]> Git — Sourcephile - majurity.git/blob - hjugement-protocol/src/Voting/Protocol/FFC.hs
protocol: add decodeBigEndian
[majurity.git] / hjugement-protocol / src / Voting / Protocol / FFC.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- for Reifies instances
6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
7 -- | Finite Field Cryptography (FFC)
8 -- is a method of implementing discrete logarithm cryptography
9 -- using finite field mathematics.
10 module Voting.Protocol.FFC
11 ( module Voting.Protocol.FFC
12 , Natural
13 , Random.RandomGen
14 , Reifies(..), reify
15 , Proxy(..)
16 ) where
18 import Control.Arrow (first)
19 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
20 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), unless)
21 import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..),FromJSON(..),(.:),(.:?),(.=))
22 import Data.Bits
23 import Data.Bool
24 import Data.Either (Either(..))
25 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
26 import Data.Foldable (Foldable, foldl')
27 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
28 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
29 import Data.Int (Int)
30 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, fromJust)
31 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
32 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
33 import Data.Reflection (Reifies(..), reify)
34 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
35 import Data.String (IsString(..))
36 import Data.Text (Text)
37 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
38 import GHC.Natural (minusNaturalMaybe)
39 import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
40 import Prelude (Integer, Integral(..), fromIntegral, Enum(..))
41 import Text.Read (readMaybe, readEither)
42 import Text.Show (Show(..))
43 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
44 import qualified Crypto.Hash as Crypto
45 import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
46 import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as JSON
47 import qualified Data.ByteArray as ByteArray
48 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
49 import qualified Data.Char as Char
50 import qualified Data.List as List
51 import qualified Data.Text as Text
52 import qualified Prelude as Num
53 import qualified System.Random as Random
55 -- * Type 'FFC'
56 -- | Mutiplicative Sub-Group of a Finite Prime Field.
57 --
58 -- NOTE: an 'FFC' term-value is brought into the context of many functions
59 -- through a type-variable @c@ whose 'Reifies' constraint enables to 'reflect'
60 -- that 'FFC' at the term-level (a surprising technique but a very useful one).
61 -- Doing like this is simpler than working in a 'Monad' (like a 'Reader'),
62 -- and enables that 'FFC' term to be used simply in instances' methods
63 -- not supporting an inner 'Monad', like 'parseJSON', 'randomR', 'fromEnum' or 'arbitrary'.
64 -- Aside from that, the sharing of 'FFC' amongst several types
65 -- is encoded at the type-level by including @c@
66 -- as a phantom type of 'F', 'G' and 'E'.
67 data FFC = FFC
68 { ffc_name :: Text
69 , ffc_fieldCharac :: !Natural
70 -- ^ The prime number characteristic of a Finite Prime Field.
71 --
72 -- ElGamal's hardness to decrypt requires a large prime number
73 -- to form the 'Multiplicative' subgroup.
74 , ffc_groupGen :: !Natural
75 -- ^ A generator of the 'Multiplicative' subgroup of the Finite Prime Field.
76 --
77 -- NOTE: since 'ffc_fieldCharac' is prime,
78 -- the 'Multiplicative' subgroup is cyclic,
79 -- and there are phi('fieldCharac'-1) many choices for the generator of the group,
80 -- where phi is the Euler totient function.
81 , ffc_groupOrder :: !Natural
82 -- ^ The order of the subgroup.
83 --
84 -- WARNING: 'ffc_groupOrder' MUST be a prime number dividing @('ffc_fieldCharac'-1)@
85 -- to ensure that ElGamal is secure in terms of the DDH assumption.
