]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - cli/Hcompta/CLI/Lib/Shakespeare/Leijen.hs
Correction : CLI.Command.Balance : write_accounts : multiples Unit.
[comptalang.git] / cli / Hcompta / CLI / Lib / Shakespeare / Leijen.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 -- |
11 -- Module : Text.Shakespeare.I18N
12 -- Copyright : 2012 Michael Snoyman <michael@snoyman.com>, Jeremy Shaw
13 -- License : BSD-style (see the LICENSE file in the distribution)
14 --
15 -- Maintainer : Michael Snoyman <michael@snoyman.com>
16 -- Stability : experimental
17 -- Portability : portable
18 --
19 -- This module provides a type-based system for providing translations
20 -- for text strings.
21 --
22 -- It is similar in purpose to gettext or Java message bundles.
23 --
24 -- The core idea is to create simple data type where each constructor
25 -- represents a phrase, sentence, paragraph, etc. For example:
26 --
27 -- > data AppMessages = Hello | Goodbye
28 --
29 -- The 'RenderMessage' class is used to retrieve the appropriate
30 -- translation for a message value:
31 --
32 -- > class RenderMessage master message where
33 -- > renderMessage :: master -- ^ type that specifies which set of translations to use
34 -- > -> [Lang] -- ^ acceptable languages in descending order of preference
35 -- > -> message -- ^ message to translate
36 -- > -> Text
37 --
38 -- Defining the translation type and providing the 'RenderMessage'
39 -- instance in Haskell is not very translator friendly. Instead,
40 -- translations are generally provided in external translations
41 -- files. Then the 'mkMessage' Template Haskell function is used to
42 -- read the external translation files and automatically create the
43 -- translation type and the @RenderMessage@ instance.
44 --
45 -- A full description of using this module to create translations for @Hamlet@ can be found here:
46 --
47 -- <http://www.yesodweb.com/book/internationalization>
48 --
49 -- A full description of using the module to create translations for @HSP@ can be found here:
50 --
51 -- <http://happstack.com/docs/crashcourse/Templates.html#hsp-i18n>
52 --
53 -- You can also adapt those instructions for use with other systems.
54 module Hcompta.CLI.Lib.Shakespeare.Leijen
55 ( mkMessage
56 , mkMessageFor
57 , mkMessageVariant
58 , RenderMessage (..)
59 , ToMessage (..)
60 , SomeMessage (..)
61 , Lang
62 ) where
64 import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
65 import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
66 import Control.Monad (filterM, forM)
67 import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
68 import System.Directory
69 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
70 import Data.List (isSuffixOf, sortBy, foldl')
71 import qualified Data.Map as Map
72 import qualified Data.ByteString as S
73 import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
74 import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, toUpper)
75 import Data.Ord (comparing)
76 import Text.Shakespeare.Base (Deref (..), Ident (..), parseHash, derefToExp)
77 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse, many, eof, many1, noneOf, (<|>))
78 import Control.Arrow ((***))
79 import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend)
80 import qualified Data.Text as T
81 import Data.String (IsString (fromString))
83 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Leijen as W
85 -- | 'ToMessage' is used to convert the value inside #{ } to 'Text'
86 --
87 -- The primary purpose of this class is to allow the value in #{ } to
88 -- be a 'String' or 'Text' rather than forcing it to always be 'Text'.
89 class ToMessage a where
90 toMessage :: a -> W.Doc
91 instance ToMessage W.Doc where
92 toMessage = id
93 instance ToMessage Text where
94 toMessage = W.strict_text
95 instance ToMessage String where
96 toMessage = W.strict_text . Data.Text.pack
97 instance ToMessage Int where
98 toMessage = W.int
99 instance ToMessage Integer where
100 toMessage = W.integer
102 -- | the 'RenderMessage' is used to provide translations for a message types
103 --
104 -- The 'master' argument exists so that it is possible to provide more
105 -- than one set of translations for a 'message' type. This is useful
106 -- if a library provides a default set of translations, but the user
107 -- of the library wants to provide a different set of translations.
