]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/symantic.git/blob - src/Symantic/Typer/Unify.hs
[tmp/julm/symantic.git] / src / Symantic / Typer / Unify.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
7 module Symantic.Typer.Unify where
9 import Control.Monad (Monad (..))
10 import Control.Monad.Classes as MC (MonadExcept, throw)
11 import Control.Monad.Classes.Run as MC ()
12 import Data.Bool (otherwise)
13 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
14 import Data.Function (id, ($))
15 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
16 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
17 import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
18 import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
19 import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
20 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
21 import Text.Show (Show)
22 import Type.Reflection ((:~~:) (HRefl))
23 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
24 import Prelude qualified
26 import Symantic.Parser.Error (ErrorInj (..))
27 import Symantic.Typer.Eq (EqTy (eqTy))
28 import Symantic.Typer.Type (
29 IndexVar,
30 KindK,
31 KindOf (kindOf),
32 Ty (TyApp, TyConst, TyVar, tyConst, tyVar),
33 TyT (..),
34 TyVT (..),
35 Tys (..),
36 Var,
37 VarOccursIn (..),
38 indexVar,
39 proj_ConstKi,
40 type (#>),
41 )
43 -- import Symantic.Typer.Show ()
45 -- * Type 'Subst'
47 -- | /Type variable substitution/.
48 --
49 -- WARNING: a 'Subst' MUST be without loops, and fully expanded.
50 newtype Subst meta vs
51 = Subst (Map IndexVar (VT meta vs))
53 deriving instance (Show meta, Monoid meta) => Show (Subst meta vs)
54 instance Monoid meta => Semigroup (Subst meta vs) where
55 (<>) = unionSubst
56 instance Monoid meta => Monoid (Subst meta vs) where
57 mempty = Subst Map.empty
58 mappend = (<>)
60 -- | Unify two 'Subst's.
61 --
62 -- NOTE: the union is left-biased: in case of duplicate 'Var's,
63 -- it keeps the one from the first 'Subst' given.
64 --
65 -- NOTE: the first 'Subst' given is applied to the second (with 'subst'),
66 -- this way each 'Var' directly maps to an expanded 'Type',
67 -- so that, when using the resulting 'Subst',
68 -- there is no need to apply it multiple times
69 -- until there is no more substitution to be done.
70 unionSubst :: Subst meta vs -> Subst meta vs -> Subst meta vs
71 unionSubst sx@(Subst x) (Subst y) = Subst $ x `Map.union` ((\(VT v r) -> VT v $ subst sx r) Data.Functor.<$> y)
73 -- * Type 'VT'
75 -- | A 'Var' and a 'Type' existentialized over their type index.
76 data VT meta vs = forall t. VT (Var meta vs t) (Ty meta vs t)
78 deriving instance (Show meta, Monoid meta) => Show (VT meta vs)
80 insertSubst :: Monoid meta => Var meta vs v -> Ty meta vs v -> Subst meta vs -> Subst meta vs
81 insertSubst v t (Subst s) = Subst $ Map.insert (indexVar v) (VT v t) s
83 lookupSubst :: Monoid meta => Var meta vs v -> Subst meta vs -> Maybe (Ty meta vs v)
84 lookupSubst v (Subst s)
85 | Just (VT v' t) <- Map.lookup (indexVar v) s
86 , Just HRefl <- v `eqTy` v' =
87 Just t
88 lookupSubst _v _m = Nothing
90 -- * Class 'Substable'
91 class Substable t where
92 -- | Like 'substVar', but without the /occurence check/.
93 substVarUnsafe ::
94 Var meta vs v -> Ty meta vs v -> t meta vs a -> t meta vs a
96 -- | Substitute all the 'Var's which have a match in given 'Subst'.