86 } deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,NFData)
87 instance ToJSON FFC where
88 toJSON FFC{..} =
89 JSON.object
90 [ "name" .= ffc_name
91 , "p" .= show ffc_fieldCharac
92 , "g" .= show ffc_groupGen
93 , "q" .= show ffc_groupOrder
94 ]
95 toEncoding FFC{..} =
96 JSON.pairs
97 ( "name" .= ffc_name
98 <> "p" .= show ffc_fieldCharac
99 <> "g" .= show ffc_groupGen
100 <> "q" .= show ffc_groupOrder
101 )
102 instance FromJSON FFC where
103 parseJSON = JSON.withObject "FFC" $ \o -> do
104 ffc_name <- fromMaybe "" <$> (o .:? "name")
105 p <- o .: "p"
106 g <- o .: "g"
107 q <- o .: "q"
108 -- TODO: check p is probable prime
109 -- TODO: check q is probable prime
110 ffc_fieldCharac <- case readEither (Text.unpack p) of
111 Left err -> JSON.typeMismatch ("FFC: fieldCharac: "<>err) (JSON.String p)
112 Right a -> return a
113 ffc_groupGen <- case readEither (Text.unpack g) of
114 Left err -> JSON.typeMismatch ("FFC: groupGen: "<>err) (JSON.String g)
115 Right a -> return a
116 ffc_groupOrder <- case readEither (Text.unpack q) of
117 Left err -> JSON.typeMismatch ("FFC: groupOrder: "<>err) (JSON.String q)
118 Right a -> return a
119 unless (nat ffc_groupGen < ffc_fieldCharac) $
120 JSON.typeMismatch "FFC: groupGen is not lower than fieldCharac" (JSON.Object o)
121 unless (ffc_groupOrder < ffc_fieldCharac) $
122 JSON.typeMismatch "FFC: groupOrder is not lower than fieldCharac" (JSON.Object o)
123 unless (nat ffc_groupGen > 1) $
124 JSON.typeMismatch "FFC: groupGen is not greater than 1" (JSON.Object o)
125 unless (fromJust (ffc_fieldCharac`minusNaturalMaybe`one) `rem` ffc_groupOrder == 0) $
126 JSON.typeMismatch "FFC: groupOrder does not divide fieldCharac-1" (JSON.Object o)
127 return FFC{..}
129 fieldCharac :: forall c. Reifies c FFC => Natural
130 fieldCharac = ffc_fieldCharac (reflect (Proxy::Proxy c))
132 groupGen :: forall c. Reifies c FFC => G c
133 groupGen = G $ F $ ffc_groupGen (reflect (Proxy::Proxy c))
135 groupOrder :: forall c. Reifies c FFC => Natural
136 groupOrder = ffc_groupOrder (reflect (Proxy::Proxy c))
138 -- ** Examples
139 -- | Weak parameters for debugging purposes only.
140 weakFFC :: FFC
141 weakFFC = FFC
142 { ffc_name = "weakFFC"
143 , ffc_fieldCharac = 263
144 , ffc_groupGen = 2
145 , ffc_groupOrder = 131
146 }
148 -- | Parameters used in Belenios.
149 -- A 2048-bit 'fieldCharac' of a Finite Prime Field,
150 -- with a 256-bit 'groupOrder' for a 'Multiplicative' subgroup
151 -- generated by 'groupGen'.
152 beleniosFFC :: FFC
153 beleniosFFC = FFC
154 { ffc_name = "beleniosFFC"
155 , ffc_fieldCharac = 20694785691422546401013643657505008064922989295751104097100884787057374219242717401922237254497684338129066633138078958404960054389636289796393038773905722803605973749427671376777618898589872735865049081167099310535867780980030790491654063777173764198678527273474476341835600035698305193144284561701911000786737307333564123971732897913240474578834468260652327974647951137672658693582180046317922073668860052627186363386088796882120769432366149491002923444346373222145884100586421050242120365433561201320481118852408731077014151666200162313177169372189248078507711827842317498073276598828825169183103125680162072880719
156 , ffc_groupGen = 2402352677501852209227687703532399932712287657378364916510075318787663274146353219320285676155269678799694668298749389095083896573425601900601068477164491735474137283104610458681314511781646755400527402889846139864532661215055797097162016168270312886432456663834863635782106154918419982534315189740658186868651151358576410138882215396016043228843603930989333662772848406593138406010231675095763777982665103606822406635076697764025346253773085133173495194248967754052573659049492477631475991575198775177711481490920456600205478127054728238140972518639858334115700568353695553423781475582491896050296680037745308460627
157 , ffc_groupOrder = 78571733251071885079927659812671450121821421258408794611510081919805623223441
158 }
160 -- * Type 'F'
161 -- | The type of the elements of a Finite Prime Field.
