]> Git — Sourcephile - sourcephile-nix.git/history - nixos/modules/services
nix: update to latest nixos-unstable
[sourcephile-nix.git] / nixos / modules / services /
2021-05-11 Julien Moutinhomermet: revamp public-inbox
2021-04-05 Julien Moutinhodiscourse: prepare postfix, postgresql and redis
2021-01-26 Julien Moutinhoupnpc: fix on empty description
2021-01-21 Julien Moutinhoupnp: improve module
2021-01-18 Julien Moutinhonix: update nixpkgs PR
2020-12-31 Julien Moutinhonix: update patches and wip stuffs
2020-11-29 Julien Moutinhoopenldap: update to new settings
2020-11-25 Julien Moutinhonetns: update
2020-11-25 Julien Moutinhotor: update PR#97740
2020-11-22 Julien Moutinhonetns: improve the service
2020-11-21 Julien Moutinhonixpkgs: upstream public-inbox #104457 and freeciv...
2020-11-18 Julien Moutinhopublic-inbox: rewrite the module
2020-11-17 Julien Moutinhopublic-inbox: update to 1.6.0
2020-11-16 Julien Moutinhoopenvpn: add riseup in net namespace
2020-11-16 Julien Moutinhofreeciv: add experimental service
2020-11-12 Julien Moutinhonginx: change paths and config on losurdo
2020-09-23 Julien Moutinhosyncoid: add service dependencies
2020-09-23 Julien Moutinhowireguard: setup external vpn
2020-09-14 Julien Moutinhotor: improve type-checking and hardening (ter)
2020-09-13 Julien Moutinhotor: improve type-checking and hardening (bis)
2020-09-11 Julien Moutinhotor: improve type-checking and hardening
2020-09-06 Julien Moutinhonftables: retake at ICMPv6 and other stuffs
2020-09-05 Julien Moutinhotor: preparation
2020-07-31 Julien Moutinhonix: commit changes during work on services.transmission
2020-07-21 Julien Moutinhonix: use nixpkgs/patches/wip.diff instead of nixpkgs...
2020-07-20 Julien Moutinhotransmission: fix net.core.{r,w}mem_max
2020-07-19 Julien Moutinhoapparmor: publich and use PR#93457
2020-07-17 Julien Moutinhoapparmor: improve the service
2020-07-16 Julien Moutinhoapparmor: fix/rewrite security.apparmor
2020-07-15 Julien Moutinhotransmission: fix and improve the hardening
2020-07-10 Julien Moutinhotransmission: fix umask
2020-07-05 Julien Moutinhotransmission: improve the service
2020-06-29 Julien Moutinhotransmission: improve the service module
2020-06-02 Julien Moutinhopublic-inbox: fix CSS and environment
2020-05-30 Julien Moutinhonix: revamp directories to put nixpkgs-overlays in...
2020-03-16 Julien Moutinhonix: revamp the config paths
2020-03-13 Julien Moutinhonix: update nixpkgs to latest nixos-unstable-small
2020-03-11 Julien Moutinhonix: remove networking.domainAliases
2020-02-12 Julien Moutinhoknot: replace nsd as authoritative DNS
2020-02-09 Julien Moutinhodovecot: enable multi-domains
2020-02-06 Julien Moutinhomermet: prepare to receive autogeree.net's mails
2020-02-03 Julien Moutinhoopenldap: see if something can be upstreamed
2020-02-03 Julien Moutinhoopenldap: enable SHA2 and PBKDF2 support
2020-02-02 Julien Moutinhodovecot: no longer use auth_bind=no
2020-02-01 Julien Moutinhopostfix: no longer use networking.domain
2020-02-01 Julien Moutinhonix: add patches to nixpkgs
2020-01-31 Julien Moutinhorspamd: no longer use networking.domain*
2020-01-31 Julien Moutinhoopenldap: no longer use networking.domain*
2020-01-31 Julien Moutinhodovecot: polish conf and add mailStorageDirectory support
2020-01-30 Julien Moutinhodovecot: fix INDEX corruption by INDEXPVT
2020-01-26 Julien Moutinhomermet: fix dovecot and postfix
2020-01-25 Julien Moutinhomermet: add rspamd
2020-01-25 Julien Moutinhomermet: add dovecot
2020-01-17 Julien Moutinhomermet: add postfix
2020-01-17 Julien Moutinhonix: rename {dovecot => dovecot2}
2020-01-17 Julien Moutinhonix: add openssl shell utilities
2020-01-16 Julien Moutinhomermet: add nginx and fix stuffs
2020-01-16 Julien Moutinhomermet: add openldap
2020-01-16 Julien Moutinhomermet: fix the networking
2020-01-15 Julien Moutinhomermet: fix shorewall
2020-01-14 Julien Moutinhonix: add admin tools and setup shorewall
2020-01-11 Julien Moutinhonix: revamp the hierarchy