]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - calculus/Calculus/Lambda/Omega/Explicit/REPL.hs
Ajout : Control.Monad.Classes.{StateFix,StateInstance}.
[comptalang.git] / calculus / Calculus / Lambda / Omega / Explicit / REPL.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
9 {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
10 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
11 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
12 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
13 module Hcompta.Calculus.Explicit.REPL where
15 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
16 import Control.Exception
17 import Control.Monad
18 import Control.Monad.State
19 import Data.Bool
20 import qualified Data.Char as Char
21 import Data.Either (Either(..))
22 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
23 import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
24 import Data.Function (($), (.), const, flip)
25 import Data.Functor.Identity
26 import Data.List ((++), break, concat, dropWhile, last, reverse)
27 import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find)
28 import qualified Data.List as List
29 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
30 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
31 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
32 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
33 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
34 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
35 import Data.String (String)
36 import Data.Text (Text)
37 import qualified Data.Text as Text
38 import Data.Text.Buildable (Buildable(..))
39 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
40 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
41 import Data.Tuple (fst)
42 import Data.Typeable as Typeable
43 import Prelude (Integer, Num(..), div, error)
44 import System.Console.Haskeline
45 import System.Directory
46 import System.FilePath
47 import System.IO (IO, readFile)
48 import qualified Text.Parsec as R
49 import Text.Show (Show(..))
51 -- import Debug.Trace
53 import Calculus.Abstraction.DeBruijn.Generalized
54 import Calculus.Lambda.Omega.Explicit
55 import Calculus.Lambda.Omega.Explicit.Read
57 -- * Type 'REPL'
59 -- | /Read Eval Print Loop/ monad.
60 newtype REPL a
61 = REPL
62 { unREPL :: StateT REPL_State (InputT IO) a }
63 deriving ( Functor
64 , Applicative
65 , Monad
66 , MonadIO
67 , MonadState REPL_State )
69 data REPL_State
70 = REPL_State
71 { repl_state_env :: Env
72 , repl_state_load_dir :: FilePath
73 , repl_state_load_done :: Map FilePath ()
74 }
76 main :: IO ()
77 main = do
78 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
79 runInputT defaultSettings $
80 evalStateT (unREPL main_loop) $
81 REPL_State
82 { repl_state_env = prelude axioms
83 , repl_state_load_dir = cwd
84 , repl_state_load_done = mempty
85 }
86 where
87 main_loop :: REPL ()
88 main_loop = do
89 let prompt = "> "
90 line <- repl_read_command prompt
91 case slice <$> line of
92 Just (cmd, input) | (not (length cmd > 1 && cmd `isPrefixOf` "quit")) ->
93 dispatch cmd input
94 _ -> return ()
95 main_loop
97 slice :: String -> (String, String)
98 slice (':':str) = break Char.isSpace str
99 slice str = ("", str)
102 -- ** I/O
103 print :: Buildable a => a -> TL.Text
104 print = Builder.toLazyText . build
106 repl_write_string_ln :: String -> REPL ()
107 repl_write_string_ln = REPL . lift . outputStrLn
109 repl_write_string :: String -> REPL ()
110 repl_write_string = REPL . lift . outputStr
112 repl_show :: Show a => a -> REPL ()
113 repl_show = repl_write_string_ln . show
115 repl_print :: Buildable a => a -> REPL ()
