]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git/blob - src/RMCA/GUI/HelpersRewrite.hs
Finally, normal tile dragging works.
[tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git] / src / RMCA / GUI / HelpersRewrite.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
3 -- This module contains function that allow the particular geometry of
4 -- the board to not cause too much problems.
6 module RMCA.GUI.HelpersRewrite where
8 import Control.Arrow
9 import Control.Monad
10 import Control.Monad.IO.Class
11 import Data.Array
12 import Data.IORef
13 import Data.Maybe
14 import Data.Ratio
15 import Game.Board.BasicTurnGame
16 import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Action)
17 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.BoardLink hiding (attachGameRules)
18 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.TiledBoard hiding
19 ( Board
20 , boardOnPieceDragDrop
21 , boardOnPieceDragOver
22 , boardOnPieceDragStart
23 )
24 import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.TiledBoard as BIO
25 import RMCA.Semantics
27 data GUICell = GUICell { cellAction :: Action
28 , repeatCount :: Int
29 , asPh :: Bool
30 } deriving(Show,Eq)
32 data Player = Player deriving(Show)
34 -- Takes a GUI coordinate and give the corresponding coordinate on the
35 -- internal board
36 fromGUICoords :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
37 fromGUICoords (x,y) = (x,(x `mod` 2 - y) `quot` 2)
39 -- Takes coordinates from the point of view of the internal board and
40 -- translates them to GUI board coordinates.
41 toGUICoords :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
42 toGUICoords (x,y) = (x,2*(-y) + x `mod` 2)
44 defNa :: NoteAttr
45 defNa = NoteAttr { naArt = NoAccent
46 , naDur = 1 % 4
47 , naOrn = noOrn
48 }
50 xMax, yMax :: Int
51 (xMax,yMax) = second (*2) $ neighbor N nec
52 xMin, yMin :: Int
53 (xMin,yMin) = second (*2) swc
55 ctrlPieces :: [(Int,Int,Player,GUICell)]
56 ctrlPieces = [(xMax+2,y,Player,GUICell { cellAction = action
57 , repeatCount = 1
58 , asPh = False
59 })
60 | let actions = [ Absorb, Stop defNa
61 , ChDir False defNa N, ChDir True defNa N
62 , Split defNa]
63 -- /!\ It would be nice to find a general formula
64 -- for placing the control pieces.
65 , (y,action) <- zip [ yMin+4,yMin+8..] actions]
67 ctrlCoords :: [(Int,Int)]
68 ctrlCoords = map (\(x,y,_,_) -> (x,y)) ctrlPieces
70 boardToPiece :: [PlayHead] -> Board -> [(Int,Int,Player,GUICell)]
71 boardToPiece ph = (++ ctrlPieces) . map placePiece .
72 filter (onBoard . fst) . assocs
73 where placePiece :: (Pos,Cell) -> (Int,Int,Player,GUICell)
74 placePiece ((x,y),(a,n)) = let c = GUICell { cellAction = a
75 , repeatCount = n
76 , asPh = (x,y) `elem` phPosS
77 }
78 (x',y') = toGUICoords (x,y)
79 in (x',y',Player,c)
80 phPosS = map phPos ph
82 validArea :: [(Int,Int)]
83 validArea = filter (onBoard . fromGUICoords) $
84 map (\(x,y,_,_) -> (x,y)) $ boardToPiece [] $ makeBoard []
86 -- Because of the geometry of the board, a tile might be covered by a
87 -- piece without actually carrying any. This function retrieves the
88 -- index of the tile carrying the piece that covers the tile.
