]> Git — Sourcephile - tmp/julm/symantic.git/blob - src/ForallSem.hs
[tmp/julm/symantic.git] / src / ForallSem.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
11 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
12 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
13 {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
14 {-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
15 {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
16 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
17 {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
18 {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
19 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
21 module ForallSem where
23 import Data.Functor (Functor(..), (<$>))
24 import Data.Functor.Constant (Constant(..))
25 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
26 import Control.Monad (Monad(..))
27 import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
28 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
29 import Data.String (String)
30 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
31 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isJust)
32 import Text.Read (Read(..), reads)
33 import Data.Bool (otherwise)
34 import Text.Show (Show(..))
35 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
36 import Data.Either (Either(..))
37 import Data.Int (Int)
38 import Prelude (error)
39 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except qualified as MT
40 import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader qualified as MT
41 import Control.Monad.Trans.State qualified as MT
42 import Type.Reflection
43 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
44 import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
45 import Prelude qualified
46 import GHC.Types
48 type Semantic = Type -> Type
49 type Syntax = Semantic -> Constraint
50 class Syn0 (sem::Semantic) where
51 syn0 :: sem ()
52 class Syn1 (sem::Semantic) where
53 syn1 :: sem ()
54 class Syn2 (sem::Semantic) where
55 syn2 :: sem () -> sem () -> sem ()
57 p0 :: (forall sem. syn sem => Syn0 sem) => ForallSem syn ()
58 p0 = ForallSem syn0
60 p1 :: (forall sem. syn sem => Syn1 sem) => ForallSem syn ()
61 p1 = ForallSem syn1
63 p3 :: forall syn.
64 ( forall sem. syn sem => Syn0 sem
65 , forall sem. syn sem => Syn1 sem
66 , forall sem. syn sem => Syn2 sem
67 ) => ForallSem syn ()
68 p3 = ForallSem $ syn2 (unForallSem @syn p0) (unForallSem @syn p1)
76 data ForallSem (syn::Syntax) (a::Type)
77 = ForallSem { unForallSem :: forall sem. syn sem => sem a }
79 instance ( forall sem. syn sem => Functor sem
80 ) => Functor (ForallSem syn) where
81 fmap f (ForallSem sem) = ForallSem (fmap f sem)
82 a <$ (ForallSem sem) = ForallSem (a <$ sem)
83 instance ( forall sem. syn sem => Applicative sem
84 , Functor (ForallSem syn)
85 ) => Applicative (ForallSem syn) where
86 pure a = ForallSem (pure a)
87 liftA2 f (ForallSem a) (ForallSem b) = ForallSem (liftA2 f a b)
88 (<*>) (ForallSem f) (ForallSem a) = ForallSem ((<*>) f a)
89 (<*) (ForallSem f) (ForallSem a) = ForallSem ((<*) f a)
90 (*>) (ForallSem f) (ForallSem a) = ForallSem ((*>) f a)
91 instance ( forall sem. syn sem => Monad sem
92 , Applicative (ForallSem syn)
