]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-cli/src/Hjugement/CLI/Administrator.hs
protocol: add Bounded (E crypto c) instance
[majurity.git] / hjugement-cli / src / Hjugement / CLI / Administrator.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
5 module Hjugement.CLI.Administrator where
7 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
8 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), forM_, unless)
9 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExcept)
10 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
11 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (runState)
12 import Data.Bool
13 import Data.Either (Either(..))
14 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
15 import Data.Function (($), id, flip)
16 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
17 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
18 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
19 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
20 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
21 import Data.Text (Text)
22 import Symantic.CLI as CLI
23 import Text.Show (Show(..))
24 import qualified Data.List as List
25 import qualified Data.Text as Text
26 import qualified Pipes as Pip
27 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pip
28 import qualified Symantic.Document as Doc
29 import qualified System.FilePath as FP
30 import qualified System.Random as Rand
31 import qualified Voting.Protocol as VP
33 import Hjugement.CLI.Utils
35 -- * administrator
36 data Administrator_Params = Administrator_Params
37 {
38 } deriving (Show)
40 api_administrator =
41 "Commands for an administrator."
42 `helps`
43 command "administrator" $
44 api_administrator_election
45 <!> api_administrator_tally
46 <!> api_help False
47 run_administrator globParams =
48 run_administrator_election globParams
49 :!: run_administrator_tally globParams
50 :!: run_help api_administrator
52 -- ** election
53 data AdministratorElection_Params = AdministratorElection_Params
54 { administratorElection_crypto :: VP.FFC
55 , administratorElection_name :: Text
56 , administratorElection_description :: Text
57 , administratorElection_uuid :: Maybe Text
58 , administratorElection_grades :: [Text]
59 , administratorElection_defaultGrade :: Maybe Text
60 , administratorElection_version :: VP.Version
61 } deriving (Show)
63 api_administrator_election =
64 "This command reads and checks the trustees' public keys in "<>fileRef"public_keys.jsons"<>".\
65 \ From which it computes the global election public key\
66 \ put it into an "<>fileRef"election.json"<>" file \
67 \ with the infos of the vote given here."
68 `helps`
69 command "election" $
70 rule "PARAMS"
71 (AdministratorElection_Params
72 <$> api_param_crypto
73 <*> api_param_name
74 <*> api_param_description
75 <*> api_option_uuid
76 <*> api_param_grades
77 <*> api_param_defaultGrade
78 <*> api_param_version)
79 <?> api_quests
80 <.> response @(Maybe ())
81 where
82 api_param_name =
83 "Name of the election."
84 `help`
85 defaultTag "name" "" (var "STRING")
86 api_param_description =
87 "Description of the election."
88 `help`
89 defaultTag "description" "" (var "STRING")
90 api_option_uuid =
91 "UUID of the election."
92 `help`
93 optionalTag "uuid" $
94 var "UUID"
95 api_quests =
96 "Some questions."
97 `help`
98 many1 (var @Text "STRING")
99 api_param_grades =
100 "The grades to evaluate the choices, from the lowest to the highest."
101 `helps`
102 many1Tag (TagLong "grade") $
103 var @Text "STRING"
104 api_param_defaultGrade =
105 "The grade used when no grade is given by a voter.\n"<>
106 "Defaults to the lowest grade."