89 actualTile :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
90 actualTile p@(x,y)
91 | p `elem` piecesCoords = p
92 | otherwise = (x,y-1)
93 where piecesCoords = validArea ++ ctrlCoords
95 boardOnPieceDragStart :: BIO.Board Int tile piece
96 -> ((Int, Int) -> IO Bool) -> IO()
97 boardOnPieceDragStart board f = boardOnPress board $ \ix -> do
98 (x,y) <- eventCoordinates
99 returning False $ liftIO $ do
100 drag <- readIORef (dragEnabled board)
101 when drag $ do
102 canDragThis <- f ix
103 let from = if canDragThis
104 then Just $ actualTile ix
105 else Nothing
106 orig = if canDragThis
107 then Just (relativePos board (actualTile ix) (round x, round y))
108 else Nothing
109 writeIORef (draggingFrom board) from
110 writeIORef (draggingMouseOrig board) orig
111 boardInvalidate board
113 boardOnPieceDragOver :: Ix index =>
114 BIO.Board index tile piece
115 -> ((index, index) -> (index, index) -> IO Bool) -> IO()
116 boardOnPieceDragOver board f = boardOnMotion board $ \ix -> do
117 (x,y) <- eventCoordinates
118 returning False $ liftIO $ do
119 drag <- readIORef (dragEnabled board)
120 origM <- readIORef (draggingFrom board)
121 when (drag && isJust origM) $ do
122 canDropHere <- f (fromJust origM) ix
123 let newDest = if canDropHere then Just ix else Nothing
124 writeIORef (draggingTo board) newDest
125 writeIORef (draggingMousePos board) (Just (round x, round y))
126 boardInvalidate board
128 boardOnPieceDragDrop :: Ix index =>
129 BIO.Board index tile piece
130 -> ((index, index) -> (index, index) -> IO ()) -> IO()
131 boardOnPieceDragDrop board f = void $ do
132 widgetAddEvents (boardDrawingArea board) [ButtonPressMask, ButtonReleaseMask]
133 (boardDrawingArea board) `on` buttonReleaseEvent $ returning False $ liftIO $ do
134 drag <- readIORef (dragEnabled board)
135 origM <- readIORef (draggingFrom board)
136 destM <- readIORef (draggingTo board)
137 let notSame = origM /= destM
138 when (drag && isJust origM) $ do
140 -- No longer dragging
141 writeIORef (draggingFrom board) Nothing
142 writeIORef (draggingTo board) Nothing
143 writeIORef (draggingMouseOrig board) Nothing
144 writeIORef (draggingMousePos board) Nothing
146 -- When possible, call the handler
147 when (isJust destM && notSame) $ f (fromJust origM) (fromJust destM)
149 -- In any case, the board must be repainted
150 boardInvalidate board
152 -- This is a function shamelessy stolen and rewritten from gtk-helpers
153 -- to allow for hexagonal boards.
154 attachGameRules :: (PlayableGame a Int tile player piece) =>
155 Game a Int tile player piece
156 -> IO (BIO.Board Int tile (player, piece))
157 attachGameRules game = do
158 board <- boardNew (allPos $ gameS game) (tileF $ visual game)
159 (pieceF $ visual game)
161 let (r,g,b) = bgColor (visual game)
162 (r', g', b') = (fromIntegral r, fromIntegral g, fromIntegral b)
163 mapM_ (\s -> widgetModifyBg board s (Color r' g' b'))
164 [StateNormal, StateActive, StatePrelight, StateSelected]
165 when (isJust (bg $ visual game)) $
166 boardSetBackground board (bg $ visual game)
168 vgRef <- newIORef game
170 -- Set the initial board state
171 mapM_ (\(x,y) -> boardSetPiece x y board) $
172 [((x,y),(pl,pc)) | (x,y,pl,pc) <- allPieces (gameS game)]
174 board `boardOnPieceDragStart` \pos' -> do
175 let pos = actualTile pos'
176 putStrLn ("dragStart: " ++ show pos' ++ show pos)
177 visualGame <- readIORef vgRef
178 let game' = gameS visualGame
179 return (moveEnabled game' && canMove game' (curPlayer game') pos)
181 board `boardOnPieceDragOver` \posF' posT' -> do
182 let posF = actualTile posF'
183 posT = actualTile posT'
184 putStrLn ("dragOver: " ++ show posF ++ show posT)
185 visualGame <- readIORef vgRef
186 let game' = gameS visualGame
187 return (moveEnabled game' && canMoveTo game' (curPlayer game') posF posT)
189 board `boardOnPieceDragDrop` \posF' posT' -> do
190 let posF = actualTile posF'
191 posT = actualTile posT'
192 visualGame <- readIORef vgRef
193 let game' = gameS visualGame
194 moves = move game' (curPlayer game') posF posT
195 game'' = foldl applyChange game' moves
196 writeIORef vgRef (visualGame { gameS = game'' })
197 forM_ moves (applyBoardChange board)
199 when (moveEnabled (gameS game)) $ boardEnableDrag board
201 return board