93 ) => Monad (ForallSem syn) where
94 (>>=) (ForallSem sa) f = ForallSem (sa >>= \a -> case f a of ForallSem sb -> sb)
95 return = pure
96 (>>) = (*>)
98 -- * Interpreter 'Parser'
99 data TermVT syn = forall vs a. TermVT
100 { typeTermVT :: Ty vs a
101 , unTermVT :: ForallSem syn a
102 }
104 -- instance Eq (TyVT) where
105 -- TyVT x == TyVT y =
106 -- let (x', y') = appendVars x y in
107 -- isJust $ eqTypeKi x' y'
109 -- * Type family @(++)@
110 type family (++) xs ys where
111 '[] ++ ys = ys
112 -- xs ++ '[] = xs
113 (x ': xs) ++ ys = x ': xs ++ ys
114 infixr 5 ++
116 -- * Type 'Len'
117 data Len (xs::[k]) where
118 LenZ :: Len '[]
119 LenS :: Len xs -> Len (x ': xs)
121 instance Show (Len vs) where
122 showsPrec _p = showsPrec 10 . intLen
124 addLen :: Len a -> Len b -> Len (a ++ b)
125 addLen LenZ b = b
126 addLen (LenS a) b = LenS $ addLen a b
128 shiftLen :: forall t b a. Len a -> Len (a ++ b) -> Len (a ++ t ': b)
129 shiftLen LenZ b = LenS b
130 shiftLen (LenS a) (LenS b) = LenS $ shiftLen @t @b a b
132 intLen :: Len xs -> Int
133 intLen = go 0
134 where
135 go :: Int -> Len xs -> Int
136 go i LenZ = i
137 go i (LenS l) = go (1 Prelude.+ i) l
139 -- ** Class 'LenInj'
140 class LenInj (vs::[k]) where
141 lenInj :: Len vs
142 instance LenInj '[] where
143 lenInj = LenZ
144 instance LenInj as => LenInj (a ': as) where
145 lenInj = LenS lenInj
147 type Name = String
148 -- Use a CUSK, because it's a polymorphically recursive type,
149 -- See https://ryanglscott.github.io/2020/01/05/five-benefits-to-using-standalonekindsignatures/
150 data Ty :: forall aK. [Type] -> aK -> Type where
151 TyConst :: Len vs -> TypeRep a -> Ty vs a
152 TyVar :: Name -> Var vs a -> Ty vs a
153 TyApp :: Ty vs f -> Ty vs a -> Ty vs (f a)
154 infixl 9 `TyApp`
155 deriving instance Show (Ty vs a)
156 instance AllocVars Ty where
157 allocVarsL len (TyConst l c) = TyConst (addLen len l) c
158 allocVarsL len (TyApp f a) = TyApp (allocVarsL len f) (allocVarsL len a)
159 allocVarsL len (TyVar n v) = TyVar n (allocVarsL len v)
160 --allocVarsL len (TyFam l f as) = TyFam (addLen len l) f $ allocVarsL len `mapTys` as
162 allocVarsR len (TyConst l c) = TyConst (addLen l len) c
163 allocVarsR len (TyApp f a) = TyApp (allocVarsR len f) (allocVarsR len a)
164 allocVarsR len (TyVar n v) = TyVar n (allocVarsR len v)
165 --allocVarsR len (TyFam l f as) = TyFam (addLen l len) f $ allocVarsR len `mapTys` as
167 data TyVT = forall vs a. TyVT (Ty vs a)
168 deriving instance Show TyVT
169 instance Eq TyVT where
170 TyVT x == TyVT y = isJust (eqTyKi x' y')
171 where (x', y') = appendVars x y
173 -- | /Heterogeneous type equality/:
174 -- return two proofs when two 'Type's are equals:
175 -- one for the type and one for the kind.
176 eqTyKi :: Ty vs (x::xK) -> Ty vs (y::yK) -> Maybe (x:~~:y)
177 eqTyKi (TyConst _lx x) (TyConst _ly y) = eqTypeRep x y
178 eqTyKi (TyVar _nx x) (TyVar _ny y) = eqVarKi x y
179 eqTyKi (TyApp fx ax) (TyApp fy ay)
180 | Just HRefl <- eqTyKi fx fy
181 , Just HRefl <- eqTyKi ax ay
182 = Just HRefl
183 -- eqTyKi (TyFam _ _lx fx ax) (TyFam _ _ly fy ay)
184 -- | Just HRefl <- eqTypeRep fx fy
185 -- , Just HRefl <- eqTypes ax ay
186 -- = Just HRefl
187 -- -- NOTE: 'TyFam' is expanded as much as possible.