162 --
163 -- A field must satisfy the following properties:
164 --
165 -- * @(f, ('+'), 'zero')@ forms an abelian group,
166 -- called the 'Additive' group of 'f'.
167 --
168 -- * @('NonNull' f, ('*'), 'one')@ forms an abelian group,
169 -- called the 'Multiplicative' group of 'f'.
170 --
171 -- * ('*') is associative:
172 -- @(a'*'b)'*'c == a'*'(b'*'c)@ and
173 -- @a'*'(b'*'c) == (a'*'b)'*'c@.
174 --
175 -- * ('*') and ('+') are both commutative:
176 -- @a'*'b == b'*'a@ and
177 -- @a'+'b == b'+'a@
178 --
179 -- * ('*') and ('+') are both left and right distributive:
180 -- @a'*'(b'+'c) == (a'*'b) '+' (a'*'c)@ and
181 -- @(a'+'b)'*'c == (a'*'c) '+' (b'*'c)@
182 --
183 -- The 'Natural' is always within @[0..'fieldCharac'-1]@.
184 newtype F c = F { unF :: Natural }
185 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
186 deriving newtype NFData
187 instance ToJSON (F c) where
188 toJSON (F x) = JSON.toJSON (show x)
189 instance Reifies c FFC => FromJSON (F c) where
190 parseJSON (JSON.String s)
191 | Just (c0,_) <- Text.uncons s
192 , c0 /= '0'
193 , Text.all Char.isDigit s
194 , Just x <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s)
195 , x < fieldCharac @c
196 = return (F x)
197 parseJSON json = JSON.typeMismatch "F" json
198 instance Reifies c FFC => FromNatural (F c) where
199 fromNatural i = F $ abs $ i `mod` fieldCharac @c
200 where
201 abs x | x < 0 = x + fieldCharac @c
202 | otherwise = x
203 instance ToNatural (F c) where
204 nat = unF
205 instance Reifies c FFC => Additive (F c) where
206 zero = F 0
207 F x + F y = F $ (x + y) `mod` fieldCharac @c
208 instance Reifies c FFC => Negable (F c) where
209 neg (F x)
210 | x == 0 = zero
211 | otherwise = F $ fromJust $ nat (fieldCharac @c)`minusNaturalMaybe`x
212 instance Reifies c FFC => Multiplicative (F c) where
213 one = F 1
214 F x * F y = F $ (x * y) `mod` fieldCharac @c
215 instance Reifies c FFC => Random.Random (F c) where
216 randomR (F lo, F hi) =
217 first (F . fromIntegral) .
218 Random.randomR
219 ( 0`max`toInteger lo
220 , toInteger hi`min`(toInteger (fieldCharac @c) - 1) )
221 random =
222 first (F . fromIntegral) .
223 Random.randomR (0, toInteger (fieldCharac @c) - 1)
225 -- ** Class 'Additive'
226 class Additive a where
227 zero :: a
228 (+) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 6 +
229 sum :: Foldable f => f a -> a
230 sum = foldl' (+) zero
231 instance Additive Natural where
232 zero = 0
233 (+) = (Num.+)
234 instance Additive Integer where
235 zero = 0
236 (+) = (Num.+)
237 instance Additive Int where
238 zero = 0
239 (+) = (Num.+)
241 -- *** Class 'Negable'
242 class Additive a => Negable a where
243 neg :: a -> a
244 (-) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 6 -
245 x-y = x + neg y
246 instance Negable Integer where
247 neg = Num.negate
248 instance Negable Int where
249 neg = Num.negate
251 -- ** Class 'Multiplicative'
252 class Multiplicative a where
253 one :: a
254 (*) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 7 *
255 instance Multiplicative Natural where
256 one = 1
257 (*) = (Num.*)
258 instance Multiplicative Integer where
259 one = 1
260 (*) = (Num.*)
261 instance Multiplicative Int where
262 one = 1
263 (*) = (Num.*)
265 -- ** Class 'Invertible'
266 class Multiplicative a => Invertible a where
267 inv :: a -> a
268 (/) :: a -> a -> a; infixl 7 /
269 x/y = x * inv y
271 -- * Type 'G'
272 -- | The type of the elements of a 'Multiplicative' subgroup of a Finite Prime Field.
