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[tmp/julm/arpeggigon.git] / src / RMCA / GUI / Board.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, LambdaCase,
2 MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances
3 #-}
5 module RMCA.GUI.Board ( GUICell (..)
6 , attachGameRules
7 , initGame
8 , initBoardRV
9 , rotateGUICell
10 , inertCell
11 , toGUICoords
12 , fromGUICoords
13 , validArea
14 , Player(..)
15 , actualTile
16 ) where
18 import Control.Arrow
19 import Control.Monad
20 import Data.Array
21 import Data.Array.MArray
22 import Data.Board.GameBoardIO
23 import Data.CBMVar
24 import Data.Maybe
25 import Data.ReactiveValue
26 import Data.Word
27 import Game.Board.BasicTurnGame
28 import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Action)
29 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.BoardLink hiding (attachGameRules)
30 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.TiledBoard hiding
31 ( Board
32 , boardOnPieceDragDrop
33 , boardOnPieceDragOver
34 , boardOnPieceDragStart
35 )
36 import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Board.TiledBoard as BIO
37 import Paths_arpeggigon
38 import RMCA.GUI.HelpersRewrite
39 import RMCA.IOClockworks
40 import RMCA.Semantics
42 import Debug.Trace
44 newtype GUIBoard = GUIBoard (GameState Int Tile Player GUICell)
46 -- There are two types of tiles that can be distinguished by setting
47 -- two different colors for debugging purposes. A future release might
48 -- want to remove that.
49 data Tile = TileW | TileB
51 rotateGUICell :: GUICell -> GUICell
52 rotateGUICell g = g { cellAction = rotateAction $ cellAction g }
53 where rotateAction (ChDir b na d) = ChDir b na (nextDir d)
54 rotateAction (Split na ds) = Split na (turnQueue ds 1)
55 rotateAction x = x
57 tileW :: Int
58 tileW = 40
60 tileH :: Int
61 tileH = round d
62 where d :: Double
63 d = sqrt 3 * fromIntegral tileW / 3
65 hexW :: Int
66 hexW = round d
67 where d :: Double
68 d = 4 * fromIntegral tileW / 3
70 {-
71 hexH :: Int
72 hexH = round d
73 where d :: Double
74 d = sqrt 3 * fromIntegral hexW / 2
75 -}
77 boardToTile :: [(Int,Int,Tile)]
78 boardToTile = [(x,y,selTile) | (x,y) <- range ( (xMin-1,yMin)
79 , (xMax+3,yMax+1))
80 , let selTile = if even x && even y
81 ||
82 odd x && odd y
83 then TileW
84 else TileB ]
88 outGUIBoard :: (Int,Int) -> Bool
89 outGUIBoard (xf,yf) = xf < xMin || xf > xMax || yf < yMin || yf > yMax
91 inertCell :: GUICell
92 inertCell = GUICell { cellAction = Inert
93 , repeatCount = 1
94 , asPh = False
95 }
97 initGUIBoard :: GUIBoard
98 initGUIBoard = GUIBoard GameState
99 { curPlayer' = Player
100 , boardPos = boardToTile
101 , boardPieces' = boardToPiece [] $ makeBoard []
102 }
104 instance PlayableGame GUIBoard Int Tile Player GUICell where
105 curPlayer _ = Player
106 allPos (GUIBoard game) = boardPos game
107 allPieces (GUIBoard game) = boardPieces' game
108 moveEnabled _ = True
110 canMove (GUIBoard game) _ (x,y)