97 subst ::
98 Subst meta vs -> t meta vs a -> t meta vs a
99 instance Substable Ty where
100 substVarUnsafe _v _r t@TyConst{} = t
101 substVarUnsafe v r (TyApp f a) =
102 TyApp
103 (substVarUnsafe v r f)
104 (substVarUnsafe v r a)
105 substVarUnsafe v r t@TyVar{tyVar = tv} =
106 case v `eqTy` tv of
107 Just HRefl -> r
108 Nothing -> t
110 -- substVarUnsafe v r (TyFam meta len fam as) =
111 -- TyFam meta len fam $ substVarUnsafe v r as
113 subst _s t@TyConst{} = t
114 subst s (TyApp f a) = TyApp (subst s f) (subst s a)
115 subst (Subst s) t@TyVar{tyVar = tv} =
116 case Map.lookup (indexVar tv) s of
117 Nothing -> t
118 Just (VT vr r) ->
119 case tv `eqTy` vr of
120 Nothing -> Prelude.error "[BUG] subst: kind mismatch"
121 Just HRefl -> r
123 -- subst s (TyFam meta len fam as) = TyFam meta len fam $ subst s as
124 instance Substable (Tys as) where
125 substVarUnsafe _v _r TysZ = TysZ
126 substVarUnsafe v r (TysS t ts) =
127 substVarUnsafe v r t
128 `TysS` substVarUnsafe v r ts
129 subst _s TysZ = TysZ
130 subst s (TysS t ts) = subst s t `TysS` subst s ts
132 -- | Substitute the given 'Var' by the given 'Type',
133 -- returning 'Nothing' if this 'Type' contains
134 -- the 'Var' (occurence check).
135 substVar ::
136 VarOccursIn t =>
137 Substable t =>
138 Var meta vs v ->
139 Ty meta vs v ->
140 t meta vs a ->
141 Maybe (t meta vs a)
142 substVar v r t =
143 if v `varOccursIn` r
144 then Nothing -- NOTE: occurence check
145 else Just $ substVarUnsafe v r t
147 -- ** Type 'ErrorUnify'
149 -- | Reasons why two 'Type's cannot be unified.
150 data ErrorUnify meta
151 = -- | /occurence check/: a 'Var' is unified with a 'Type'
152 -- which contains this same 'Var'.
153 ErrorUnifyVarLoop IndexVar (TyVT meta)
154 | -- | Two 'TyConst's should be the same, but are different.
155 ErrorUnifyConst (TyVT meta) (TyVT meta)
156 | -- | Two 'Kind's should be the same, but are different.
157 ErrorUnifyKind (KindK meta) (KindK meta)
158 | -- | Cannot unify those two 'Type's.
159 ErrorUnifyType (TyVT meta) (TyVT meta)
161 deriving instance Monoid meta => Eq (ErrorUnify meta)
162 deriving instance (Show meta, Monoid meta) => Show (ErrorUnify meta)
164 instance ErrorInj (ErrorUnify meta) (ErrorUnify meta) where
165 errorInj = id
167 data SourceTypeArg meta
168 = SourceTypeArg (TyVT meta)
170 -- | Return the left spine of a 'Ty':
171 -- the root 'Ty' and its 'Ty' parameters,
172 -- from the left to the right.
173 spineTy ::
174 forall meta vs t.
175 -- MC.MonadWriter (SourceTypeArg meta) (Sourced meta) =>
176 Ty meta vs t ->
177 (TyT meta vs, [TyT meta vs])
178 spineTy = go []
179 where
180 go :: forall kx (x :: kx). [TyT meta vs] -> Ty meta vs x -> (TyT meta vs, [TyT meta vs])
181 -- Skip the constraint @q@.
182 go ctx (TyApp (TyApp (TyConst{tyConst = c}) _q) t)
183 | Just HRefl <- proj_ConstKi @_ @(#>) c =
184 go ctx t
185 -- Add a type to the spine.
186 go ctx (TyApp f a) = go (TyT a {-(SourceTypeArg (TyVT ty)-} : ctx) f
187 -- Add the root.