108 class RenderMessage master message where
109 renderMessage :: master -- ^ type that specifies which set of translations to use
110 -> [Lang] -- ^ acceptable languages in descending order of preference
111 -> message -- ^ message to translate
112 -> W.Doc
114 instance RenderMessage master W.Doc where
115 renderMessage _ _ = id
116 instance RenderMessage master Text where
117 renderMessage _ _ = W.strict_text
119 -- | an RFC1766 / ISO 639-1 language code (eg, @fr@, @en-GB@, etc).
120 type Lang = Text
122 message_prefix :: String
123 message_prefix = "I18N_"
125 -- |generate translations from translation files
126 --
127 -- This function will:
128 --
129 -- 1. look in the supplied subdirectory for files ending in @.msg@
130 --
131 -- 2. generate a type based on the constructors found
132 --
133 -- 3. create a 'RenderMessage' instance
134 --
135 mkMessage :: String -- ^ base name to use for translation type
136 -> FilePath -- ^ subdirectory which contains the translation files
137 -> Lang -- ^ default translation language
138 -> Q [Dec]
139 mkMessage dt folder lang =
140 mkMessageCommon True message_prefix "Message" dt dt folder lang
143 -- | create 'RenderMessage' instance for an existing data-type
144 mkMessageFor :: String -- ^ master translation data type
145 -> String -- ^ existing type to add translations for
146 -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
147 -> Lang -- ^ default language
148 -> Q [Dec]
149 mkMessageFor master dt folder lang = mkMessageCommon False "" "" master dt folder lang
151 -- | create an additional set of translations for a type created by `mkMessage`
152 mkMessageVariant :: String -- ^ master translation data type
153 -> String -- ^ existing type to add translations for
154 -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
155 -> Lang -- ^ default language
156 -> Q [Dec]
157 mkMessageVariant master dt folder lang = mkMessageCommon False message_prefix "Message" master dt folder lang
159 -- |used by 'mkMessage' and 'mkMessageFor' to generate a 'RenderMessage' and possibly a message data type
160 mkMessageCommon :: Bool -- ^ generate a new datatype from the constructors found in the .msg files
161 -> String -- ^ string to append to constructor names
162 -> String -- ^ string to append to datatype name
163 -> String -- ^ base name of master datatype
164 -> String -- ^ base name of translation datatype
165 -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
166 -> Lang -- ^ default lang
167 -> Q [Dec]
168 mkMessageCommon genType prefix postfix master dt folder lang = do
169 files <- qRunIO $ getDirectoryContents folder
170 let files' = filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) files
171 (_files', contents) <- qRunIO $ fmap (unzip . catMaybes) $ mapM (loadLang folder) files'
172 #ifdef GHC_7_4
173 mapM_ qAddDependentFile $ concat _files'
174 #endif
175 let contents' = Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith (++) contents
176 sdef <-
177 case lookup lang contents' of
178 Nothing -> error $ "Did not find main language file: " ++ unpack lang
179 Just def -> toSDefs def
180 mapM_ (checkDef sdef) $ map snd contents'
181 let mname = mkName $ dt ++ postfix
182 c1 <- fmap concat $ mapM (toClauses prefix dt) contents'
183 c2 <- mapM (sToClause prefix dt) sdef
184 c3 <- defClause
185 return $
186 ( if genType
187 then ((DataD [] mname [] (map (toCon dt) sdef) []) :)
188 else id)
189 [ InstanceD
190 []