111 | Just (_,p) <- getPieceAt game (x,y)
112 , GUICell { cellAction = Inert } <- p = False
113 | Nothing <- getPieceAt game (x,y) = False
114 | otherwise = True
115 canMoveTo _ _ _ fPos = fPos `elem` validArea || outGUIBoard fPos
117 move (GUIBoard game) _ iPos@(_,yi) fPos@(xf,yf)
118 | outGUIBoard iPos && outGUIBoard fPos = []
119 | outGUIBoard fPos = [ RemovePiece iPos
120 , AddPiece iPos Player nCell ]
121 | iPos `elem` ctrlCoords = [ RemovePiece fPos'
122 , AddPiece fPos' Player
123 (nCell { cellAction = ctrlAction }) ]
124 | otherwise = [ MovePiece iPos fPos'
125 , AddPiece iPos Player nCell ]
126 where fPos'
127 | (xf `mod` 2 == 0 && yf `mod` 2 == 0)
128 || (xf `mod` 2 /= 0 && yf `mod` 2 /= 0) = (xf,yf)
129 | otherwise = (xf,yf+signum' (yf-yi))
130 signum' x
131 | x == 0 = 1
132 | otherwise = signum x
133 ctrlAction = cellAction $ snd $ fromJust $ getPieceAt game iPos
134 nCell
135 | Just (_,GUICell { asPh = ph, repeatCount = n }) <-
136 getPieceAt game iPos = inertCell { repeatCount = n
137 , asPh = ph
138 }
139 | otherwise = inertCell
141 applyChange (GUIBoard game) (AddPiece (x,y) Player piece) =
142 GUIBoard $ game { boardPieces' = bp' }
143 where bp' = (x,y,Player,piece):boardPieces' game
145 applyChange (GUIBoard game) (RemovePiece (x,y)) = GUIBoard $
146 game { boardPieces' = bp' }
147 where bp' = [p | p@(x',y',_,_) <- boardPieces' game
148 , x /= x' || y /= y']
150 applyChange guiBoard@(GUIBoard game) (MovePiece iPos fPos)
151 | Just (_,p) <- getPieceAt game iPos
152 = applyChanges guiBoard [ RemovePiece iPos
153 , RemovePiece fPos
154 , AddPiece fPos Player p
155 ]
156 | otherwise = guiBoard
158 initGame :: IO (Game GUIBoard Int Tile Player GUICell)
159 initGame = do
160 tilePixbufB <- pixbufNew ColorspaceRgb False 8 tileW tileH
161 tilePixbufW <- pixbufNew ColorspaceRgb False 8 tileW tileH
162 pixbufFill tilePixbufB 50 50 50 0
163 pixbufFill tilePixbufW 50 50 50 0
164 pixPiece <- pixbufForPiece
165 let pixTile :: Tile -> Pixbuf
166 pixTile TileW = tilePixbufW
167 pixTile TileB = tilePixbufB
168 visualA = VisualGameAspects { tileF = pixTile
169 , pieceF = \(_,g) -> pixPiece g
170 , bgColor = (1000,1000,1000)
171 , bg = Nothing
172 }
174 return $ Game visualA initGUIBoard
176 -- Initializes a readable RV for the board and an readable-writable RV
177 -- for the playheads. Also installs some handlers for pieces modification.
178 initBoardRV :: IOTick
179 -> BIO.Board Int Tile (Player,GUICell)
180 -> IO ( ReactiveFieldRead IO Board
181 , Array Pos (ReactiveFieldWrite IO GUICell)
182 , ReactiveFieldWrite IO [PlayHead])
183 initBoardRV tc board@BIO.Board { boardPieces = (GameBoard gArray) } = do
184 -- RV creation
185 phMVar <- newCBMVar []
186 let getterB :: IO Board
187 getterB = do
188 (boardArray :: [((Int,Int),Maybe (Player,GUICell))]) <- getAssocs gArray
189 let board = makeBoard $
190 map (first fromGUICoords .
191 second ((\(_,c) -> (cellAction c,repeatCount c)) .
