]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git/blob - Reactogon/Semantics.hs
onChange function working
[tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git] / Reactogon / Semantics.hs
1 -- Basic Semantics for a Reactive Music Cellular Automaton.
2 -- Inspired by the reacTogon.
3 -- Written by Henrik Nilsson, 2016-05-03
4 -- Based on an earlier version.
5 --
6 -- This gives the semantics of a single Reactogon layer. The output is
7 -- a high-level representation of notes for each beat. This is to be
8 -- translated to low-level MIDI message by a subsequent translator
9 -- responsible for merging notes from different layers, ensuring that
10 -- a note off message corresponding to each note on message is always
11 -- emitted after the appropriate time, rendering any embellismnets
12 -- such as slides (while not generating too much MIDI data), etc.
14 module Reactogon.Semantics where
16 import Data.Array
17 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
18 import Data.List (nub, intersperse)
19 import Data.Ratio
22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 -- Basic Type Synonyms
24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 -- Unipolar control value; [0, 1]
27 type UCtrl = Double
29 -- Bipolar control value; [-1, 1]
30 type BCtrl = Double
33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 -- Time and Beats
35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 -- The assumption is that the automaton is clocked by a beat clock and
38 -- thus advances one step per beat. For an automaton working in real time,
39 -- the beat clock would be defined externally, synchronized with other
40 -- layers and possibly external MIDI, and account for tempo, any swing, etc.
42 -- Tempo
44 -- The tempo is the number of beats per minute.
45 type Tempo = Int
47 -- Beats and Bars
49 -- A beat in itself is not important.
50 type Beat = ()
52 -- Beats per Bar: number of beats per bar in the time signature of a layer.
53 -- Non-negative.
54 type BeatsPerBar = Int
56 -- The beat number in the time signature of the layer. The first beat is 1.
57 type BeatNo = Int
59 nextBeatNo :: BeatsPerBar -> BeatNo -> BeatNo
60 nextBeatNo bpb bn = bn `mod` bpb + 1
63 {-
64 -- Not needed for individual layers (at present)
66 -- Time; [0,+inf)
67 type Time = Double
68 -}
71 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 -- MIDI
73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 -- This semantics mainly works with a high-level represemntation of notes.
76 -- But it is convenient to express some of the high-level aspects directly
77 -- in the corresponding MIDI terms to facilitate the translation.
79 -- MIDI note number; [0,127]
80 type MIDINN = Int
83 -- Assume MIDI convetion: 60 = "Middle C" = C4
84 middleC = 60
85 middleCOct = 4
88 -- MIDI velocity; [0,127]
89 type MIDIVel = Int
92 -- MIDI Program Change: Program Number; [0,127]
93 type MIDIPN = Int
96 -- MIDI Control Change: Control Number and Control Value; [0,127]
97 type MIDICN = Int
98 type MIDICV = Int
100 -- MIDICVRnd gives the option to pick a control value at random.
101 -- (Handled through subsequent translation to low-level MIDI events.)
102 data MIDICVRnd = MIDICV MIDICV | MIDICVRnd deriving (Eq, Show)
105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 -- Notes
107 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 -- Pitch
111 -- We chose to represent pitch by MIDI note number
112 newtype Pitch = Pitch MIDINN deriving Eq
114 pitchToMNN :: Pitch -> MIDINN
115 pitchToMNN (Pitch nn) = nn
117 instance Show Pitch where
118 show (Pitch nn) = names !! note ++ show oct
119 where
120 nn' = nn - middleC
121 note = nn' `mod` 12
122 oct = nn' `div` 12 + middleCOct
123 names = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F",
124 "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
126 -- Relative pitch in semi tones. Used for e.g. transposition.
127 type RelPitch = Int
130 -- Articulation
132 -- Each layer has a setting that indicate how strongly the notes
133 -- should normally be played as a percentage of full strength.
134 -- (In the real application, this settig can be set to a fixed value
135 -- or set to be derived from teh last input note, "as played").
136 -- Individual notes can tehn be accented (played more strongly),
137 -- either unconditionally or as a function of the beat count.
139 type Strength = UCtrl
141 -- This could of course be generalised, e.g. a list of beat numbers to
142 -- accentuate. But this is simple and accounts for the most common patterns.