191 (ConT ''RenderMessage `AppT` (ConT $ mkName master) `AppT` ConT mname)
192 [ FunD (mkName "renderMessage") $ c1 ++ c2 ++ [c3]
193 ]
194 ]
196 toClauses :: String -> String -> (Lang, [Def]) -> Q [Clause]
197 toClauses prefix dt (lang, defs) =
198 mapM go defs
199 where
200 go def = do
201 a <- newName "lang"
202 (pat, bod) <- mkBody dt (prefix ++ constr def) (map fst $ vars def) (content def)
203 guard <- fmap NormalG [|$(return $ VarE a) == pack $(lift $ unpack lang)|]
204 return $ Clause
205 [WildP, ConP (mkName ":") [VarP a, WildP], pat]
206 (GuardedB [(guard, bod)])
207 []
209 mkBody :: String -- ^ datatype
210 -> String -- ^ constructor
211 -> [String] -- ^ variable names
212 -> [Content]
213 -> Q (Pat, Exp)
214 mkBody dt cs vs ct = do
215 vp <- mapM go vs
216 let pat = RecP (mkName cs) (map (varName dt *** VarP) vp)
217 let ct' = map (fixVars vp) ct
218 pack' <- [|W.strict_text . Data.Text.pack|]
219 tomsg <- [|toMessage|]
220 let ct'' = map (toH pack' tomsg) ct'
221 mapp <- [|mappend|]
222 let app a b = InfixE (Just a) mapp (Just b)
223 e <-
224 case ct'' of
225 [] -> [|mempty|]
226 [x] -> return x
227 (x:xs) -> return $ foldl' app x xs
228 return (pat, e)
229 where
230 toH pack' _ (Raw s) = pack' `AppE` SigE (LitE (StringL s)) (ConT ''String)
231 toH _ tomsg (Var d) = tomsg `AppE` derefToExp [] d
232 go x = do
233 let y = mkName $ '_' : x
234 return (x, y)
235 fixVars vp (Var d) = Var $ fixDeref vp d
236 fixVars _ (Raw s) = Raw s
237 fixDeref vp (DerefIdent (Ident i)) = DerefIdent $ Ident $ fixIdent vp i
238 fixDeref vp (DerefBranch a b) = DerefBranch (fixDeref vp a) (fixDeref vp b)
239 fixDeref _ d = d
240 fixIdent vp i =
241 case lookup i vp of
242 Nothing -> i
243 Just y -> nameBase y
245 sToClause :: String -> String -> SDef -> Q Clause
246 sToClause prefix dt sdef = do
247 (pat, bod) <- mkBody dt (prefix ++ sconstr sdef) (map fst $ svars sdef) (scontent sdef)
248 return $ Clause
249 [WildP, ConP (mkName "[]") [], pat]
250 (NormalB bod)
251 []
253 defClause :: Q Clause
254 defClause = do
255 a <- newName "sub"
256 c <- newName "langs"
257 d <- newName "msg"
258 rm <- [|renderMessage|]
259 return $ Clause
260 [VarP a, ConP (mkName ":") [WildP, VarP c], VarP d]
261 (NormalB $ rm `AppE` VarE a `AppE` VarE c `AppE` VarE d)
262 []
264 toCon :: String -> SDef -> Con
265 toCon dt (SDef c vs _) =
266 RecC (mkName $ message_prefix ++ c) $ map go vs
267 where
268 go (n, t) = (varName dt n, NotStrict, ConT $ mkName t)
270 varName :: String -> String -> Name
271 varName a y =
272 mkName $ concat [lower a, "Message", upper y]
273 where
274 lower (x:xs) = toLower x : xs
275 lower [] = []
276 upper (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs
277 upper [] = []
279 checkDef :: [SDef] -> [Def] -> Q ()
280 checkDef x y =
281 go (sortBy (comparing sconstr) x) (sortBy (comparing constr) y)
282 where
283 go _ [] = return ()
284 go [] (b:_) = error $ "Extra message constructor: " ++ constr b
285 go (a:as) (b:bs)
286 | sconstr a < constr b = go as (b:bs)
287 | sconstr a > constr b = error $ "Extra message constructor: " ++ constr b
288 | otherwise = do
289 go' (svars a) (vars b)
290 go as bs
291 go' ((an, at):as) ((bn, mbt):bs)
292 | an /= bn = error "Mismatched variable names"
293 | otherwise =
294 case mbt of
295 Nothing -> go' as bs
296 Just bt
297 | at == bt -> go' as bs
298 | otherwise -> error "Mismatched variable types"
299 go' [] [] = return ()
300 go' _ _ = error "Mistmached variable count"
302 toSDefs :: [Def] -> Q [SDef]
