]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/symantic.git/blob - src/Symantic/Typer/Type.hs
[tmp/julm/symantic.git] / src / Symantic / Typer / Type.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
9 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-fields #-}
11 module Symantic.Typer.Type where
13 import Control.Monad.Classes as MC ()
14 import Control.Monad.Classes.Run as MC ()
15 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
16 import Data.Function (($), (.))
17 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
18 import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
19 import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..), isJust)
20 import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
21 import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
22 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
23 import Data.String (String)
25 -- import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
26 import GHC.Types
27 import Text.Show (Show (..))
28 import Type.Reflection (TypeRep, Typeable, eqTypeRep, typeRep, typeRepKind, (:~~:) (..), pattern App)
29 import Prelude (error)
30 import Prelude qualified
32 import Symantic.Typer.Eq
33 import Symantic.Typer.List
35 data Const meta (a :: aK) =
36 -- InferTyable aK =>
37 Const
38 { constType :: TypeRep a
39 , constMeta :: meta
40 }
42 -- deriving (Show)
43 deriving instance Show meta => Show (Const meta a)
44 instance EqTy (Const meta) (Const meta) where
45 eqTy Const{constType = x} Const{constType = y} = eqTypeRep x y
47 type Name = String
49 -- * Type 'Var'
50 data Var :: forall vK. Type -> [Type] -> vK -> Type where
51 VarZ ::
52 { varZKind :: Kind meta vK
53 , varZNext :: Len ws
54 , varZMeta :: meta
55 } ->
56 Var meta (Proxy (v :: vK) ': ws) (v :: vK)
57 VarS :: Var meta vs v -> Var meta (not_v ': vs) v
58 deriving instance Show meta => Show (Var meta vs v)
60 pattern Var :: () => () => Kind meta vK -> Len ws -> meta -> Var meta vs' (v :: vK)
61 pattern Var{varKind, varNext, varMeta} <- (var -> VarVS VarZ{varZKind = varKind, varZNext = varNext, varZMeta = varMeta})
62 {-# COMPLETE Var #-}
64 -- -- * Type 'VarVS'
65 data VarVS meta (v :: vK) = forall vs. VarVS (Var meta vs v)
66 var :: Var meta vs (v :: vK) -> VarVS meta (v :: vK)
67 var v@VarZ{} = VarVS v
68 var (VarS v) = var v
70 instance EqTy (Var meta vs) (Var meta vs) where
71 eqTy VarZ{} VarZ{} = Just HRefl
72 eqTy (VarS x) (VarS y) = eqTy x y
73 eqTy _ _ = Nothing
75 type VarSem = Type -> [Type] -> Type -> Type
77 -- data VarV (var::VarSem) vs = forall vK (v::vK). VarVSem (var vs v)
78 data VarV meta vs = forall v. VarV (Var meta vs v)
80 class LenVar var where
81 lenVar :: var meta vs a -> Len vs
82 instance LenVar Var where
83 lenVar VarZ{varZNext} = LenS varZNext
84 lenVar (VarS v) = LenS (lenVar v)
86 class LenVar var => AllocVars var where
87 allocVarsL :: Len len -> var meta vs x -> var meta (len ++ vs) x
88 allocVarsR :: Len len -> var meta vs x -> var meta (vs ++ len) x
89 instance AllocVars Var where
90 allocVarsL LenZ v = v
91 allocVarsL (LenS len) v = VarS (allocVarsL len v)
93 allocVarsR len VarZ{..} = VarZ{varZNext = addLen varZNext len, ..}
94 allocVarsR len (VarS v) = VarS (allocVarsR len v)
96 appendVars ::
97 AllocVars xVar =>
98 AllocVars yVar =>
99 xVar meta xVS (x :: xK) ->
100 yVar meta yVS (y :: yK) ->
101 ( xVar meta (xVS ++ yVS) x
102 , yVar meta (xVS ++ yVS) y
103 )
104 appendVars x y =
105 ( allocVarsR (lenVar y) x
106 , allocVarsL (lenVar x) y
107 )
109 -- ** Type 'IndexVar'
111 -- | Index of a 'Var'.