143 data Articulation = NoAccent
144 | Accent
145 | Accent1
146 | Accent13
147 | Accent14
148 | Accent24
149 deriving (Eq, Show)
151 accentStrength = 1.2
153 -- Articulated strength
154 articStrength :: Strength -> BeatNo -> Articulation -> Strength
155 articStrength st bn art
156 | accentedBeat = st * accentStrength
157 | otherwise = st
158 where
159 accentedBeat =
160 case (bn, art) of
161 (_, NoAccent) -> False
162 (_, Accent) -> True
163 (1, Accent1) -> True
164 (1, Accent13) -> True
165 (3, Accent13) -> True
166 (1, Accent14) -> True
167 (4, Accent14) -> True
168 (1, Accent24) -> True
169 (4, Accent24) -> True
170 _ -> False
173 -- Duration
175 -- Duration in terms of a whole note at the *system* tempo. (Each
176 -- layer is clocked at a layer beat that is a fraction/multiple of the
177 -- system tempo). Note that notes are played a little shorter than
178 -- their nominal duration. This is taken care of by the translation
179 -- into low-level MIDI events. (One might consider adding indications
180 -- of staccato or tenuto.)
181 type Duration = Rational
184 -- Ornamentation
186 -- Notes can be ornamented. Traditionnally, ornamenting refers to modifications
187 -- of the pitch, such as a trill or a grace note. Here we use the term in
188 -- a generalised sense.
189 -- * A MIDI program change (to be sent before the note).
190 -- * A MIDI Continuous Controler Change (to be sent before the note).
191 -- * A Slide
192 -- One might also consider adding trills, grace notes, MIDI after touch ...
194 data Ornaments = Ornaments {
195 ornPC :: Maybe MIDIPN,
196 ornCC :: [(MIDICN, MIDICVRnd)],
197 ornSlide :: SlideType
198 } deriving Show
200 data SlideType = NoSlide | SlideUp | SlideDn deriving (Eq, Show)
203 -- Notes
205 -- Attributes needed to generate a note.
206 -- * The pitch of a note is given by the position on the board
207 -- * The strength is given by the layer strength, beat no., and articulation
208 -- * Duratio and Ornamentatio are stored
209 data NoteAttr = NoteAttr {
210 naArt :: Articulation,
211 naDur :: Duration,
212 naOrn :: Ornaments
213 } deriving Show
216 -- High level note representation emitted from a layer
217 data Note = Note {
218 notePch :: Pitch,
219 noteStr :: Strength,
220 noteDur :: Duration,
221 noteOrn :: Ornaments
222 } deriving Show
225 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 -- Board
227 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
229 -- Numbering; row number inside tile, column number below:
230 -- _ _
231 -- _/2\_/2\_
232 -- / \_/1\_/1\
233 -- \_/1\_/1\_/
234 -- / \_/0\_/0\
235 -- \_/0\_/0\_/
236 -- \_/ \_/
237 -- -1 0 1 2
240 -- Angle measured in multiples of 60 degrees.
241 type Angle = Int
243 data Dir = N | NE | SE | S | SW | NW deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
246 turn :: Dir -> Angle -> Dir
247 turn d a = toEnum ((fromEnum d + a) `mod` 6)
250 type Pos = (Int, Int)
252 -- Position of neighbour in given direction
253 neighbor :: Dir -> Pos -> Pos
254 neighbor N (x,y) = (x, y + 1)
255 neighbor NE (x,y) = (x + 1, y + 1 - x `mod` 2)
256 neighbor SE (x,y) = (x + 1, y - x `mod` 2)
257 neighbor S (x,y) = (x, y - 1)
258 neighbor SW (x,y) = (x - 1, y - x `mod` 2)
259 neighbor NW (x,y) = (x - 1, y + 1 - x `mod` 2)
262 -- Position and transposition to pitch:
263 -- * Harmonic Table" layout: N = +7; NE = +4; SE = -3
264 -- * (0,0) assumed to be "Middle C"
265 posToPitch :: Pos -> RelPitch -> Pitch
266 posToPitch (x,y) tr =
267 Pitch (y * 7 + x `div` 2 - 3 * (x `mod` 2) + middleC + tr)
270 -- Actions
271 -- Maybe this could be refined: some of the actions might be useful
272 -- both in note playing and silent versions: e.g. changing direction without
273 -- playing a note; playing a note without changing direction.
275 data Action = Inert -- No action, play heads just move through.
276 | Absorb -- Remove play head silently.
277 | Stop NoteAttr -- Play note then remove play head.
278 | ChDir NoteAttr Dir -- Play note then change direction.
279 | Split NoteAttr -- Play note then split head into five new.
280 deriving Show
283 -- Cells
284 -- A cell stores an action and a repetition number.
285 -- 0: the cell is completely bypassed, as if it wasn't there.
286 -- 1: the action is carried out once (default)
287 -- n > 1: any note output of the action is repeated (n-1) times before the
288 -- action is carried out.