116 repl_print = repl_write_string . TL.unpack . print
118 repl_print_ln :: Buildable a => a -> REPL ()
119 repl_print_ln = repl_write_string_ln . TL.unpack . print
121 repl_read :: Parser Identity x -> String -> (x -> REPL ()) -> REPL ()
122 repl_read _p [] _k = return ()
123 repl_read p s k =
124 case runIdentity $ read p s of
125 Right x -> k x
126 Left err -> do
127 repl_write_string_ln "Parsing error:"
128 repl_show err
129 repl_write_string " Command_Input: "
130 repl_write_string_ln s
132 -- ** Commands
133 repl_read_command :: String -> REPL (Maybe String)
134 repl_read_command prompt = do
135 line <- REPL . lift $ getInputLine prompt
136 case line of
137 Just s@(':':_) -> return $ Just s
138 Just l@(_:_) | last l == ' ' -> parse_block l
139 Just s -> return $ Just s
140 Nothing -> return Nothing
141 where
142 parse_block :: String -> REPL (Maybe String)
143 parse_block s = do
144 line <- REPL . lift $ getInputLine ""
145 case line of
146 Just l@(_:_) | last l == ' ' -> parse_block (s ++ '\n' : l)
147 _ -> return $ Just s
149 type Command_Name = String
150 type Command = Command_Input -> IO Command_Output
152 command :: Command_Name -> Command
153 command "" = command "let"
154 command cmd =
155 case find (\p -> cmd `isPrefixOf` fst p) commands of
156 Nothing -> (\_ -> return $ Left $ Error_Command cmd)
157 Just (_, c) -> c
158 where
159 commands :: [(String, Command)]
160 commands =
161 [ ("assume", command_assume) -- Type -> IO ()
162 , ("code" , command_code) -- Var -> Term
163 , ("dump" , command_dump) -- Term -> Text
164 , ("equiv", command_equiv) -- Term -> Term -> Bool
165 -- , ("echo" , command_echo) -- Term -> Term
166 , ("let" , command_let) -- Var -> Term -> IO ()
167 , ("load" , command_load) -- FilePath -> IO ()
168 , ("nf" , command_normalize normalize) -- Term -> Term
169 , ("nf_dump", command_normalize_dump normalize) -- Term -> Term
170 , ("reset", command_reset) -- () -> IO ()
171 , ("type" , command_type) -- Term -> Type
172 , ("type_dump", command_type_dump) -- Term -> Text
173 , ("whnf" , command_normalize whnf) -- Term -> Term
174 ]
175 command_run :: Command_Name -> Command
176 command_run cmd (Command_Input i st) = do
177 command cmd $
178 Command_Input (strip_spaces i) st
179 where
180 strip_spaces =
181 reverse . dropWhile Char.isSpace .
182 reverse . dropWhile Char.isSpace
184 dispatch :: Command_Name -> String -> REPL ()
185 dispatch cmd i = do
186 st <- get
187 output <- liftIO $ command_run cmd (Command_Input i st)
188 case output of
189 Left (err::Error) ->
190 repl_print err
191 Right (Command_Result msg new_st) -> do
192 case TL.unpack $ print msg of
193 [] -> return ()
194 o -> repl_write_string_ln o
195 put new_st
197 data Command_Input
198 = Command_Input String REPL_State
199 type Command_Output
200 = Either Error Command_Result
201 data Error
202 = Error_Parse String R.ParseError
203 | Error_Type Type_Error
204 | Error_Let Var_Name Type_Error
205 | Error_Code Var_Name
206 | Error_Command Command_Name
207 | Error_IO IOException
208 | Error_Load FilePath Error
209 deriving (Show)
210 instance Buildable Error where
211 build err =
212 case err of
213 Error_Parse s e -> "Error: parsing: " <> build s <> "\n" <> build (show e) <> "\n"
214 Error_Type e -> build e
215 Error_Let var e -> "Error: in let: " <> build var <> "\n " <> build e
216 Error_Code var -> "Error: no such variable in environment: " <> build var
217 Error_Command cmd -> "Error: unrecognized command: " <> build cmd <> "\n"
218 Error_IO e -> "Error: " <> build (show e) <> "\n"
219 Error_Load file e ->
220 "Error: loading: " <> build file <> "\n"
221 <> build e
222 data Command_Result
223 = forall msg.
