]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git/blob - src/RMCA/GUI/MultiBoard.hs
MIDI influences the GUI back.
[tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git] / src / RMCA / GUI / MultiBoard.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TupleSections #-}
3 module RMCA.GUI.MultiBoard where
5 import Control.Concurrent.MVar
6 import Control.Monad
7 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
8 import Data.Array
9 import Data.CBRef
10 import qualified Data.IntMap as M
11 import Data.List
12 import Data.Maybe
13 import Data.ReactiveValue
14 import Graphics.UI.Gtk
15 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.TiledBoard hiding (Board)
16 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Layout.BackgroundContainer
17 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Reactive.Gtk2
18 import RMCA.Auxiliary
19 import RMCA.GUI.Board
20 import RMCA.IOClockworks
21 import RMCA.Layer.LayerConf
22 import RMCA.MCBMVar
23 import RMCA.ReactiveValueAtomicUpdate
24 import RMCA.Semantics
25 import RMCA.Translator.Message
27 maxLayers :: Int
28 maxLayers = 16
30 createNotebook :: ( ReactiveValueRead addLayer () IO
31 , ReactiveValueRead rmLayer () IO
32 , ReactiveValueAtomicUpdate board (M.IntMap ([Note],[Message])) IO
33 ) =>
34 board
35 -> IOTick
36 -> addLayer
37 -> rmLayer
38 -> MCBMVar StaticLayerConf
39 -> MCBMVar DynLayerConf
40 -> MCBMVar SynthConf
41 -> MCBMVar GUICell
42 -> IO ( Notebook
43 , ReactiveFieldRead IO (M.IntMap Board)
44 , CBRef (M.IntMap LayerConf)
45 , ReactiveFieldRead IO
46 (M.IntMap (ReactiveFieldWrite IO [PlayHead]))
47 )
48 createNotebook boardQueue tc addLayerRV rmLayerRV
49 statMCBMVar dynMCBMVar synthMCBMVar guiCellMCBMVar = do
50 n <- notebookNew
51 let curPageRV = ReactiveFieldReadWrite setter getter notifier
52 where (ReactiveFieldRead getter _) = notebookGetCurrentPagePassive n
53 -- afterSwitchPage is deprecated but switchPage gets us
54 -- the old page number and not the new one and using
55 -- afterSwitchPage doesn't trigger a warning so…
56 setter = postGUIAsync . notebookSetCurrentPage n
57 notifier io = void $ afterSwitchPage n (const io)
59 pageChanRV <- newCBMVarRW []
60 let foundHole = let foundHole' [] = 0
61 foundHole' [x] = x + 1
62 foundHole' (x:y:xs) = if x + 1 /= y then x + 1 else foundHole (y:xs)
63 in foundHole' . sort
66 let curChanRV = liftR2 (!!) pageChanRV curPageRV
67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 -- First board
69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 chanMapRV <- newCBMVarRW M.empty
72 guiCellHidMVar <- newEmptyMVar
73 let clickHandler ioBoard = do
74 state <- newEmptyMVar
75 boardOnPress ioBoard
76 (\iPos' -> liftIO $ do
77 let iPos = actualTile iPos'
78 postGUIAsync $ void $ tryPutMVar state iPos
79 return True
80 )
81 boardOnRelease ioBoard
82 (\fPos' -> do
83 let fPos = actualTile fPos'
84 button <- eventButton
85 liftIO $ postGUIAsync $ do
86 mp <- boardGetPiece fPos ioBoard
87 mstate <- tryTakeMVar state
88 when (fPos `elem` validArea && isJust mp) $ do
89 let piece = snd $ fromJust mp
90 when (button == RightButton && maybe False (== fPos) mstate) $ do
91 let nCell = rotateGUICell piece
92 boardSetPiece fPos (Player,nCell) ioBoard
93 nmp <- boardGetPiece fPos ioBoard
94 when (button == LeftButton && isJust nmp) $ do
95 let nCell = snd $ fromJust nmp
96 mOHid <- tryTakeMVar guiCellHidMVar
97 forM_ mOHid $ removeCallbackMCBMVar guiCellMCBMVar
98 reactiveValueWrite guiCellMCBMVar nCell
99 nHid <- installCallbackMCBMVar guiCellMCBMVar $ do
100 cp <- reactiveValueRead curChanRV
101 guiVal <- reactiveValueRead guiCellMCBMVar
102 mChanRV <- M.lookup cp <$> reactiveValueRead chanMapRV
103 when (isNothing mChanRV) $ error "Can't get piece array!"