112 type IndexVar = Int
114 indexVar :: Var meta vs v -> Int
115 indexVar VarZ{} = 0
116 indexVar (VarS v) = 1 Prelude.+ indexVar v
118 -- instance KindOf (Var meta vs) where
119 -- kindOf = fmap go
120 -- where
121 -- go :: forall vs2 aK a. Var meta vs2 (Proxy (a::aK)) -> TypeRep aK
122 -- go VarZ{varKind} = varKind
123 -- go (VarS v) = go v
125 -- * Type 'Vars'
126 type Vars meta vs = Map.Map Name (VarV meta vs)
128 lookupVar :: Name -> Vars meta vs -> Maybe (VarV meta vs)
129 lookupVar = Map.lookup
131 insertVar :: Name -> VarV meta vs -> Vars meta vs -> Vars meta vs
132 insertVar = Map.insert
134 -- * Type 'UsedVars'
136 -- | List of 'Var's, used to change the context of a 'Var'
137 -- when removing unused 'Var's.
138 data UsedVars oldVS meta newVS a where
139 UsedVarsZ :: UsedVars oldVS meta '[] a
140 UsedVarsS ::
141 Var meta oldVS (v :: vK) ->
142 UsedVars oldVS meta newVS a ->
143 UsedVars oldVS meta (Proxy (v :: vK) ': newVS) a
145 instance LenVar (UsedVars oldVS) where
146 lenVar UsedVarsZ = LenZ
147 lenVar (UsedVarsS _v oldVS) = LenS $ lenVar oldVS
149 lookupUsedVars ::
150 Var meta oldVS (v :: vK) ->
151 UsedVars oldVS meta newVS a ->
152 Maybe (Var meta newVS (v :: vK))
153 lookupUsedVars _v UsedVarsZ = Nothing
154 lookupUsedVars v (UsedVarsS v' us) = do
155 case v `eqTy` v' of
156 Just HRefl ->
157 case v' of
158 Var{varKind, varMeta} ->
159 Just
160 VarZ
161 { varZNext = lenVar us
162 , varZKind = varKind
163 , varZMeta = varMeta
164 }
165 Nothing -> VarS Data.Functor.<$> lookupUsedVars v us
167 insertUsedVars ::
168 Var meta vs v ->
169 UsedVars vs meta us a ->
170 Maybe (UsedVars vs meta (Proxy v ': us) a)
171 insertUsedVars v vs =
172 case lookupUsedVars v vs of
173 Just{} -> Nothing
174 Nothing -> Just (UsedVarsS v vs)
176 -- * Class 'VarOccursIn'
178 -- | Test whether a given 'Var' occurs within @(t)@.
179 class VarOccursIn (t :: Type -> [Type] -> aK -> Type) where
180 varOccursIn :: Var meta vs v -> t meta vs a -> Bool
182 -- * Class 'UsedVarsOf'
183 class UsedVarsOf t where
184 usedVarsOf ::
185 UsedVars vs meta oldVS a ->
186 t meta vs b ->
187 (forall newVS. UsedVars vs meta newVS a -> ret) ->
188 ret
190 -- * Type 'Ty'
192 -- Use a CUSK, because it's a polymorphically recursive type,
193 -- See https://ryanglscott.github.io/2020/01/05/five-benefits-to-using-standalonekindsignatures/
194 data Ty :: forall aK. Type -> [Type] -> aK -> Type where
195 TyConst :: {tyConst :: Const meta a, tyConstLen :: Len vs} -> Ty meta vs a
196 TyVar :: {tyVar :: Var meta vs a, tyVarName :: Name} -> Ty meta vs a
197 TyApp :: {tyAppFun :: Ty meta vs f, tyAppArg :: Ty meta vs a} -> Ty meta vs (f a)
198 infixl 9 `TyApp`
200 tyOfTypeRep :: meta -> Len vs -> TypeRep a -> Ty meta vs a
201 tyOfTypeRep meta len ty = case ty of
202 App f x -> TyApp{tyAppFun = tyOfTypeRep meta len f, tyAppArg = tyOfTypeRep meta len x}
203 constType -> TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType, constMeta = meta}, tyConstLen = len}
205 -- | Monomorphic 'Ty' from a 'Typeable'.
