]> Git — Sourcephile - sourcephile-web.git/blob - generator/Site/Update.hs
[sourcephile-web.git] / generator / Site / Update.hs
1 module Site.Update where
3 import Commonmark.Simple qualified as Markdown
4 import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLoggerIO, logErrorNS, logInfoNS)
5 import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource, runResourceT)
6 import Data.Char qualified as Char
7 import Data.LVar (LVar)
8 import Data.List qualified as List
9 import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
10 import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
11 import Data.Set qualified as Set
12 import Data.Some (Some)
13 import Data.Text qualified as Text
14 import Data.Time qualified as Time
15 import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX qualified as Time
16 import Ema.CLI qualified
17 import Graphics.ThumbnailPlus qualified as Thumb
18 import Network.URI.Slug (Slug, decodeSlug)
19 import PyF
20 import Relude
21 import System.Directory qualified as FS
22 import System.FilePath ((</>))
23 import System.FilePath qualified as FS
24 import System.IO.Error qualified as IO
25 import System.Process (readProcess)
26 import System.UnionMount qualified as Watch
27 import Text.Pandoc.Definition qualified as Pandoc
28 import Text.Pandoc.Walk qualified as Pandoc
29 import Text.Read (read)
30 import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO)
31 import Prelude ()
33 import Site.Model
35 data Watch
36 = -- | A file generated by flake.nix
37 Watch_LastModified
38 | Watch_Static_Pics
39 | Watch_Special_Markdown
40 | Watch_Posts_Markdown
41 deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
43 updateModel ::
44 (MonadIO m, MonadUnliftIO m, MonadLoggerIO m) =>
45 Some Ema.CLI.Action ->
46 LVar Model ->
47 m ()
48 updateModel _ model =
49 void
50 . Watch.mountOnLVar
51 "."
52 [ (Watch_LastModified, "lastModified")
53 , (Watch_Static_Pics, "static/pics/**/*.jpg")
54 , (Watch_Special_Markdown, "special/**/*.md")
55 , (Watch_Posts_Markdown, "posts/**/*.md")
56 ]
57 {-ignored-}
58 [ "*~"
59 , ".*"
60 , "*.swp"
61 , "*.swx"
62 , "drafts/*"
63 , "static/thumbs/**"
64 ]
65 {-current-} model
66 {-initial-} Model
67 { modelTime = Nothing
68 , modelPosts = mempty
69 , modelSpecials = mempty
70 , modelPictures = mempty
71 , modelLocalLinks = mempty
72 }
73 $ \case
74 Watch_LastModified -> \filePath -> \case
75 Watch.Delete -> pure $ \m -> m{modelTime = Nothing}
76 Watch.Refresh _refreshAction () -> do
77 lastMod <- readFile filePath
78 modelTime <-
79 either error (pure . Just) $
80 Time.parseTimeM True Time.defaultTimeLocale "%s" lastMod
81 pure $ \m -> m{modelTime}
82 Watch_Static_Pics -> \filePath ->
83 let slugs = (decodeSlug <$>) $ Text.splitOn "/" $ toText filePath
84 in let thumbsDir = FS.joinPath $ ["static", "thumbs"] <> List.drop 2 (FS.splitPath filePath)
85 in \case
86 Watch.Delete -> do
87 logInfoNS domainName [fmt|Removing thumbsDir {thumbsDir}|]
88 liftIO $ FS.removeDirectoryRecursive thumbsDir
89 pure $ \m -> m{modelPictures = Map.delete slugs (modelPictures m)}
90 Watch.Refresh refreshAction () ->
91 case refreshAction of
92 Watch.New -> do
93 thumbs <- runResourceT $ createThumbnails thumbsDir filePath
94 pure $ \m -> m{modelPictures = Map.insert slugs thumbs (modelPictures m)}
95 Watch.Update -> do
96 thumbs <- runResourceT $ createThumbnails thumbsDir filePath
97 pure $ \m -> m{modelPictures = Map.insert slugs thumbs (modelPictures m)}
98 Watch.Existing -> do
99 dirEither <- liftIO $ IO.tryIOError $ FS.listDirectory thumbsDir
100 thumbs <- case dirEither of
101 Left err
102 | IO.isDoesNotExistError err ->
103 runResourceT $ createThumbnails thumbsDir filePath
104 | otherwise -> error [fmt|{err:s}|]
105 Right dir ->
106 return $
107 List.sortOn (Thumb.width . fst) $
108 dir <&> \fp -> (thumbSizeFromFilePath fp, thumbsDir </> fp)
109 pure $ \m -> m{modelPictures = Map.insert slugs thumbs (modelPictures m)}
110 Watch_Posts_Markdown -> \filePath ->
111 loadMarkdown filePath $ \f m -> m{modelPosts = f (modelPosts m)}
112 Watch_Special_Markdown -> \filePath ->
113 loadMarkdown filePath $ \f m -> m{modelSpecials = f (modelSpecials m)}
115 loadMarkdown ::
116 MonadIO m =>
117 MonadLoggerIO m =>
118 FilePath ->
119 ((Map [Slug] Page -> Map [Slug] Page) -> Model -> Model) ->
120 Watch.FileAction () ->
121 m (Model -> Model)
122 loadMarkdown filePath modifyModel =
123 let pageSlugs =
124 (decodeSlug <$>) $
125 List.drop 1 $
126 Text.splitOn "/" $
127 toText $
128 FS.dropExtension filePath
129 in \case
130 Watch.Delete -> pure $ modifyModel $ Map.delete pageSlugs
131 Watch.Refresh _refreshAction () -> do
132 fileContent <- Relude.readFileText filePath
133 Markdown.parseMarkdownWithFrontMatter
134 Markdown.fullMarkdownSpec
135 filePath
136 fileContent
137 & \case
138 Right (Just Meta{..}, pageDoc) -> do
139 -- Get default Meta values from Git commits
140 -- in case their not specified within the Mardown FrontMatter.
