]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git/blob - Reactogon/Translator/SortMessage.hs
Sort messages nearly done.
[tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git] / Reactogon / Translator / SortMessage.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
3 -- The idea is that the stream of data coming from the MIDI input port
4 -- will be sorted in three categories: note on events, controller
5 -- events and other events. The latter will be transmitted as is
6 -- through the whole systems.
8 module Reactogon.Translator.SortMessage where
10 import qualified Data.Bifunctor as BF
11 import Data.Function (on)
12 import Data.List (groupBy)
13 import Data.Maybe
14 import FRP.Yampa
15 import Reactogon.Semantics
16 import Reactogon.Translator.Message
19 data Controller = Lol
20 --
22 sortRawMessages :: [RawMessage] -> ([Message], [RawMessage])
23 sortRawMessages = sortRawMessages' ([],[])
24 where sortRawMessages' r [] = r
25 sortRawMessages' (m, rm) (x:xs)
26 | isNothing nm = sortRawMessages' (m, x:rm) xs
27 | otherwise = sortRawMessages' ((fromJust nm) :m, rm) xs
28 where nm = fromRawMessage x
30 -- Direct each message to a specific channel.
31 sortChannel :: [Message] -> [(Int,[Message])]
32 sortChannel = map ((,) <$> (fst . head) <*> (map snd))
33 . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . map sortChannel'
34 where sortChannel' :: Message -> (Int, Message)
35 sortChannel' m = let c = getChannel m in (c,m)
37 -- NoteOn messages are on the right, other Control messages are on the
38 -- left. For now we throw away NoteOff messages.
39 sortNotes :: [Message] -> ([Message], [Message])
40 sortNotes = sortNotes' ([],[])
41 where sortNotes' r [] = r
42 sortNotes' (n, c) (x:xs)
43 | isNoteOn x = sortNotes' (x:n, c) xs
44 | isNoteOff x = sortNotes' (n,c) xs
45 | isControl x = sortNotes' (n,x:c) xs
46 | otherwise = sortNotes' (n,c) xs
47 {-
48 sortMessages :: [RawMessage] -> ([Note], [Control], [RawMessage])
49 sortMessages = (\((a,b),c) -> (a,b,c)) . BF.first sortNotes . sortRawMessages
50 -}
52 -- Note messages are converted to PlayHeads
53 sortMessages :: SF ([Message], [Message]) ([Note], [Controller])
54 sortMessages = proc (notes, ctrl) -> do
55 notes' <- arr $ map convertNotes -< notes
56 ctrl' <- arr $ map convertControl -< ctrl
57 returnA -< (notes', ctrl')
59 -- /!\ Unsafe function that shouldn't be exported.
60 convertNotes :: Message -> Note
61 convertNotes = undefined
63 -- /!\ Unsafe function that shouldn't be exported.
64 convertControl :: Message -> Controller
65 convertControl _ = Lol
67 gatherMessages :: ([Note], [Controller], [RawMessage]) -> [Message]
68 gatherMessages ([], [], []) = []
69 gatherMessages _ = undefined
71 readMessages :: SF ([RawMessage]) ([Note], [Controller], [RawMessage])
72 readMessages = undefined