224 ( Buildable msg
225 ) => Command_Result msg REPL_State
227 command_assume :: Command
228 command_assume (Command_Input str st) =
229 return $
230 let ctx = context_from_env $ repl_state_env st in
231 case runIdentity $ read parse_assume str of
232 Left err -> Left $ Error_Parse str err
233 Right (v, ty) ->
234 case type_of ctx ty of
235 Left err -> Left $ Error_Type err
236 Right _ty_ty -> Right $
237 Command_Result (""::Text) $
238 st{repl_state_env = env_insert v
239 (TeTy_Axiom (Axiom_Type_Assume ty)) ty $
240 repl_state_env st
241 }
243 command_code :: Command
244 command_code (Command_Input str st) =
245 return $
246 let env = repl_state_env st in
247 case runIdentity $ read parse_var_name str of
248 Left err -> Left $ Error_Parse str err
249 Right var ->
250 case Map.lookup var env of
251 Nothing -> Left $ Error_Code var
252 Just item -> Right $ Command_Result
253 (form_given $ env_item_term item)
254 st
256 command_dump :: Command
257 command_dump (Command_Input str st) =
258 return $
259 case runIdentity $ read parse_term str of
260 Left err -> Left $ Error_Parse str err
261 Right te -> Right $ Command_Result (show te) st
263 command_let :: Command
264 command_let (Command_Input [] st) =
265 return $ Right $ Command_Result (""::Text) st
266 command_let (Command_Input str st) =
267 let toks_or_err = runIdentity $ lex lex_all str in
268 case toks_or_err of
269 Left err -> return $ Left $ Error_Parse str err
270 Right [] -> return $ Right $ Command_Result (""::Text) st
271 Right toks ->
272 case runIdentity $ parse parse_let_or_term toks of
273 Left err -> return $ Left $ Error_Parse str err
274 Right let_or_term -> do
275 let ctx = context_from_env $ repl_state_env st
276 case let_or_term of
277 Left (v, mty, te) ->
278 let ety = case mty of
279 Nothing -> type_of ctx te
280 Just ty -> do
281 _ty_ty <- type_of ctx ty
282 const ty <$> check ctx (context_apply ctx ty) te
283 in
284 return $
285 case ety of
286 Left err -> Left $ Error_Let v err
287 Right ty -> do
288 Right $ Command_Result (build v <> " : " <> build ty) $
289 st{repl_state_env = env_insert v te ty $ repl_state_env st}
290 Right let_te ->
291 case type_of ctx let_te of
292 Left err -> return $ Left $ Error_Type err
293 Right _ty ->
294 let norm_te = normalize ctx let_te in
295 case norm_te of
296 TeTy_Axiom (axiom_cast -> Just (Axiom_Term (io::IO (Term Var_Name)) _o_ty)) -> do
297 io_te <- io
298 return $ Right $ Command_Result io_te st
299 _ ->
300 return $ Right $ Command_Result norm_te st
302 command_load :: Command
303 command_load (Command_Input file input_st) = do
304 err_or_io <- try $ do
305 path <- canonicalizePath (repl_state_load_dir input_st </> file)
306 content <- readFile path
307 return (path, content)
308 case err_or_io of
309 Left (err::IOException) -> return $ Left $ Error_IO err
310 Right (modul, content) -> do
311 case Map.lookup modul $ repl_state_load_done input_st of
312 Just _ -> return $ Right $
313 Command_Result ("Module already loaded: " ++ modul) input_st
314 _ ->
315 case runIdentity $ R.runParserT (parse_commands <* R.eof) () modul content of
316 Left err -> return $ Left $ Error_Load modul $ Error_Parse content err
317 Right cmds -> do
318 let old_dir = repl_state_load_dir input_st
319 err_or_st <-
320 foldM (\err_or_st (cmd, i) ->
321 case err_or_st of
322 Left _ -> return $ err_or_st