273 newtype G c = G { unG :: F c }
274 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
275 deriving newtype NFData
276 instance ToJSON (G c) where
277 toJSON (G x) = JSON.toJSON x
278 instance Reifies c FFC => FromJSON (G c) where
279 parseJSON (JSON.String s)
280 | Just (c0,_) <- Text.uncons s
281 , c0 /= '0'
282 , Text.all Char.isDigit s
283 , Just x <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s)
284 , x < fieldCharac @c
285 , r <- G (F x)
286 , r ^ E (groupOrder @c) == one
287 = return r
288 parseJSON json = JSON.typeMismatch "G" json
289 instance Reifies c FFC => FromNatural (G c) where
290 fromNatural = G . fromNatural
291 instance ToNatural (G c) where
292 nat = unF . unG
293 instance Reifies c FFC => Multiplicative (G c) where
294 one = G $ F one
295 G x * G y = G (x * y)
296 instance Reifies c FFC => Invertible (G c) where
297 -- | NOTE: add 'groupOrder' so the exponent given to (^) is positive.
298 inv = (^ E (fromJust $ groupOrder @c`minusNaturalMaybe`1))
300 -- | 'groupGenInverses' returns the infinite list
301 -- of 'inv'erse powers of 'groupGen':
302 -- @['groupGen' '^' 'neg' i | i <- [0..]]@,
303 -- but by computing each value from the previous one.
304 --
305 -- Used by 'intervalDisjunctions'.
306 groupGenInverses :: forall c. Reifies c FFC => [G c]
307 groupGenInverses = go one
308 where
309 invGen = inv $ groupGen @c
310 go g = g : go (g * invGen)
312 groupGenPowers :: forall c. Reifies c FFC => [G c]
313 groupGenPowers = go one
314 where go g = g : go (g * groupGen @c)
316 -- | @('hash' bs gs)@ returns as a number in 'E'
317 -- the SHA256 of the given 'BS.ByteString' 'bs'
318 -- prefixing the decimal representation of given subgroup elements 'gs',
319 -- with a comma (",") intercalated between them.
320 --
321 -- NOTE: to avoid any collision when the 'hash' function is used in different contexts,
322 -- a message 'gs' is actually prefixed by a 'bs' indicating the context.
323 --
324 -- Used by 'proveEncryption' and 'verifyEncryption',
325 -- where the 'bs' usually contains the 'statement' to be proven,
326 -- and the 'gs' contains the 'commitments'.
327 hash :: Reifies c FFC => BS.ByteString -> [G c] -> E c
328 hash bs gs = do
329 let s = bs <> BS.intercalate (fromString ",") (bytesNat <$> gs)
330 let h = Crypto.hashWith Crypto.SHA256 s
331 fromNatural $
332 decodeBigEndian $ ByteArray.convert h
334 -- | @('decodeBigEndian' bs)@ interpret @bs@ as big-endian number.
335 decodeBigEndian :: BS.ByteString -> Natural
336 decodeBigEndian =
337 BS.foldl'
338 (\acc b -> acc`shiftL`8 + fromIntegral b)
339 (0::Natural)
341 -- * Type 'E'
342 -- | An exponent of a (necessarily cyclic) subgroup of a Finite Prime Field.