303 toSDefs = mapM toSDef
305 toSDef :: Def -> Q SDef
306 toSDef d = do
307 vars' <- mapM go $ vars d
308 return $ SDef (constr d) vars' (content d)
309 where
310 go (a, Just b) = return (a, b)
311 go (a, Nothing) = error $ "Main language missing type for " ++ show (constr d, a)
313 data SDef = SDef
314 { sconstr :: String
315 , svars :: [(String, String)]
316 , scontent :: [Content]
317 }
319 data Def = Def
320 { constr :: String
321 , vars :: [(String, Maybe String)]
322 , content :: [Content]
323 }
325 (</>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
326 path </> file = path ++ '/' : file
328 loadLang :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe ([FilePath], (Lang, [Def])))
329 loadLang folder file = do
330 let file' = folder </> file
331 isFile <- doesFileExist file'
332 if isFile && ".msg" `isSuffixOf` file
333 then do
334 let lang = pack $ reverse $ drop 4 $ reverse file
335 defs <- loadLangFile file'
336 return $ Just ([file'], (lang, defs))
337 else do
338 isDir <- doesDirectoryExist file'
339 if isDir
340 then do
341 let lang = pack file
342 (files, defs) <- unzip <$> loadLangDir file'
343 return $ Just (files, (lang, concat defs))
344 else
345 return Nothing
347 loadLangDir :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, [Def])]
348 loadLangDir folder = do
349 paths <- map (folder </>) . filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) <$> getDirectoryContents folder
350 files <- filterM doesFileExist paths
351 dirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist paths
352 langFiles <-
353 forM files $ \file -> do
354 if ".msg" `isSuffixOf` file
355 then do
356 defs <- loadLangFile file
357 return $ Just (file, defs)
358 else do
359 return Nothing
360 langDirs <- mapM loadLangDir dirs
361 return $ catMaybes langFiles ++ concat langDirs
363 loadLangFile :: FilePath -> IO [Def]
364 loadLangFile file = do
365 bs <- S.readFile file
366 let s = unpack $ decodeUtf8 bs
367 defs <- fmap catMaybes $ mapM (parseDef . T.unpack . T.strip . T.pack) $ lines s
368 return defs
370 parseDef :: String -> IO (Maybe Def)
371 parseDef "" = return Nothing
372 parseDef ('#':_) = return Nothing
373 parseDef s =
374 case end of
375 ':':end' -> do
376 content' <- fmap compress $ parseContent $ dropWhile isSpace end'
377 case words begin of
378 [] -> error $ "Missing constructor: " ++ s
379 (w:ws) -> return $ Just Def
380 { constr = w
381 , vars = map parseVar ws
382 , content = content'
383 }
384 _ -> error $ "Missing colon: " ++ s
385 where
386 (begin, end) = break (== ':') s
388 data Content = Var Deref | Raw String
390 compress :: [Content] -> [Content]
391 compress [] = []
392 compress (Raw a:Raw b:rest) = compress $ Raw (a ++ b) : rest
393 compress (x:y) = x : compress y
395 parseContent :: String -> IO [Content]
396 parseContent s =
397 either (error . show) return $ parse go s s
398 where
399 go = do
400 x <- many go'
401 eof
402 return x
403 go' = (Raw `fmap` many1 (noneOf "#")) <|> (fmap (either Raw Var) parseHash)
405 parseVar :: String -> (String, Maybe String)
406 parseVar s =
407 case break (== '@') s of
408 (x, '@':y) -> (x, Just y)
409 _ -> (s, Nothing)
411 data SomeMessage master = forall msg. RenderMessage master msg => SomeMessage msg
413 instance IsString (SomeMessage master) where
414 fromString = SomeMessage . T.pack
416 instance master ~ master' => RenderMessage master (SomeMessage master') where
417 renderMessage a b (SomeMessage msg) = renderMessage a b msg