206 monoTy :: forall {aK} (a :: aK) meta. Typeable a => Monoid meta => Ty meta '[] a
207 monoTy = tyOfTypeRep mempty LenZ typeRep
209 pattern FUN ::
210 -- CReq
211 forall k (fun :: k) meta vs.
212 () =>
213 {-Monoid meta-}
214 -- CProv
215 forall
216 (r1 :: RuntimeRep)
217 (r2 :: RuntimeRep)
218 (arg :: TYPE r1)
219 (res :: TYPE r2).
220 ( k ~ Type
221 , fun ~~ (arg -> res)
222 -- , r1 ~ LiftedRep
223 -- , r2 ~ LiftedRep {- fixme: remove those 2 constraints -}
224 ) =>
225 Ty meta vs arg ->
226 Ty meta vs res ->
227 Ty meta vs fun
228 pattern FUN arg res <-
229 TyApp
230 { tyAppFun =
231 TyApp
232 { tyAppFun = TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = eqTypeRep (typeRep @(->)) -> Just HRefl}}
233 , tyAppArg = arg
234 }
235 , tyAppArg = res
236 }
238 (~>) :: Monoid meta => Ty meta vs a -> Ty meta vs b -> Ty meta vs (a -> b)
239 (~>) arg res =
240 TyApp
241 { tyAppFun =
242 TyApp
243 { tyAppFun =
244 TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep, constMeta = mempty}, tyConstLen = (lenVar arg)}
245 , tyAppArg = arg
246 }
247 , tyAppArg = res
248 }
249 infixr 0 ~>
251 deriving instance Show meta => Show (Ty meta vs a)
253 -- type instance SourceOf (Ty vs src t) = src
254 instance LenVar Ty where
255 lenVar TyConst{tyConstLen} = tyConstLen
256 lenVar TyApp{tyAppFun} = lenVar tyAppFun
257 lenVar TyVar{tyVar} = lenVar tyVar
259 -- lenVars (TyFam l _f _as) = l
260 instance AllocVars Ty where
261 allocVarsL len ty@TyConst{..} = ty{tyConstLen = addLen len tyConstLen}
262 allocVarsL len TyApp{..} = TyApp{tyAppFun = allocVarsL len tyAppFun, tyAppArg = allocVarsL len tyAppArg}
263 allocVarsL len ty@TyVar{..} = ty{tyVar = allocVarsL len tyVar}
265 -- allocVarsL len (TyFam l f as) = TyFam (addLen len l) f $ allocVarsL len `mapTys` as
267 allocVarsR len ty@TyConst{..} = ty{tyConstLen = addLen tyConstLen len}
268 allocVarsR len TyApp{..} = TyApp{tyAppFun = allocVarsR len tyAppFun, tyAppArg = allocVarsR len tyAppArg, ..}
269 allocVarsR len ty@TyVar{..} = ty{tyVar = allocVarsR len tyVar}
271 -- allocVarsR len (TyFam l f as) = TyFam (addLen l len) f $ allocVarsR len `mapTys` as
272 instance VarOccursIn Ty where
273 varOccursIn v TyVar{tyVar = v'} | Just{} <- v `eqTy` v' = False
274 varOccursIn _v TyVar{} = False
275 varOccursIn _v TyConst{} = False
276 varOccursIn v TyApp{tyAppFun = f, tyAppArg = a} = varOccursIn v f Prelude.|| varOccursIn v a
278 -- varOccursIn v (TyFam _src _len _fam as) = varOccursIn v as
279 instance UsedVarsOf Ty where
280 usedVarsOf vs TyConst{} k = k vs
281 usedVarsOf vs TyApp{tyAppFun = f, tyAppArg = a} k =
282 usedVarsOf vs f $ \vs' ->
283 usedVarsOf vs' a k
284 usedVarsOf vs TyVar{tyVar = v} k =
285 case insertUsedVars v vs of
286 Nothing -> k vs
287 Just vs' -> k vs'
289 -- usedVarsOf vs (TyFam _src _len _fam as) k = usedVarsOf vs as k
291 -- ** Type 'TyT'
293 -- | Existential for 'Type'.