188 -- eqTyKi x@TyFam{} y = eqTyKi (expandFam x) y
189 -- eqTyKi x y@TyFam{} = eqTyKi x (expandFam y)
190 eqTyKi _x _y = Nothing
192 -- data Some :: (Type -> Type) -> Type where
193 -- Some :: TypeRep a -> t a -> Some t
194 --
195 -- mapSome :: (forall a. s a -> t a) -> Some s -> Some t
196 -- mapSome f (Some a t) = Some a (f t)
197 --
198 -- type SomeTy = Some (Constant ())
200 -- pattern SomeTy :: TypeRep a -> SomeTy
201 -- pattern SomeTy a = Some a (Constant ())
202 -- {-# COMPLETE SomeTy #-}
204 -- someType :: TypeRep a -> SomeTy
205 -- someType a = Some a (Constant ())
207 --infer :: Vars vs -> TermVT syn -> Maybe (TermVT syn)
208 --infer ctx te = case te of
209 --Lit i -> return $ Some TTyInt (embed (CInt i))
212 data Parser syn = Parser
213 { unParser ::
214 --MT.State (TokenTerm a)
215 (Either ErrMsg (TermVT syn))
216 }
218 {-
219 instance ( forall sem. syn sem => Functor sem
220 ) => Functor (Parser syn) where
221 fmap f (Parser esa) = Parser $
222 case esa of
223 Left e -> Left e
224 Right (ForallSem sem) -> Right (ForallSem (f <$> sem))
225 a <$ Parser esa = Parser $
226 case esa of
227 Left e -> Left e
228 Right (ForallSem sem) -> Right (ForallSem (a <$ sem))
229 instance ( forall sem. syn sem => Applicative sem
230 , Applicative (ForallSem syn)
231 , forall err. syn (Either err)
232 , syn (Parser syn) -- FIXME: what constraint is still missing to still require that?
233 ) => Applicative (Parser syn) where
234 pure a = Parser (Right (ForallSem (pure a)))
235 liftA2 f (Parser a) (Parser b) = Parser (liftA2 (liftA2 f) a b)
236 (<*>) (Parser f) (Parser a) = Parser (liftA2 (<*>) f a)
237 (*>) (Parser f) (Parser a) = Parser (liftA2 (*>) f a)
238 (<*) (Parser f) (Parser a) = Parser (liftA2 (<*) f a)
239 instance ( forall sem. syn sem => Monad sem
240 , forall err. syn (Either err)
241 , syn (Parser syn) -- FIXME: what constraint is still missing to still require that?
242 ) => Monad (Parser syn) where
243 (>>=) (Parser efsa) f = Parser (efsa >>= \(ForallSem sa) -> sa >>= unParser . f)
244 -}
246 -- * Type 'BinTree'
247 -- | /Binary Tree/.
248 data BinTree a
249 = BinTree0 a
250 | BinTree2 (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
251 deriving (Eq, Show)
253 type TermAST = BinTree TokenTerm
254 data TokenTerm
255 = TokenTermAtom String
256 | TokenTermAbst String TyVT TermAST
257 deriving (Show)
259 tree0 = add (lit 8) (neg (add (lit 1) (lit 2)))
260 tree1 = mul (add (lit 8) (neg (add (lit 1) (lit 2)))) (lit 2)
261 tree2 = lam (\(x::sem Int) -> mul (lit 0) (add (lit 1) (lit 2)))
262 tree0Print = print tree0
263 tree1Print = print tree1
264 tree2Print = print tree2
266 type ErrMsg = String
268 safeRead :: Read a => String -> Either ErrMsg a
269 safeRead s = case reads s of
270 [(x,"")] -> Right x
271 _ -> Left $ "Read error: " <> s
273 instance (forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem) => Addable (ForallSem syn) where
274 lit n = ForallSem (lit n)
275 neg (ForallSem a) = ForallSem (neg a)
276 add (ForallSem a) (ForallSem b) = ForallSem (add a b)
277 instance (forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem) => Mulable (ForallSem syn) where
278 mul (ForallSem a) (ForallSem b) = ForallSem (mul a b)
279 instance ( forall sem. syn sem => Abstractable sem
280 --, forall sem. syn sem => Typeable sem -- user instance not accepted
281 --, forall s1 s2. (syn s1, syn s2) => s1 ~ s2 -- crazy...
