]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/symantic.git/blob - src/Symantic/Syntaxes.hs
[tmp/julm/symantic.git] / src / Symantic / Syntaxes.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-signatures #-}
9 -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-monomorphism-restriction #-}
10 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -freduction-depth=400 #-}
12 module Symantic.Syntaxes where
14 import Data.Either (Either (..))
15 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
16 import Data.Function (($))
17 import Data.Int (Int)
18 import Data.Kind (Type)
19 import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
20 import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
21 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
22 import Data.Void (Void)
23 import Debug.Trace
24 import Text.Show (Show (..))
25 import Type.Reflection (eqTypeRep, typeRep, (:~~:) (..))
26 import Prelude (error)
28 import Symantic
29 import Symantic.Typer ()
31 --
32 -- Parsing
33 --
35 parseAbstractable ::
36 forall syn meta.
37 ( forall sem. syn sem => Constable sem
38 , forall sem. syn sem => Abstractable meta sem
39 , forall sem. syn sem => UnAbstractable sem
40 , -- , forall sem a. syn sem => AbstractableLam sem a
41 -- , forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
42 forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
43 , syn (ForallSem syn)
44 -- , forall vs. syn (OTerm syn vs)
45 ) =>
46 Show meta =>
47 Monoid meta =>
48 (TermAST meta -> Parser syn meta) ->
49 TermAST meta ->
50 Parser syn meta
51 -- FIXME: parse variables
52 parseAbstractable _final (BinTree0 (TokenTermVar vN)) = Parser go
53 where
54 go :: forall vs. CtxTy meta vs Void -> Either ErrMsg (TermVT syn meta vs)
55 go CtxTyZ = Left $ "Error_Term_unknown: " <> vN
56 go (CtxTyS n ty _) | n == vN = Right $ TermVT ty $ V
57 go (CtxTyS _n _typ tys) = do
58 TermVT ty ot <- go tys
59 Right $ TermVT ty $ W ot
60 parseAbstractable final (BinTree2 fT aT) = Parser $ \ctx ->
61 case (final fT, final aT) of
62 (Parser fE, Parser aE) -> do
63 TermVT fTy (f :: OTerm syn fVS a2b) <- fE ctx
64 case fTy of
65 -- FUN iTy bTy -> do
66 TyApp
67 { tyAppFun =
68 TyApp
69 { tyAppFun = TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = eqTypeRep (typeRep @(->)) -> Just HRefl}}
70 , tyAppArg = iTy
71 }
72 , tyAppArg = bTy
73 } -> do
74 TermVT aTy (a :: OTerm syn aVS a) <- aE ctx
75 let (iTy', aTy') = appendVars iTy aTy
76 case eqTy iTy' aTy' of
77 Nothing -> Left "TypeError: Abstractable: BinTree2: eqTy"
78 Just HRefl -> Right $ TermVT bTy $ f `appOTerm` a
79 _ -> Left "TypeError: Abstractable: BinTree2"
80 parseAbstractable final (BinTree0 (TokenTermAbst argName (TyT (aTy :: Ty meta '[] a)) bT)) =
81 Parser $ \ctx ->
82 let typeTy = TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Type, constMeta = mempty :: meta}, tyConstLen = LenZ}
83 in case eqTy typeTy (kindOf aTy) of
84 Nothing -> Left "TypeError: Abstractable: BinTree0: TokenTermAbst"
85 Just HRefl ->
86 case final bT of
87 Parser bE -> do
88 TermVT bTy (b :: OTerm syn bVS b) <- bE (CtxTyS argName aTy ctx)
89 -- let (aTy', bTy') = appendVars aTy bTy
90 let aTy' = allocVarsR (lenVar bTy) aTy
91 Right $
92 TermVT (aTy' ~> bTy) $
93 case b of
94 E d -> E (constK .@ d)
95 V -> E constI
96 W e -> E constK `appOTerm` e
97 N e -> e
98 parseAbstractable final t = parseConstable final t
100 parseAddable ::
101 forall syn meta.
102 ( forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
103 , syn (ForallSem syn)
104 -- , forall vs. syn (OTerm syn vs)
105 ) =>
106 Monoid meta =>
107 Show meta =>
108 (TermAST meta -> Parser syn meta) ->
109 TermAST meta ->
110 Parser syn meta
111 parseAddable _final (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom s))
112 | Right (i :: Int) <- safeRead s =
113 Parser $ \ctx -> Right $ TermVT (tyOf @Int (mempty :: meta) (lenVar ctx)) $ E $ ForallSem @_ @Int $ lit i
114 parseAddable _final (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "neg")) = Parser $ \_ctx ->
115 Right $ TermVT (tyOf (mempty :: meta) LenZ) $ E neg
116 parseAddable _final (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "add")) = Parser $ \_ctx ->
117 Right $ TermVT (tyOf (mempty :: meta) LenZ) $ E add
118 parseAddable _final e = Parser $ \_ctx -> Left $ "Invalid tree: " <> show e
120 -- tree0Parser :: (forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem, syn (ForallSem syn)) => Either ErrMsg (ForallSem syn Int)
121 -- tree0Parser = unParser $ parse tree0Print
123 -- parseMulable ::
124 -- forall syn meta.
