]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/symantic.git/blob - src/Symantic/Compiler/Term.hs
[tmp/julm/symantic.git] / src / Symantic / Compiler / Term.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
7 module Symantic.Compiler.Term where
9 import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
10 import Control.Monad (Monad (..))
11 import Data.Function ((.))
12 import Data.Function qualified as Fun
13 import Data.Functor (Functor (..))
14 import Data.Int (Int)
15 import GHC.Types (Constraint, Type)
16 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
18 import Symantic.Typer.Type (Ty)
20 type Semantic = Type -> Type
21 type Syntax = Semantic -> Constraint
23 -- | Like 'FinalSyntax' but partially applicable.
24 --class FinalSyntax syns sem => ForallSyntaxes syns (sem::Type -> Type) where
25 --instance ForallSyntaxes '[] sem
26 --instance ((syn sem, ForallSyntaxes syns sem)::Constraint) => ForallSyntaxes (syn ': syns) sem
28 -- | Merge syntax 'Constraint's into a single 'Constraint'.
29 type family FinalSyntax (syns :: [(Type -> Type) -> Constraint]) (sem :: Type -> Type) :: Constraint where
30 FinalSyntax '[] sem = (() :: Constraint)
31 FinalSyntax (syn ': syns) sem = ((syn sem, FinalSyntax syns sem) :: Constraint)
33 data Semantics (syns :: [Syntax]) (a :: Type) = Semantics {unForallSem :: forall sem. FinalSyntax syns sem => sem a}
35 -- * Type 'CtxTe'
37 -- | GADT for an /interpreting context/:
38 -- accumulating at each /lambda abstraction/
39 -- the term of the introduced variable.
40 data CtxTe (sem :: Type -> Type) (as :: [Type]) where
41 CtxTeZ :: CtxTe sem '[]
42 CtxTeS :: sem a -> CtxTe sem as -> CtxTe sem (a ': as)
44 infixr 5 `CtxTeS`
46 class Addable sem where
47 lit :: Int -> sem Int
48 neg :: sem (Int -> Int)
49 add :: sem (Int -> Int -> Int)
51 class Mulable sem where
52 mul :: sem Int -> sem Int -> sem Int
54 class Abstractable meta sem where
55 -- type AbstractableLam sem (a::Type) :: Constraint
56 -- type AbstractableLam sem a = (()::Constraint)
58 -- | Lambda term abstraction, in HOAS (Higher-Order Abstract Syntax) style.
59 lam :: Ty meta '[] a -> (sem a -> sem b) -> sem (a -> b)
61 class UnAbstractable sem where
62 -- | Application, aka. unabstract.
63 (.@) :: sem (a -> b) -> sem a -> sem b
65 instance (forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Constable sem) => Constable (Semantics syn) where
66 constI = Semantics constI
67 constK = Semantics constK
68 constS = Semantics constS
69 constB = Semantics constB
70 constC = Semantics constC
71 instance (forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Addable sem) => Addable (Semantics syn) where
72 lit n = Semantics (lit n)
73 neg = Semantics neg
74 add = Semantics add
75 instance (forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Mulable sem) => Mulable (Semantics syn) where
76 mul (Semantics a) (Semantics b) = Semantics (mul a b)
77 instance
78 ( forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Abstractable meta sem
79 -- , forall sem a. syn sem => AbstractableLam sem a
80 -- , forall sem. syn sem => AbstractableLam sem a
81 -- , forall sem. syn sem => Typeable sem -- user instance not accepted
82 -- , forall s1 s2. (syn s1, syn s2) => s1 ~ s2 -- crazy...
83 ) =>
84 Abstractable meta (Semantics syn)
85 where
86 lam aTy f = Semantics (lam aTy (\a -> let Semantics b = f (forallSem a) in b))
87 where
88 -- Safe here because (a :: sem a) and (b :: sem b) share the same 'sem'.
89 forallSem :: sem a -> Semantics syn a
90 forallSem a = Semantics (unsafeCoerce a)
91 instance
92 (forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => UnAbstractable sem) =>
93 UnAbstractable (Semantics syn)
94 where
95 Semantics a2b .@ Semantics a = Semantics (a2b .@ a)
97 data TTerm (syn :: [Syntax]) (vs :: [Type]) (a :: Type) where
98 -- TVar :: Var vs a -> TTerm syn vs a
99 TConst :: Semantics syn a -> TTerm syn vs a
100 TLam :: TTerm syn (a ': vs) b -> TTerm syn vs (a -> b)
101 TApp :: TTerm syn vs (a -> b) -> TTerm syn vs a -> TTerm syn vs b
103 data OTerm (syn :: [Syntax]) (vs :: [Type]) (a :: Type) where
104 -- E contains embedded closed (i.e. already abstracted) terms.
105 E :: Semantics syn a -> OTerm syn vs a
106 -- V represents a reference to the innermost/top environment
107 -- variable, i.e. Z
108 V :: OTerm syn (a ': vs) a
109 -- N represents internalizing the innermost bound variable as a
110 -- function argument. In other words, we can represent an open
111 -- term referring to a certain variable as a function which
112 -- takes that variable as an argument.
113 N :: OTerm syn vs (a -> b) -> OTerm syn (a ': vs) b
114 -- For efficiency, there is also a special variant of N for the
115 -- case where the term does not refer to the topmost variable at all.