282 ) => Abstractable (ForallSem syn) where
283 ForallSem a2b .@ ForallSem a = ForallSem (a2b .@ a)
284 lam f = ForallSem (lam (\a -> let ForallSem b = f (forallSem a) in b))
285 where
286 -- Safe here because a :: sem a and b :: sem b share the same 'sem'.
287 forallSem :: sem a -> ForallSem syn a
288 forallSem a = ForallSem (unsafeCoerce a)
292 parseAddable ::
293 ( forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
294 , syn (ForallSem syn)
295 ) =>
296 (TermAST -> Parser syn) -> TermAST -> Parser syn
297 parseAddable _final (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom s))
298 | Right (i::Int) <- safeRead s
299 = Parser $ Right $ TermVT (TyConst LenZ typeRep) $ ForallSem @_ @Int $ lit i
300 parseAddable final (BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Neg")) aT) = Parser $
301 case final aT of
302 Parser aE -> do
303 TermVT aTy (ForallSem a :: ForallSem syn a) <- aE
304 case eqTyKi aTy (TyConst (lenVars aTy) (typeRep @Int)) of
305 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
306 Just HRefl -> do
307 Right $ TermVT aTy $ neg a
308 parseAddable final (BinTree2 (BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Add")) aT) bT) =
309 Parser $ do
310 TermVT aTy (ForallSem a :: ForallSem syn a) <- unParser (final aT)
311 case eqTyKi aTy (TyConst (lenVars aTy) (typeRep @Int)) of
312 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
313 Just HRefl -> do
314 TermVT bTy (ForallSem b :: ForallSem syn b) <- unParser (final bT)
315 case eqTyKi bTy (TyConst (lenVars bTy) (typeRep @Int)) of
316 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
317 Just HRefl -> do
318 Right $ TermVT aTy $ ForallSem @_ @Int $ add a b
319 parseAddable _final e = Parser $ Left $ "Invalid tree: " <> show e
321 --tree0Parser :: (forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem, syn (ForallSem syn)) => Either ErrMsg (ForallSem syn Int)
322 --tree0Parser = unParser $ parse tree0Print
324 class (Addable sem, Mulable sem, Abstractable sem) => FinalSyntaxes sem
325 instance (Addable sem, Mulable sem, Abstractable sem) => FinalSyntaxes sem
327 parseMulable ::
328 ( forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
329 , forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
330 , syn (ForallSem syn)
331 ) =>
332 (TermAST -> Parser syn) -> TermAST -> Parser syn
333 parseMulable final (BinTree2 (BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Mul")) aT) bT) =
334 Parser $ do
335 case (final aT, final bT) of
336 (Parser aE, Parser bE) -> do
337 TermVT aTy (ForallSem a :: ForallSem syn a) <- aE
338 case eqTyKi aTy (TyConst (lenVars aTy) (typeRep @Int)) of
339 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
340 Just HRefl -> do
341 TermVT bTy (ForallSem b :: ForallSem syn b) <- bE
342 case eqTyKi bTy (TyConst (lenVars bTy) (typeRep @Int)) of
343 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
344 Just HRefl -> do
345 Right $ TermVT aTy (ForallSem @_ @a $ mul a b)
346 parseMulable final t = parseAddable final t
348 parseAbstractable ::
349 ( forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
350 , forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
351 , forall sem. syn sem => Abstractable sem
352 , syn (ForallSem syn)
353 ) =>
354 a ~ Int =>
355 (TermAST -> Parser syn) -> TermAST -> Parser syn
356 -- TODO: parse variables
357 parseAbstractable final (BinTree0 (TokenTermAbst n (TyVT (aTy::Ty vs a)) bT)) =
358 Parser $
359 case final bT of
360 Parser bE -> do
361 TermVT abTy (abF :: ForallSem syn ab) <- bE
362 case eqTyKi (TyConst (lenVars aTy) (typeRep @Type)) aTy of
363 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
364 Just HRefl -> do
365 case abTy of
366 FUN iTy bTy ->
367 case eqTyKi (TyConst (lenVars bTy) (typeRep @Type)) bTy of
368 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
369 Just HRefl -> do
370 -- FIXME: appendVars
371 case eqTyKi aTy iTy of
372 Nothing -> Left "TypeError"
373 Just HRefl -> do
374 case abF of
375 ForallSem ab ->
376 Right $ TermVT abTy $ ForallSem @_ @ab $
377 -- FIXME: Tyable
378 lam (ab .@)
379 _ -> Left "TypeError"
380 parseAbstractable final t = parseMulable final t
382 pattern FUN :: forall k (fun :: k) vs. ()
383 => forall (r1 :: RuntimeRep) (r2 :: RuntimeRep)
384 (arg :: TYPE r1) (res :: TYPE r2).
