]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-protocol/src/Voting/Protocol/Trustee/Indispensable.hs
protocol: add Trustee.Indispensable
[majurity.git] / hjugement-protocol / src / Voting / Protocol / Trustee / Indispensable.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 module Voting.Protocol.Trustee.Indispensable where
4 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), foldM, unless)
5 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), throwE)
6 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
7 import Data.Function (($))
8 import Data.Maybe (maybe)
9 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
10 import Text.Show (Show(..))
11 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
12 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
13 import qualified Data.List as List
15 import Voting.Protocol.Utils
16 import Voting.Protocol.Arithmetic
17 import Voting.Protocol.Credential
18 import Voting.Protocol.Election
19 import Voting.Protocol.Tally
21 -- * Type 'TrusteePublicKey'
22 data TrusteePublicKey q = TrusteePublicKey
23 { trustee_PublicKey :: PublicKey q
24 , trustee_SecretKeyProof :: Proof q
25 -- ^ NOTE: It is important to ensure
26 -- that each trustee generates its key pair independently
27 -- of the 'PublicKey's published by the other trustees.
28 -- Otherwise, a dishonest trustee could publish as 'PublicKey'
29 -- its genuine 'PublicKey' divided by the 'PublicKey's of the other trustees.
30 -- This would then lead to the 'election_PublicKey'
31 -- being equal to this dishonest trustee's 'PublicKey',
32 -- which means that knowing its 'SecretKey' would be sufficient
33 -- for decrypting messages encrypted to the 'election_PublicKey'.
34 -- To avoid this attack, each trustee publishing a 'PublicKey'
35 -- must 'prove' knowledge of the corresponding 'SecretKey'.
36 -- Which is done in 'proveIndispensableTrusteePublicKey'
37 -- and 'verifyIndispensableTrusteePublicKey'.
38 } deriving (Eq,Show)
40 -- ** Type 'ErrorTrusteePublicKey'
41 data ErrorTrusteePublicKey
42 = ErrorTrusteePublicKey_Wrong
43 -- ^ The 'trustee_SecretKeyProof' is wrong.
44 deriving (Eq,Show)
46 -- | @('proveIndispensableTrusteePublicKey' trustSecKey)@
47 -- returns the 'PublicKey' associated to 'trustSecKey'
48 -- and a 'Proof' of its knowledge.
49 proveIndispensableTrusteePublicKey ::
50 Monad m => RandomGen r => SubGroup q =>
51 SecretKey q -> S.StateT r m (TrusteePublicKey q)
52 proveIndispensableTrusteePublicKey trustSecKey = do
53 let trustee_PublicKey = publicKey trustSecKey
54 trustee_SecretKeyProof <-
55 prove trustSecKey [groupGen] $
56 hash (indispensableTrusteePublicKeyStatement trustee_PublicKey)
57 return TrusteePublicKey{..}
59 -- | @('verifyIndispensableTrusteePublicKey' trustPubKey)@
60 -- returns 'True' iif. the given 'trustee_SecretKeyProof'
61 -- does 'prove' that the 'SecretKey' associated with
62 -- the given 'trustee_PublicKey' is known by the trustee.
63 verifyIndispensableTrusteePublicKey ::
64 Monad m => SubGroup q =>
65 TrusteePublicKey q ->
66 ExceptT ErrorTrusteePublicKey m ()
67 verifyIndispensableTrusteePublicKey TrusteePublicKey{..} =
68 unless ((proof_challenge trustee_SecretKeyProof ==) $
69 hash
70 (indispensableTrusteePublicKeyStatement trustee_PublicKey)
71 [commit trustee_SecretKeyProof groupGen trustee_PublicKey]) $
72 throwE ErrorTrusteePublicKey_Wrong
74 -- ** Hashing
75 indispensableTrusteePublicKeyStatement :: PublicKey q -> BS.ByteString
76 indispensableTrusteePublicKeyStatement trustPubKey = "pok|"<>bytesNat trustPubKey<>"|"
78 -- * 'Election''s 'PublicKey'
80 combineIndispensableTrusteePublicKeys ::
81 SubGroup q => [TrusteePublicKey q] -> PublicKey q
82 combineIndispensableTrusteePublicKeys =
83 List.foldr (\TrusteePublicKey{..} -> (trustee_PublicKey *)) one
85 verifyIndispensableDecryptionShareByTrustee ::
86 SubGroup q => Monad m =>
87 EncryptedTally q -> [PublicKey q] -> [DecryptionShare q] ->
88 ExceptT ErrorDecryptionShare m ()
89 verifyIndispensableDecryptionShareByTrustee encTally =
90 isoZipWithM_ (throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid "verifyIndispensableDecryptionShareByTrustee")
91 (verifyDecryptionShare encTally)
93 -- | @('combineDecryptionShares' pubKeyByTrustee decShareByTrustee)@
94 -- returns the 'DecryptionFactor's by choice by 'Question'
95 combineIndispensableDecryptionShares ::
96 SubGroup q => [PublicKey q] -> EncryptedTally q -> DecryptionShareCombinator q
97 combineIndispensableDecryptionShares pubKeyByTrustee encTally decShareByTrustee = do
98 verifyIndispensableDecryptionShareByTrustee encTally pubKeyByTrustee decShareByTrustee
99 (d0,ds) <- maybe err return $ List.uncons decShareByTrustee
100 foldM
101 (\decFactorByChoiceByQuest DecryptionShare{..} ->
102 isoZipWithM err
103 (\acc df -> maybe err return $ isoZipWith (*) acc df)
104 decFactorByChoiceByQuest decryptionShare_factors)
105 (decryptionShare_factors d0) ds
106 where err = throwE $ ErrorDecryptionShare_Invalid "combineIndispensableDecryptionShares"