]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-protocol/src/Voting/Protocol/Arithmetic.hs
spago: downgrade to avoid `GLIBC_2.27' not found
[majurity.git] / hjugement-protocol / src / Voting / Protocol / Arithmetic.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} -- for ReifyCrypto
6 module Voting.Protocol.Arithmetic where
8 import Control.Arrow (first)
9 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
10 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
11 import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..),FromJSON(..))
12 import Data.Bits
13 import Data.Bool
14 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
15 import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldl')
16 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
17 import Data.Int (Int)
18 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
19 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
20 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
21 import Data.Reflection (Reifies(..))
22 import Data.String (IsString(..))
23 import GHC.Natural (minusNaturalMaybe)
24 import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
25 import Prelude (Integer, Bounded(..), Integral(..), fromIntegral)
26 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
27 import Text.Show (Show(..))
28 import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
29 import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON
30 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
31 import qualified Data.Char as Char
32 import qualified Data.Text as Text
33 import qualified Prelude as Num
34 import qualified System.Random as Random
36 -- * Class 'CryptoParams' where
37 class
38 ( EuclideanRing (G crypto c)
39 , FromNatural (G crypto c)
40 , ToNatural (G crypto c)
41 , Eq (G crypto c)
42 , Ord (G crypto c)
43 , Show (G crypto c)
44 , NFData (G crypto c)
45 , FromJSON (G crypto c)
46 , ToJSON (G crypto c)
47 , Reifies c crypto
48 ) => CryptoParams crypto c where
49 -- | A generator of the subgroup.
50 groupGen :: G crypto c
51 -- | The order of the subgroup.
52 groupOrder :: Proxy c -> Natural
54 -- | 'groupGenPowers' returns the infinite list
55 -- of powers of 'groupGen'.
56 --
57 -- NOTE: In the 'CryptoParams' class to keep
58 -- computed values in memory across calls to 'groupGenPowers'.
59 groupGenPowers :: [G crypto c]
60 groupGenPowers = go one
61 where go g = g : go (g * groupGen)
63 -- | 'groupGenInverses' returns the infinite list
64 -- of 'inverse' powers of 'groupGen':
65 -- @['groupGen' '^' 'negate' i | i <- [0..]]@,
66 -- but by computing each value from the previous one.
67 --
68 -- NOTE: In the 'CryptoParams' class to keep
69 -- computed values in memory across calls to 'groupGenInverses'.
70 --
71 -- Used by 'intervalDisjunctions'.
72 groupGenInverses :: [G crypto c]
73 groupGenInverses = go one
74 where
75 invGen = inverse groupGen
76 go g = g : go (g * invGen)
78 -- ** Class 'ReifyCrypto'
79 class ReifyCrypto crypto where
80 -- | Like 'reify' but augmented with the 'CryptoParams' constraint.
81 reifyCrypto :: crypto -> (forall c. Reifies c crypto => CryptoParams crypto c => Proxy c -> r) -> r
83 -- * Class 'Additive'
84 -- | An additive semigroup.
85 class Additive a where
86 zero :: a
87 (+) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 6 +
88 sum :: Foldable f => f a -> a
89 sum = foldl' (+) zero
90 instance Additive Natural where
91 zero = 0
92 (+) = (Num.+)
93 instance Additive Integer where
94 zero = 0
95 (+) = (Num.+)
96 instance Additive Int where
97 zero = 0
98 (+) = (Num.+)
100 -- * Class 'Semiring'
101 -- | A multiplicative semigroup, with an additive semigroup (aka. a semiring).
102 class Additive a => Semiring a where
103 one :: a
104 (*) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 7 *
105 instance Semiring Natural where
106 one = 1
107 (*) = (Num.*)
108 instance Semiring Integer where
109 one = 1
110 (*) = (Num.*)
111 instance Semiring Int where
112 one = 1
113 (*) = (Num.*)
115 -- | @(b '^' e)@ returns the modular exponentiation of base 'b' by exponent 'e'.
116 (^) ::
117 forall crypto c.