188 go ctx t = (TyT t {-SourceTypeArg (TyVT ty)-}, ctx)
190 {-
191 spineTy
192 :: Ty meta ctx ss cs (t::k)
193 -> (forall kx (x::kx) xs. Ty meta ctx ss cs x -> Tys meta ctx ss cs xs -> ret)
194 -> ret
195 spineTy = go TysZ
196 where
197 go :: Tys meta ctx ss cs hs
198 -> Ty meta ctx ss cs (t::k)
199 -> (forall kx (x::kx) xs. Ty meta ctx ss cs x -> Tys meta ctx ss cs xs -> ret)
200 -> ret
201 go ctx (TyApp _src f a) k = go (a `TysS` ctx) f k
202 go ctx (Term x _te) k = go ctx x k
203 go ctx (TyAny x) k = go ctx x k
204 go ctx t k = k t ctx
205 -}
207 -- | Return the /most general unification/ of two 'Type's, when it exists.
208 unifyType ::
209 forall xyK (x :: xyK) (y :: xyK) vs meta m.
210 -- ErrorInj (Con_Kind meta) (ErrorUnify meta) =>
211 Monoid meta =>
212 Show meta =>
213 MC.MonadExcept (ErrorUnify meta) m =>
214 Subst meta vs ->
215 Ty meta vs (x :: xyK) ->
216 Ty meta vs (y :: xyK) ->
217 m (Subst meta vs)
218 unifyType vs x y =
219 case (spineTy x, spineTy y) of
220 ((TyT xRootTy, px), (TyT yRootTy, py)) ->
221 case (xRootTy, yRootTy) of
222 (TyVar{tyVar = xV}, _) | Just HRefl <- xK `eqTy` kindOf xV -> goVar vs xV y
223 (_, TyVar{tyVar = yV}) | Just HRefl <- xK `eqTy` kindOf yV -> goVar vs yV x
224 (TyConst{tyConst = cx}, TyConst{tyConst = cy})
225 | Just HRefl <- cx `eqTy` cy -> goZip vs px py
226 | otherwise -> MC.throw $ ErrorUnifyConst (TyVT xRootTy) (TyVT yRootTy)
227 _ ->
228 case (x, y) of
229 (TyApp fx ax, TyApp fy ay) -> goZip vs [TyT fx, TyT ax] [TyT fy, TyT ay]
230 _ -> MC.throw $ ErrorUnifyType (TyVT x) (TyVT y)
231 where
232 xK = kindOf x
233 goVar ::
234 forall k (a :: k) (b :: k) ws.
235 Subst meta ws ->
236 Var meta ws a ->
237 Ty meta ws b ->
238 m (Subst meta ws)
239 goVar ws va b =
240 case va `lookupSubst` ws of
241 Just a -> unifyType ws b a
242 Nothing ->
243 case ws `subst` b of
244 TyVar{tyVar = vb} | Just HRefl <- va `eqTy` vb -> return ws
245 b'
246 | va `varOccursIn` b' -> MC.throw $ ErrorUnifyVarLoop (indexVar va) (TyVT b')
247 | HRefl :: a :~~: b <- unsafeCoerce HRefl ->
248 return $ insertSubst va b' mempty <> ws
249 goZip ::
250 forall ws.
251 Subst meta ws ->
252 [TyT meta ws] ->
253 [TyT meta ws] ->
254 m (Subst meta ws)
255 goZip ws [] [] = return ws
256 goZip ws (TyT a : as) (TyT b : bs) =
257 case aK `eqTy` bK of
258 Nothing -> MC.throw $ ErrorUnifyKind (TyT aK) (TyT bK)
259 Just HRefl -> unifyType ws a b >>= \ws' -> goZip ws' as bs
260 where
261 aK = kindOf a
262 bK = kindOf b
263 goZip _vs _a _b = Prelude.error "[BUG] unifyType: kinds mismatch"