290 type Cell = (Action, Int)
293 -- Make a cell with a default repeat count of 1.
294 mkCell :: Action -> Cell
295 mkCell a = mkCellRpt a 1
298 -- Make a cell with a non-default repeition number.
299 mkCellRpt :: Action -> Int -> Cell
300 mkCellRpt a n | n >= 0 = (a, n)
301 | otherwise = error "The repetition number of a cell must be \
302 \non-negative."
305 -- Board extent: south-west corner and north-east corner.
306 -- This covers most of the MIDI range: A#-1 (10) to G7 (103).
307 swc, nec :: Pos
308 swc = (-9, -6)
309 nec = (9, 6)
312 -- Test if a position is on the board as defined by swc and nec.
313 -- The assumption is that odd columns contain one more cell, as per the
314 -- picture above. Of course, one could opt for a "zig-zag" layout
315 -- with each column having the same number of cells which would be slightly
316 -- simpler.
317 onBoard :: Pos -> Bool
318 onBoard (x,y) = xMin <= x && x <= xMax
319 && yMin <= y
320 && (if even x then
321 y < yMax
322 else
323 y <= yMax)
324 where
325 (xMin, yMin) = swc
326 (xMax, yMax) = case nec of
327 (x, y) | even x -> (x, y + 1)
328 | otherwise -> (x, y)
331 type Board = Array Pos Cell
334 -- Build a board from a list specifying the non-empty cells.
335 makeBoard :: [(Pos, Cell)] -> Board
336 makeBoard pcs =
337 array (swc,nec')
338 ([(p, if onBoard p then mkCell Inert else mkCell Absorb)
339 | p <- range (swc, nec')]
340 ++ [(p,c) | (p, c) <- pcs, onBoard p])
341 where
342 -- This is to ensure (neighbor NW nec) is included on the board,
343 -- regardless of whether the column of nec is even or odd.
344 -- Otherwise, due to the "jagged" upper edge, the top row would
345 -- be missing, but every other cell of that *is* on the board.
346 -- The "superfluous" cells are set to Absorb above.
347 nec' = neighbor N nec
350 -- Look up a cell
351 lookupCell :: Board -> Pos -> Cell
352 lookupCell b p = if onBoard p then (b ! p) else (Absorb, 1)
355 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
356 -- Play Head
357 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
359 -- A play head is characterised by:
360 -- * Current position
361 -- * Number of beats before moving
362 -- * Direction of travel
363 -- If an action involves playing a note, this is repeated once for
364 -- each beat the play head is staying, with the rest of the action
365 -- carried out at the last beat.
367 data PlayHead =
368 PlayHead {
369 phPos :: Pos,
370 phBTM :: Int,
371 phDir :: Dir
372 }
373 deriving (Eq, Show)
376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
377 -- State transition
378 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
380 -- Advance the state of a single play head.
381 --
382 -- The result is a list of heads to be actioned at the *next* beat
383 -- later) and possibly a note to be played at *this* beat.
385 advanceHead :: Board -> BeatNo -> RelPitch -> Strength -> PlayHead
386 -> ([PlayHead], Maybe Note)
387 advanceHead bd bn tr st ph = ahAux (moveHead bd ph)
388 where
389 ahAux ph@PlayHead {phPos = p, phBTM = btm, phDir = d} =
390 case fst (lookupCell bd p) of
391 Inert -> ([ph], Nothing)
392 Absorb -> ([], Nothing) -- No point waiting until BTM=0
393 Stop na -> (newPHs [], Just (mkNote p bn tr st na))
394 ChDir na d' -> (newPHs [ph {phDir = d'}],
395 Just (mkNote p bn tr st na))
396 Split na -> (newPHs [ PlayHead {
397 phPos = p,
398 phBTM = 0,
399 phDir = d'
400 }
401 | a <- [-2 .. 2],
402 let d' = turn d a
403 ],
404 Just (mkNote p bn tr st na))
405 where
406 newPHs phs = if btm > 0 then [ph] else phs
409 -- Moves a play head if the BTM counter has reached 0, otherwise decrement BTM.
410 -- Any encountered cells where the repeat count is < 1 are skipped.
411 moveHead :: Board -> PlayHead -> PlayHead
412 moveHead bd (ph@PlayHead {phPos = p, phBTM = btm, phDir = d})
413 | btm < 1 = let
414 p' = neighbor d p
415 btm' = snd (lookupCell bd p')
416 in
417 moveHead bd (ph {phPos = p', phBTM = btm'})
418 | otherwise = ph {phBTM = btm - 1}
421 mkNote :: Pos -> BeatNo -> RelPitch -> Strength -> NoteAttr -> Note
422 mkNote p bn tr st na =
423 Note {
424 notePch = posToPitch p tr,
425 noteStr = articStrength st bn (naArt na),
426 noteDur = naDur na,
427 noteOrn = naOrn na
428 }
431 -- Advance a list of heads, collecting all resulting heads and notes.