385 (k ~ Type, fun ~~ (arg -> res))
386 => Ty vs arg
387 -> Ty vs res
388 -> Ty vs fun
389 pattern FUN arg res <- (TyConst _len (eqTypeRep (typeRep @(->)) -> Just HRefl) `TyApp` arg) `TyApp` res
390 where FUN arg res = (TyConst (lenVars arg) (typeRep @(->)) `TyApp` arg) `TyApp` res
392 -- * Class 'LenVars'
393 -- | Return the 'Len' of the 'Var' context.
394 class LenVars a where
395 lenVars :: a -> Len (VarsOf a)
397 type instance VarsOf (Ty vs a) = vs
398 instance LenVars (Ty vs a) where
399 lenVars (TyConst len _c) = len
400 lenVars (TyApp f _a) = lenVars f
401 lenVars (TyVar _n v) = lenVars v
402 -- lenVars (TyFam l _f _as) = l
404 -- * Type family 'VarsOf'
405 -- | Return the 'Var' context of something.
406 type family VarsOf a :: [Type]
407 type instance VarsOf (Var vs v) = vs
408 --type instance VarsOf (UsedVars src vs vs') = vs'
412 -- * Class 'AllocVars'
413 -- | Allocate 'Var's in a 'Var' context,
414 -- either to the left or to the right.
415 class AllocVars (a::[Type] -> k -> Type) where
416 allocVarsL :: Len len -> a vs x -> a (len ++ vs) x
417 allocVarsR :: Len len -> a vs x -> a (vs ++ len) x
419 appendVars ::
420 AllocVars a =>
421 AllocVars b =>
422 LenVars (a vs_x x) =>
423 LenVars (b vs_y y) =>
424 VarsOf (a vs_x x) ~ vs_x =>
425 VarsOf (b vs_y y) ~ vs_y =>
426 a vs_x (x::kx) ->
427 b vs_y (y::ky) ->
428 ( a (vs_x ++ vs_y) x
429 , b (vs_x ++ vs_y) y )
430 appendVars x y =
431 ( allocVarsR (lenVars y) x
432 , allocVarsL (lenVars x) y
433 )
437 -- Var
438 data Var (vs::[Type]) (v::vK) :: Type where
439 VarZ :: TypeRep vk -> Len (Proxy (v::vK) ': vs) -> Var (Proxy (v::vK) ': vs) v
440 VarS :: Var vs v -> Var (not_v ': vs) v
441 instance AllocVars Var where
442 allocVarsL LenZ v = v
443 allocVarsL (LenS len) v = VarS (allocVarsL len v)
445 allocVarsR len (VarZ k l) = VarZ k (addLen l len)
446 allocVarsR len (VarS v) = VarS (allocVarsR len v)
448 data VarV vs = forall v. VarV (Var vs v)
449 instance LenVars (Var vs v) where
450 lenVars (VarZ _k l) = l
451 lenVars (VarS v) = LenS (lenVars v)
453 deriving instance Show (Var vs v)
455 eqVarKi :: Var vs x -> Var vs y -> Maybe ((x::kx) :~~: (y::ky))
456 eqVarKi VarZ{} VarZ{} = Just HRefl
457 eqVarKi (VarS x) (VarS y) = eqVarKi x y
458 eqVarKi _ _ = Nothing
460 -- Vars
461 data Vars (vs::[Type]) :: Type where
462 -- VarsZ represents an empty context.
