]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/symantic.git/blob - src/Symantic/Syntaxes.hs
[tmp/julm/symantic.git] / src / Symantic / Syntaxes.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
6 module Symantic.Syntaxes where
8 import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
9 import Control.Monad (Monad (..))
10 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except qualified as MT
11 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader qualified as MT
12 import Control.Monad.Trans.State qualified as MT
13 import Data.Bool (otherwise)
14 import Data.Either (Either (..))
15 import Data.Eq (Eq (..))
16 import Data.Function (id, ($), (.))
17 import Data.Functor (Functor (..), (<$>))
18 import Data.Functor.Constant (Constant (..))
19 import Data.Int (Int)
20 import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
21 import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..), isJust)
22 import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
23 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
24 import Data.String (String)
25 import GHC.Types
26 import Text.Read (Read (..), reads)
27 import Text.Show (Show (..))
28 import Type.Reflection (TypeRep, Typeable, eqTypeRep, typeRep, (:~~:) (..))
29 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
30 import Prelude (error)
31 import Prelude qualified
33 import Symantic
34 import Symantic.Typer
36 class Addable sem where
37 lit :: Int -> sem Int
38 neg :: sem Int -> sem Int
39 add :: sem Int -> sem Int -> sem Int
40 class Mulable sem where
41 mul :: sem Int -> sem Int -> sem Int
42 class Abstractable sem where
43 -- | Lambda term abstraction, in HOAS (Higher-Order Abstract Syntax) style.
44 lam :: Typeable a => (sem a -> sem b) -> sem (a -> b)
46 -- | Application, aka. unabstract.
47 (.@) :: sem (a -> b) -> sem a -> sem b
49 instance (forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem) => Addable (ForallSem syn) where
50 lit n = ForallSem (lit n)
51 neg (ForallSem a) = ForallSem (neg a)
52 add (ForallSem a) (ForallSem b) = ForallSem (add a b)
53 instance (forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem) => Mulable (ForallSem syn) where
54 mul (ForallSem a) (ForallSem b) = ForallSem (mul a b)
55 instance
56 ( forall sem. syn sem => Abstractable sem
57 -- , forall sem. syn sem => Typeable sem -- user instance not accepted
58 -- , forall s1 s2. (syn s1, syn s2) => s1 ~ s2 -- crazy...
59 ) =>
60 Abstractable (ForallSem syn)
61 where
62 ForallSem a2b .@ ForallSem a = ForallSem (a2b .@ a)
63 lam f = ForallSem (lam (\a -> let ForallSem b = f (forallSem a) in b))
64 where
65 -- Safe here because a :: sem a and b :: sem b share the same 'sem'.
66 forallSem :: sem a -> ForallSem syn a
67 forallSem a = ForallSem (unsafeCoerce a)
69 --
70 -- Parsing
71 --
73 parseAddable ::
74 ( forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
75 , syn (ForallSem syn)
76 ) =>
77 (TermAST -> Parser syn) ->
78 TermAST ->
79 Parser syn
80 parseAddable _final (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom s))
81 | Right (i :: Int) <- safeRead s =
82 Parser $ Right $ TermVT TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = LenZ} $ ForallSem @_ @Int $ lit i
83 parseAddable final (BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Neg")) aT) = Parser $
84 case final aT of
85 Parser aE -> do
86 TermVT aTy (ForallSem a :: ForallSem syn a) <- aE
87 case eqTy aTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Int, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = lenVar aTy} of
88 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
89 Just HRefl -> do
90 Right $ TermVT aTy $ neg a
91 parseAddable final (BinTree2 (BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Add")) aT) bT) =
92 Parser $ do
93 TermVT aTy (ForallSem a :: ForallSem syn a) <- unParser (final aT)
94 case eqTy aTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Int, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = lenVar aTy} of
95 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
96 Just HRefl -> do
97 TermVT bTy (ForallSem b :: ForallSem syn b) <- unParser (final bT)
98 case eqTy bTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Int, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = lenVar bTy} of
99 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
100 Just HRefl -> do
101 Right $ TermVT aTy $ ForallSem @_ @Int $ add a b
102 parseAddable _final e = Parser $ Left $ "Invalid tree: " <> show e
104 -- tree0Parser :: (forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem, syn (ForallSem syn)) => Either ErrMsg (ForallSem syn Int)