107 `helps`
108 optionalTag (TagLong "default-grade") $
109 var @Text "STRING"
111 run_administrator_election
112 glob@Global_Params{..}
113 AdministratorElection_Params{..}
114 quests =
115 VP.reify administratorElection_version $ \(_v::Proxy v) ->
116 VP.reify administratorElection_crypto $ \(_c::Proxy c) -> runMaybeT $ do
117 election_uuid <-
118 case administratorElection_uuid of
119 Nothing -> Pip.liftIO $ Rand.getStdRandom $ runState $ VP.randomUUID
120 Just u ->
121 case VP.readUUID u of
122 Left err -> outputError glob $ Doc.from (show err)
123 Right uuid -> return uuid
124 let trusteeKeysPath = global_dir FP.</> "public_keys.jsons"
125 trusteeKeys :: [VP.TrusteePublicKey VP.FFC v c] <- runPipeWithError glob $
126 Pip.toListM' $ readJSON glob trusteeKeysPath
127 forM_ trusteeKeys $ \trusteeKey ->
128 case runExcept $ VP.verifyIndispensableTrusteePublicKey trusteeKey of
129 Left err -> outputError glob $ Doc.from (show err)
130 Right () -> return ()
131 let grades = List.nub administratorElection_grades
132 unless (List.length grades > 1) $
133 outputError glob $ "at least two distinct grades are needed"
134 unless (List.length grades == List.length administratorElection_grades) $
135 outputError glob $ "indistinct grades: " <>
136 Doc.from (Text.intercalate ", " $ List.nub $
137 administratorElection_grades List.\\ grades)
138 let defaultGrade =
139 fromMaybe (grades List.!!0)
140 administratorElection_defaultGrade
141 -- FIXME: put defaultGrade into election.json
142 let elec :: VP.Election VP.FFC v c =
143 VP.Election
144 { VP.election_name = administratorElection_name
145 , VP.election_description = administratorElection_description
146 , VP.election_crypto = administratorElection_crypto
147 , VP.election_public_key = VP.combineIndispensableTrusteePublicKeys trusteeKeys
148 , VP.election_questions = (<$> quests) $ \quest -> VP.Question
149 { question_text = quest
150 , question_choices = grades
151 , question_mini = 1
152 , question_maxi = 1
153 }
154 , VP.election_uuid
155 , VP.election_version = Just administratorElection_version
156 , VP.election_hash = VP.hashElection elec
157 }
158 saveJSON glob (global_dir FP.</> "election.json") elec
159 outputInfo glob $
160 "created election with "<>Doc.from (show election_uuid)<>
161 " and "<>Doc.from (show (VP.election_hash elec))
163 -- ** tally
164 api_administrator_tally =
165 "Tally an election using the decryption shares gathered from trustees\
166 \ in "<>fileRef "partial_decryptions.jsons"<>".\
167 \ The result is saved in "<>fileRef "result.json"<>".\n\
168 \ It contains the decryption shares,\
169 \ so "<>fileRef "partial_decryptions.jsons"<>" can be discarded afterwards."
170 `helps`
171 command "tally" $
172 response @(Maybe ())
174 run_administrator_tally
175 glob@Global_Params{..} = runMaybeT $ do
176 loadElection glob (global_dir FP.</> "election.json") $
177 \(_elec :: VP.Election VP.FFC v c) -> do
178 keys :: [VP.TrusteePublicKey VP.FFC v c]
179 <- runPipeWithError glob $ Pip.toListM' $
180 readJSON glob $ global_dir FP.</> "public_keys.jsons"
181 decs <- runPipeWithError glob $ Pip.toListM' $
182 readJSON glob $ global_dir FP.</> "partial_decryptions.jsons"
183 outputInfo glob $ "computing encrypted tally from ballots"
184 (encTally, numBallots) <- runPipeWithError glob $
185 Pip.fold'
186 (flip VP.insertEncryptedTally)
187 VP.emptyEncryptedTally id $
188 readJSON glob $ global_dir FP.</> "ballots.jsons"
189 outputInfo glob $ "decrypting tally using trustees' decryption shares"
190 case runExcept $ VP.proveTally
191 (encTally :: VP.EncryptedTally VP.FFC v c, numBallots) decs
192 (VP.combineIndispensableDecryptionShares (VP.trustee_PublicKey <$> keys)) of
193 Left err -> outputError glob $ Doc.from (show err)
194 Right tally -> do
195 let resultPath = global_dir FP.</> "result.json"
196 saveJSON glob resultPath tally
197 outputInfo glob $ "tally generated in " <> Doc.from resultPath