463 VarsZ :: Vars '[]
464 -- A cons stores a variable name and its type,
465 -- and then the rest of the context.
466 VarsS :: String -> TypeRep vK -> Vars vs -> Vars (Proxy (v::vK) ': vs)
467 type instance VarsOf (Vars vs) = vs
468 instance LenVars (Vars vs) where
469 lenVars VarsZ = LenZ
470 lenVars (VarsS _n _kv vs) = LenS $ lenVars vs
473 -- Vars
474 data Env :: [Type] -> Type where
475 ENil :: Env '[]
476 ECons :: v -> Env vs -> Env (v ': vs)
478 -- (!) :: Env vs -> Var vs v -> v
479 -- (ECons x _) ! VarZ = x
480 -- (ECons _ e) ! (VarS x) = e ! x
481 -- ENil ! _ = error "GHC can't tell this is impossible"
483 lookupVars :: String -> Vars vs -> Maybe (VarV vs)
484 lookupVars _ VarsZ = Nothing
485 lookupVars n (VarsS vN vK vs)
486 | n == vN = Just (VarV (VarZ vK (LenS (lenVars vs))))
487 | otherwise = (\(VarV v) -> VarV (VarS v)) <$> lookupVars n vs
490 fix :: (a -> a) -> a
491 fix f = f (fix f)
493 parse ::
494 ( forall sem. syn sem => Addable sem
495 , forall sem. syn sem => Mulable sem
496 , forall sem. syn sem => Abstractable sem
497 , syn (ForallSem syn)
498 ) =>
499 TermAST -> Parser syn
500 parse = fix parseAbstractable
502 tree0ParsePrint :: TermAST
503 tree0ParsePrint = case parse @FinalSyntaxes tree0Print of
504 Parser (Left e) -> error e
505 Parser (Right (TermVT _ty (ForallSem sem))) -> print sem
507 tree1ParsePrint :: TermAST
508 tree1ParsePrint = case parse @FinalSyntaxes tree1Print of
509 Parser (Left e) -> error e
510 Parser (Right (TermVT _ty (ForallSem sem))) -> print sem
512 tree2ParsePrint :: TermAST
513 tree2ParsePrint = case parse @FinalSyntaxes tree2Print of
514 Parser (Left e) -> error e
515 Parser (Right (TermVT _ty (ForallSem sem))) -> print sem
517 class Addable sem where
518 lit :: Int -> sem Int
519 neg :: sem Int -> sem Int
520 add :: sem Int -> sem Int -> sem Int
521 class Mulable sem where
522 mul :: sem Int -> sem Int -> sem Int
523 class Abstractable sem where
524 -- | Lambda term abstraction, in HOAS (Higher-Order Abstract Syntax) style.
525 lam :: Typeable a => (sem a -> sem b) -> sem (a -> b)
526 -- | Application, aka. unabstract.
527 (.@) :: sem (a -> b) -> sem a -> sem b
530 -- * Interpreter 'Printer'
531 newtype Printer a = Printer { unPrinter :: TermAST }
532 print :: Printer a -> TermAST
533 print = unPrinter
534 print2 :: String -> Printer a1 -> Printer a2 -> Printer a3
535 print2 n (Printer aT) (Printer bT) = Printer $ BinTree2 (BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom n)) aT) bT
536 instance Addable Printer where
537 lit n = Printer $ BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom (show n))
538 neg (Printer aT) = Printer $ BinTree2 (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "Neg")) aT
539 add = print2 "Add"
540 instance Mulable Printer where
541 mul = print2 "Mul"
542 instance Abstractable Printer where
543 Printer f .@ Printer a = Printer $ BinTree2 f a
544 lam (f::Printer a -> Printer b) = Printer $
545 -- FIXME: Tyable? instead of Typeable?
546 BinTree0 (TokenTermAbst "x" (TyVT (TyConst (lenInj @_ @'[]) (typeRep @a)))
547 (unPrinter (f (Printer (BinTree0 (TokenTermAtom "x"))))))