116 W :: OTerm syn vs b -> OTerm syn (a ': vs) b
117 instance
118 ( forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Abstractable meta sem
119 , FinalSyntax syn (Semantics syn)
120 ) =>
121 Abstractable meta (OTerm syn '[])
122 where
123 lam aTy f = E (lam aTy (runOTerm . f . E))
124 instance
125 ( forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Constable sem
126 , FinalSyntax syn (Semantics syn)
127 ) =>
128 Constable (OTerm syn vs)
129 where
130 constI = E constI
131 constK = E constK
132 constS = E constS
133 constB = E constB
134 constC = E constC
136 newtype R a = R {unR :: a}
137 instance Abstractable meta R where
138 lam _aTy f = R (unR . f . R)
139 instance UnAbstractable R where
140 R f .@ R x = R (f x)
141 instance Constable R where
142 constI = R Fun.id
143 constK = R Fun.const
144 constS = R (<*>)
145 constB = R (.)
146 constC = R Fun.flip
148 runOTerm :: OTerm syn '[] a -> Semantics syn a
149 runOTerm t = case t of E t' -> t'
151 eval :: FinalSyntax syn R => OTerm syn '[] a -> a
152 eval t
153 | Semantics sem <- runOTerm t =
154 unR sem
156 class Constable sem where
157 constI :: sem (a -> a)
158 constK :: sem (a -> b -> a)
159 constS :: sem ((a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c)
160 constB :: sem ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c)
161 constC :: sem ((a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c)
163 instance
164 ( forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Constable sem
165 , forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => UnAbstractable sem
166 , FinalSyntax syn (Semantics syn)
167 -- , forall a as. syn (OTerm syn (as)) => syn (OTerm syn (a ': as))
168 ) =>
169 UnAbstractable (OTerm syn vs)
170 where
171 (.@) = appOTerm
173 appOTerm ::
174 forall syn as a b.
175 ( forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Constable sem
176 , forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => UnAbstractable sem
177 , FinalSyntax syn (Semantics syn)
178 ) =>
179 OTerm syn as (a -> b) ->
180 OTerm syn as a ->
181 OTerm syn as b
182 W e1 `appOTerm` W e2 = W (e1 `appOTerm` e2)
183 W e `appOTerm` E d = W (e `appOTerm` E d)
184 E d `appOTerm` W e = W (E d `appOTerm` e)
185 W e `appOTerm` V = N e
186 V `appOTerm` W e = N (E (constC .@ constI) `appOTerm` e)
187 W e1 `appOTerm` N e2 = N (E constB `appOTerm` e1 `appOTerm` e2)
188 N e1 `appOTerm` W e2 = N (E constC `appOTerm` e1 `appOTerm` e2)
189 N e1 `appOTerm` N e2 = N (E constS `appOTerm` e1 `appOTerm` e2)
190 N e `appOTerm` V = N (E constS `appOTerm` e `appOTerm` E constI)
191 V `appOTerm` N e = N (E (constS .@ constI) `appOTerm` e)
192 E d `appOTerm` N e = N (E (constB .@ d) `appOTerm` e)
193 E d `appOTerm` V = N (E d)
194 V `appOTerm` E d = N (E (constC .@ constI .@ d))
195 N e `appOTerm` E d = N (E (constC .@ constC .@ d) `appOTerm` e)
196 E d1 `appOTerm` E d2 = E (d1 .@ d2)
198 data CONST syn a where
199 -- CInt :: Int -> Const Int
200 -- CIf :: Const (Bool -> a -> a -> a)
201 -- CAdd :: Const (Int -> Int -> Int)
202 -- CGt :: Ord a => Const (a -> a -> Bool)
203 F :: Semantics syn a -> CONST syn a
204 I :: CONST syn (a -> a)
205 K :: CONST syn (a -> b -> a)
206 S :: CONST syn ((a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c)
207 B :: CONST syn ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c)
208 C :: CONST syn ((a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c)
210 -- conv :: Term vs α -> OTerm vs α
211 -- conv = \case
212 -- TVar VZ -> V
213 -- TVar (VS x) -> W (conv (TVar x))
214 -- TLam t -> case conv t of
215 -- V -> E (embed I)
216 -- E d -> E (K .$$ d)
217 -- N e -> e
218 -- W e -> K .$$ e
219 -- TApp t1 t2 -> conv t1 $$ conv t2
220 -- TConst c -> embed c
222 instance
223 ( forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Functor sem
224 ) =>
225 Functor (Semantics syn)
226 where
227 fmap f (Semantics sem) = Semantics (fmap f sem)
228 a <$ (Semantics sem) = Semantics (a <$ sem)
229 instance
230 ( forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Applicative sem
231 , Functor (Semantics syn)
232 ) =>
233 Applicative (Semantics syn)
234 where
235 pure a = Semantics (pure a)
236 liftA2 f (Semantics a) (Semantics b) = Semantics (liftA2 f a b)
237 (<*>) (Semantics f) (Semantics a) = Semantics ((<*>) f a)
238 (<*) (Semantics f) (Semantics a) = Semantics ((<*) f a)
239 (*>) (Semantics f) (Semantics a) = Semantics ((*>) f a)
240 instance
241 ( forall sem. FinalSyntax syn sem => Monad sem
242 , Applicative (Semantics syn)
243 ) =>
244 Monad (Semantics syn)
245 where
246 (>>=) (Semantics sa) f = Semantics (sa >>= \a -> case f a of Semantics sb -> sb)
247 return = pure
248 (>>) = (*>)