104 let (_,pieceArrRV,_) = fromJust mChanRV
105 reactiveValueWrite (pieceArrRV ! fPos) guiVal
106 putMVar guiCellHidMVar nHid
107 return True
108 )
110 boardCont <- backgroundContainerNew
111 guiBoard <- attachGameRules =<< initGame
112 clickHandler guiBoard
113 centerBoard <- alignmentNew 0.5 0.5 0 0
114 containerAdd centerBoard guiBoard
115 containerAdd boardCont centerBoard
117 fstP <- notebookAppendPage n boardCont ""
118 notebookPageNumber <- newCBMVarRW (1 :: Int)
120 initBoardRV tc guiBoard >>=
121 \(boardRV, pieceArrRV, phRV) -> reactiveValueRead chanMapRV >>=
122 reactiveValueWrite chanMapRV . M.insert fstP (boardRV,pieceArrRV,phRV)
124 reactiveValueRead pageChanRV >>=
125 reactiveValueWrite pageChanRV . (\pc -> pc ++ [foundHole pc])
127 layerMapRV <- newCBRef $ M.insert fstP defaultLayerConf M.empty
128 reactiveValueOnCanRead layerMapRV $ do
129 synth <- fmap (\(_,_,s) -> s) <$> reactiveValueRead layerMapRV
130 sequence_ $ M.mapWithKey
131 (\chan mess -> reactiveValueAppend boardQueue $
132 M.singleton chan $ ([],) $ synthMessage chan mess) synth
134 let updateDynLayer cp = do
135 nDyn <- reactiveValueRead dynMCBMVar
136 reactiveValueUpdate_ layerMapRV
137 (M.adjust (\(stat,_,synth) -> (stat,nDyn,synth)) cp)
138 updateSynth cp = do
139 synthState <- reactiveValueRead synthMCBMVar
140 reactiveValueAppend boardQueue $
141 M.singleton cp $ ([],) $ synthMessage cp synthState
142 updateStatLayer _ = return ()--undefined
144 statHidMVar <- newEmptyMVar
145 dynHidMVar <- newEmptyMVar
146 synthHidMVar <- newEmptyMVar
148 installCallbackMCBMVar statMCBMVar
149 (reactiveValueRead curChanRV >>= updateStatLayer) >>= putMVar statHidMVar
150 installCallbackMCBMVar dynMCBMVar
151 (reactiveValueRead curChanRV >>= updateDynLayer) >>= putMVar dynHidMVar
152 installCallbackMCBMVar synthMCBMVar
153 (reactiveValueRead curChanRV >>= updateSynth) >>= putMVar synthHidMVar
155 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 -- Following boards
157 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 reactiveValueOnCanRead addLayerRV $ postGUIAsync $ do
160 np <- reactiveValueRead notebookPageNumber
161 unless (np >= maxLayers) $ do
162 reactiveValueWrite notebookPageNumber (np + 1)
163 nBoardCont <- backgroundContainerNew
165 nGuiBoard <- attachGameRules =<< initGame
166 clickHandler nGuiBoard
167 nCenterBoard <- alignmentNew 0.5 0.5 0 0
168 containerAdd nCenterBoard nGuiBoard
169 containerAdd nBoardCont nCenterBoard
171 notebookAppendPage n nBoardCont $ show np
172 pChan <- reactiveValueRead pageChanRV
173 let newCP = foundHole pChan
174 (nBoardRV, nPieceArrRV, nPhRV) <- initBoardRV tc nGuiBoard
176 reactiveValueRead chanMapRV >>=
177 reactiveValueWrite chanMapRV . M.insert newCP (nBoardRV,nPieceArrRV,nPhRV)
178 reactiveValueRead layerMapRV >>=
179 reactiveValueWrite layerMapRV . M.insert newCP defaultLayerConf