294 data TyT meta vs = forall a. TyT (Ty meta vs a)
296 -- type instance SourceOf (TyT vs src) = src
297 instance Eq (TyT meta vs) where
298 TyT x == TyT y = isJust $ eqTy x y
299 instance Show meta => Show (TyT meta vs) where
300 showsPrec p (TyT x) = showsPrec p x
302 -- * Type 'Kind'
303 type Kind meta a = Ty meta '[] a
305 -- ** Type 'KindK'
306 type KindK meta = TyT meta '[]
308 -- ** Type 'TyVT'
309 data TyVT meta = forall vs a. TyVT (Ty meta vs a)
311 deriving instance Show meta => Show (TyVT meta)
312 instance Eq (TyVT m) where
313 TyVT x == TyVT y = isJust (eqTy x' y')
314 where
315 (x', y') = appendVars x y
317 -- instance (Monoid src) => EqTy (MT.Writer src) (MT.Writer src) where
318 -- eqTy x y = eqTy (unSourced x) (unSourced y)
319 instance EqTy (Ty meta vs) (Ty meta vs) where
320 eqTy = go
321 where
322 go :: forall xK xT yK yT. Ty meta vs (xT :: xK) -> Ty meta vs (yT :: yK) -> Maybe (xT :~~: yT)
323 go TyConst{tyConst = x} TyConst{tyConst = y} = eqTy x y
324 go TyVar{tyVar = x} TyVar{tyVar = y} = eqTy x y
325 go TyApp{tyAppFun = xF, tyAppArg = xA} TyApp{tyAppFun = yF, tyAppArg = yA}
326 | Just HRefl <- go xF yF
327 , Just HRefl <- go xA yA =
328 Just HRefl
329 go _x _y = Nothing
331 -- eqTy (TyFam _ _lx xF xA) (TyFam _ _ly yF yA)
332 -- | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep xF yF
333 -- , Just HRefl <- eqTys xA yA
334 -- = Just HRefl
335 -- -- NOTE: 'TyFam' is expanded as much as possible.
336 -- eqTy x@TyFam{} y = eqTy (expandFam x) y
337 -- eqTy x y@TyFam{} = eqTy x (expandFam y)
339 -- * Type 'Tys'
340 data Tys (as :: [Type]) meta vs (a :: aK) where
341 TysZ :: Tys '[] meta vs a
342 TysS :: Ty meta vs a -> Tys as meta vs b -> Tys (Proxy a ': as) meta vs b
343 infixr 5 `TysS`
345 -- type instance SourceOf (Tys vs src ts) = src
346 -- instance ConstsOf (Tys meta vs ts) where
347 -- constsOf TysZ = Set.empty
348 -- constsOf (TysS t ts) = constsOf t `Set.union` constsOf ts
349 instance UsedVarsOf (Tys as) where
350 usedVarsOf vs TysZ k = k vs
351 usedVarsOf vs (TysS t ts) k =
352 usedVarsOf vs t $ \vs' ->
353 usedVarsOf vs' ts k
354 instance VarOccursIn (Tys as) where
355 varOccursIn _v TysZ = False
356 varOccursIn v (TysS t ts) = varOccursIn v t Prelude.|| varOccursIn v ts
358 -- ** Type family 'FunArg'
359 type family FunArg (fun :: Type) :: Type where
360 FunArg (q #> f) = FunArg f
361 FunArg (a -> b) = a
363 -- ** Type family 'FunRes'
364 type family FunRes (fun :: Type) :: Type where
365 FunRes (q #> f) = FunRes f
366 FunRes (a -> b) = b
368 -- -- | Return, when the given 'Type' is a function,
369 -- -- the argument of that function.
370 -- unTyFun ::
371 -- forall t src tys.