105 -- tree0Parser = unParser $ parse tree0Print
107 parseMulable ::
108 ( forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
109 , forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
110 , syn (ForallSem syn)
111 ) =>
112 (TermAST -> Parser syn) ->
113 TermAST ->
114 Parser syn
115 parseMulable final (BinTree2 (BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Mul")) aT) bT) =
116 Parser $ do
117 case (final aT, final bT) of
118 (Parser aE, Parser bE) -> do
119 TermVT aTy (ForallSem a :: ForallSem syn a) <- aE
120 case eqTy aTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Int, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = lenVar aTy} of
121 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
122 Just HRefl -> do
123 TermVT bTy (ForallSem b :: ForallSem syn b) <- bE
124 case eqTy bTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Int, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = lenVar bTy} of
125 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
126 Just HRefl -> do
127 Right $ TermVT aTy (ForallSem @_ @a $ mul a b)
128 parseMulable final t = parseAddable final t
130 parseAbstractable ::
131 ( forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
132 , forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
133 , forall sem. syn sem => Abstractable sem
134 , syn (ForallSem syn)
135 ) =>
136 a ~ Int =>
137 (TermAST -> Parser syn) ->
138 TermAST ->
139 Parser syn
140 -- TODO: parse variables
141 parseAbstractable final (BinTree0 (TokenTermAbst n (TyVT (aTy :: Ty meta vs a)) bT)) =
142 Parser $
143 case final bT of
144 Parser bE -> do
145 TermVT abTy (abF :: ForallSem syn ab) <- bE
146 case eqTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Type, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = lenVar aTy} aTy of
147 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
148 Just HRefl -> do
149 case abTy of
150 FUN iTy bTy ->
151 case eqTy TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @Type, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = lenVar bTy} bTy of
152 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
153 Just HRefl -> do
154 let (aTy', iTy') = appendVars aTy iTy
155 case eqTy aTy' iTy' of
156 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
157 Just HRefl -> do
158 case abF of
159 ForallSem ab ->
160 Right $
161 TermVT abTy $
162 ForallSem @_ @ab $
163 -- FIXME: Tyable
164 lam (ab .@)
165 _ -> Left "TypeError"
166 parseAbstractable final t = parseMulable final t
168 --
169 -- Printing
170 --
172 instance Addable Printer where
173 lit n = Printer $ BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom (show n))
174 neg (Printer aT) = Printer $ BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Neg")) aT
175 add = print2 "Add"
176 instance Mulable Printer where
177 mul = print2 "Mul"
178 instance Abstractable Printer where
179 Printer f .@ Printer a = Printer $ BinTree2 f a
180 lam (f :: Printer a -> Printer b) =
181 Printer $
182 -- FIXME: Tyable? instead of Typeable?
183 BinTree0
184 ( TokenTermAbst
185 "x"
186 (TyVT TyConst{tyConst = Const{constType = typeRep @a, constMeta = ()}, tyConstLen = LenZ})
187 (unPrinter (f (Printer (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "x")))))
188 )
190 class (Addable sem, Mulable sem, Abstractable sem) => FinalSyntaxes sem
191 instance (Addable sem, Mulable sem, Abstractable sem) => FinalSyntaxes sem
193 fix :: (a -> a) -> a
194 fix f = f (fix f)
196 parse ::
197 ( forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
198 , forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
199 , forall sem. syn sem => Abstractable sem
200 , syn (ForallSem syn)
201 ) =>
202 TermAST ->
203 Parser syn
204 parse = fix parseAbstractable
206 tree0 = add (lit 8) (neg (add (lit 1) (lit 2)))
207 tree1 = mul (add (lit 8) (neg (add (lit 1) (lit 2)))) (lit 2)
208 tree2 = lam (\(x :: sem Int) -> mul (lit 0) (add (lit 1) (lit 2)))
209 tree0Print = print tree0
210 tree1Print = print tree1
211 tree2Print = print tree2
213 tree0ParsePrint :: TermAST
214 tree0ParsePrint = case parse @FinalSyntaxes tree0Print of
215 Parser (Left e) -> error e
216 Parser (Right (TermVT _ty (ForallSem sem))) -> print sem
218 tree1ParsePrint :: TermAST
219 tree1ParsePrint = case parse @FinalSyntaxes tree1Print of
220 Parser (Left e) -> error e
221 Parser (Right (TermVT _ty (ForallSem sem))) -> print sem
223 tree2ParsePrint :: TermAST
224 tree2ParsePrint = case parse @FinalSyntaxes tree2Print of
225 Parser (Left e) -> error e
226 Parser (Right (TermVT _ty (ForallSem sem))) -> print sem