]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-protocol/Protocol/Credential.hs
protocol: Add Credential
[majurity.git] / hjugement-protocol / Protocol / Credential.hs
1 module Protocol.Credential where
3 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), replicateM)
4 import Data.Bool
5 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
6 import Data.Either (Either(..))
7 import Data.Function (($), (.))
8 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
9 import Data.Int (Int)
10 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
11 import Data.Text (Text)
12 import Prelude (Integral(..), fromIntegral)
13 import Text.Show (Show)
14 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
15 import qualified Data.Char as Char
16 import qualified Data.List as List
17 import qualified Data.Text as Text
18 import qualified System.Random as Random
20 import Protocol.Arith
22 -- * Type 'Credential'
23 -- | A 'Credential' is a word of 15-characters from the alphabet:
24 -- "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz".
25 -- The last character is a checksum.
26 -- The entropy is: @(14 * log (9+26+26) / log 2) ~ 83.03 bits@.
27 newtype Credential p = Credential Text
28 deriving (Eq, Show)
30 tokenBase :: F p
31 tokenBase = F (9+26+26)
32 tokenLength ::Int
33 tokenLength = 14
35 random ::
36 Monad m =>
37 Random.RandomGen r =>
38 Random.Random i =>
39 Negable i =>
40 Multiplicative i =>
41 i -> S.StateT r m i
42 random i = S.StateT $ return . Random.randomR (zero, i-one)
44 -- | @'randomCredential'@ generates a random credential.
45 randomCredential ::
46 forall m p r.
47 Monad m =>
48 PrimeField p =>
49 Random.RandomGen r =>
50 S.StateT r m (Credential p)
51 randomCredential = do
52 rs <- replicateM tokenLength (random (fromIntegral (unF tokenBase)))
53 let (tot, cs) = List.foldl' (\(acc,ds) d ->
54 ( acc * tokenBase + F (fromIntegral d)
55 , charOfDigit d : ds
56 )
57 ) (zero::F p, []) rs
58 let checksum = 53 - fromIntegral (unF tot `mod` 53)
59 return $ Credential $ Text.reverse $ Text.pack (charOfDigit checksum:cs)
60 where
61 charOfDigit d
62 | d < 9 = Char.chr (Char.ord '1'+d)
63 | d < (9+26) = Char.chr (Char.ord 'A'+d-9)
64 | otherwise = Char.chr (Char.ord 'a'+d-9-26)
66 -- | @'readCredential'@ reads and check the well-formedness of a 'Credential'
67 -- from raw 'Text'.
68 readCredential ::
69 forall p.
70 PrimeField p =>
71 Text -> Either CredentialError (Credential p)
72 readCredential s
73 | Text.length s /= tokenLength + 1 = Left CredentialError_Length
74 | otherwise = do
75 tot <- Text.foldl'
76 (\acc c -> acc >>= \a -> ((a * tokenBase) +) <$> digitOfChar c)
77 (Right (zero::F p))
78 (Text.init s)
79 checksum <- digitOfChar (Text.last s)
80 if unF (tot + checksum) `mod` 53 == 0
81 then Right (Credential s)
82 else Left CredentialError_Checksum
83 where
84 digitOfChar c
85 | c < '1' = err
86 | c <= '9' = Right (primeField $ Char.ord c - Char.ord '1')
87 | c < 'A' = err
88 | c <= 'Z' = Right (primeField $ Char.ord c - Char.ord 'A' + 9)
89 | c < 'a' = err
90 | c <= 'z' = Right (primeField $ Char.ord c - Char.ord 'a' + 9 + 26)
91 | otherwise = err
92 where err = Left $ CredentialError_BadChar c
94 -- ** Type 'CredentialError'
95 data CredentialError
96 = CredentialError_BadChar Char.Char
97 | CredentialError_Checksum
98 | CredentialError_Length
99 deriving (Eq, Show)