181 --reactiveValueWrite curPageRV newP
182 reactiveValueWrite pageChanRV (pChan ++ [newCP])
183 widgetShowAll n
185 reactiveValueOnCanRead rmLayerRV $ postGUIAsync $ do
186 np <- reactiveValueRead notebookPageNumber
187 when (np > 1) $ do
188 cp <- reactiveValueRead curPageRV
189 oldCP <- reactiveValueRead curChanRV
190 let rmIndex :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
191 rmIndex n l = take n l ++ drop (n + 1) l
192 notebookRemovePage n cp
194 reactiveValueRead pageChanRV >>=
195 reactiveValueWrite pageChanRV . rmIndex cp
197 reactiveValueRead notebookPageNumber >>=
198 reactiveValueWrite notebookPageNumber . subtract 1
200 reactiveValueRead chanMapRV >>=
201 reactiveValueWrite chanMapRV . M.delete oldCP
203 reactiveValueRead layerMapRV >>=
204 reactiveValueWrite layerMapRV . M.delete oldCP
206 widgetShowAll n
207 return ()
209 reactiveValueOnCanRead curChanRV $ do
210 cp <- reactiveValueRead curChanRV
211 when (cp >= 0) $ do
212 takeMVar dynHidMVar >>= removeCallbackMCBMVar dynMCBMVar
213 takeMVar statHidMVar >>= removeCallbackMCBMVar statMCBMVar
214 takeMVar synthHidMVar >>= removeCallbackMCBMVar synthMCBMVar
215 layerMap <- reactiveValueRead layerMapRV
216 let mSelLayer = M.lookup cp layerMap
217 when (isNothing mSelLayer) $ error "Not found selected layer!"
218 let selLayer = fromJust mSelLayer
219 reactiveValueWrite dynMCBMVar (dynConf selLayer)
220 installCallbackMCBMVar dynMCBMVar (updateDynLayer cp) >>=
221 putMVar dynHidMVar
222 reactiveValueWrite statMCBMVar (staticConf selLayer)
223 installCallbackMCBMVar statMCBMVar (updateStatLayer cp) >>=
224 putMVar statHidMVar
225 reactiveValueWrite synthMCBMVar (synthConf selLayer)
226 installCallbackMCBMVar synthMCBMVar (updateSynth cp) >>=
227 putMVar synthHidMVar
228 return ()
230 oldCurChanRV <- newCBMVarRW =<< reactiveValueRead curChanRV
231 reactiveValueOnCanRead curChanRV $ do
232 oldC <- reactiveValueRead oldCurChanRV
233 newC <- reactiveValueRead curChanRV
234 when (oldC /= newC) $ do
235 reactiveValueWrite oldCurChanRV newC
236 tryTakeMVar guiCellHidMVar >>=
237 fromMaybeM_ . fmap (removeCallbackMCBMVar guiCellMCBMVar)
238 reactiveValueWrite guiCellMCBMVar inertCell
240 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 -- Flatten maps
242 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 let phMapRV :: ReactiveFieldRead IO (M.IntMap (ReactiveFieldWrite IO [PlayHead]))
244 phMapRV = liftR (M.map (\(_,_,b) -> b)) chanMapRV
246 boardMapRV :: ReactiveFieldRead IO (M.IntMap Board)
247 boardMapRV = ReactiveFieldRead getter notifier
248 where notifier io = do
249 chanMap <- reactiveValueRead chanMapRV
250 mapM_ ((`reactiveValueOnCanRead` io) . \(b,_,_) -> b) chanMap
251 getter = do
252 chanMap <- reactiveValueRead chanMapRV
253 mapM (reactiveValueRead . \(b,_,_) -> b) chanMap
255 return (n, boardMapRV, layerMapRV, phMapRV)