343 -- The value is always in @[0..'groupOrder'-1]@.
344 newtype E c = E { unE :: Natural }
345 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
346 deriving newtype NFData
347 instance ToJSON (E c) where
348 toJSON (E x) = JSON.toJSON x
349 instance Reifies c FFC => FromJSON (E c) where
350 parseJSON (JSON.String s)
351 | Just (c0,_) <- Text.uncons s
352 , c0 /= '0'
353 , Text.all Char.isDigit s
354 , Just x <- readMaybe (Text.unpack s)
355 , x < groupOrder @c
356 = return (E x)
357 parseJSON json = JSON.typeMismatch "E" json
359 instance Reifies c FFC => FromNatural (E c) where
360 fromNatural i =
361 E $ abs $ i `mod` groupOrder @c
362 where
363 abs x | x < 0 = x + groupOrder @c
364 | otherwise = x
365 instance ToNatural (E c) where
366 nat = unE
368 instance Reifies c FFC => Additive (E c) where
369 zero = E zero
370 E x + E y = E $ (x + y) `mod` groupOrder @c
371 instance Reifies c FFC => Negable (E c) where
372 neg (E x)
373 | x == 0 = zero
374 | otherwise = E $ fromJust $ nat (groupOrder @c)`minusNaturalMaybe`x
375 instance Reifies c FFC => Multiplicative (E c) where
376 one = E one
377 E x * E y = E $ (x * y) `mod` groupOrder @c
378 instance Reifies c FFC => Random.Random (E c) where
379 randomR (E lo, E hi) =
380 first (E . fromIntegral) .
381 Random.randomR
382 ( 0`max`toInteger lo
383 , toInteger hi`min`(toInteger (groupOrder @c) - 1) )
384 random =
385 first (E . fromIntegral) .
386 Random.randomR (0, toInteger (groupOrder @c) - 1)
387 instance Reifies c FFC => Enum (E c) where
388 toEnum = fromNatural . fromIntegral
389 fromEnum = fromIntegral . nat
390 enumFromTo lo hi = List.unfoldr
391 (\i -> if i<=hi then Just (i, i+one) else Nothing) lo
393 infixr 8 ^
394 -- | @(b '^' e)@ returns the modular exponentiation of base 'b' by exponent 'e'.
395 (^) :: Reifies c FFC => G c -> E c -> G c
396 (^) b (E e)
397 | e == 0 = one
398 | otherwise = t * (b*b) ^ E (e`shiftR`1)
399 where
400 t | testBit e 0 = b
401 | otherwise = one
403 -- | @('randomR' i)@ returns a random integer in @[0..i-1]@.
404 randomR ::
405 Monad m =>
406 Random.RandomGen r =>
407 Random.Random i =>
408 Negable i =>
409 Multiplicative i =>
410 i -> S.StateT r m i
411 randomR i = S.StateT $ return . Random.randomR (zero, i-one)
413 -- | @('random')@ returns a random integer
414 -- in the range determined by its type.
415 random ::
416 Monad m =>
417 Random.RandomGen r =>
418 Random.Random i =>
419 Negable i =>
420 Multiplicative i =>
421 S.StateT r m i
422 random = S.StateT $ return . Random.random
424 instance Random.Random Natural where
425 randomR (mini,maxi) =
426 first (fromIntegral::Integer -> Natural) .
427 Random.randomR (fromIntegral mini, fromIntegral maxi)
428 random = first (fromIntegral::Integer -> Natural) . Random.random
430 -- * Conversions
432 -- ** Class 'FromNatural'
433 class FromNatural a where
434 fromNatural :: Natural -> a
436 -- ** Class 'ToNatural'
437 class ToNatural a where
438 nat :: a -> Natural
439 instance ToNatural Natural where
440 nat = id
442 -- | @('bytesNat' x)@ returns the serialization of 'x'.
443 bytesNat :: ToNatural n => n -> BS.ByteString
444 bytesNat = fromString . show . nat