]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git/blob - src/RMCA/GUI/LayerSettings.hs
Corrected spacing in instrument names.
[tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git] / src / RMCA / GUI / LayerSettings.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TupleSections #-}
3 module RMCA.GUI.LayerSettings where
5 import Data.ReactiveValue
6 import Data.String
7 import Data.Tuple
8 import Graphics.UI.Gtk
9 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Reactive
10 import RMCA.Auxiliary.RV
11 import RMCA.GUI.NoteSettings
12 import RMCA.Layer.Layer
13 import RMCA.Semantics
14 import RMCA.Translator.Instruments
15 import RMCA.Translator.Message
17 floatConv :: (ReactiveValueReadWrite a b m,
18 Real c, Real b, Fractional c, Fractional b) =>
19 a -> ReactiveFieldReadWrite m c
20 floatConv = liftRW $ bijection (realToFrac, realToFrac)
22 layerSettings :: ( ReactiveValueReadWrite board ([Note],[Message]) IO
23 , ReactiveValueRead chan Int IO) =>
24 chan -> board -> IO (VBox, ReactiveFieldReadWrite IO Layer)
25 layerSettings chanRV boardQueue = do
26 layerSettingsVBox <- vBoxNew True 10
27 layerSettingsBox <- hBoxNew True 10
28 boxPackStart layerSettingsVBox layerSettingsBox PackNatural 0
30 layTempoBox <- hBoxNew False 10
31 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox layTempoBox PackNatural 0
32 layTempoLabel <- labelNew (Just "Layer tempo")
33 labelSetAngle layTempoLabel 90
34 boxPackStart layTempoBox layTempoLabel PackNatural 0
35 layTempoAdj <- adjustmentNew 1 0 2 1 1 1
36 layTempoScale <- vScaleNew layTempoAdj
37 boxPackStart layTempoBox layTempoScale PackNatural 0
39 strBox <- hBoxNew False 10
40 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox strBox PackNatural 0
41 strLabel <- labelNew (Just "Strength")
42 labelSetAngle strLabel 90
43 boxPackStart strBox strLabel PackNatural 0
44 strAdj <- adjustmentNew 1 0 1 0.01 0.01 0
45 layStrengthScale <- vScaleNew strAdj
46 boxPackStart strBox layStrengthScale PackNatural 0
48 bpbBox <- vBoxNew False 10
49 boxPackStart layerSettingsBox bpbBox PackNatural 0
50 bpbLabel <- labelNew (Just "Beat per bar")
51 labelSetLineWrap bpbLabel True
52 boxPackStart bpbBox bpbLabel PackNatural 0
53 bpbAdj <- adjustmentNew 4 1 16 1 1 0
54 bpbButton <- spinButtonNew bpbAdj 1 0
55 boxPackStart bpbBox bpbButton PackNatural 0
57 instrumentCombo <- comboBoxNewText
58 instrumentIndex <- mapM (\(ind,ins) ->
59 do i <- comboBoxAppendText instrumentCombo $
60 fromString ins
61 return (i, ind)) instrumentList
62 comboBoxSetActive instrumentCombo 0
63 boxPackStart layerSettingsVBox instrumentCombo PackNatural 10
64 let indexToInstr i = case (lookup i instrumentIndex) of
65 Nothing -> error "Can't get the selected instrument."
66 Just x -> x
67 instrToIndex ins = case (lookup ins $ map swap instrumentIndex) of
68 Nothing -> error "Can't retrieve the index for the instrument."
69 Just x -> x
70 instrumentComboRV = bijection (indexToInstr, instrToIndex) `liftRW`
71 comboBoxIndexRV instrumentCombo
73 reactiveValueOnCanRead instrumentComboRV $ do
74 ins <- reactiveValueRead instrumentComboRV
75 chan <- reactiveValueRead chanRV
76 reactiveValueAppend boardQueue ([],[Instrument (mkChannel chan) (mkProgram ins)])
78 layPitchRV <- newCBMVarRW 1
79 let layTempoRV = floatConv $ scaleValueReactive layTempoScale
80 strengthRV = floatConv $ scaleValueReactive layStrengthScale
81 bpbRV = spinButtonValueIntReactive bpbButton
82 f1 Layer { relTempo = d
83 , relPitch = p
84 , strength = s
85 , beatsPerBar = bpb
86 } = (d,p,s,bpb)
87 f2 (d,p,s,bpb) = Layer { relTempo = d
88 , relPitch = p
89 , strength = s
90 , beatsPerBar = bpb
91 }
92 layerRV =
93 liftRW4 (bijection (f1,f2)) layTempoRV layPitchRV strengthRV bpbRV
94 return (layerSettingsVBox, layerRV)