
110 Doc.setWidth width $
111 runLayout helpInh_full lay
113 -- * Type 'Global_Params'
114 data Global_Params
115 = Global_Params
116 { global_stderr_prepend_newline :: Bool
117 , global_stderr_prepend_carriage :: Bool
118 , global_stderr_append_newline :: Bool
119 , global_dir :: IO.FilePath
120 , global_verbosity :: Verbosity
121 }
123 api_options =
124 rule "OPTIONS" $
125 Global_Params False False True
126 <$> api_param_dir
127 <*> api_param_verbosity
128 api_param_dir =
129 "Use directory "<>ref"DIR"<>" for reading and writing election files.\n"<>
130 "Default to "<>con (Doc.from currDir)<>".\n"<>
131 "Can also be set via HJUGEMENT_DIR="<>ref "DIR"<>"."
132 `help`
133 toPermDefault currDir $
134 tag "dir" (var "DIR")
135 `alt`
137 where currDir = FP.takeDirectory "file"
138 api_param_url =
139 "Download election files from "<>ref"URL"<>"."
140 `helps`
141 toPermutation $ tag "url" (var "URL")
143 -- * Type 'Verbosity'
144 data Verbosity
145 = Verbosity_Error
146 | Verbosity_Warning
147 | Verbosity_Info
148 | Verbosity_Debug
149 deriving (Eq,Ord)
151 instance IOType Verbosity
152 instance FromSegment Verbosity where
153 fromSegment = \case
154 "error" -> return $ Right Verbosity_Error
155 "warning" -> return $ Right Verbosity_Warning
156 "info" -> return $ Right Verbosity_Info
157 "debug" -> return $ Right Verbosity_Debug
158 _ -> return $ Left "invalid verbosity"
160 api_param_verbosity =
161 "Verbosity level.\
162 \\nDefault to "<>con "info"<>"."
163 `help`
164 toPermDefault Verbosity_Info $
165 tag "verbosity" (
166 constant "error" Verbosity_Error `alt`
167 constant "warning" Verbosity_Warning `alt`
168 constant "info" Verbosity_Info `alt`
169 constant "debug" Verbosity_Debug
170 ) `alt`
173 -- * Pipes utilities
174 runPipe ::
175 Pip.MonadIO m =>
176 Pip.Effect (Pip.SafeT IO) a -> m a
177 runPipe = Pip.liftIO . Pip.runSafeT . Pip.runEffect
179 runPipeWithError ::
180 Pip.MonadIO m =>
181 Global_Params ->
182 Pip.Effect (Pip.SafeT IO) (a, Either Doc ()) -> MaybeT m a
183 runPipeWithError glob p = do
184 (a, r) <- runPipe p
185 case r of
186 Left err -> outputError glob err
187 Right () -> return a
189 writeFileLn ::
190 Pip.MonadSafe m =>
191 Foldable f =>
192 Global_Params ->
193 Posix.FileMode ->
194 IO.FilePath ->
195 Pip.Consumer (f Text) m r
196 writeFileLn glob fileMode filePath = do
197 Pip.liftIO $ outputDebug glob $ "writing " <> Doc.from filePath
198 Pip.bracket open close $ \h ->
199 Pip.for Pip.cat $ \xs ->
200 Pip.liftIO $ do
201 forM_ xs $ BS8.hPutStr h . T.encodeUtf8
202 BS8.hPutStrLn h ""
203 where
204 open = Pip.liftIO $ do
205 IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True $ FP.takeDirectory filePath
206 IO.openFile filePath IO.WriteMode
207 close h = Pip.liftIO $ do
208 fd <- Posix.handleToFd h
209 Posix.setFdMode fd fileMode
210 IO.hClose h
212 writeJSON ::
213 Pip.MonadSafe m =>
214 JSON.ToJSON a =>
215 Global_Params ->
216 Posix.FileMode ->
217 IO.FilePath ->
218 Pip.Consumer a m r
219 writeJSON glob fileMode filePath = do
220 Pip.liftIO $ outputDebug glob $ "writing " <> Doc.from filePath
221 Pip.bracket open close $ \h ->
222 Pip.for Pip.cat $ \a ->
223 Pip.liftIO $ do
224 BSL8.hPutStrLn h $ JSON.encode a
225 where
226 open = Pip.liftIO $ do
227 IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True $ FP.takeDirectory filePath
228 IO.openFile filePath IO.WriteMode
229 close h = Pip.liftIO $ do
230 fd <- Posix.handleToFd h
231 Posix.setFdMode fd fileMode
232 IO.hClose h
234 readJSON ::
235 Pip.MonadSafe m =>
236 JSON.FromJSON a =>
237 JSON.ToJSON a =>
238 Global_Params ->
239 IO.FilePath ->
240 Pip.Producer a m (Either Doc ())
241 readJSON glob filePath = do
242 Pip.liftIO $ outputDebug glob $ "reading " <> Doc.from filePath
243 let bytes = Pip.withFile filePath IO.ReadMode PipBS.fromHandle
244 left handleError <$> Lens.view PipJSON.decoded bytes
245 where
246 handleError (err, _rest) =
247 case err of
248 PipJSON.AttoparsecError parsingErr ->