125 -- ( forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
126 -- , forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
127 -- , syn (ForallSem syn)
128 -- ) =>
129 -- Monoid meta =>
130 -- Show meta =>
131 -- (TermAST meta -> Parser syn meta) ->
132 -- TermAST meta -> Parser syn meta
133 -- parseMulable final (BinTree2 (BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Mul")) aT) bT) =
134 -- Parser $ \ctx -> do
135 -- case (final aT, final bT) of
136 -- (Parser aE, Parser bE) -> do
137 -- TermVT aTy (ForallSem a :: ForallSem syn a) <- aE ctx
138 -- case eqTy aTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Int, constMeta = mempty::meta}, tyConstLen = lenVar aTy} of
139 -- Nothing -> Left "TypeError: Mulable 1"
140 -- Just HRefl -> do
141 -- TermVT bTy (ForallSem b :: ForallSem syn b) <- bE ctx
142 -- case eqTy bTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Int, constMeta = mempty::meta}, tyConstLen = lenVar bTy} of
143 -- Nothing -> Left "TypeError: Mulable 2"
144 -- Just HRefl -> do
145 -- Right $ TermVT aTy (ForallSem @_ @a $ mul a b)
146 -- parseMulable final t = parseAddable final t
148 parseConstable ::
149 ( forall sem. syn sem => Constable sem
150 , -- , forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
151 forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
152 , syn (ForallSem syn)
153 ) =>
154 Show meta =>
155 Monoid meta =>
156 (TermAST meta -> Parser syn meta) ->
157 TermAST meta ->
158 Parser syn meta
159 parseConstable = parseAddable
161 -- parseConstable final t = parseAddable final t
162 -- parseConstable _final e = Parser $ \_ctx -> Left $ "Invalid tree: " <> show e
164 --
165 -- Printing
166 --
168 printConst n = Printer (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom n))
170 instance Constable (Printer meta) where
171 constI = printConst "id"
172 constK = printConst "const"
173 constS = printConst "(<*>)"
174 constB = printConst "(.)"
175 constC = printConst "flip"
176 instance Addable (Printer meta) where
177 lit n = Printer $ BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom (show n))
178 neg = printConst "neg"
179 add = printConst "add"
180 instance Mulable (Printer meta) where
181 mul = print2 "Mul"
182 instance UnAbstractable (Printer meta) where
183 Printer f .@ Printer a = Printer $ BinTree2 f a
184 instance (Monoid meta) => Abstractable meta (Printer meta) where
185 lam aTy (f :: Printer meta a -> Printer meta b) =
186 Printer $
187 BinTree0
188 ( TokenTermAbst
189 "x"
190 (TyT aTy) -- (TyT (tyOf @a mempty LenZ))
191 (unPrinter (f (Printer (BinTree0 (TokenTermVar "x")))))
192 )
194 class (Addable sem {- Mulable sem,-}, Abstractable meta sem, UnAbstractable sem, Constable sem) => FinalSyntaxes meta sem
195 instance (Addable sem {- Mulable sem,-}, Abstractable meta sem, UnAbstractable sem, Constable sem) => FinalSyntaxes meta sem
197 fix :: (a -> a) -> a
198 fix f = f (fix f)
200 parse ::
201 forall syn meta.
202 ( -- , forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
203 forall sem. syn sem => Constable sem
204 , forall sem. syn sem => Abstractable meta sem
205 , forall sem. syn sem => UnAbstractable sem
206 , forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
207 , syn (ForallSem syn)
208 -- , syn (OTerm syn '[])
209 ) =>
210 Monoid meta =>
211 Show meta =>
212 TermAST meta ->
213 -- Parser syn meta
214 Either ErrMsg (TermVT syn meta '[])
215 parse ast = unParser (fix parseAbstractable ast) CtxTyZ
217 -- tree0 = lit 0
218 tree0 = add .@ lit 8 .@ (neg .@ (add .@ lit 1 .@ lit 2))
220 -- tree1 = mul (add (lit 8) (neg (add (lit 1) (lit 2)))) (lit 2)
221 tree2 = lam (typeOf @()) (\(x :: sem Int) -> add .@ x .@ lit 0)
222 tree0Print = print tree0
224 -- tree1Print = print tree1
225 tree2Print = print tree2
227 tree0ParsePrint :: TermAST ()
228 tree0ParsePrint = case parse @(FinalSyntaxes ()) @() tree0Print of
229 Left e -> error e
230 Right (TermVT _ty (runOTerm -> ForallSem sem)) -> print sem
232 -- tree1ParsePrint :: TermAST ()
233 -- tree1ParsePrint = case parse @(FinalSyntaxes ()) @() tree1Print of
234 -- Left e -> error e
235 -- Right (TermVT _ty (runOTerm -> ForallSem sem)) -> print sem
236 --
237 tree2ParsePrint :: TermAST ()
238 tree2ParsePrint = case parse @(FinalSyntaxes ()) @() tree2Print of
239 Left e -> error e
240 Right (TermVT _ty (runOTerm -> ForallSem sem)) -> print sem