]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-protocol/src/Voting/Protocol/Tally.hs
protocol: add Trustee.Indispensable
[majurity.git] / hjugement-protocol / src / Voting / Protocol / Tally.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4 module Voting.Protocol.Tally where
6 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
7 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), mapM, unless)
8 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (Except, ExceptT, throwE)
9 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
10 import Data.Function (($))
11 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
12 import Data.Maybe (maybe)
13 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
14 import Data.Text (Text)
15 import Data.Tuple (fst, uncurry)
16 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
17 import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
18 import Prelude (fromIntegral)
19 import Text.Show (Show(..))
20 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
21 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
22 import qualified Data.List as List
23 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
25 import Voting.Protocol.Utils
26 import Voting.Protocol.Arithmetic
27 import Voting.Protocol.Credential
28 import Voting.Protocol.Election
30 -- * Type 'Tally'
31 data Tally q = Tally
32 { tally_countMax :: Natural
33 -- ^ The maximal number of supportive 'Opinion's that a choice can get,
34 -- which is here the same as the number of 'Ballot's.
35 --
36 -- Used in 'proveTally' to decrypt the actual
37 -- count of votes obtained by a choice,
38 -- by precomputing all powers of 'groupGen's up to it.
39 , tally_encByChoiceByQuest :: EncryptedTally q
40 -- ^ 'Encryption' by 'Question' by 'Ballot'.
41 , tally_decShareByTrustee :: [DecryptionShare q]
42 -- ^ 'DecryptionShare' by trustee.
43 , tally_countByChoiceByQuest :: [[Natural]]
44 -- ^ The decrypted count of supportive 'Opinion's, by choice by 'Question'.
45 } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)
47 -- ** Type 'EncryptedTally'
48 -- | 'Encryption' by 'Choice' by 'Question'.
49 type EncryptedTally q = [[Encryption q]]
51 -- | @('encryptedTally' ballots)@
52 -- returns the sum of the 'Encryption's of the given @ballots@,
53 -- along with the number of 'Ballot's.
54 encryptedTally :: SubGroup q => [Ballot q] -> (EncryptedTally q, Natural)
55 encryptedTally ballots =
56 ( List.foldr (\Ballot{..} ->
57 List.zipWith (\Answer{..} ->
58 List.zipWith (+)
59 (fst <$> answer_opinions))
60 ballot_answers
61 )
62 (List.repeat (List.repeat zero))
63 ballots
64 , fromIntegral $ List.length ballots
65 )
67 -- ** Type 'DecryptionShareCombinator'
68 type DecryptionShareCombinator q =
69 [DecryptionShare q] -> Except ErrorDecryptionShare [[DecryptionFactor q]]
71 proveTally ::
72 SubGroup q =>
73 (EncryptedTally q, Natural) -> [DecryptionShare q] ->
74 DecryptionShareCombinator q ->
75 Except ErrorDecryptionShare (Tally q)
76 proveTally
77 (tally_encByChoiceByQuest, tally_countMax)
78 tally_decShareByTrustee
79 decShareCombinator = do
80 decFactorByChoiceByQuest <- decShareCombinator tally_decShareByTrustee
81 dec <- isoZipWithM err
82 (\encByChoice decFactorByChoice ->
83 maybe err return $
84 isoZipWith (\Encryption{..} decFactor -> encryption_vault / decFactor)
85 encByChoice
86 decFactorByChoice)
87 tally_encByChoiceByQuest
88 decFactorByChoiceByQuest
89 let logMap = Map.fromList $ List.zip groupGenPowers [0..tally_countMax]
90 let log x =
91 maybe (throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_InvalidMaxCount) return $
92 Map.lookup x logMap
93 tally_countByChoiceByQuest <- (log `mapM`)`mapM`dec
94 return Tally{..}
95 where err = throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid "proveTally"
97 verifyTally ::
98 SubGroup q =>
99 Tally q -> DecryptionShareCombinator q ->
100 Except ErrorDecryptionShare ()
101 verifyTally Tally{..} decShareCombinator = do
102 decFactorByChoiceByQuest <- decShareCombinator tally_decShareByTrustee
103 isoZipWith3M_ (throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid "verifyTally")
104 (isoZipWith3M_ (throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid "verifyTally")
105 (\Encryption{..} decFactor count -> do
106 let groupGenPowCount = encryption_vault / decFactor
107 unless (groupGenPowCount == groupGen ^ fromNatural count) $
108 throwE ErrorDecryptionShare_Wrong))
109 tally_encByChoiceByQuest
110 decFactorByChoiceByQuest
111 tally_countByChoiceByQuest
113 -- ** Type 'DecryptionShare'
114 -- | A decryption share. It is computed by a trustee
115 -- from its 'SecretKey' share and the 'EncryptedTally',
116 -- and contains a cryptographic 'Proof' that it hasn't cheated.