432 -- Any duplicate play heads are eliminated (or their number may uselessly
433 -- grow very quickly), and a cap (50, arbitrary, but should be plenty,
434 -- expecially given the board size) on the number of simultaneous playheads
435 -- per layer is imposed.
436 advanceHeads :: Board -> BeatNo -> RelPitch -> Strength -> [PlayHead]
437 -> ([PlayHead], [Note])
438 advanceHeads bd bn tr st phs =
439 let
440 (phss, mns) = unzip (map (advanceHead bd bn tr st) phs)
441 in
442 (take 50 (nub (concat phss)), catMaybes mns)
445 -- Given an initial list of play heads, run a board until there are no
446 -- more heads (or "forever", if that does not happen). The result is
447 -- a list of all notes played for each pulse.
448 --
449 -- Note: The original reactogon has special start counters. An "internal"
450 -- board as defined here along with a list of inital read heads could
451 -- be derived from an "external" board representation more closely aligned
452 -- with the GUI represenatation.
453 --
454 -- In the real implementation:
455 -- * A layer beat clock would be derived from the system beat (as a
456 -- fraction/multiple, adding any swing) and each clock event be tagged
457 -- with the beat number.
458 -- * The board would not necessarily be a constant input. (One might
459 -- consider allowing editing a layer while the machine is running)
460 -- * The time signature and thus the beats per par would not necessarily
461 -- be a constant input (one might consider allowing changing it while
462 -- the machine is running, but perhaps not very useful).
463 -- * The transposition would be dynamic, the sum of a per layer
464 -- transposition that can be set through the user interface and the
465 -- difference between the MIDI note number of the last external
466 -- note received for the layer and middle C (say).
467 -- * The strength would be dynamic, configurable as either the strength
468 -- set through the user interface or the strength of the last external
469 -- note received for the layer (derived from its MIDI velocity).
471 runRMCA :: Board -> BeatsPerBar -> RelPitch -> Strength -> [PlayHead]
472 -> [[Note]]
473 runRMCA _ _ _ _ [] = []
474 runRMCA bd bpb tr st phs = runAux 1 phs
475 where
476 runAux bn phs = ns : runAux (nextBeatNo bpb bn) phs'
477 where
478 (phs', ns) = advanceHeads bd bn tr st phs
481 -- Print played notes in a time-stamped (bar, beat), easy-to-read format.
483 ppNotes :: BeatsPerBar -> [[Note]] -> IO ()
484 ppNotes bpb nss = ppnAux (zip [(br,bn) | br <- [1..], bn <- [1..bpb]] nss)
485 where
486 ppnAux [] = return ()
487 ppnAux ((_, []) : tnss) = ppnAux tnss
488 ppnAux ((t, ns) : tnss) = do
489 putStrLn ((leftJustify 10 (show t)) ++ ": "
490 ++ concat (intersperse ", " (map show ns)))
491 ppnAux tnss
494 leftJustify :: Int -> String -> String
495 leftJustify w s = take (w - length s) (repeat ' ') ++ s
498 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
499 -- Simple test
500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
502 -- testBoard = makeBoard [((0,0), mkCell (ChDir na1 N)),
503 -- ((0,1), mkCell (ChDir na1 SE)),
504 -- ((1,1), mkCell (Split na1)),
505 -- ((1,-1), mkCell (Split na1)),
506 -- ((-1,0), mkCell (ChDir na2 NE))]
508 testBoard = makeBoard [((0,0), mkCell (ChDir na1 N)),
509 ((0,2), mkCellRpt (ChDir na2 SE) 3),
510 ((2,1), mkCell (ChDir na1 SW)),
511 ((1,1), mkCellRpt (ChDir na1 N) 0) {- Skipped! -}]
513 na1 = NoteAttr {
514 naArt = Accent13,
515 naDur = 1 % 4,
516 naOrn = Ornaments Nothing [] NoSlide
517 }
519 na2 = NoteAttr {
520 naArt = NoAccent,
521 naDur = 1 % 16,
522 naOrn = Ornaments Nothing [(10, MIDICVRnd)] SlideUp
523 }
525 bpb :: Int
526 bpb = 4
528 main = ppNotes bpb (take 50 (runRMCA testBoard
529 bpb
530 0
531 0.8
532 [PlayHead (0,0) 1 N]))