]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-protocol/Protocol/Election.hs
protocol: Rename {Arith -> Arithmetic}
[majurity.git] / hjugement-protocol / Protocol / Election.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 module Protocol.Election where
4 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), mapM, forM, join, sequence)
5 import Data.Bool
6 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
7 import Data.Function (($), (.))
8 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
9 import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldMap, and, toList)
10 import Data.Int (Int)
11 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
12 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
13 import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..))
14 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
15 import Data.Text (Text)
16 import Data.Tuple (fst, snd, curry)
17 import Prelude (Integral, fromIntegral, undefined, error)
18 import Text.Show (Show(..))
19 import Data.String (IsString(..))
20 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
21 import qualified Data.List as List
22 import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
23 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
24 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
25 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
27 import Protocol.Arithmetic
28 import Protocol.List
30 -- * Type 'Encryption'
31 data Encryption q = Encryption
32 { encryption_nonce :: G q
33 -- ^ Public part of the random 'secNonce': @('groupGen''^'r)@
34 , encryption_vault :: G q
35 -- ^ Encrypted opinion: @('pubKey''^'r '*' 'groupGen''^'opinion)@
36 } deriving (Show)
38 -- | Additive homomorphism.
39 -- Using the fact that: @'groupGen''^'x '*' 'groupGen''^'y '==' 'groupGen''^'(x'+'y)@.
40 instance SubGroup q => Additive (Encryption q) where
41 zero = Encryption one one
42 x+y = Encryption
43 (encryption_nonce x * encryption_nonce y)
44 (encryption_vault x * encryption_vault y)
46 type PublicKey = G
47 type SecretKey = E
48 type SecretNonce = E
49 type PublicKeyString = BS.ByteString
51 -- *** Type 'Opinion'
52 -- | Exponent indexing a 'Disjunction' within a list of them.
53 type Opinion = E
55 encrypt ::
56 Monad m =>
57 RandomGen r =>
58 SubGroup q =>
59 PublicKey q -> Opinion q ->
60 S.StateT r m (SecretNonce q, Encryption q)
61 encrypt pubKey opinion = do
62 secNonce <- random
63 -- NOTE: preserve the 'secNonce' for 'proof'
64 return $ (secNonce,)
65 Encryption
66 { encryption_nonce = groupGen^secNonce
67 , encryption_vault = pubKey ^secNonce * groupGen^opinion
68 -- NOTE: pubKey == groupGen ^ secKey
69 -- NOTE: 'index' is put as exponent in order
70 -- to make an additive homomorphism
71 -- instead of a multiplicative homomorphism.
72 }
74 -- * Type 'Proof'
75 data Proof q = Proof
76 { proof_challenge :: E q
77 , proof_response :: E q
78 } deriving (Eq,Show)
80 type Oracle q = [Commitment q] -> Hash q
81 type Hash = E
83 -- | Strong Fiat-Shamir transformation
84 -- of an IZK proof into a NIZK proof.
85 proof ::
86 Monad m =>
87 RandomGen r =>
88 SubGroup q =>
89 SecretNonce q ->
90 [Commitment q] ->
91 Oracle q ->
92 S.StateT r m (Proof q)
93 proof secretNonce commits oracle = do
94 nonce <- random
95 let commitments = (^ nonce) <$> commits
96 let proof_challenge = oracle commitments
97 return Proof
98 { proof_challenge
99 , proof_response = nonce + secretNonce*proof_challenge
100 }
102 -- ** Type 'Commitment'
103 type Commitment = G
105 -- ** Type 'Disjunction'
106 -- | A 'Disjunction' is an 'inv'ersed @'groupGen''^'opinion@
107 -- it's used in 'validableEncryption' to generate a 'Proof'
108 -- that an 'encryption_vault' contains a given @'groupGen''^'opinion@,
109 type Disjunction = G
111 validBool :: SubGroup q => [Disjunction q]
112 validBool = List.take 2 groupGenInverses
114 validRange :: SubGroup q => E q -> E q -> [Disjunction q]
115 validRange mini maxi =
116 List.genericTake (intE maxi - intE mini) $
117 List.genericDrop (intE mini) groupGenInverses
119 -- ** Type 'ValidityProof'
120 -- | A list of 'Proof' to prove that the 'Opinion' within an 'Encryption'
121 -- is indexing a 'Disjunction' within a list of them,
122 -- without knowing which 'Opinion' it is.
123 newtype ValidityProof q = ValidityProof [Proof q]
124 deriving (Eq,Show)
126 -- | @('validableEncryption' pubKey zkp ds d (secNonce, enc))@
127 -- returns a 'ValidityProof' that @'encryption_nonce' == 'groupGen''^''secNonce'@
128 -- and @'encryption_vault' == pubKey'^'secNonce'/'indexedDisj'@.
129 validableEncryption ::
130 forall m r q.