249 Doc.from filePath <> ": "<>
250 Doc.redder "parsing error"<>": "<>
251 Doc.from (show parsingErr) <> "\n"
252 PipJSON.FromJSONError decodingErr ->
253 Doc.from filePath <> ": "<>
254 Doc.redder "decoding error"<>": "<>
255 Doc.from decodingErr <> "\n"
257 saveJSON ::
258 JSON.ToJSON a =>
259 Pip.MonadIO m =>
260 Global_Params ->
261 IO.FilePath -> a -> m ()
262 saveJSON glob filePath a =
263 -- FIXME: abort or demand confirmation if the file exists
264 Pip.liftIO $ do
265 outputDebug glob $ "saving " <> Doc.from filePath
266 JSON.encodeFile filePath a
268 loadJSON ::
269 JSON.FromJSON a =>
270 Pip.MonadIO m =>
271 Global_Params ->
272 IO.FilePath -> MaybeT m a
273 loadJSON glob filePath =
274 Pip.liftIO (do
275 outputDebug glob $ "loading " <> Doc.from filePath
276 JSON.eitherDecodeFileStrict' filePath
277 ) >>= \case
278 Left err -> outputError glob $
279 Doc.from filePath<>": "<>
280 Doc.from err<>"\n"
281 Right a -> return a
283 loadElection ::
284 Pip.MonadIO m =>
285 Global_Params ->
286 IO.FilePath -> MaybeT m (VP.Election ())
287 loadElection glob filePath =
288 Pip.liftIO ( do
289 outputDebug glob $ "loading " <> Doc.from filePath
290 runExceptT $ VP.readElection filePath
291 ) >>= \case
292 Left err -> outputError glob $
293 Doc.from filePath<>": "<>
294 Doc.from err<>"\n"
295 Right a -> return a
297 {-
298 readJSON' ::
299 Pip.MonadSafe m =>
300 JSON.FromJSON a =>
301 JSON.ToJSON a =>
302 IO.FilePath ->
303 Pip.Parser a m r -> m r
304 readJSON' filePath fold =
305 let bytes = Pip.withFile filePath IO.ReadMode PipBS.fromHandle in
306 evalStateT (Lens.zoom PipJSON.decoded fold) bytes
308 readJSON'' ::
309 Pip.MonadSafe m =>
310 JSON.FromJSON a =>
311 IO.FilePath ->
312 Pip.FreeT (Pip.Producer (Either PipJSON.DecodingError a) m) m ()
313 readJSON'' filePath =
314 let bytes = Pip.withFile filePath IO.ReadMode PipBS.fromHandle in
315 parseMany (Pip.parsed_ PipJSON.decode) bytes
317 parseMany ::
318 forall m inp a r.
319 Monad m =>
320 (Pip.Producer inp m r -> Pip.Producer a m (Pip.Producer inp m r)) ->
321 Pip.Producer inp m r ->
322 Pip.FreeT (Pip.Producer a m) m r
323 parseMany f = go0
324 where
325 go0 ::
326 Pip.Producer inp m r ->
327 Pip.FreeT (Pip.Producer a m) m r
328 go0 p = Pip.FreeT $ do
329 Pip.next p >>= \case
330 Left r -> return $ Pip.Pure r
331 Right (inp, p') -> return $ Pip.Free $ go1 $ Pip.yield inp >> p'
332 go1 ::
333 Pip.Producer inp m r ->
334 Pip.Producer a m (Pip.FreeT (Pip.Producer a m) m r)
335 go1 p = go0 <$> f p
336 -}
338 pipeInfo ::
339 Pip.MonadIO m =>
340 Global_Params ->
341 (a -> Doc) -> Pip.Pipe a a m r
342 pipeInfo glob d =
343 Pip.for Pip.cat $ \s -> do
344 Pip.liftIO $ outputInfo glob $ d s
345 Pip.yield s
347 outputMessage :: Pip.MonadIO m => Global_Params -> Doc -> Doc -> m ()
348 outputMessage Global_Params{..} hdr msg =
349 Pip.liftIO $ output $ OnHandle @Doc IO.stderr $
350 (if global_stderr_prepend_newline then Doc.newline else mempty) <>
351 (if global_stderr_prepend_carriage then "\r" else mempty) <>
352 hdr<>": "<>msg<>
353 (if global_stderr_append_newline then Doc.newline else mempty)
355 outputError :: Pip.MonadIO m => Global_Params -> Doc -> MaybeT m a
356 outputError glob@Global_Params{..} msg = do
357 when (Verbosity_Error <= global_verbosity) $ do
358 outputMessage glob (Doc.redder "ERROR") msg
359 empty
361 outputWarning :: Pip.MonadIO m => Global_Params -> Doc -> m ()
362 outputWarning glob@Global_Params{..} msg = do
363 when (Verbosity_Warning <= global_verbosity) $ do
364 outputMessage glob (Doc.yellower "WARNING") msg
366 outputInfo :: Pip.MonadIO m => Global_Params -> Doc -> m ()
367 outputInfo glob@Global_Params{..} msg = do
368 when (Verbosity_Info <= global_verbosity) $ do
369 outputMessage glob (Doc.greener "info") msg
371 outputDebug :: Pip.MonadIO m => Global_Params -> Doc -> m ()
372 outputDebug glob@Global_Params{..} msg = do
373 when (Verbosity_Debug <= global_verbosity) $ do
374 outputMessage glob (Doc.magentaer "debug") msg