323 Right (Command_Result last_msg last_st) -> do
324 o <- command_run cmd (Command_Input i last_st)
325 case o of
326 Left _ -> return o
327 Right (Command_Result msg running_st) ->
328 return $ Right $
329 Command_Result (build last_msg <> "\n" <> build msg) running_st
330 )
331 (Right $ Command_Result ("Loading: " <> modul)
332 input_st{repl_state_load_dir = takeDirectory modul})
333 ({-trace ("cmds: " ++ show cmds)-} cmds)
334 return $
335 case err_or_st of
336 Left err -> Left $ Error_Load modul $ err
337 Right (Command_Result msg result_st) ->
338 Right $ Command_Result msg $ result_st
339 { repl_state_load_dir = old_dir
340 , repl_state_load_done =
341 Map.insert modul () $
342 repl_state_load_done result_st
343 }
345 command_normalize
346 :: (Context Var_Name -> Term Var_Name -> Term Var_Name)
347 -> Command
348 command_normalize norm (Command_Input str st) = do
349 let ctx = context_from_env $ repl_state_env st
350 case runIdentity $ read parse_term str of
351 Left err -> return $ Left $ Error_Parse str err
352 Right (te::Term Var_Name) ->
353 let n_te = norm ctx te in
354 case n_te of
355 TeTy_Axiom (axiom_cast -> Just (Axiom_Term (o::IO (Term Var_Name)) _o_ty)) -> do
356 r <- o
357 return $ Right $ Command_Result r st
358 TeTy_Axiom (axiom_cast -> Just (Axiom_Term (o::IO Text) _o_ty)) -> do
359 r <- o
360 return $ Right $ Command_Result r st
361 _ ->
362 return $ Right $ Command_Result n_te st
364 command_equiv :: Command
365 command_equiv (Command_Input str st) = do
366 let ctx = context_from_env $ repl_state_env st
367 return $
368 case runIdentity $ read ((,) <$> parse_term <* (parse_token Token_Equal >> parse_token Token_Equal) <*> parse_term) str of
369 Left err -> Left $ Error_Parse str err
370 Right (x_te, y_te) -> Right $
371 Command_Result (if equiv ctx x_te y_te then "True" else "False"::Text) st
373 command_normalize_dump
374 :: (Context Var_Name -> Term Var_Name -> Term Var_Name)
375 -> Command
376 command_normalize_dump norm (Command_Input str st) = do
377 let ctx = context_from_env $ repl_state_env st
378 return $
379 case runIdentity $ read parse_term str of
380 Left err -> Left $ Error_Parse str err
381 Right te -> Right $ Command_Result (show $ norm ctx te) st
383 command_reset :: Command
384 command_reset (Command_Input _ st) =
385 return $ Right $
386 Command_Result (""::Text) st{repl_state_env = mempty}
388 command_type :: Command
389 command_type (Command_Input [] st) = do
390 let env = repl_state_env st
391 return $
392 Right $ Command_Result
393 (
394 foldr (flip (<>)) "" $
395 List.intersperse "\n" $
396 (\(name, item) ->
397 build name <> " : "
398 <> build (form_given $ env_item_type item))
399 <$> (Map.toList env)
400 )
401 st
402 command_type (Command_Input str st) = do
403 let ctx = context_from_env $ repl_state_env st
404 return $
405 case runIdentity $ read parse_term str of
406 Left err -> Left $ Error_Parse str err
407 Right te ->
408 case type_of ctx te of
409 Left err -> Left $ Error_Type err
410 Right ty -> Right $ Command_Result (normalize ctx ty) st
412 command_type_dump :: Command
413 command_type_dump (Command_Input [] st) = do
414 let env = repl_state_env st
415 return $
416 Right $ Command_Result
417 (
418 foldr (flip (<>)) "" $
419 List.intersperse "\n" $
420 (\(name, item) ->
421 build name <> " : "
422 <> build (show $ form_given $ env_item_type item))