192 fromJust)) $
193 filter (isJust . snd) boardArray
194 -- print board
195 return board
197 notifierB :: IO () -> IO ()
198 notifierB = reactiveValueOnCanRead tc
200 getterP :: IO [PlayHead]
201 getterP = readCBMVar phMVar
203 setterP :: [PlayHead] -> IO ()
204 setterP lph = do
205 oph <- readCBMVar phMVar
206 unless (oph == lph) $ do
207 let offPh :: PlayHead -> IO ()
208 offPh ph = do
209 let pos = toGUICoords $ phPos ph
210 piece <- boardGetPiece pos board
211 when (isJust piece) $ do
212 let (_,c) = fromJust piece
213 boardSetPiece pos (Player, c { asPh = False }) board
214 onPh :: PlayHead -> IO ()
215 onPh ph = do
216 let pos = toGUICoords $ phPos ph
217 piece <- boardGetPiece pos board
218 when (isJust piece) $ do
219 let (_,c) = fromJust piece
220 boardSetPiece pos (Player, c { asPh = True }) board
221 postGUIAsync $ mapM_ offPh oph
222 postGUIAsync $ mapM_ onPh lph
223 writeCBMVar phMVar lph
225 notifierP :: IO () -> IO ()
226 notifierP = installCallbackCBMVar phMVar
228 b = ReactiveFieldRead getterB notifierB
229 ph = ReactiveFieldReadWrite setterP getterP notifierP
231 setterW :: (Int,Int) -> GUICell -> IO ()
232 setterW i g = postGUIAsync $ boardSetPiece i (Player,g) board
234 arrW :: Array Pos (ReactiveFieldWrite IO GUICell)
235 arrW = array (minimum validArea, maximum validArea)
236 [(i, ReactiveFieldWrite (setterW i))
237 | i <- validArea :: [(Int,Int)]]
239 return (b,arrW,writeOnly ph)
241 -- If the repeatCount of some tile is superior to mrc,
242 -- then this tile will be undistinguishable from any other tile with a
243 -- repeat count superior to mrc.
244 mrc :: (Num a) => a
245 mrc = 6
247 pixbufForPiece :: IO (GUICell -> Pixbuf)
248 pixbufForPiece = do
249 let colorPlayHead _ r g b ma = if (r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0)
250 then (0, 0, 0, ma)
251 else (0, g, 0, ma)
252 colorRC 0 _ _ _ _ ma = (0, 0, 0, ma)
253 colorRC rc _ r g b ma =
254 if (r == 0 && g == 0 && b == 0)
255 then (0, 0, 0, ma)
256 else let (gradr, gradg, gradb) = ( (maxBound - r) `quot` mrc
257 , (g - minBound) `quot` mrc
258 , (b - minBound) `quot` mrc
259 )
260 in ( r + gradr * (rc - 1)
261 , g - gradg * (rc - 1)
262 , b - gradb * (rc - 1)
263 , ma
264 )
265 pixbufs <- mapM (\(a,rc) -> do df <- getDataFileName $ actionToFile a
266 p <- do p' <- pixbufNewFromFile df
267 pixbufScaleSimple p' hexW hexW InterpBilinear
268 modifyPixbuf (colorRC rc) p
269 p' <- pixbufCopy p
270 modifyPixbuf colorPlayHead p'
271 return ((a,rc), (p, p'))
272 ) [(a,r) | r <- [0..mrc], a <- actionList]
273 let f GUICell { cellAction = a
274 , asPh = t
275 , repeatCount = r } =
276 (if t then snd else fst) $ fromJust $
277 lookup (anonymizeConstructor a, min (fromIntegral r) mrc) pixbufs
278 return f
280 modifyPixbuf :: ((Int, Int) -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Maybe Word8 ->
281 (Word8, Word8, Word8, Maybe Word8))
282 -> Pixbuf -> IO ()
283 modifyPixbuf f p = do
284 pixs <- pixbufGetPixels p
285 w <- pixbufGetWidth p
286 h <- pixbufGetHeight p
287 rs <- pixbufGetRowstride p
288 chans <- pixbufGetNChannels p
289 forM_ [(x,y) | x <- [0..w - 1], y <- [0..h - 1]] $ \(x,y) -> do
290 let p = x * rs + y * chans
291 red <- readArray pixs p
292 green <- readArray pixs (p + 1)
293 blue <- readArray pixs (p + 2)
294 alpha <- if (chans == 4)
295 then fmap Just $ readArray pixs (p + 3)
296 else return Nothing
297 let (nr, ng, nb, na) = f (x,y) red green blue alpha
298 writeArray pixs p nr
299 writeArray pixs (p + 1) ng
300 writeArray pixs (p + 2) nb
301 when (isJust na) $ writeArray pixs (p + 3) $ fromJust na
304 actionToFile :: Action -> FilePath
305 actionToFile = \case
306 Inert -> "img/hexOff.png"
307 Absorb -> "img/absorb.svg"
308 Stop _ -> "img/stop.svg"
309 ChDir True _ d -> "img/start" ++ show d ++ ".svg"
310 ChDir False _ d -> "img/ric" ++ show d ++ ".svg"
311 Split _ _ -> "img/split.svg"