131 Monad m =>
132 RandomGen r =>
133 SubGroup q =>
134 PublicKey q -> PublicKeyString ->
135 [Disjunction q] -> Opinion q ->
136 (SecretNonce q, Encryption q) ->
137 S.StateT r m (ValidityProof q)
138 validableEncryption pubKey zkp valids index (secNonce, Encryption{..})
139 | (prevDisjs,_indexedDisj:nextDisjs) <-
140 List.splitAt (fromIntegral (intE index)) valids = do
141 prevFakes <- fakeProof `mapM` prevDisjs
142 nextFakes <- fakeProof `mapM` nextDisjs
143 let challengeSum =
144 neg $
145 sum (proof_challenge . fst <$> prevFakes) +
146 sum (proof_challenge . fst <$> nextFakes)
147 genuineProof <- proof secNonce [groupGen, pubKey] $
148 -- | 'Oracle'
149 \nizkCommitments ->
150 let statement =
151 "prove|"<>zkp<>"|"<>
152 fromString (show (intG encryption_nonce))<>","<>
153 fromString (show (intG encryption_vault))<>"|" in
154 let commitments =
155 foldMap snd prevFakes <>
156 nizkCommitments <>
157 foldMap snd nextFakes in
158 hash statement commitments + challengeSum
159 return $
160 ValidityProof $
161 (fst <$> prevFakes) <>
162 [genuineProof] <>
163 (fst <$> nextFakes)
164 | otherwise = error "validableEncryption: bad disjunction index"
165 where
166 fakeProof :: Disjunction q -> S.StateT r m (Proof q, [Commitment q])
167 fakeProof disj = do
168 proof_challenge <- random
169 proof_response <- random
170 let commitments =
171 [ groupGen^proof_response / encryption_nonce ^proof_challenge
172 , pubKey ^proof_response / (encryption_vault*disj)^proof_challenge
173 ]
174 return (Proof{..}, commitments)
176 validateEncryption ::
177 SubGroup q =>
178 PublicKey q -> PublicKeyString ->
179 [Disjunction q] ->
180 (Encryption q, ValidityProof q) -> Bool
181 validateEncryption pubKey zkp disjs (Encryption{..}, ValidityProof proofs) =
182 List.length disjs == List.length proofs &&
183 hash statement commitments == challengeSum
184 where
185 challengeSum = sum (proof_challenge <$> proofs)
186 statement =
187 "prove|"<>zkp<>"|"<>
188 fromString (show (intG encryption_nonce))<>","<>
189 fromString (show (intG encryption_vault))<>"|"
190 commitments = join $ List.zipWith commitment disjs proofs
191 where commitment disj Proof{..} =
192 -- g = groupGen
193 -- h = pubKey
194 -- y1 = encryption_nonce
195 -- y2 = (encryption_vault * disj)
196 -- com1 = g^res / y1 ^ ch
197 -- com2 = h^res / y2 ^ ch
198 [ groupGen^proof_response / encryption_nonce ^proof_challenge
199 , pubKey ^proof_response / (encryption_vault*disj)^proof_challenge
200 ]
202 -- * Type 'Question'
203 data Question q = Question
204 { question_text :: Text
205 , question_answers :: [Text]
206 , question_min :: E q
207 , question_max :: E q
208 -- , question_blank :: Maybe Bool
209 } deriving (Eq, Show)
211 -- * Type 'Answer'
212 data Answer q = Answer
213 { answer_opinions :: [(Encryption q, ValidityProof q)]
214 -- ^ Encrypted 'Opinion' for each 'question_answers'
215 -- with a 'ValidityProof' that they belong to [0,1].
216 , answer_sumProof :: ValidityProof q
217 -- ^ Proofs that the sum of the 'Opinon's encrypted in 'answer_opinions'
218 -- is an element of ['question_min'..'question_max'].
219 -- , answer_blankProof ::
220 }
222 answer ::
223 forall m r q.
224 Monad m =>
225 RandomGen r =>
226 SubGroup q =>
227 PublicKey q -> PublicKeyString ->
228 Question q ->
229 [Opinion q] ->
230 S.StateT r m (Answer q)
231 answer pubKey zkp Question{..} opinions = do
232 encryptions <- encrypt pubKey `mapM` opinions
233 individualProofs :: [ValidityProof q] <-
234 sequence $ List.zipWith
235 (validableEncryption pubKey zkp validBool)
236 opinions encryptions
237 sumProof <-
238 validableEncryption pubKey zkp
239 (validRange question_min question_max)
240 (sum opinions - question_min)
241 ( sum (fst <$> encryptions)
242 , sum (snd <$> encryptions) )
243 return Answer
244 { answer_opinions =
245 List.zip
246 (snd <$> encryptions) -- NOTE: drop the secretNonce
247 individualProofs
248 , answer_sumProof = sumProof
249 }
251 validateAnswer ::
252 SubGroup q =>
253 PublicKey q -> PublicKeyString ->
254 Question q ->
255 Answer q -> Bool
256 validateAnswer pubKey zkp Question{..} Answer{..} =
257 and (validateEncryption pubKey zkp validBool <$> answer_opinions) &&
258 validateEncryption pubKey zkp
259 (validRange question_min question_max)
260 ( sum (fst <$> answer_opinions)
261 , answer_sumProof )