]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git/blob - src/RMCA/Translator/Translator.hs
Extend types of Split Action
[tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git] / src / RMCA / Translator / Translator.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE Arrows, TupleSections #-}
3 module RMCA.Translator.Translator where
5 import Control.Arrow
6 import Data.Function (on)
7 import qualified Data.IntMap as M
8 import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy)
9 import Data.Maybe
10 import Data.Ord
11 import Data.Ratio
12 import FRP.Yampa
13 import RMCA.Semantics
14 import RMCA.Translator.Message
16 import Debug.Trace
18 messageToNote :: Message -> Note
19 messageToNote (NoteOn _ p s) = Note { notePch = p
20 , noteStr = s
21 , noteDur = 1 % 4
22 , noteOrn = noOrn
23 }
24 messageToNote m = error $ "In messageToNote: the message "
25 ++ show m ++ " is not a note message"
27 -- noteToMessage gives a pair of two time-stamped messages. The one on
28 -- the left is a note message, the other a note off.
29 noteToMessages :: SampleRate
30 -> Int -- channel number
31 -> Tempo
32 -> (Frames,Note)
33 -> [(Frames,Message)]
34 noteToMessages sr chan tempo (t,n@Note { noteDur = d })
35 | d == 0 = []
36 | otherwise = let a = [(t,nm),(t + dn, switchOnOff nm)] in {-traceShow a -}a
37 where nm = noteOnToMessage chan n
38 dt :: Double
39 dt = fromRational (4 * d * (60 % fromIntegral tempo))
40 dn = floor $ dt * fromIntegral sr
42 noteOnToMessage :: Int -> Note -> Message
43 noteOnToMessage c Note { notePch = p
44 , noteStr = s
45 } = NoteOn (mkChannel c) p s
47 sortRawMessages :: [(Frames, RawMessage)]
48 -> ([(Frames,Message)], [(Frames,RawMessage)])
49 sortRawMessages = sortRawMessages' ([],[])
50 where sortRawMessages' r [] = r
51 sortRawMessages' (m, rm) (x@(n,xm):xs)
52 | isNothing nm = sortRawMessages' (m, x:rm) xs
53 | otherwise = sortRawMessages' ((n,fromJust nm) :m, rm) xs
54 where nm = fromRawMessage xm
56 -- Direct each message to a specific channel.
57 -- (Simplified version not using <$> or <*>
58 sortChannel :: [Message] -> [(Int,[Message])]
59 sortChannel ms = [ (getChannel (head ms'), ms')
60 | ms' <- groupBy ((==) `on` getChannel) ms ]
62 {-
63 -- Direct each message to a specific channel.
64 -- /!\ To be modified.
65 sortChannel :: [Message] -> [(Int,[Message])]
66 sortChannel = map ((,) <$> (fst . head) <*> map snd)
67 . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . map sortChannel'
68 where sortChannel' :: Message -> (Int, Message)
69 sortChannel' m = let c = getChannel m in (c,m)
70 -}
72 -- NoteOn messages are on the right, other Control messages are on the
73 -- left. For now we throw away NoteOff messages.
74 sortNotes :: [(Frames, Message)]
75 -> ([(Frames,Message)], [(Frames,Message)])
76 sortNotes = sortNotes' ([],[])
77 where sortNotes' r [] = r
78 sortNotes' (n, c) (x@(_,m):xs)
79 | isNoteOn m = sortNotes' (x:n, c) xs
80 | isNoteOff m = sortNotes' (n,c) xs
81 | isVolume m || isInstrument m = sortNotes' (n,x:c) xs
82 | otherwise = sortNotes' (n,c) xs
84 -- Note messages are converted to PlayHeads
85 convertMessages :: [(Frames,Message)] -> [(Frames,Note)]
86 convertMessages = map (second messageToNote)
89 -- Uses function defined in SortMessage. This is a pure function and
90 -- it might not need to be a signal function.