141 -- Does not work within pure nix build because there is not .git there.
142 (authorDate, commitDate, authorName, authorMail) <-
143 liftIO (gitLog "%ad\n%cd\n%an\n%ae\n" filePath) <&> \case
144 (List.lines -> [log_ad, log_cd, log_an, log_ae]) ->
145 ( gregorianOfEpoch <$> readMaybe @Integer log_ad
146 , gregorianOfEpoch <$> readMaybe @Integer log_cd
147 , Just $ toText log_an
148 , Just $ toText log_ae
149 )
150 _ -> (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
151 let pageLocalLinks =
152 (`Pandoc.query` pageDoc) $ \case
153 Pandoc.Link _attrs _label (uri, _title)
154 | not (Text.isInfixOf ":" uri) -> do
155 -- keep only local URIs
156 Set.singleton $ localLink pageSlugs uri
157 _inl -> Set.empty
158 pure $ \model ->
159 modifyModel
160 ( Map.insert
161 pageSlugs
162 Page
163 { pageMeta =
164 Meta
165 { metaPublished = metaPublished <|> authorDate
166 , metaUpdated = metaUpdated <|> commitDate
167 , metaAuthors =
168 metaAuthors
169 <|> ( authorName <&> \entityName ->
170 pure
171 Entity
172 { entityName
173 , entityMail = authorMail
174 }
175 )
176 , ..
177 }
178 , pageDoc
179 , pageLocalLinks
180 }
181 )
182 model{modelLocalLinks = Map.insert pageSlugs pageLocalLinks (modelLocalLinks model)}
183 {-
184 pure $ modifyModel $ Map.insert pageSlugs Page {pageMeta = Meta{..}, ..}
185 -}
186 Left err -> id <$ logErrorNS domainName [fmt|Parse error on {filePath}: {err}|]
187 _ -> id <$ logErrorNS domainName [fmt|Failed to parse Meta on {filePath}|]
189 createThumbnails ::
190 MonadResource m =>
191 MonadLoggerIO m =>
192 FilePath ->
193 FilePath ->
194 m [(Thumb.Size, FilePath)]
195 createThumbnails thumbsDir picPath = do
196 liftIO $ FS.createDirectoryIfMissing True thumbsDir
197 Thumb.createThumbnails thumbsConfig picPath >>= \case
198 Thumb.CreatedThumbnails thumbs _releaseKeys -> do
199 logInfoNS domainName [fmt|Creating {List.length thumbs} thumbs in {thumbsDir}|]
200 liftIO $ do
201 forM thumbs $ \thumb -> do
202 let dest = thumbsDir </> thumbName thumb
203 FS.copyFile (Thumb.thumbFp thumb) dest
204 return (Thumb.thumbSize thumb, dest)
205 err -> do
206 logErrorNS domainName [fmt|Error: {show err :: String}|]
207 return []
208 where
209 thumbsConfig =
210 Thumb.Configuration
211 { Thumb.maxFileSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024
212 , Thumb.maxImageSize = Thumb.Size 4096 4096
213 , Thumb.reencodeOriginal = Thumb.Never
214 , Thumb.thumbnailSizes = List.map (\s -> (Thumb.Size s s, Nothing)) thumbSizes
215 , Thumb.temporaryDirectory = FS.getTemporaryDirectory
216 }
218 thumbSizes :: [Int]
219 thumbSizes = [300, 800]
221 thumbName :: Thumb.Thumbnail -> String
222 thumbName Thumb.Thumbnail{thumbSize = Thumb.Size{..}, ..} =
223 [fmt|{width}x{height}.{(Char.toLower <$> show @String thumbFormat)}|]
225 thumbSizeFromFilePath :: FilePath -> Thumb.Size
226 thumbSizeFromFilePath fp =
227 case splitOn "x" $ List.reverse $ List.takeWhile (/= '-') $ List.reverse $ FS.takeBaseName fp of
228 [w, h] -> Thumb.Size (read w) (read h)
229 _ -> error [fmt|Cannot parse thumb's sizes from filepath: {fp}|]
231 utcOfEpoch :: Integral a => a -> Time.UTCTime
232 utcOfEpoch = Time.posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral
233 gregorianOfEpoch :: Integral a => a -> Time.Day
234 gregorianOfEpoch = Time.utctDay . utcOfEpoch
236 gitLog :: String -> FilePath -> IO String
237 gitLog format filePath =
238 readProcess
239 "git"
240 [ "log"
241 , "-1"
242 , "HEAD"
243 , "--pretty=format:" ++ format
244 , "--date=format:%s"
245 , filePath
246 ]
247 ""