117 data DecryptionShare q = DecryptionShare
118 { decryptionShare_factors :: [[DecryptionFactor q]]
119 -- ^ 'DecryptionFactor' by choice by 'Question'.
120 , decryptionShare_proofs :: [[Proof q]]
121 -- ^ 'Proof's that 'decryptionShare_factors' were correctly computed.
122 } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)
124 -- *** Type 'DecryptionFactor'
125 -- | @'encryption_nonce' '^'trusteeSecKey@
126 type DecryptionFactor = G
128 -- @('proveDecryptionShare' encByChoiceByQuest trusteeSecKey)@
129 proveDecryptionShare ::
130 Monad m => SubGroup q => RandomGen r =>
131 EncryptedTally q -> SecretKey q -> S.StateT r m (DecryptionShare q)
132 proveDecryptionShare encByChoiceByQuest trusteeSecKey = do
133 res <- (proveDecryptionFactor trusteeSecKey `mapM`) `mapM` encByChoiceByQuest
134 return $ uncurry DecryptionShare $ List.unzip (List.unzip <$> res)
136 proveDecryptionFactor ::
137 Monad m => SubGroup q => RandomGen r =>
138 SecretKey q -> Encryption q -> S.StateT r m (DecryptionFactor q, Proof q)
139 proveDecryptionFactor trusteeSecKey Encryption{..} = do
140 proof <- prove trusteeSecKey [groupGen, encryption_nonce] (hash zkp)
141 return (encryption_nonce^trusteeSecKey, proof)
142 where zkp = decryptionShareStatement (publicKey trusteeSecKey)
144 decryptionShareStatement :: SubGroup q => PublicKey q -> BS.ByteString
145 decryptionShareStatement pubKey =
146 "decrypt|"<>bytesNat pubKey<>"|"
148 -- *** Type 'ErrorDecryptionShare'
149 data ErrorDecryptionShare
150 = ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid Text
151 -- ^ The number of 'DecryptionFactor's or
152 -- the number of 'Proof's is not the same
153 -- or not the expected number.
154 | ErrorDecryptionShare_Wrong
155 -- ^ The 'Proof' of a 'DecryptionFactor' is wrong.
156 | ErrorDecryptionShare_InvalidMaxCount
157 deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)
159 -- | @('verifyDecryptionShare' encTally trusteePubKey trusteeDecShare)@
160 -- checks that 'trusteeDecShare'
161 -- (supposedly submitted by a trustee whose 'PublicKey' is 'trusteePubKey')
162 -- is valid with respect to the 'EncryptedTally' 'encTally'.
163 verifyDecryptionShare ::
164 Monad m => SubGroup q =>
165 EncryptedTally q -> PublicKey q -> DecryptionShare q ->
166 ExceptT ErrorDecryptionShare m ()
167 verifyDecryptionShare encTally trusteePubKey DecryptionShare{..} =
168 let zkp = decryptionShareStatement trusteePubKey in
169 isoZipWith3M_ (throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid "verifyDecryptionShare")
170 (isoZipWith3M_ (throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid "verifyDecryptionShare") $
171 \Encryption{..} decFactor proof ->
172 unless (proof_challenge proof == hash zkp
173 [ commit proof groupGen trusteePubKey
174 , commit proof encryption_nonce decFactor
175 ]) $
176 throwE ErrorDecryptionShare_Wrong)
177 encTally
178 decryptionShare_factors
179 decryptionShare_proofs
181 verifyDecryptionShareByTrustee ::
182 Monad m => SubGroup q =>
183 EncryptedTally q -> [PublicKey q] -> [DecryptionShare q] ->
184 ExceptT ErrorDecryptionShare m ()
185 verifyDecryptionShareByTrustee encTally =
186 isoZipWithM_ (throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid "verifyDecryptionShare")
187 (verifyDecryptionShare encTally)