91 readMessages' :: [(Frames,RawMessage)]
92 -> ([(Frames,Note)], [(Frames,Message)], [(Frames,RawMessage)])
93 readMessages' = proc r -> do
94 (mes, raw) <- sortRawMessages -< r
95 (notes, ctrl) <- first convertMessages <<< sortNotes -< mes
96 returnA -< (notes, ctrl, raw)
98 readMessages :: SF [(Frames, RawMessage)]
99 ([(Frames,Note)], [(Frames,Message)], [(Frames,RawMessage)])
100 readMessages = arr readMessages'
101 {-
102 gatherMessages' :: LTempo
103 -> SampleRate
104 -> Int
105 -> ([(Frames,Note)],[(Frames,Message)],[(Frames,RawMessage)])
106 -> [(Frames, RawMessage)]
107 gatherMessages' layTempo sr chan = proc (notes, ctrl, raw) -> do
108 notes' <- concat <<< map (noteToMessages layTempo sr chan) -< notes
109 rawNotes <- map (second toRawMessage) -< notes'
110 rawCtrl <- map (second toRawMessage) -< ctrl
111 returnA -< rawNotes ++ rawCtrl ++ raw
113 gatherMessages :: SF
114 ( LTempo, SampleRate, Int
115 , ([(Frames,Note)],[(Frames,Message)],[(Frames,RawMessage)]))
116 [(Frames, RawMessage)]
117 gatherMessages = arr $ uncurry4 gatherMessages'
118 -}
120 gatherMessages :: SampleRate
121 -> Tempo
122 -> M.IntMap ([Note],[Message])
123 -> M.IntMap [(Frames,RawMessage)]
124 gatherMessages sr t = M.map (map (second toRawMessage)) .
125 M.mapWithKey gatherMessages'
126 where gatherMessages' :: Int
127 -> ([Note],[Message])
128 -> [(Frames,Message)]
129 gatherMessages' chan (notes,messages) =
130 zip (repeat 0) messages ++
131 concatMap (noteToMessages sr chan t . (0,)) notes
133 -- Only takes Note -> Frames process and keep Messages from the previous
134 -- function gatherMessages.
136 getMessages :: SampleRate
137 -> Tempo
138 -> M.IntMap ([Note], [Message])
139 -> M.IntMap [(Frames, Message)]
140 getMessages sr t = M.mapWithKey getMessages'
142 where getMessages' :: Int
143 -> ([Note], [Message])
144 -> [(Frames, Message)]
145 getMessages' chan (notes, messages) =
146 zip (repeat 0) messages ++
147 concatMap (noteToMessages sr chan t . (0,)) notes
150 -- Takes a list of time stamped "things", a sample rate and a buffer
151 -- size. The function argument is a function that needs to tell which
152 -- arguments are kept in the case where two would come into
153 -- contact. On the left are the events that can be thrown into the
154 -- buffer, on the right are the events that will need to wait. Both
155 -- list are sorted.
156 --
157 -- /!\ The frame number is relative. A preprocessing operation
158 -- removing all events too soon to be happening and shifting them is
159 -- necessary.
160 schedule :: Frames
161 -> [(Frames, a)]
162 -> ([(Frames,a)], [(Frames,a)])
163 schedule size = {-first scatterEvents
164 . -}break ((>= size) . fst) . sortBy (comparing fst)
166 -- When to events are at the same frame, shift them so that they are
167 -- all separated by one frame. Then take every list and make sure that
168 -- the first frame of the next list is at least one frame after the
169 -- last frame of that list.
170 scatterEvents :: [(Frames, a)] -> [(Frames, a)]
171 scatterEvents (x@(n,_):(m,b):xs) = x:scatterEvents ((m',b):xs)
172 where m' = m + max 0 (1 + n - m)
173 scatterEvents [x] = [x]
174 scatterEvents _ = []