423 <$> (Map.toList env)
424 )
425 st
426 command_type_dump (Command_Input str st) = do
427 let ctx = context_from_env $ repl_state_env st
428 return $
429 case runIdentity $ read parse_term str of
430 Left err -> Left $ Error_Parse str err
431 Right te ->
432 case type_of ctx te of
433 Left err -> Left $ Error_Type err
434 Right ty -> Right $ Command_Result (show $ normalize ctx ty) st
436 {-
437 command_echo :: String -> REPL ()
438 command_echo str =
439 repl_read parse_term str repl_print_ln
440 -}
442 -- * Builtins
444 builtin :: Axioms -> [Text] -> Env
445 builtin =
446 foldl $ \env str ->
447 let ctx = context_from_env env in
448 read_string parse_let str $ \(v, mty, te) ->
449 let ety = case mty of
450 Just ty -> do
451 _ty_ty <- type_of ctx ty
452 const ty <$> check ctx (context_apply ctx ty) te
453 Nothing -> type_of ctx te in
454 case ety of
455 Left err -> error $ show err
456 Right ty -> env_insert v te ty env
457 where
458 read_string p s k =
459 case runIdentity $ read p s of
460 Right x -> k x
461 Left err -> error $
462 "Parsing_error:\n" ++ show err
463 ++ " Input: " ++ Text.unpack s
465 axioms :: Axioms
466 axioms =
467 (axioms_monopoly <>) $
468 (Map.fromList axioms_io <>) $
469 (Map.fromList axioms_int <>) $
470 (Map.fromList axioms_text <>) $
471 Map.fromList
472 [ ("Unit", item $ Axiom_Type_Unit)
473 ]
474 where
475 item :: (Axiomable (Axiom ax), Typeable ax) => Axiom ax -> Env_Item
476 item = env_item_from_axiom context
477 {-
478 axioms_arr =
479 [ -- ("Arr", item $ Axiom_Term_Abst)
480 ]
481 -}
482 axioms_text =
483 [ ("Text" , item $ Axiom_Type_Text)
484 , ("text_empty", item $ axiom_term (""::Text))
485 , ("text_hello", item $ axiom_term ("Hello World!"::Text))
486 ]
487 axioms_int =
488 [ ("Int" , item $ Axiom_Type_Integer)
489 , ("int_zero" , item $ axiom_term (0::Integer))
490 , ("int_one" , item $ axiom_term (1::Integer))
491 , ("int_add" , item $ axiom_term ((+)::Integer -> Integer -> Integer))
492 , ("int_neg" , item $ axiom_term (negate::Integer -> Integer))
493 , ("int_sub" , item $ axiom_term ((-)::Integer -> Integer -> Integer))
494 , ("int_mul" , item $ axiom_term ((*)::Integer -> Integer -> Integer))
495 , ("int_div" , item $ axiom_term (div::Integer -> Integer -> Integer))
496 ]
497 axioms_io =
498 [ ("IO" , item $ (Axiom_Type_IO::Axiom (IO A)))
499 , ("return_io", item $ return_io)
500 , ("bind_io" , item $ bind_io)
501 , ("join_io" , item $ join_io)
502 -- , ("return_io_text", item $ axiom_term $ (return::Text -> IO Text))
503 -- , ("return_io_int", item $ Axiom_Term $ (return::Int -> IO Int))
504 ]
505 where
506 -- | @return_io : ∀(A:*) -> A -> IO A@
507 return_io :: Axiom (Axiom_Type_Abst)
508 return_io =
509 Axiom_Type_Abst "A" (TeTy_Axiom . ax_te) ax_ty
510 where
511 ax_te :: Type Var_Name
512 -> Axiom (Axiom_Term (Term Var_Name -> IO (Term Var_Name)))
513 ax_te ty = Axiom_Term return (\ctx -> context_lift ctx <$> ty)
514 ax_ty :: Abstraction (Suggest Var_Name) Type Var_Name
515 ax_ty =
516 (("A" =?) `abstract`) $
517 axiom_type_of context $
518 axiom_term (return::A -> IO A)
520 -- | @bind_io : ∀(A:*) -> ∀(B:*) -> IO A -> (A -> IO B) -> IO B@
521 bind_io :: Axiom Axiom_Type_Abst
522 bind_io = ax1_te
523 where
524 ax1_te :: Axiom Axiom_Type_Abst
525 ax1_te =
526 Axiom_Type_Abst "A"
527 (\(Type_Abst _ _ ty_a_abst) ->
528 TeTy_Axiom $