118 Reifies c crypto =>
119 Semiring (G crypto c) =>
120 G crypto c -> E crypto c -> G crypto c
121 (^) b (E e)
122 | e == 0 = one
123 | otherwise = t * (b*b) ^ E (e`shiftR`1)
124 where t | testBit e 0 = b
125 | otherwise = one
126 infixr 8 ^
128 -- ** Class 'Ring'
129 -- | A semiring that support substraction (aka. a ring).
130 class Semiring a => Ring a where
131 negate :: a -> a
132 (-) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 6 -
133 x-y = x + negate y
134 instance Ring Integer where
135 negate = Num.negate
136 instance Ring Int where
137 negate = Num.negate
139 -- ** Class 'EuclideanRing'
140 -- | A commutative ring that support division (aka. an euclidean ring).
141 class Ring a => EuclideanRing a where
142 inverse :: a -> a
143 (/) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 7 /
144 x/y = x * inverse y
146 -- ** Type 'G'
147 -- | The type of the elements of a subgroup of a field.
148 newtype G crypto c = G { unG :: FieldElement crypto }
150 -- *** Type family 'FieldElement'
151 type family FieldElement crypto :: *
153 -- ** Type 'E'
154 -- | An exponent of a (cyclic) subgroup of a field.
155 -- The value is always in @[0..'groupOrder'-1]@.
156 newtype E crypto c = E { unE :: Natural }
157 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
158 deriving newtype NFData
159 instance ToJSON (E crypto c) where
160 toJSON = JSON.toJSON . show . unE
161 instance CryptoParams crypto c => FromJSON (E crypto c) where
162 parseJSON (JSON.String s)
163 | Just (c0,_) <- Text.uncons s
164 , c0 /= '0'
165 , Text.all Char.isDigit s
166 , Just x <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s)
167 , x < groupOrder (Proxy @c)
168 = return (E x)
169 parseJSON json = JSON.typeMismatch "Exponent" json
170 instance CryptoParams crypto c => FromNatural (E crypto c) where
171 fromNatural n = E $ n `mod` groupOrder (Proxy @c)
172 instance ToNatural (E crypto c) where
173 nat = unE
174 instance CryptoParams crypto c => Additive (E crypto c) where
175 zero = E zero
176 E x + E y = E $ (x + y) `mod` groupOrder (Proxy @c)
177 instance CryptoParams crypto c => Semiring (E crypto c) where
178 one = E one
179 E x * E y = E $ (x * y) `mod` groupOrder (Proxy @c)
180 instance CryptoParams crypto c => Ring (E crypto c) where
181 negate (E x) = E $ fromJust $ groupOrder (Proxy @c)`minusNaturalMaybe`x
182 instance CryptoParams crypto c => Random.Random (E crypto c) where
183 randomR (E lo, E hi) =
184 first (E . fromIntegral) .
185 Random.randomR
186 ( 0`max`toInteger lo
187 , toInteger hi`min`(toInteger (groupOrder (Proxy @c)) - 1) )
188 random =
189 first (E . fromIntegral) .
190 Random.randomR (0, toInteger (groupOrder (Proxy @c)) - 1)
191 instance CryptoParams crypto c => Bounded (E crypto c) where
192 minBound = zero
193 maxBound = E $ fromJust $ groupOrder (Proxy @c)`minusNaturalMaybe`1
194 {-
195 instance CryptoParams crypto c => Enum (E crypto c) where
196 toEnum = fromNatural . fromIntegral
197 fromEnum = fromIntegral . nat
198 enumFromTo lo hi = List.unfoldr
199 (\i -> if i<=hi then Just (i, i+one) else Nothing) lo
200 -}
202 -- * Class 'FromNatural'
203 class FromNatural a where
204 fromNatural :: Natural -> a
205 instance FromNatural Natural where
206 fromNatural = id
208 -- * Class 'ToNatural'
209 class ToNatural a where
210 nat :: a -> Natural
211 instance ToNatural Natural where
212 nat = id
214 -- | @('bytesNat' x)@ returns the serialization of 'x'.
215 bytesNat :: ToNatural n => n -> BS.ByteString
216 bytesNat = fromString . show . nat