372 -- SourceInj (TyVT src) src =>
373 -- --Constable (->) =>
374 -- Type src tys t ->
375 -- Maybe ( Type src tys (FunArg t)
376 -- , Type src tys (FunRes t) )
377 -- unTyFun ty_ini = go ty_ini
378 -- where
379 -- go ::
380 -- Type src tys x ->
381 -- Maybe ( Type src tys (FunArg x)
382 -- , Type src tys (FunRes x) )
383 -- go (TyApp _ (TyApp _ (TyConst _ _ f) a) b)
384 -- | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKi @(K (->)) @(->) f
385 -- = Just ((a `withSource` TyVT ty_ini), (b `withSource` TyVT ty_ini))
386 -- go (TyApp _ (TyApp _ (TyConst _ _ f) _a) b)
387 -- | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKi @(K (#>)) @(#>) f
388 -- = go b
389 -- go TyApp{} = Nothing
390 -- go TyConst{} = Nothing
391 -- go TyVar{} = Nothing
392 -- go TyFam{} = Nothing
394 proj_ConstKi ::
395 forall kc (c :: kc) u meta.
396 Typeable c =>
397 -- (kc ~ Type_of_Ty (Ty_of_Type kc)) =>
398 -- KindInjP (Ty_of_Type kc) =>
399 Const meta u ->
400 Maybe (c :~~: u)
401 proj_ConstKi = eqTypeRep (typeRep @c) . constType
403 -- ** Type @(#>)@
405 -- | /Type constant/ to qualify a 'Type'.
406 newtype (#>) (q :: Constraint) (a :: Type) = Qual (q => a)
408 -- | Qualify a 'Type'.
409 (#>) :: Monoid meta => Ty meta vs q -> Ty meta vs t -> Ty meta vs (q #> t)
410 (#>) q t =
411 -- (tyConstLen @(K (#>)) @(#>) (lenVars q) `tyApp` q) `tyApp` t
412 TyApp
413 { tyAppFun =
414 TyApp
415 { tyAppFun = TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @(#>), constMeta = mempty}, tyConstLen = lenVar q}
416 , tyAppArg = q
417 }
418 , tyAppArg = t
419 }
421 infixr 0 #>
423 -- NOTE: should actually be (-1)
424 -- to compose well with @infixr 0 (->)@
425 -- but this is not allowed by GHC.
427 -- ** Class @(#)@
429 -- | 'Constraint' union.
430 class ((x, y) :: Constraint) => x # y
432 instance ((x, y) :: Constraint) => x # y
434 -- | Unify two 'K.Constraint's.
435 (#) :: Monoid meta => Ty meta vs qx -> Ty meta vs qy -> Ty meta vs (qx # qy)
436 (#) a b =
437 -- (tyConstLen @(K (#)) @(#) (lenVars a) `tyApp` a) `tyApp` b
438 TyApp
439 { tyAppFun =
440 TyApp
441 { tyAppFun = TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @(#), constMeta = mempty}, tyConstLen = lenVar a}
442 , tyAppArg = a
443 }
444 , tyAppArg = b
445 }
447 infixr 2 #
449 -- * Class 'KindOf'
450 class KindOf (ty :: Type -> [Type] -> aK -> Type) where
451 -- | Return the kind of the given 'Var'.
452 kindOf ::
453 -- HasCallStack =>
454 Show meta =>
455 ty meta vs (a :: aK) ->
456 Kind meta (aK :: Type)
458 instance KindOf Var where
459 kindOf Var{varKind} = varKind
460 instance KindOf Ty where
461 kindOf TyConst{tyConst = Const{..} :: Const meta (a :: aK)} =
462 tyOfTypeRep constMeta LenZ (typeRepKind constType)
463 kindOf TyApp{tyAppFun = f} = case kindOf f of
464 TyApp
465 { tyAppFun =
466 TyApp
467 { tyAppFun = TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = eqTypeRep (typeRep @(->)) -> Just HRefl}}
468 }
469 , tyAppArg = k
470 } -> k
471 t -> error $ "here: " <> show t
472 kindOf TyVar{tyVar = Var{varKind, varMeta}} = varKind
474 -- kindOf (TyFam _src _len fam _as) = kindOfConst fam