529 Axiom_Type_Abst "B"
530 (TeTy_Axiom . ax0_te)
531 ty_a_abst)
532 ax1_ty
533 ax1_ty =
534 (("A" =?) `abstract`) $
535 Type_Abst "B"
536 (Type_Sort (Type_Level_0, Type_Morphism_Mono)) $
537 ax0_ty
539 ax0_te
540 :: Type Var_Name
541 -> Axiom (Axiom_Term
542 ( IO (Term Var_Name)
543 -> (Term Var_Name -> IO (Term Var_Name))
544 -> IO (Term Var_Name)
545 ))
546 ax0_te ty =
547 Axiom_Term (>>=) (\ctx -> context_lift ctx <$> ty)
548 ax0_ty =
549 (("B" =?) `abstract`) $
550 axiom_type_of context $
551 axiom_term ((>>=)::IO A -> (A -> IO B) -> IO B)
553 -- | @join_io : ∀(A:*) -> IO (IO A) -> IO A@
554 join_io :: Axiom Axiom_Type_Abst
555 join_io = ax1_te
556 where
557 ax1_te :: Axiom Axiom_Type_Abst
558 ax1_te =
559 Axiom_Type_Abst "A"
560 (\ty_a ->
561 TeTy_Axiom $
562 Axiom_Term
563 (join::IO (IO (Term Var_Name)) -> IO (Term Var_Name))
564 (\ctx -> context_lift ctx <$> ty_a))
565 ax1_ty
566 ax1_ty =
567 (("A" =?) `abstract`) $
568 axiom_type_of context $
569 axiom_term (join::IO (IO A) -> IO A)
571 prelude :: Axioms -> Env
572 prelude axs =
573 builtin axs $ concat $ (Text.unlines <$>) <$>
574 [ prelude_bool
575 , prelude_either
576 ]
577 where
578 prelude_bool :: [[Text]]
579 prelude_bool =
580 [ ["Bool_Polytype : *p = (R:*) -> R -> R -> R"]
581 , ["Bool : *m = Monotype Bool_Polytype"]
582 , ["True : Bool = monotype Bool_Polytype (λ(R:*) (True:R) (False:R) -> True)"]
583 , ["False : Bool = monotype Bool_Polytype (λ(R:*) (True:R) (False:R) -> False)"]
584 , [ "eq (x:Bool) (y:Bool) : Bool"
585 , " = monotype Bool_Polytype"
586 , " (λ(R:*) (True:R) (False:R) ->"
587 , " polytype Bool_Polytype x R"
588 , " (polytype Bool_Polytype y R True False)"
589 , " (polytype Bool_Polytype y R False True)"
590 , " )"
591 ]
592 , [ "and (x:Bool) (y:Bool) : Bool"
593 , " = monotype Bool_Polytype"
594 , " (λ(R:*) (True:R) (False:R) ->"
595 , " polytype Bool_Polytype x R"
596 , " (polytype Bool_Polytype y R True False)"
597 , " (polytype Bool_Polytype y R False False)"
598 , " )"
599 ]
600 , [ "or (x:Bool) (y:Bool) : Bool"
601 , " = monotype Bool_Polytype"
602 , " (λ(R:*) (True:R) (False:R) ->"
603 , " polytype Bool_Polytype x R"
604 , " (polytype Bool_Polytype y R True True)"
605 , " (polytype Bool_Polytype y R True False)"
606 , " )"
607 ]
608 , [ "xor (x:Bool) (y:Bool) : Bool"
609 , " = monotype Bool_Polytype"
610 , " (λ(R:*) (True:R) (False:R) ->"
611 , " polytype Bool_Polytype x R"
612 , " (polytype Bool_Polytype y R False True)"
613 , " (polytype Bool_Polytype y R True False)"
614 , " )"
615 ]
616 , [ "not (x:Bool) : Bool"
617 , " = monotype Bool_Polytype"
618 , " (λ(R:*) (True:R) (False:R) ->"
619 , " polytype Bool_Polytype x R False True)"
620 ]
621 ]
622 prelude_either :: [[Text]]
623 prelude_either =
624 [ ["Either_Polytype (A:*) (B:*) : *p = (R:*) -> (A -> R) -> (B -> R) -> R"]
625 , ["Either (A:*) (B:*) : *m = Monotype (Either_Polytype A B)"]
626 , [ "Left (A:*) (B:*) (x:A)"
627 , " : Either A B"
628 , " = monotype (Either_Polytype A B)"
629 , " (λ(R:*) (Left:A -> R) (Right:B -> R) -> Left x)"
630 ]
631 , [ "Right (A:*) (B:*) (x:B)"
632 , " : Either A B"
633 , " = monotype (Either_Polytype A B)"
634 , " (λ(R:*) (Left:A -> R) (Right:B -> R) -> Right x)"
635 ]
636 , [ "either (A:*) (B:*) (R:*) (l:A -> R) (r:B -> R) (e:Either A B) : R"
637 , " = polytype (Either_Polytype A B) e R l r"
638 ]
639 ]